License Information

Creative Commons License
Entire Agniveer Content (including name, logos, slogans, images, posts, pages, tweets, quotes, content of all forms) by Agniveer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License with additional mandatory clauses as mentioned below.

If there is a conflict in Creative Commons License and the additional mandatory clauses mentioned on this page, the additional mandatory clauses will prevail and override any such provision of Creative Commons License. Like CSS, whatever comes later overrides the previous if there is a conflict.

Agniveer Content includes content on all its sites like, facebook page, twitter page and any other page owned or managed or inspired by Agniveer. It also includes activities on whatsapp, quora, linkedin, youtube, google, and other social platforms.

Additionally, we define commercial activity as any activity through which direct or indirect income is generated either by the party using Agniveer Content or a third-party.

For example, putting Agniveer Content in a site, app, or other form of media where any advertisement or affiliate link is being displayed is commercial activity and not permissible even with attribution.

For example, putting Agniveer Content in a site, app, or other form of media where any request for purchase of any product is made as advertisement or content is commercial activity and not permissible.

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Agniveer Content may not be sold, reproduced, or distributed without our written permission. Any third-party trademarks, service marks and logos are the property of their respective owners. Any further rights not specifically granted herein are reserved.

In case you have inadvertently used Agniveer Content for any form of commercial activity, you agree that you will share entire revenue generated from pages showing Agniveer Content since start of use of Agniveer Content with Agniveer or any entity recommended by Agniveer within 10 days of knowing about it or being informed by Agniveer. This includes revenue generated through any form of advertisements or donation appeal or any other mechanism where revenue can be linked to either page views, clicks, or Agniveer Content.

In case of any confusions, please contact us immediately at [email protected]. The decision of Agniveer is final in this regard.

We do permit commercial use of Agniveer Content on selective basis. To obtain such permission please mail us on [email protected]

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