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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

‘Concept of God in Hinduism’

This entry is part [part not set] of 8 in the series Myths on Hinduism

In this article, we shall briefly analyze the research article by self-proclaimed expert on comparative religion, Dr Zakir Naik on “Concept of God in Hinduism”. You can review the original article by clicking here. This is his second article in this series. (The first was “Introduction to Hinduism” which we have already analyzed.)

The bulk of this article goes to provide evidences from Hindu texts that there is only one God. I sincerely thank Dr Naik for collecting these references at one place which are pride of not only Hindus but entire humanity.

But the motive of Dr Naik in putting this references was quite different. He starts his article falsely assuming that bulk of Hindus do not believe in one God. And then goes ahead to prove that this is wrong and Hindus should believe in one God only. In previous article, he has already planted seeds of doubts over Vedas and basis of Hinduism, and established importance of Bhavishya Puran. After this article, he would go for the final kill – by proving that Hindu scriptures talk of Prophet only and hence imply that Hindus should leave other texts and accept only Quran! You can review the rest of the articles in this site itself.

For present, we shall critically comment on the first part of his article on “Concept of God” and try to understand the true Hinduism and motives of this stage performer in process. As in previous article, I shall cite excerpt from Dr Naik’s articles followed by comments in bold italics.

Lets begin:

Dr Naik: “1.  Common Concept of God in Hinduism: Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. While some Hindus believe in the existence of three gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore i.e. 330 million Gods. However, learned Hindus, who are well versed in their scriptures, insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.

(1. English has only word God to mean All-mighty Omnipotent whom Hindus call Ishwar and other human-like creatures who act smart – like one who sends Angels, gets angry, sits on a throne or creates Heaven and Hell.

2. In Hinduism, the word to describe All-mighty Omnipotent is Ishwar. Thus Ishwar = God. But writers take God to mean Devata. Now Devata does not mean Ishwar. Devata means any entity – living or dead that gives us anything or benefits us. In English, I would call Devata to mean “Helper”.

3. While Vedas believe in one single Ishwar and 33 types of non-living Helper Devatas, even the average Hindu does not consider these Helper devatas to be Ishwar.

4. Thus Hinduism is essentially monotheistic and Quran has derived its concept of monotheism basically from Vedas

5. The three Gods are symbolic description of 3 functions of Ishwar – Creation, Maintenance and Destruction. Different Hindu sects may differ with regards to the importance one should be attaching to these various symbols or importance of Helper-Devatas, but all unanimously agree that there is one and only one Ishwar/God. Dr Naik has no new USP of Islam to sell here)

Dr Naik: “The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the common Hindus’ belief in the philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers everything, living and non-living, to be Divine and Sacred. The common Hindu, therefore, considers everything as God. He considers the trees as God, the sun as God, the moon as God, the monkey as God, the snake as God and even human beings as manifestations of God!

(1. Dr Naik speaks this sentence with a slight smirk in his face in his video shows so that the audience feels humorous. But either he is mistaken or deliberately acting humorous.

2. Because Hinduism basically represents a school of thought believing in Law of Karma. The rest of the details are left to individual interpretation. All Hindus do consider functioning of each object – living or dead – as a gift of God, but they DO NOT consider the tree, sun, moon, monkey, snake, human as same as God/Ishwar.

3. Even the Advait believers, also admit that even if these things are considered to have origin in Ishwar or Brahma, currently there is a layer of ignorance or Maya separating them.

4. For rest of Hindus, they worship these objects, to show their thankfulness to Ishwar/ God to have created and gifted such wonderful things! Different sects do take this thankfulness to different levels, but none would consider everything to be God in present state, as IRF foolishly believes or wants the world to believe. Thus the crux of this article and its prime agenda become outrightly baseless.

5. The problem is that the neo-wahabi Islam which Dr Zakir Naik wants all Hindus to embrace does not have any philosophy or need for subtle thinking that demands finesse of mind and intellect. It would want us to believe that polygamy is right because there are more women in USA than men (Although there are far less women than men in marriageable age!). Or that had Islam been brutal in India, why would there be only 15% Muslim in India after so many centuries of rule? (And he would conveniently ignore 33 crore Muslims in Bangladesh and Pakistan which were originally part of India. Not to talk of Afghanistan!

But we need to beware of designs of those who openly support Bin Laden and ban on other religions (including Shias, Sufis, Ahmadiyas, Bahais) in Muslim countries or have a vision to make India a Muslim country in 5 years!)

Dr Naik: “Islam, on the contrary, exhorts man to consider himself and his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation rather than as divinity itself. Muslims therefore believe that everything is God’s i.e. the word ‘God’ with an apostrophe ‘s’. In other words the Muslims believe that everything belongs to God.

The trees belong to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the snake belongs to God, the human beings belong to God and everything in this universe belongs to God.

Thus the major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim beliefs is the difference of the apostrophe ‘s’. The Hindu says everything is God. The Muslim says everything is God’s.”

(1. As mentioned before the analogy of apostrophe ‘s’ is good for stage shows but is actually baseless. The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim belief or Dr Zakir Naik is that Hindus believe in freedom of thought and analysis and do not curse anyone to Hell permanently. Or contrary, Dr Naik’s Islam would demand not only belief in God, but also belief in following:
– Muhammad as final Prophet
– Quran as final and only acceptable word of God beyond any doubts or questions
– Permanent Hell for those who refuse to believe in above and Heaven only for the rest
– Existence of angels.

Zakir has himself stated that howsomuch great and noble a person may be, unless he blindly believes in these he is destined to suffer in eternal Hell. 

2. Incidentally, Islam is not as uniform in its belief as Dr Naik wants us to believe. There is a Hadith of Muhammad’s times that Islam has 73 sects and Prophet has said thatonly one of them will go to Heaven and rest will go to Hell. Today, some sects have written their own new Quran as well! Many of the sects doubt authenticity of present Quran. Here is a sampler:
– Hashamiya – They believe that Prophet disobeyed Allah
– Azraqiah – They do not believe that revelations happen any more
– Nazzamiyah – They refuse to believe in miracles of Quran or Muhammad
– Ibriyah – They refuse to accept Muhammad as Prophet
– Tanasikhiya – They believe in reincarnation of soul as Hindus
You can read the complete list here

Many other sects of Islam also exist who have their own Qurans and Prophets. Search Wikipedia or google on “sects of Islam”)

The rest of the article only emphasizes the point that Hindus already know. In the end, Dr Naik adds a para claiming that Vedas call Muhammad the Prophet. He writes:

“The Prophecy confirms:

1. The name of the Prophet as Ahmed since Ahmed is an Arabic name. Many translators misunderstood it to be ‘Ahm at hi’ and translated the mantra as “I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father”.

2. Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.

3. The Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad. The Qur’an says in Surah Saba Chapter 34 verse 28 (34:28):

“We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not.””

(1. An analysis of this foolish cl*aim can be found here.

2. If Allah himself says that most men will not understand, then it is fault of Allah and not of men that their lack of understanding was already pre-decided by Allah!)

I hope, after reading these articles, Dr Naik and IRF would go into an introspection and would be honest enough to embrace their original roots – the Vedas. Or at least, accept our invitation for an open-house debate that is long pending.

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  1. You did not like my example of piece of gold and gold mine. I implied that a piece of gold is as good as the gold mine but not that gold mine. A Jeevatma is potent but not omnipotent. A Jeevatma is knowing but not all knowing. This properties are as good as God’s properties. What’s the problem to understand it? You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand it. The essence of Hinduism lies on certain rules. And the set of all those rules and regulations forms Hindu DHARMA.
    Your whole post can be proved wrong with a simple question. And that is, “If you are God where is your omniscience?”
    You can’t answer, “ I am not omniscient becoz I am covered by illusion.” Becoz God is God at any circumstance. So He must be omniscient at any stage. Funny thing is that omnipotent God gets covered by illusion (!). Enjoy…… Dhanyavad.

    • Brother spirit, you asked me to show the verses from Vedic texts which talk about the formless God, and I believe I had given you enough examples. Now at least you don’t have any doubts that Vedic texts indeed talk about the formless God and that is what is projected as the ultimate state to achieve.
      I thought your questions were out of curiosity. But now, after seeing your posts my feeling is that you have some specific intention which is to prove or disprove something. In that quest you either refuse to accept the straight forward ideas or pretend that you don’t understand. Let me tell you that I am neither to prove or disprove anything, because I myself is only a seeker. I like your questions irrespective of your intentions. But believe me, the very same questions and many more are answered in Hindu scriptures. Please don’t get in to an illusion that you (or some islamists or atheists) are the first one to ask these ‘intelligent’ questions.
      Now to ‘prove’ me wrong, you came back with a question “If you are God where is your omniscience?” I had given the answer to this in one of my earlier posts itself. I said the Jeeva is God in a SELF-HYPNOTIC state. i.e that state of ignorance or Maya was put on by the almighty himself. If God himself decide to get in to Moha Nidra and act as limited and ignorant, only he has to decide whether and when to wake up. Scriptures say that the answer to the question “Why I remain ignorant/limited/bound” ? has to be found out by each individual from within. No external answer can remove this mystery. The scriptures are well aware of this. So they advise to look within. The sufferer himself is responsible for that state! So, only he himself can untie that knot! That self inquiry itself will De-hypnotize the self.
      It answers your second question. “Where is your omniscience” ? If you fall in to an hypnotic state and believe yourself that you are a cat or monkey you will behave like one. In that state your personality of a cat or monkey is real and you wouldn’t…

      • Brother spirit,
        It answers your second question. “Where is your omniscience” ? If you fall in to an hypnotic state and believe yourself that you are a cat or monkey you will behave like one. In that state your personality of a cat or monkey is real and you wouldn’t remember whether you are a Scientist / Leader / Scholar / Soldier as long as you are in that state. So for you to realize your real nature you need to come out of that state with your OWN effort.
        Now you find this idea of God getting ‘covered’ by illusion as ‘funny’. Yes even scriptures, scholars and devotees also find it as funny only. That’s why they call it as LEELA or divine drama. Like the great superstar wearing many attires for acting as funny characters and multi roles. The whole play of this creation, existence and dissolution is considered only as a divine drama which is being played for the sake of it. For nothing else!
        This is the essence of religion in Vedic Dharma.

      • See you reference…..
        Ch 7 V 4

        “Earth, water, air,ether, fire, mind, spiritual intelligence and false ego; thus these are eight fold of my external energy”

        The eight categories of Lord Krishna’s include the five elements and the mind concluding with the mahat denoting intellect and ahankara denoting false ego. The ahankara of the living entities is different from the ego sense of the incarnation Ksiradaksayi Vishnu who while meditating upon Himself in the casual ocean merely thinks I Am and universal creation begins to manifest as unlimited universes from the pores of His spiritual body.

        So how you got God as formless??????

      • Brother KKR,

        ” “Where is your omniscience” ? If you fall in to an hypnotic state and believe yourself that you are a cat or monkey you will behave like one. In that state your personality of a cat or monkey is real and you wouldn’t remember whether you are a Scientist / Leader / Scholar / Soldier as long as you are in that state

        What??? I pinched my skin and understood I am not dreaming. Mine (God’s) characteristic would become like a monkey or a cat. A cat eats fish. Does God eat fish???

        ”Like the great superstar wearing many attires for acting as funny characters and multi roles”

        Lol. What else would you do for imposing your ideas to me?? Really I made a huge mistake conceiving you a scholar and consumed my time. You sound like that idiot Zakir Naik. You are comparing the actors with Supreme Brahmin! Funny…. Good bye for now. I wanted to learn from you but you disappointed me……. Good bye……

      • Brother Spirit, I am not disappointed by this debate. It gave me an opportunity to re-visit my Gita book. I believe even you would take it that way. Only thing is that we need to study the thoughts of other scholars also, instead of sticking to one school of thought. But of-course I agree that, to develop unshaken devotion, one need to dedicate to one path alone. For me it really doesn’t matter whether God has a form or not, whether he is transcendental or in the form of Jeeva, the only thing I am pretty sure about is that I am there. I exist. Everything else I can claim to know only when I experience it without the help of external aids including the senses. Good bye and take care.

      • Pranam Brother KKR,

        Brother spirit, you asked me to show the verses from Vedic texts which talk about the formless God, and I believe I had given you enough examples. Now at least you don’t have any doubts that Vedic texts indeed talk about the formless God and that is what is projected as the ultimate state to achieve

        You did not give any example which describe supreme Brahmin as formless, impersonal. And as far as your reference goes wait I am giving my feedback. I atleast have no doubt but a confirmation of God being formful.
        Now to ‘prove’ me wrong, you came back with a question “If you are God where is your omniscience?” I had given the answer to this in one of my earlier posts itself. I said the Jeeva is God in a SELF-HYPNOTIC state. i.e that state of ignorance or Maya was put on by the almighty himself. If God himself decide to get in to Moha Nidra and act as limited and ignorant, only he has to decide whether and when to wake up

        I did not want to prove you wrong I just asked a simple question but you failed to answer. If Jeeva is God I am also God as well and want to get out of my ignorance. Why I am still ignorant now??? On the other hand, isn’t it absurd to think God is omniscient and ignorant at the same time??? I am suffering but I am God(as your claim). Isn’t God all blissful??? So where is your and my all bliss. I and you get tensed at even small incident. See what your Jihadi brothers are doing to innocent people. Are those acts done by them sacred????

  2. Zakir Naik said one right thing about ISLAM & that is ” ISLAM is not a new religon & nor PROPHET MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) is the founder of ISLAM, but ISLAM was in this world since 1st PROPHET OF ALLAH “PROPHET ADAM (P.B.U.H.)” set his foot in this world.

    • @Munna Bhai/All
      Brother, Zakir is correct Islam is from starting of creation. Islam followers have been existed on the earth in every century & era. In Treta Yug Ravan was the greatest prophet of Islam who used to follow Islam. When Rama was in Jungle/Forest sages said Rama that all the bones you are seeing they are of humans and cow etc. all these have been eaten by monsters aka follower of Islam.
      That is Why Ram had to say “I will destroy Islamic monsters who have made miserable life of Sages, Noble persons, innocent animals, etc. ”
      Sant Tuslidas has to write about Rama
      बिप्र धेन शुर संत हित लीन्हा मनुज अवतार

      • @TS, you have done blasphemy, you just reveal ur identity and then see the consequences of blasphemy……hell is waiting for u…but it is our faith that a person, who abuses Allah and prophet, will surely see the result of blasphemy in this world and never get hidaya.. please keep updating ur kushal mangal on this site otherwise give ur id. you just wait, kullu nafsinn zaiqatul maut..

      • And you reveal your identity first so that you could be booked for issuing threats, the characteristic of a true momin aka terrorist.

      • @SDC, there is no need to know my identity because if you want to book then you can do it easily by just showing my comment on this site. Our intelligence agencies are intelligent enough to trace any person who is using internet in India(i hope that you remember many fake email sent by saffron extremist in the name of IM to INDIA tv to misguide intelligence agencies)…. if you do this then we can show what your samaj and truth seeker is writing about our prophet. we cant tolerate abuses about our prophet and our life is nothing in compare of dignity and honor of the name of our prophet. we will feel proud to sacrifice our life for prophet muhammad S.A.W.
        muslims will become insane if they may know what you are writing about Allah and prophet. you have full rights to reject islam and to question about islam but you have no rights to abuse our prophet. truth seeker is comparing a marriage as rape? it means truth seeker is result of rape?
        BTW you are most welcome SDC

      • Likewise, there is absolutely no need for you to know Truth seeker’s identity. Let him stay anonymous. BTW, let it be known that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at others. You insult our gods and this is what you get in return. If your daees’ can raise questions on our faith, we will not hold ourselves back. It is a no holds barred match.

      • @blasphemous
        _________truth seeker is comparing a marriage as rape_______
        Suppose One attacks at your house & kills all male members of your family including you & loots all the property of your house. Will your mother, sister, wife do sex with the killer of their husband, children & brother wishfully? What will you call it rape or marriage. Your holy prophet did the same with non-believers . It is shame on Muslims that they are follower of a rapist, pedophilia Mohammed.
        Mariyah, the Sex Slave of the Holy Prophet

      • @blasphemous
        To know me first read article, I am there and find me by your intelligence agencies
        Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else. (Q. 4:48 )
        Allah will forgive any crime and even prescribes cruelty and injustice towards the unbelievers/ He is only worried about people setting a partner with him. This makes no sense. If there is no other god but Him, why this much paranoia? How can a sane god be so jealous of non-exiting gods? It appears that Allah is not very much convinced that he is the only God. Could it be that he is not God but Satan and that is why he is so possessive? This much insecurity is suspicious. One must be indoctrinated to believe in such absurdity.

      • @SDC, i have not said that i am going to book truth sekr under any IPC, so i am not taking any help of intelligence agencies. my main point was that if any one abuses Allah or prophet then he is not faithful in his search of truth. if you disagree with any point then it doesnt mean that u start regurgitating shit???? i have never requested any so called truth seeker to stop abusing religious personalities instead i have warned such persons that you can never get hidaya in this way . as a muslim i can never tolerate any person abusing Allah and prophet and if any person will ever dare to do such thing infront of me then i will INSHALLAH teach him a gud lesson.
        normally muslims know that moolshankar was a reformer but they dont know what he has written in samhullas 14. if we just spread samhullas 14 in muslims then ur aryasamaj will start shaking. it is our religious obligation that we cant abuse anybody’s deity so you cant expect the same from us. hope u understand

      • Well, you are again into threatening mode. Anyways, lets get down the brass tacks: You see you make fun of my religious beliefs, I do the same in return. You threaten me with dire consequences, I do not care two hoots about it. I think there have been recent riots in Mathura which is amply testimony to the fact that the Hindu community does not back down. It always tries to put up with a counter each and every time the Muslims have instigated them. So, all these veiled threats do not mean much. You as a Muslim do what you think you must, I as a Hindu would like to counteract your moves.

        Well, when you assert that Muslims do not make of others religious beliefs, then I must say that you live in a make-believe world. Just explain to me the concept of Dawah then. Why is it at all necessary if you respect others religious beliefs?

  3. @aryasamajis, you always say that how momins will live happily in jannat even after listening the cries of jahannamis and y Allah want to punish jahannamis?
    in the same way i cant understand how could u live happily in this world when you know that there are many peoples who are in jail and many tortured daily in police station? y u want to punish ajmal qasab? y u want that ajmal should be hanged? y indian government impose penalty who do not want to follow rule ie dont want to wear helmet? if any person will not give penalty then he can be imprisoned. if any innocent person dont want to give penalty and do not believe in indian constitution and system then y our government want to punish such person? y our government enjoy in punishing looters, rapist, terrorists, murderess and simply black money holders? how could u enjoy in this world after knowing that someone is being punished by our beloved government for just not following the rules made by indian government?
    do understand the flaws in ur theory???

    • Just one point. Almost everybody is against police torture. Only sick minds will enjoy the sight of torture of others. Yes, of course, criminals needs to be punished but there is a system of clemency whereby criminals who show a marked change in behavior are given a reduced term of punishment. The idea behind punishing someone is to let someone realize the wrong that one has committed and bring about a change in his outlook on life. Jails are called as correctional centers for the reason that they should serve as places where people living in stringent circumstances get a proper perspective on life. The very concept of enjoying the misfortune of others is not only sick but is also cheap. Maybe, this suits you and your Allah.

    • @tsib:

      There is a problem with your analogy. The reasons why we punish criminals here on earth are:
      (1)it can serve as a force of deterrance.
      (2)the laws are clearly laid out and the punishment specified for each law that is broken. There is a high court, a supreme court, judges, lawyers, politicians all of whom can be seen and questioned and voted out of power if they screw up.

      Both (1) and (2) are directly perceived. As an epistemological source, perception is more valid than scripture especially when that scripture is the Quran which has nearly everything in it which makes it appear that it is just some cooked up stuff by Arabs after Mo’s death. There is nothing “divine” in any Quranic verse. Allah screws up constantly (concept of abrogation), Allah has very little respect for his own previous books (he allows previous books to be corrupted but preserves the Quran only) and tortures people for EVER by keeping them alive!!!

      At least when you administer capital punishment, that person DIES so that he no longer feels pain. But your Allah? – he will burn my skin, make me regrow my skin and reburn me again!

      Why worship such a monster?

      • @KB, i thing u have become emotional or something, i have no where said that u believe in such religion. i have said that as momins cant live happily in jannat because of some peoples will be in constant punishment in hell because of their innocent crimes then how could aryasamajis live happily in this world where so many peoples are being punished by their governments? how could u repeatedly insist for the immediate hanging of ajmal qasab? y u dont want to give him any chance for correction? if i am not wearing helmet then what kind of crime i am doing against humanity?
        //At least when you administer capital punishment, that person DIES so that he no longer feels pain. But your Allah? – he will burn my skin, make me regrow my skin and reburn me again!//
        point is y u give capital punishment at first place? can u not give him any chance to change? above all are u able to give further punishment after giving capital punishment? you have heard many times that court has given 700 years imprisonment. is it possible that u can give any person 700 years imprisonment? suppose you have power to increase life of such person upto 700 years then what will u do?
        Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.http://quran.com/4/56
        one scientist accepted islam after reading this verse because this verse is revealing that skin has pain receptors/skin receive pain and 1400 years ago nobody knows that skin has pain receptors?

      • @tsib:

        one scientist accepted islam after reading this verse because this verse is revealing that skin has pain receptors/skin receive pain and 1400 years ago nobody knows that skin has pain receptors?

        ROTFLMAO 🙂

        I know many ex-Muslims who have rejected Islam because of such verses. 😉

      • @blasphemous
        ____________can u not give him any chance to change____________
        Sorry, I do not want to give any chance of correction to criminals like Afjal, Osama, Kasab etc. I am not merciful enough like God. I am a human. I just want to take revenge from them for their wrong deeds against humanity & Punishing them will fill terror in heart of other wrong doers like Abu Salem, Hifiz Saied as USA did by killing of Osama & Sadaam to terror the other terrorists. So, we have a purpose of punishing for making batter to next generation free from criminals, terrorists, rapists etc.
        But Allah punishes the people in hell till eternity without any purpose.
        ______________Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire__________
        What are these our & yours verses? Why are you dividing the people? Are all people not children of one God?
        “Ek Noor Se Sab Jag Upja Ko Bhale Ko Mande.”
        But it seems from the verses of Quran there is two Allah / God.
        Mubahila: The Islamic Cursing Tournament

  4. there is no science in quran which could have already been known but most verses are misinterpreted or contracdict science

  5. The meat eater cannot understand the purpose of life. For them, this material world is heaven , and enjoy the sex as much as can. They are maleccian, (meat eater) , their religion is forth or fifth class religion.

    • So many Hindus use to take meat secretly but now they are taking it openly.. Does it mean meat eaters from your community will also be not able to understand meaning of life?

      • Yes, any person who enjoys the material world, will never be able to reach from where he came and will revolve in the birth-death cycle. I hope you can differentiate a common bhogi from a Fakeer.

  6. Zakit, you can say, whatever u like, because you are under control of the nature. For you Islam is the best, because you also under control of maya(nature). .


  8. Mr agniveer in your point 2 comment 22. “All Hindus do consider functioning of each object – living or dead – as a gift of God, but they DO NOT consider the tree, sun, moon, monkey, snake, human as same as God/Ishwar.”

    If you don’t consider them as your god then why u worship them….Is this taught in your religion whatever u see start worshiping it?? Why u worship them just remove my this doubt….

    I m waiting for your reply mr agniveer


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