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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

Kaba or Idol Worship?

This entry is part [part not set] of 19 in the series Zakir Naik Exposed

Note: By Quran we imply the modern Quran and its translations as patronized by dominant representatives of Islam like Zakir Naik et al. There are alternate interpretations by minority scholars who are considered apostates by these dominant representatives and are victimized. These minority views do not form focus of the article. Similarly by Islam and Muslims we mean dominant version of Islam and their representatives/ rulers.

Idols are considered to be another means of representing and meditating upon the Ultimate Ishwar/God which cannot be easily appreciated by human minds. Thus humans created idol of God to show their respect to Him and offer their gratitude. Vedas however do not prescribe idol worship because they offer alternate and more effective means to worship and thank God – through noble actions, noble thoughts and noble emotions. The Vedic approach also saves us from various potential pitfalls of idol worship like human tendency to attempt to fool God by assuming that his/her job is done after the bowing down or ritual of worship. It also ensures that dumb minds do not start taking an idol to be actually God and not mere a piece of stone. And most importantly, the Vedic view is that the root cause of all grief is ignorance or Avidya. And eradication of Avidya implies that everything should be considered what it exactly is. Thus a formless Ishwar must be worshipped like a formless entity alone, through Yogic methods, to achieve salvation.

Nonetheless, Vedas, while not recommending idol worship, are also not intolerant to those who perform idol worship. The only means that Vedas prescribe to eradicate the habit of idol worship is through spread of Vidya or true knowledge, compassionate relationship among all humans like that between mother and child, and allowing time and space for each soul to discover the truth by itself rather than being forced to believe in something through threat or force. That is why, in Vedic culture, while many saints and scholars have been worshippers of formless Ishwar and many others have been idol worshippers, they have debated with each other in peaceful and cordial manner to come closer to truth without terming each other as Hell-seekers, apostates or scoundrels. This is the way of the civilized as inspired from the Vedas.

There is however one cult – fanatic Islam – that claims to be completely monotheistic and against idol worship and has had a history of banning idol-worship through all possible forceful and deceitful means. Idol worship, as per Islam, is greatest sin. And if someone worships an idol, despite he or she being how-so-much noble, gentle, saintly or good-hearted, there is no way he or she can go to Heaven and will have to burn in Hell forever. The doors of Heaven are closed forever for a person, who despite the best qualities, is an idol worshipper. And he or she has no choice but to burn in Hell forever and drink boiled water till eternity. A rapist, pedophile, murderer, cheat can still have access card to enter Heaven if he shuns idol worship and embraces Quran, Muhammad, Allah without idols, Angels and Judgment Day without any application of brain.

So much has been paranoia against idol worship in Islam, that even pictorial or artistic representation of any animate entity is haram or banned.

In this article, we shall not analyze idol worship in general or the cause of hatred of Islam against idol worshippers. We would simply analyze if indeed Muslims are not idol worshippers? As we shall see, it is impossible for anyone to be a Muslim without being an idol worshipper. And the greatest example of this idol worship is Kaba worship. No Muslim can be a Muslim if he does everything else as per Quran, but refuses to bow down to Kaba in his passion to avoid idol worship of all forms.

Our dear old friend, Zakir Bhai, gives 6 arguments to prove that Kaba worship in reality is not worship. The arguments are as intelligent as his overall intellect exhibited in his other articles and videos. (Though I still admire the confidence with which he puts forth the most stupid argument, and still gets a big applause from his semi-literate audience. I wish I had the same shameless confidence or had access to such a great audience that would clap on my silliest PJ’s!)

For novices to Islam, let me set the context. Kaba is a square building in Mecca which is the most sacred place for a Muslim. Kaba used to be worshipped in a set ritualistic manner since ages before advent of Muhammad. And while Muhammad tried to stop almost prevalent practices of his times, he curiously allowed continuation of the same Kaba worship and kissing of black stone there. The other practice that he continued to be allowed was circumcision. While all the Mecca dwellers were butchered by Muhammad’s army in ‘Holy’ war (Zakir Naik gives evidence of Vedas to prove that Muhammad killed 60,000 people of Mecca!), still he could not stop the Kaba worship in same ritualistic manner, perhaps because the affection of the people towards Kaba in that era was too strong to be mellowed down by sword. So an exception was made for Kaba in Muhammad’s Islam. And hence, if you want virgins of Heaven, better not ask any questions and simply go round the Kaba without applying your mind.

(I have just provided gist of story as propounded by Islamic scholars. I personally do not believe in Muhammad being author of all verses in present Quran in first place)

So here are the brilliant arguments of Zakir Naik. (Note that we will not dwell into whether the black stone is washed after kissing by so many people, or the hygiene aspects of millions of people kissing the same stone and mixing each other’s saliva. Zakir Naik having been an MBBS sometime ago, may evaluate this better.)

Argument 1. Kaba is Qibla (direction) and since we Muslims believe in unity, we face in the direction of Kaba while praying.


a. Muslims believe in unity according to Zakir Naik! More than 100 sects of Islam today are in support of his claim! Sunni, Shia, Qadiyani, Khoja, Wahabi, Bohra…..all support him with unity! Can anyone still dare to ask him that if muslims were/are so united, how could more than 100 sects within Islam come into existence?

b. What is the need of unity during the prayers? Should not one be free to pray as per one’s own choice? If unity is required everywhere then why not eat, drink, and sleep at the same time and in same direction? If I want to pray in any direction, why will not God accept it?

c. Many Muslims pray alone in their houses most of the times. How does Qibla (direction) matter in this case when there is no one to get united?

d. Do Muslims actually have unity in direction while prayers? When a Muslim in east of Mecca faces west, at the same time a Muslim in west of Mecca faces east! Both face opposite to each other! If Zakir Naik says this as unity then two armies facing each other should also be considered as united and thus friends!

e. To which direction a Muslim will bow, who is just opposite of Mecca on spherical earth ? He has both options to bow to his east or west! How does the concept of unity work there?

f. Very few Muslims know that inside Kaba, no direction is needed. People can face and bow down to any direction they want. This exposes the fallacies of Zakir’s claim of unity blatantly. Zakir says that Muslims should bow down to one direction only, so that they can remain united. One can ask him; don’t Muslims inside Kaba need unity? And if they can remain united without bowing down to a common direction inside Kaba, why can’t they do it outside too?

g. This is very strange that after so much of efforts to remain united, today, most of the bombers and their victims are Muslims!

h. Uthmaan, third Caliph of Islam, compiler of modern Quran was killed by none other than Muslims led by Aisha’s brother and Abu Bakr’s son while he was offering prayer. Can there be a greater example of unity during prayers than this? (Remember that Aisha was Muhammad’s beloved child wife with whom Allah had divinely fixed his marriage!)

Argument 2. Kaba is at the centre of the earth.


a. According to Zakir’s science, Kaba is at the centre of the globe but science says that every point on a sphere is geometrically same. In this way every place on earth is centre. If Zakir means equidistant from both poles, he is wrong. Kaba is at 21 degree north on globe which means that if it is at a distance of 30 units from North Pole, it has to be 50 units distant from South Pole!

b. Anyway, whatever may be the case with Kaba’s latitude and longitude, one thing is clear. There are infinite number of places on earth which either have same latitude or same longitude as that of Kaba. So there is no reason why Kaba should be given a special status.

Argument 3. We Muslims circumambulate the Kaba because it represents that there is only one God just like there is only one centre of a circle.


a. Many hindus circumambulate their holy places. But then why is that Shirk in the eyes of Zakir Naik if circumambulation can mean “just believe in one God”?

b. During “Aarti”, a Hindu ritual, in which prayers are offered by devotee, the plate is moved around making circle with a unique centre! So Hindus also believe in one God and they show it by moving the plate so that it makes circle with one centre!

c. Can a Muslim circumambulate his house or a temple for this purpose? If yes, why do Muslims go for Hajj? How does circumambulation of the temple or a house different than that of Kaba?

d. Can Zakir Naik give any reference from Quran or Sahih Hadith, which supports his claim of “one centre-one God” concept behind circumambulation?

e. If I interpret the circumambulation as “a circle has infinite points inside it and thus there are infinite Gods in Islam”! How can Zakir refute my claim?

f. If circumambulation means “one centre-one God”, why don’t Muslims do it in their mosques along with their prayers every time? If one says that prayers already include One God philosophy then circumambulation at Hajj is needless as Muslims offer their prayers there too!

g. According to Zakir Naik, unique centre of a circle represents One God. Is it not Shirk to believe the centre of a circle similitude of God? If Muslims themselves believe in such representations of God, why do they condemn non Muslims for their idols? If such rituals in the name of One Allah can be accepted by Zakir Naik, why can’t he accept the idols as yet another representation of God’s different qualities in different forms?

Argument 4: Bukhari [2-56-675]-Umar told muslims that he kissed the black stone only because Muhammad did so, otherwise this stone can neither benefit me nor can it cause me harm. This is the proof that we Muslims don’t worship the Kaba.

a. Now Zakir Naik has the testimony of Umar that, kissing black stone is not idol worship because there is nothing special about that stone other than Muhammad kissed it. Can we ask, why did Muhammad kiss the stone then? There must be something special with the black stone so that Muhammad kissed it.

Umar sees nothing special with black stone and thus Zakir says kissing it is not idol worship! By the same logic, since Muhammad kissed it, he would certainly be convinced of its divinity and thus kissing it is idol worship and Muhammad did it! Since Muhammad was a bigger authority than Umar, kissing black stone is idol worship! ( I know this one would be too complex for madarsa minds!)

b. If Umar and Muslims kiss black stone just because Muhammad did so, and if it is not idol worship, it is no less than human worship since following someone’s order even without thinking its right or wrong shows the ultimate belief of the followers of a person in him. This is Shirk to believe someone other than God to be ultimate. So it is up to Zakir Naik what he wants to be, an idol worshipper or a human worshipper! In both cases, Islam would send him to Dozakh (Hell).

c. By the same logic, Hindus and Christians can say that they do idol worship because this is written in their books and their ancestors did so. If their ancestors would have not done this, they also would not be doing so! How will Zakir Bhai refute their claim?

Argument 5: At the time of the prophet, Sahabas (companions of Muhammad) used to stand on Kaba and then give the Azaan. Can any idol worshipper do that? This is the proof that we Muslims don’t worship Kaba.

a. Great logic! But all the Hindus on Ganesh Utsav throw their idols in the rivers! Can any Muslim do that with black stone? Since no Muslim can do that, it proves by Zakir’s logic that Hindus don’t worship idols but Muslims do!

b. Can any Muslim today, to debunk the claims of non Muslims of idolatry in Islam, touch the black stone with his feet?

c. If Kaba is just a Kibla (direction), can Zakir Naik hammer it down just like his Arab masters did with the idols of Hindus while they invaded India? (If anyone is hurt by this, please read those verses of Quran which order Muslims to break idols of others and kill the idolaters)

Argument 6. We Muslims don’t bow to Kaba, we only bow to Allah.

a. Zakir Naik says that Muslims actually bow to Allah, but for unity they bow in one direction. But as we know, Allah is on seventh heaven, should not then Muslims face upwards which is the actual direction of Allah instead of facing Kaba, which is a mere stone?

b. Every idol worshipper says that he bows to his God only, but for the sake of physical representation, he bows before idol. Why then Zakir Naik sees Shirk in the idols of others but “Tauheed” in bowing, kissing, circumambulation of a stone called Kaba?

Now we will quickly summarize the similarities and dissimilarities between idol worship and Kaba worship.


1. Muslims bow down to Kaba. Hindus bow before idols.

2. Muslims claim to remember Allah while they bow to Kaba. Hindus claim to remember Eeshvar while bowing before idol.

3. Muslims circumambulate and kiss the Kaba. Hindus do Aarti before idol and fold their hands.


1. Muslims bow Kaba five times a day whereas most of the Hindus hardly bow to idols once a week.

2. Muslims don’t have liberty of choosing their direction of bowing whereas Hindus can face whichever direction they want by choosing appropriate direction of idol.

3. Hindus throw their idols after they perform their rituals especially on some occasions but no Muslims can ever think of doing so with the stone of Kaba.

4. Hindus fold their hands before idol just to give respect to God but Muslims kiss the black stone because Muhammad did so.


The above analysis proves that if Hindus are idolaters for performing certain rituals, Muslims are no less than idolaters. In fact Muslims, in addition to idol worshippers, are human worshippers as well, which we have proven above.

Further, idol worship by Hindus has some rationale behind it, and is not obligatory to save one from Hell. Islam idol worship of Kaba is must to save one from Hell and get 72 virgins in Paradise.

We request our Muslim brothers and sisters to think about it with an unbiased mind and then draw conclusions themselves. We also request all Hindus, Christians and public in general to start worshipping the Ultimate in the most perfect manner – as described in Vedas – through noble thoughts, noble actions and noble meditation as prescribed by the path of Yog.

Remember: “God is existent, intelligent and blissful. He is formless, omniscient, just, merciful, unborn, endless, unchangeable, beginning-less, unequalled, the support of all, the master of all, omnipresent, immanent, un-aging, immortal, fearless, eternal and holy, and the maker of all. He alone is worthy of being worshiped”.

Let us worship God/Ishwar in the way He actually is, and achieve ultimate bliss for one and all. That is the sole purpose of our life and that is also the need of the hour. Let us start worshipping Ishwar in the truest form, unite together, and bring back the era of bliss, prosperity and salvation for everyone. Let us worship Ishwar in same manner as Ram and Krishna worshipped them. Let us arouse the Ram and Krishna within us and be the best devotees of Supreme Lord!

May the truth prevail! Let us work towards making truth prevail! Let us come back to the Vedas!

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  1. On the islamhinduism website, I cam across a post about how everything in the world moves in the direction of haj. The author of that post had used physics, astronomy, geology, biology etc to show how the entire universe is moving in the direction of tawaf. But upon examining the 12 point scientific evidence, here is what I came up with.

    @ Muhammed Suhail: It does not matter to me whether Muslims worship the kaaba or not. But when you make claims contrary to certain scientific facts you are not only compromising your own post but are also misleading other readers.

    1) Electrons revolve in an anti-clockwise direction (around the nucleus): This statement is faulty. The model of an electron revolving around a nucleus (Bohr’s model) is history.It has been established in quantum mechanics that electrons do not orbit the nucleus in the sense of a planet orbiting the sun but they possess wave-particle duality. Electtrons have been shown to exist as standing waves. Frankly today, physicists are not sticking their necks out to really tell that the electrons are orbiting the nucleus any longer. So your idea here is wrong.

    2) On the about to be fertilized ovum moving in anti-clockwise direction, please refer to any report on pathology about the ovum. Please refer to Studies of living human ova by New York Pathological Society. You will see that at the moment a sperm cell intersects the ovum the paper states that the ovum spun in clockwise direction. Again you are wrong here.

    3)Earth rotating around its own axis being clock wise or anti-clockwise depends on where you are viewing it from. From outer space, if we take South Pole as a reference, the earth spins in a clock wise direction but when North Pole is taken as a reference, it spins in an anti-clockwise direction. Ofcourse, earth does revolve around the Sun in anti-clockwise direction.

    4)Which tectnoic plate is moving towards the Arabian plate in anti clockwise direction? If anything, the Indian, the Arabian & the African plates are moving north and are constantly colliding with the Eurasian plate. So you are wrong here.

    5) Cytoplasm moving in anti-clockwise in human body,as stated by you is a factually incorrect statement.I can show you evidences of human zygotes where cytoplasm moves in a clockwise directions too. So you are wrong here.

    6) Protein molecules are arranged from right to left. Now this is another incorrect statement.Proteins are nothing but bubdles of aminoacids. Aminoacids can exist in two forms left as well as right. So how can you make a statement that protein molecules exist left to right,whe, the sequencing of these molecules is completely dependent n the way amoniacids are arranged inside the molecule?

    7) Blood circulation happens from left to right? Sorry Sir.

    Oxygen deprived blood from the vena cava enters the right atrium of the heart and flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, from which it is pumped through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary arteries which go to the lungs. Pulmonary veins return the now oxygen-rich blood to the heart, where it enters the left atrium before flowing through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Then, oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle is pumped out via the aorta, and on to the rest of the body. And please note, when you look at the heart, aorta is neither in the left nor in the right of the heart. It is at the top and kind of splits the right & left sides of the heart.

    8)The sperm when reaching the ovum turns itself anti-clockwise? Sperm motion inside the cervix of a woman has been analyzed a lot and the sperm cell can turn either clockwise or anti clockwise. Please look up for a detailed analysis on this hat has been published by University of California, Davis, CA. They have clearly plotted trajectories and used the dimesions of yaw & pitch (like in a gyro) and they have established that there is no unique set of movement charactersitics. So you are wrong here.

    9) Point 9 has already been addressed using the cardio vascular system.

    10) Sun rotating around its axis in anti-clockwise direction?Just like the Earth’s rotation this direction is relative to the viewpoint from North and South poles. So, this is not an indisputable fact either.

    11)The Sun along with the solar system revolves in anti-clockwise direction? Please refer the next item.

    12) Galaxy also moves around itself in anti-clockwise direction? Wrong. Do you know that it has been clearly established that galaxies are isotropic (same in every direction)on large scales,from a distance & time standpoint? Thus the galaxies (including our milky way)have the same clockwise and anti-clockwise spirals. Please look up for Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

    So when a galaxy itself is isotropic, solar system is just one part of that galaxy. And curiously enough the arm of the spiral that contains the solar system called Orion Cygnus is a MINOR arm of the spiral. So Sun / Solar Sytem moving in clockwise or anti clockwise, within the galaxy’s center is redundant,given the galaxy itself is isotropic.

    So Sohail, without considering all these how did you link your incorrect ideas with tawaf??? How did you arrive at the 12 odd points, when everyone of your points are contrary to facts??

    • Apolloreach Bro, i hope such pointed rebuttals guides these souls in the right direction.simply fantastic!

      I am surprised that they choose to defend this ritual (as this was a well established pre-islamic ritual followed by the pagans) .Even if they discover something marvelous about tawaf, the credit would go to the pagans and the 360 idols who guided them to this ritual

      • @ Indian Agnostic: I guess many of them will not get it. When I explored the internet on tawaf ,after I posted the above message, I saw atleast a dozen sites vomitting the same 12 points and some dating back all the way to 2002. So, our friend @ IH website has simply reproduced it from another old site.

      • Guyz, I am surprised they are talking about Biology and Physics. they think Kabba is the center of earth.

      • Brothers even the excuses muslim make are NOT ORIGINAL. The Qiblah concept is of ZOROASTRIANS. The Zoroastrians say that Fire is their Qiblah when they are accused of Worshiping fire. Same with muslims who says that Kaba is their Qiblah. EVEN THE EXCUSES MUSLIM MAKE ARE NOT ORIGINAL THEY ARE COPY PASTE OF OTHER RELIGIONS.



      • Namaste Brother Sameer

        Unfortunately aping has been the part of Eemaan for Muslim friends which is called Sunnah 🙁

        You cant expect genuineness from proud copycats

      • Namaste brothers Vajra and Sameer,

        I am thinking of writing an article (will take some time) of kaaba being trully idolatry which I gurantee no one will be able to refute because it will contain such a challenge that all jihadis will be afraid to accept. I would just like to know your views on this.

        Also please visit the website, which highlights the core message of Vedas of women being the most powerful. It is a sight that is trying to enpower all the women of Canada and the world.


      • Namaste Brother Vik

        That will be great. We can have it published here on Satyagni. Please work on it. But I would like to differ with you on your words- “I guarantee no one will be able to refute because it will contain such a challenge that all jihadis will be afraid to accept”

        Jihadis will definitely write rebuttal to it just like they wrote for every article on Satyagni and Satyagni. Even the fear of accepting challenge appears in someone who is aware of the capabilities of self and the opponent. But Jihadis never know how intellectually challenged they are when it comes to analyzing skills and applying logic! The only thing which can be said about their rebuttals is- fools rush in where angels fear to tread 🙂

      • Namaste brother Vajra,

        yes, we have already seen how childish their so called rebuttals are. This is why I would request the audiences to judge whose articles are logical or illogical. I will definitely start the article soon, and I am thankful that you are propagating the great works of Satyagni site through another site like this. Some of the Jihadis are so unaware that they REPOST the same questions which have just been answered on the SAME article that they are commenting on. This proves that they do not even read the article and start commenting on it.

      • Namaste Vik Brother, definitely waiting for your article on Kaba and do not care about muslims rebuttals they are always funny to read.

      • @Sameer

        Namaste Sameer

        Yes, brother, the kaba article will come soon, I just need to get everything together. I will also be writing other articles as well, all will come slowly one after the other.

    • Faaiz

      Please ensure that you dont give more than two hyperlinks in a post and dont use slang. And of course finally ensure that you click “post comment” button 🙂

  2. In The Name of Allah ! The Most Merciful,The Most Gracious !
    Asalaamual¬aikum, peace be upon you, greetings to all my Muslims and non-Muslims fellows, (pls don’t say its copy paste from IRF), Asalaamual¬aikum is wht we Muslims must say when we meet anyone so its not only for one Muslim (Dr.Zakir Naik) it’s a way of Muslim Greetings.
    Please forgive me for my undrafted comment coz I am not a English professor, I will make it simple and try my best to say few words on this Topic, Insha-Allaah atleast you will understand my English.. 

    I am not Islamic scholar but I am practicing Muslim, obviously I know Basics of Islam, well let me spark light on your topic.

    Non-Muslims (Christians and Hindus) regularly to justify their idolatrous practices claim this allegation against Muslims.
    Chirstians such as prayers to Mary –Jesus (PBUH) by claiming that Muslims “worship” the Black Stone at the Kaaba in Makkah.
    Hindu : oh here we have many Gods and Goddess, but I will make my choice on Shiva coz many Hindu have funny story on Kaaba ( It was Shiva Temple). lol Muslims “worship” the Black Stone at the Kaaba in Makkah.

    Like you quoted Hadith on Bukhari [2-56-675]-Umar, there are few more Hadith let me input one more.
    MUSLIM: Book 007, Number 2914: Abdullah b. Sarjis reported: I saw the bald one, i. e. ‘Umar b. Khattib (Allah be pleased with him). kissing the Stone and saying: BY ALLAH. I AM KISSING WITH FULL CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE FACT THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND THAT YOU CAN NEITHER DO ANY HARM NOR GOOD; and if I had not seen Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) kissing you. I would not have kissed you. The rest of the hadith is the same.

    You asked why did Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) touched and kiss the stone why ? in your sense it’s a idol worship. Below is the 1st reason from Hadith

    It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Black Stone came down from Paradise.”
    (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 877; al-Nasaa’i, 2935. The hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi).

    We see many types of kisses, such as kisses of love, affection, peace, respect and friendship, In Arab world they hug/ kiss on check for Greetings.

    Well if a Person kisses his/her child with love it’s worship? It’s a charm of baby which makes you kiss with Love. Or example you kiss your younger on 4head or you kiss your wife, I can go on and on for Kissing, tht does not mean we worship, anyways point is you can’t say We Muslims touch and Kiss it means we are idol worshiper, where did it came from ? Do you have any Hadith or an expatiation that Kiss is only Sign of Worship.? One more, Do you see any Hindu kissing his/her idol God/Goddess, I did never seen yet a Hindu kissing idol in Temple? Then how come you bring out Kissing is worshiping ? Do Hindu go in temple and say Oh Lord Shiva “YOU ARE A STONE AND THAT YOU CAN NEITHER DO ANY HARM NOR GOOD” I say this coz I see you made of stone , etc if you say so thr will be no reason for you to go in Temple and worship SHIVA, rite…….. exactly.

    if we really worship idols why Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) , throw out and broke them(idols) which was put in Kaaba from people like you I mean Kafirs of Makka . After Islam there was not a single idol left in Makka. How come.

    If you had really studied Quran carefully you had never claim your topic. Well I can go on with many example over here , but I think its much for you and your company.

    On your page someone (Vik says) proudly said his words , lol very funny “Ok, suppose I tell u to go break down the kaaba to prove to me that ur not an idolator, will u???? Hindus can throw their idols in the water, but muslims cannot even scratch the kaaba, so doesnt that make muslims greater idolators????” wow wow wow, it means you admit that you make your own God with hands and then throw them? Is this the way to treat your God, your so called God can be thrown anytime anywhere and God can’t save him/her self, wow what a logic, makes me laugh much. FYI every now and then there are renovation going on in Makka even renovation on Kaaba, so we do construction to kaaba no harm in over faith coz kaaba is not been worshiped, why to break without any reason.. lol

    Why should we prove to you Non-Muslims (Christians and Hindus), even we say, we debate that we Only worship one God “ALLAH” but you keep asking stupid Q again and again. you don’t believe us.

    We have to prove over faith to non-other than Allah only Allah.

    We (Muslims) answer you just to clear misconception about Islam, or we don’t even care what you say about us or what you think about us, if you are happy calling us idol worshiper, fine be happy, if you want to be Kafirs (unbelievers) be it, be happy, we don’t gain anything and we don’t want anything, we even don’t want you to convert/ embrace Islam, its your choice to be what you are. But why u all are Islamofobia, why u hate Muslims so much?

    Allah said in Quran clearly .. Al-Quran : 2.18. They are utterly deaf, dumb, and blind; they can no longer recover. this we(Muslims) see and we know,

    You must have Notice my title “TALKING TO THE MIRROR” its for you , will you only debate Dr. Zakir Naik on your blog on ur pages ? or will you dare to debate him publicly ? I will love to see you with him on same stage. Be brave and challenge him publicly lets us wait and watch.

    “Sorry to all if i have hurt anyone’s feelings, i m here just to make my point everyone have right for speech “

    • @Faaiz Miyan, if Kaba and Hajre Aswad (black stone) are not symbols or idols then why are muslims circumbulating it because KORAN CLEARLY SAYS THAT ONLY ALLAHS SYMBOLS (IDOLS) SHOULD BE CIRCUMBULATED LIKE SAFAH AND MARWAH. SO MUSLIMS ARE COMMITING SHIRK BY CIRCUMBULATING KABA AND HAJRE ASWAD (BLACK STONE) AND FOR THAT 99% MUSLIMS WILL GO TO HELL. Koran clearly says that kaba is the house of allah so renovation of house is a common thing.

      Why did Mohammad kiss the Black Stone Hajr Aswad (Relic of Al Uzza), which pagan arabs believed that kissing it without wearing underwears would give the Sexual Power of many People and Prophet Mohammad used to kiss it and the myth of Mohammad having sexual power of several man came into being so Prophet Mohammad himself believed in this pagan superstition and why did Muslim keep Sabbath in Friday, which the Arab pagan kept as Sabbath for Al Uzza.


      • Faaiz Miyan ( copy of Mr. Modi) aha, I guess you must be infected with communal virus 2, what should one do when, he/she is out of mind, all the Muslims who have commented on this page gave examples/ explained to you morons, but you did not get it isn’t it ? lol well well my bro, you and your sick mind like your religious belief, you always go and think about SEX. Its ur dirty mind.

        Now you are changing your view, lol 1st you say we worship kaaba, now you say Koran clearly says that kaba is the house of allah so renovation of house is a common thing. So whats your stand for we worship kaaba or Allaah? now you admit that it’s a selected place from Allah to worship him Alone , it means all the Muslims together go to Place of Allah and worship him Alone, Thanks you now admit it.

        Insha-Allah we will soon meet on the judgment day.. only place where you will understand what is Islam but hope it will be to late..

        1st I thought I m dealing with some Good knowledgeable people who are been misguided but I m sorry to say I was wrong, speaking to you all people is like, giving a Kids Garden child a book of collage or one can say, I gave a lecture to you when u are not even qualified to speak A to Z .

        Ok child have peace .. Hope Allah guide you on right path… before ending may I lol on your Faaiz Miyan lol … Bye bye KidO

      • Namaste Faaiz (hope you read it before running away)

        ———1st you say we worship kaaba, now you say Koran clearly says that kaba is the house of allah so renovation of house is a common thing. So whats your stand for we worship kaaba or Allaah? now you admit that it’s a selected place from Allah to worship him Alone , it means all the Muslims together go to Place of Allah and worship him Alone——–

        No. If Kaba is the house of Allah and Muslims worship Kaba then it means that

        1. Allah is a confined entity

        2. Islam believes in geocentric model of universe because Allah lives inside Kaba and thus it has to be center of the universe! If you say Allah is outside Kaba too then it is foolish to call Kaba as house of Allah.

        3. Muslims worship the house of Allah instead of Allah 🙁

        ———Insha-Allah we will soon meet on the judgment day..———

        No I will not meet you. I will be quite busy that day as I will be sitting between Allah and Muhammad judging their fates! Who says Allah and Muhammad are not to be judged for their deeds? You will not believe it now but you will see it that day!

        ———-speaking to you all people is like, giving a Kids Garden child a book of collage or one can say, I gave a lecture to you when u are not even qualified to speak A to Z .———-

        And listening to you confirmed that you have never seen collAge 🙂 because you GAVE us lecture (in the Past) when we ARE not qualified (in PRESENT) 😉

        ———Hope Allah guide you on right path——–

        What is the need of guidance ON right path? Isn’t it needed ON wrong path?

        ———before ending may I lol on your Faaiz Miyan lol———-

        One lol for collAge lecture too that was delivered in past to the kids of future 😉

        PS: I never laugh at typos or grammatical mistakes of anyone but it was just to make you feel how it looks when you ridicule others with irrelevant points. Hope you will learn something from this.

      • @Faaiz Miyan, LOL, MODI is TRUE MOMIN he did JUSTICE in Godhra through SHARIAT LAW (AN EYE FOR AN EYE) he did justice the SAUDI STYLE still you have problem with modi. NOW WHY ARE MUSLIMS HATING MODI FOR FOLLOWING SHARIAT.

        @Faaiz Miyan the whole world knows which religion is communal. MUSLIMS cannot TOLERATE ONE HINDU IN PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, AND KASHMIR BUT WANTS HINDU TO TOLERATE 20 CRORES MUSLIM IN INDIA.


        Regarding JUDGEMENT DAY, NAMAZ, RAMZAN your own people have exposed that it is copy pasted from ZOROASTRIANS so do not worry about hindus in Judgement Day.

        Muslims do not know the truth that NAMAZ IS PAGAN RITUAL OF ZOROASTRIANS this was exposed by Dr. Shabir’s research The Qiblah concept is stolen from Zoroastrianism Keblaah and Ramzan ritual is also copied from Zoroastrianism.

        It would be appropriate if we can discuss the startling similarities between some practices of Islam and Zoroastrianism. These parallels go beyond the co-incindental normal ones. I will endeavour to enumerate a few here:

        01. Requirements of prayers: Islam enjoins its followers to pray 5 times a day and is called by the Muezzin to his prayers.These prayers are at i) Dawn ii) Noon iii) Afternoon iv) Sunset v) Night.
        Zoroastrianism also enjoins prayers 5 times a day called “Geh”. The devotee is summoned by the ringing of a bell in the AtashBehram / Agiary. These prayers are also at the same time as in Islam and their respective names are:

        Time: Islamic/ Zorastrianism
        Dawn: Fajar/ Havaan
        Noon: Zohar/ Rapithwan
        Afternoon: Asr/ Uziren
        Evening: Mazreem or Maghrib/ Aiwisuthrem
        Night time: Isha or Ishan/ Ushaen.

        02. Pre-requisites of Prayer: On entering the mosque and prior to commencing prayers a Muslim has to cover his head and wash his face and limbs. Similarly, a Zoroastrian on entering the Agiary will cover his head, wash his face and limbs and perform the Padyaab Kusti before commencing his prayers.

        03. The Prayers: Prayers in Islam are in Arabic only, though
        translations/transliterations are available. The liturgy has to be conducted in Arabic only. In Zoroastrianism too, prayers have to be recited in Avesta or in Pazend only. In fact in Aveatan prayers Pazend portions have to be recited in an undertone so as not to break the seamless flow of Avestan Manthravani.

        04. Sanctum Sanctorum and its veneration: The holiest spot in a Mosque is the wall facing Mecca and is called the Qiblah. In the Atashbehram/Agiary the room where the Atash Padshah is enthroned is also called the Keblaah. A Muslim will perform the Sajdah in front of the Qiblah and so also will the Zoroastrian perform the Sezdah before his Keblaah. Both involve kneeling down and touching the forehead to the ground.

        05. A Holy Month: In Islam Ramzan is the holy month in which all Muslims are required to fast in the day and only break their fast after sunset. In Zoroastrianism the month of Bahman has similiar connotations wherein all are requested to particularly abstain from flesh. Perhaps in the age of the Sassanian dynasty the month of Bahman was observed as Ramzan is now.

        06. Ascent into Heaven: The hagiography of Islam assures us that Prophet Mohammad ascended to heaven from Jerusalem on the mythical beast Burrrak. He crossed the 7 spheres, exchanged greetings with the patriarchs and beheld the glory of God.

        The Dinkard tells us that at the entreaties of Asho Zarthustra Bahman Ameshaspand transcendentally elevated his consciousness to the realm of heaven wherein Asho Zarthustra looked at the reflugent majesty of God. A similiar journey was attributed to the virtuous Ardaviraf who visited hell, purgatory and heaven during his spiritual journey.
        The above similarities are obvious. A more careful research would reveal more parallels. However even these points are too close to be dismissed as mere coincidences. This means Zoroastrianism has had an enormous impact on Islam which is not acknowledged. Everyone agrees Islam owes a lot to Judaism and Christianity but I feel that the scholars of Islam borrowed very heavily from Iran and this can be perhaps attributed to that shadowy figure of Dastur Dinyar (Salman Farsi). This debt is so impressive that it had to be consistently downgraded and later denied. After all if Islam is supposedly directly inspired by God it cannot be seen to be acknowledging any debt to an older faith, specially the faith of a nation which Islam has defeated. This may perhaps explain the devotion of your Persian Imams to my Faith.

        07. Chinvat Bridge (The SIRAAT BRIDGE): According to ancient Persian myth, when a person dies, the soul remains by the body for three days. On the fourth, it travels to Chinvat Bridge (the Bridge of the Separator, also call (Al-Sirat), accompanied by gods of protection. The bridge is “finer than a hair and sharper than a sword” and spans a deep chasm teeming with monsters. On the other side of the bridge is the gateway to paradise.

        08. Hell: Demons guard the foot of the bridge and argue with the gods over the soul’s fate. The actions of the dead person, both good and bad, are weighed, and the soul is either allowed to cross or denied access to the bridge. Spirits whose evil outweighs their good fall into the demon-infested pit to face eternal torment. In this abyss of the damned, each soul is tortured by a GHOUL that represents its sins in life. Once fallen into the gulf, no soul can escape the horrors of hell through its own power.

        Zoroaster, a sixth century BC religious leader, had warned his followers of this obstacle to heaven but he promised to lead his flock safely across. The ancient manuscript Gathas (Songs of Zoroaster) explains that the Bridge of the Separator “becomes narrow for the wicked,” whereas the holy can easily pass unharmed. (In Gathas, the fair god Rashnu is named as the judge who helps determine who is worthy of salvation and who must be damned.) All infidels (non-believers) fall into hell, which the prophet says has been created especially for the “followers of the lie.”

        The legends are sketchy but assert that Chinvat Bridge is located somewhere in the far north. It is a place of filth where the damned endure physical tortures and spiritual agony. Souls who are unsuccessful in crossing the Chinvat Bridge suffer these torments until AHRAMAN, the evil god of ZOROASTRIANISM, is destroyed by the good god Orzmahd during the LAST JUDGMENT. As this time, lost spirits are restored to the truth since “the lie” has been eradicated, or they face final ANNIHILATION.

        CIRCUMSCION RITUAL is copied from Eygptian and Babylonians, Friday Sabath of Muslims is the Sabath of Pagan Arabs who kept it for AL-UZZA, revolving round SAFA, MARWAH AND KABA is also a pagan ritual. So Islam is copy paste of Pagan rituals of Zoroastrianism, Egyptians and Babylonian. SO WHERE IS TAUHEED IN ISLAM IT IS BUNCH OF PAGAN RITUALS.

    • @Faaiz:
      See the explanation of other religions for idol worship

      Hindu – We are not worshiping idol ,we are calling god to take the seat of idol(avahan) offer water(argya)….. and we pray to god by repeating his name…..hence it is not idol worship

      Budhist – No conept of god, and budha statues is just to show reverence to him

      Christian – we are praying infront of mary and jesus, we are not worshipping the statue

      Muslim – we kiss it to show reverence as the stone came from paradise(so what?? pig created by god shall we kiss it?)

      My question is why do you accept one reason and reject many other reasons for idolatory(even this is not clearly defined)?

      >>it means you admit that you make your own God with hands and then throw them?
      Know the difference between god and idol

      >>if you want to be Kafirs (unbelievers) be it, be happy,
      Unbeliever of god or unblievers of muhmmad?

      >> But why u all are Islamofobia, why u hate Muslims so much?

      Because your flock has destroyed my idols – bamian budha statues in afghanistan in recent history and various palces of worship in kashmir(do i need to introduce you sikandar butshikan?) in past.

      >> will you only debate Dr. Zakir Naik on your blog on ur pages ? or will you dare to debate him publicly ?

      Sorry we dont want to get our hands chopped by some follower of peacful religion or we dont want to be killed salman taseer. But let him reply to faithfreedom first.

      • @adolf, oh my dear I see much anger and hatred in you in your words in your mind, it bad for your health , what happens to you when you meet any Muslim in your real life ? In person do you feel to Kill Him ? well this what you learn from your so called religion faith? Is this Buddha’s teaching? guess not rite, so why u act like Animal we are Human race, civilest. in hatred your humanity is destroying your soul takecare bro.

        Really I feel sorry for all you out there who comment here ( Hateful comments against Islam and misguide other and them self too )with their own sick mind thinking, I just gave my Answer on idol worship, you can read on this page, more further I can’t coz me and many Muslims tried their Best but what one Do, you ppl are really not qualified to understand the soul of Muslim the faith of Muslim and The Best religion of World Islam, if you did, you must felt real lucky, like we feel lucky , We are not Muslim coz we born in Muslim Family We are Muslim by Choice. Just use ur simple clean Mind although much Islamofobia , why day by day people are embracing Islam, with much false propaganda people must live Islam, why opposite is going on ? People are joining us(Muslims).

        But still if you want you can refer this link.

        I know I know, u don’t want to but checkout all bullshit but if u really are in search of truth, Hope ALLAAH helps you, we don’t need you in Islam if Allaah wills you can get to be Lucky. Its your choice wht u think wht u believe, WHO CARES ..

        Abuse Islam with whatever language you like, whatever statement you want to give, nothing will change We are proud to be Muslims, some short of dirty minded people like you and ur friends over here will say us we are idol worshiper so what we lol………. lol .. we don’t need your judgment .. coz Islam is not materialised religion. It all matters here is soul, Tawheed, which you will never understand, until u be one of us.well anyways

        “Because your flock has destroyed my idols – bamian budha statues in afghanistan in recent history and various palces of worship in kashmir(do i need to introduce you sikandar butshikan?) in past. “
        “Sorry we dont want to get our hands chopped by some follower of peacful religion or we dont want to be killed salman taseer. But let him reply to faithfreedom first.”

        You ppl are much scared of Muslim an’t you.. peace peace …… we are not like what you think, we are from peaceful religion Islam, we don’t Hurt innocent ppl, we hunt thus who attack us, every human have right to defense him/her self rite, thts does not make us terrorist self defense is not called terrorism. Rite.

        A simple civilest logic which you don’t want to understand. You blame entire Muslim population in the World more than 1.5 Billion that equals to almost 23% World Population. For the act of some individual groups. How pathetic, if we look around and think like you ppl, world will be no longer to live within.. use your mind I can give u many example about innocent Muslims are been killed. Hindu killing Muslim etc, but still I have Hindu friends we live with them.. pls grow up .

        You talk about Sikandar Butshikan, maybe few more like him, so what man, all are not same, 800 years of muslim rule in India, if like you said all Muslims were same maybe you was Muslim too or you don’t even exist now talking to me. What the hell salman taseer (Pakistani) have to do with over talk.. lol lol lol. Well to end now think big act like good Human.. Don’t abuse Muslims … nothing further to say… Have a Good life.. May Allah Show you right Path.
        Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes, coz I don’t draft my word like the bloggers

      • better read your history and how many civilizations have been wiped out(ask parsis, and greeks) if you want to know about muslims, you are the byproduct of 800 years rule in india, thanks for the vijayanagara kingdom and marathas otherwise my forefathers would have got the same fate as mansoor al hallaj

        islam is like state sponsored terrorism, when pressed hard for justice it will claim individual acts but actively supports death of dhimmis who are not under our control

      • @Faaiz:

        Well to end now think big act like good Human.. Don’t abuse Muslims

        Good advice. But unfortunately this should first be applied to Quran. If Quran doesnt abuse Kufrs and doesnt promise Allah will make us regrow skin and burn us again all because we believe only in La Ilaha Il Brahman, the world would be a better place, no?

    • @Faaiz

      ok, so you say that kaaba kiss is not idolatry, then what else is it??? We do not need any Quran or hadith to look up the definition of kiss, because kiss we all know is done out of strong affection.

      coming to the kaaba, tell me one thing, since your arab masters were experts in breaking idols of innocent pagans, then what stops them from breaking the kaaba into pieces????

      Rennovation of the kaaba does not mean anything, I am saying why not eliminate the kaaba for good and stop associating it with your prayers, and hence forth, pray to allah without facing in the direction of kaaba………tell me can you all do that??????

      when you bow towards an idol like the kaaba, you are equal to every idol worshipper.

      “this stone neither harms me, nor benefits me” why dont you kiss every stone in the world????

      “why should we break the kaaba to prove non muslims that were are non idolators”

      The answer is obvious because you people are hypocrites, you people are egoistic, you know very well we proved all of you to be idolators and now you have no logical reasoning to back out.

      Just remember one thing in terms of logic, if you call urselves a non idolator by associating kaaba, then by ur logic no body is an idolator.

      Hindus throwing their God in water

      see, this proves hindus are not idolators, because they only use their idol to interact with the real Ishwar, just like a person would use a phone to talk to a live person. Now if hindus were idolators, then why would they throw their idols in water??????????????

      Because they know that the idol is just a way of communicating to God, not God itself.

      But sorry, people like you who believe in flying donkeys would never understand these things.


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