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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

क्या हिन्दू धर्म में बहुविवाह है ?

हिन्दुत्व पर डा.जाकिर नाइक के इरादों को लेकर प्रकाशित हमारे विश्लेषण के तुरंत बाद कई ज़हर भरे सन्देश आए, साथ ही उनकी किताब “Answers to Non- Muslims’ Common Questions about Islam”  की एक प्रति भी मिली, जो उनके छली तर्कों का एक और बेहतरीन नमूना पेश करती है |  हम उनके भाषणों की झलक भी देख चुके हैं, जिन में वे अपनी किताब का पाठ करते नजर आते हैं|  वैसे इस किताब के कई खंडन पहले ही उपलब्ध हैं |

हिंदुत्व के प्रति मिथ्या अवधारणाओं में बढ़ोतरी करने की उनकी इस स्वयं घोषित शोध की साज़िश से हमें आपत्ति है | मुस्लिमों के लिए लिखे गये उनके लेख में हिंदुत्व की अधिक चर्चा रहती है तथा हिंदुत्व के लेख में इस्लाम का ज्यादा बख़ान होता है  ( देखें FAQ on Hinduism)| मैं समझ सकता हूं कि उस की इस चकराहट का असल तथ्य वर्तमान की राजनितिक, सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक परिस्थितियां हैं जो ८० करोड़ हिन्दुओं के धर्मान्तरण का आसान आधार उपलब्ध कराती हैं | जिसके लिए डा. जाकिर नाइक द्वारा संचालित इस्लामिक रिसर्च फाउंडेशन और पीस टी.वी प्रयत्नशील हैं और कुछ महीनों पहले ऐलान भी कर चुके हैं कि वे आगामी पांच वर्षों में हिंदुस्तान को दारुल- इस्लाम बनाएंगे|

इसके अलावा, बहुत से भटकों को इस भविष्यवाणी पर विश्वास है कि भारत को पराजित करने पर ही ईसा मसीह फिर से आ पाएंगे और इस दुनिया का अंत होगा, जिस के बाद कयामत के दिन उन्हें जन्नत मिलेगी जहां वो अपनी हूरों के साथ भोग – विलास में हमेशा रहेंगे | संस्कार रहित अविकसित मन और मस्तिष्क के लिए यह प्रलोभन बड़ा ही लुभावना है, जो उनके कुछ सोचने – समझने की क्षमता को भी कुंठित कर देता है | इस लेख में, हम उनके प्रथम प्रश्न – बहुविवाह प्रथा का विश्लेषण करेंगे |

डा. जाकिर नाइक यह दिखाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं कि हिन्दू धर्म मूलतः ही बहुविवाह वादी है | अपनी किताब के पृष्ठ ४ पर वह कहते हैं –

“इस पृथ्वी पर स्पष्टतः कुरान ही एक मात्र धार्मिक पुस्तक है जो कहती है कि ‘ सिर्फ एक से शादी करो ‘ | कोई और धार्मिक पुस्तक ऐसी नहीं जिसमें पुरुषों को सिर्फ एक ही पत्नी की आज्ञा हो | कुछ अन्य धर्म ग्रंथों में चाहे वो वेद हों, रामायण, महाभारत, गीता, या बाइबिल हो क्या पत्नियों की संख्या पर कोई प्रतिबन्ध है ? इन धर्म ग्रंथों के अनुसार कोई व्यक्ति जितनी चाहे शादियां कर सकता है | यह तो बाद में ही, हिन्दू धर्माचार्यों ने और ईसाई चर्च ने पत्नियों की संख्या को एक तक सीमित किया | कई हिन्दू धार्मिक व्यक्तित्व उनके धर्म ग्रंथों के अनुसार अनेक पत्नियां रखते थे | राम के पिता राजा दशरथ की एक से ज्यादा पत्नियां थीं | कृष्ण की अनेक पत्नियां थीं | ” आगे उन्होंने जनगणना के ऐसे आंकड़े दिए हैं जिनके स्रोत सिर्फ वही जानते हैं और जिनके मुताबिक हिन्दुओं में बहुविवाह अधिक प्रचलित है बजाए मुस्लिमों के |

जाकिर नाइक के इस्लाम में बहुपत्नीत्व के वास्तव में मायने क्या हैं ? पूरी उम्र के दौरान कुल मिलाकर चार बीवियों से शादी करना या बीवियों की कुल संख्या को एक समय में चार तक ही बनाए रखना और उस के लिए पुरानी बीवी / बीवियों को तलाक देते जाना और नई शादियां करते जाना या जिन पर इलहाम हुआ हो उनके लिए ९, ११, १६ या उस से भी ज्यादा बीवियों का खास प्रावधान होना या कम उम्र की बच्चियों तक से शादी करना या फिर ऐसी अमर्यादित संख्या में बांदियाँ रखना – जिन्हें कानूनन बीवियों में शुमार न किया जा सके और जनगणना के साथ भी छलावा किया जा सके ?

हम इस पर चर्चा नहीं करेंगे | यह मुद्दे बहुत अधिक संख्या में लोगों द्वारा जिन में महिला अधिकार संगठन और मुस्लिम भी शामिल हैं, तमाम दुनिया में उठाये जा रहे हैं | इन्टरनेट पर इन सन्दर्भों की लंबी फ़हरिस्त मौजूद है | हमारे लेख का मकसद इस मिथक को नष्ट करना है कि ” हिन्दू धर्म ग्रंथों के अनुसार कोई व्यक्ति जितनी चाहे शादियां कर सकता है | “

१.समग्र वेदों में एक भी मंत्र ऐसा नहीं है, जिस में एक से अधिक पत्नी या पति के समर्थन का ज़रा संकेत भी हो |

आइए, शुरुआत वेदों से करें क्योंकि हिन्दू धर्म में वेदों की मान्यता सर्वोपरि है —-

२. ऋग्वेद के तीनों मंत्र ( १।१२४।७, ४।३।२  तथा  १०।७१।४)   वर्णित करते हैं – ‘ जाया पत्य उशासी सुवासा ‘ अर्थात विद्या विद्वानों के पास उसी प्रकार आती है जैसे एक समर्पित हर्षदायिनी पत्नी सिर्फ अपने पति को ही प्राप्त होती है| ‘ जाया’  तथा ‘ पत्य’  क्रमशः पत्नी तथा पति का अर्थ रखते हैं | यह दोनों शब्द एकवचन में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं, जो सिर्फ एक पति और एक पत्नी के आदर्श रिश्ते को प्रस्तुत करते हैं |

३. ऋग्वेद १। ३ ।३ में परमात्मा को पवित्र और उच्च आचरण वाली समर्पित पत्नी की उपमा दी गई है, जिस में एक पत्नीत्व का आदर्श भी अन्तर्निहित है |

४. ऋग्वेद का मंत्र  १०। १४९। ४ भगवन और भक्त के मध्य प्रेम की तुलना समार्पित पत्नी और पति के प्रेम से करता है | यहां ‘ जाया’ अर्थात पत्नी और ‘ पतिम’ अर्थात पति दोनों ही शब्दों का प्रयोग एकल संख्या में हुआ है, जो स्पष्टतः एक विवाह को सुनिश्चित करता है |

५. ऋग्वेद १०।८५।२० में वधू के लिए निर्देश है कि वह अपने पति के लिए सुख की वृद्धि करे, यहां भी पति और पत्नी दोनों का उल्लेख एकवचन में हुआ है |

६.ऋग्वेद १०।८५।२३ पत्नी और पति को सदैव आत्म- संयम के पालन की शिक्षा देता है | यहां प्रत्यक्षतः दोनों के लिए आत्म- संयम का उल्लेख है और पत्नी और पति दोनों शब्दों का प्रयोग एकल संख्या में हुआ है जो केवल एक विवाह की सिफ़ारिश करता है |

७.विवाह से संबंधित सभी मंत्र द्विवचन सूचक शब्द दंपत्ति को संबोधित करते हैं, जो एक ही पत्नी और एक ही पति के रिश्ते को व्यक्त करता है | जिस के कुछ उदाहरण ऋग्वेद १०।८५।२४, १०।८५।४२ तथा १०।८५।४७ हैं , अथर्ववेद के लगभग सम्पूर्ण १४ वें कांड में विवाह विषयक वर्णन में इसका उपयोग हुआ है | प्रायः मंत्रों में जीवन पर्यंत एकनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध की प्रार्थना की गई है |
कृपया ध्यान दें, संस्कृत में एकवचन और बहुवचन से पृथक द्विवचन का प्रयोग है, ताकि किसी भ्रम की गुंजाइश ना रहे |

८. अथर्ववेद  ७।३६।१ में पति – पत्नी परस्पर कामना करते हैं – ” मुझ को ह्रदय में स्थान दो,जिस से हम दोनों का मन भी सदा साथ रहे | ”

९. अथर्ववेद ७।३८।४ में पत्नी की यह हार्दिक अभिलाषा व्यक्त की गई है कि ” तुम केवल मेरे हो अन्य स्त्रियों की चर्चा भी न करो | ” इससे अधिक बहुपत्नीत्व का निषेध क्या होगा ?

१०. अथर्ववेद ३।३०।२ तथा १४।२।६४ पति और पत्नी को परस्पर समर्पित तथा एकनिष्ठ रहने की हिदायत देते हैं |

११. संभवतः वेदों के ज्ञान प्रदाता परम पिता परमात्मा को भी इस बात का अंदेशा था कि कुछ बन बैठे विशेषज्ञ इस सब की भी अवज्ञा कर के बहुविवाह का औचित्य सिद्ध करने की कोशिश करेंगे, अतः वेदों के कुछ  मंत्रों में बहुविवाह के दुष्परिणामों का वर्णन आया है |

a. ऋग्वेद १०। १०५।८ एक से अधिक पत्नीयों की मौजूदगी को अनेक सांसारिक आपदाओं के सादृश्य कहता है |

b. ऋग्वेद  १०। १०१ ।११  कहता है – दो पत्नियों वाला व्यक्ति उसी प्रकार दोनों तरफ़ से दबाया हुआ विलाप करता है, जैसे रथ हांकते समय उस के अरों से दोनों ओर जकड़ा हुआ घोड़ा हिनहिनाता है |

c. ऋग्वेद १०। १०१ । ११  के अनुसार दो पत्नियां जीवन को निरुदेश्य बना देती हैं |

d. अथर्ववेद ३ । १८।२ में प्रार्थना है –  कोई भी स्त्री सह – पत्नी के भय का कभी सामना न करे |


e. वेदों में बहुविवाह का आरोप लगने वाले अक्सर ऋग्वेद के मंत्र ८। १९ ।३६ का सहारा लेते हैं | ऋग्वेद का यह मंत्र ” वधूनाम” तथा “सतपति” शब्दों को समाहित करता है, परन्तु यहां ‘वधू’ से तात्पर्य दुल्हन से न हो कर सुख प्रदान करने के सामर्थ्य से है और “सतपति”  का अर्थ सज्जनों का पालक है जैसे “भूपति” अर्थात पृथ्वी का पालक होता है | जिस सूक्त में यह मंत्र आया है उसके देवता अथवा मूल भाव से भी व्यक्त होता है कि यह परोपकार तथा दान (दान- स्तुति) से संबंधित है | मंत्र का अर्थ है कि ईश्वर सत्य और भलाई की रक्षा करने वालों को विविध सामर्थ्य प्रदान करता है |

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यद्यपि यह सही है कि महाराजा दशरथ ने एक से अधिक विवाह किये थे, परन्तु सम्पूर्ण रामायण सार रूप में उनके बहु पत्नी विवाह से उत्पन्न क्लेशों को प्रस्तुत करता है | राजा दशरथ का बहुविवाह करना ही प्रत्येक के लिए कष्टों और विपत्तियों का कारण बना | श्रीराम ” मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम ” या “आदर्श पुरुष ” माने जाते हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने एक पत्नीव्रत के वैदिक आदर्श को पुनः स्थापित किया और यही अनुकरण उनके भाइयों ने भी किया | हिन्दू धर्म की खूबी ही यही है कि उसका आधार इतिहास नहीं किन्तु सिद्धांत है| हिन्दू धर्म में मात्र किसी ऐतिहासिक व्यक्ति के करने मात्र से कोई कृत्य आदर्श नहीं बन जाता| इसलिए हिन्दू निःसंकोच कह सकता है कि यदि दशरथ ने ३ विवाह किये तो यह उसकी कमजोरी थी, धर्म का आदर्श नहीं. और राम ने एक पत्नीव्रत का पालन किया, अपने पिता के गलत उदहारण के बावजूद, इसलिए वो हमारे लिए मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम धर्म ज्योति हैं. बाकी मत वाले भी धर्म का आधार इतिहास न बनाकर सिद्धांत बना लें , तो संसार कितना सुखी हो जाये!रामायण में बहुविवाह –

महाभारत में बहुविवाह –

महाभारत काल तक समाज में नैतिक मूल्यों का अत्यंत ह्रास हो चुका था, अतः श्रीकृष्ण के अतिरिक्त महाभारत में ऐसा कोई पात्र नहीं है जिसे आदर्श माना गया हो | अनेक विध ताकतों से श्रीकृष्ण को निशाना बनाकर उनका चरित्र हनन करने के पीछे मूलतः यही कारण है | महाभारत अत्यधिक प्रक्षेपित साहित्य है तथा उसे पूर्णतः प्रमाणिक नहीं माना जा सकता है | मूल ग्रंथ काफ़ी छोटा था जिसमें समय के साथ विस्तार होता गया और बहुत सी चीजें सम्मिलित की जाती रहीं | महाभारत में प्रक्षेपण को रोकने की कोई कारगर विधि नहीं है, जैसी की वेदों में पाई जाती है | फिर भी बारीकी से विश्लेषण द्वारा महाभारत की कुछ प्रचलित कथाओं का मिथ्यत्व आसानी से प्रकट किया जा सकता है, जिसकी सूची मैं यहां दे रहा हूं –

a .श्रीकृष्ण का विवाह केवल रुक्मिणी से हुआ था – श्रीकृष्ण की १६००० पत्नियों की मिथ्या अवधारणा का आधार उस कथा से है जिस में उन्होंने नरकासुर के चंगुल से १६००० कन्याओं को मुक्त किया है | यह कथा अपने आप में संदिग्ध है | इसके अलावा, कथा में यह चर्चा कहीं नहीं है कि श्रीकृष्ण ने १६००० कन्याओं से विवाह किया था, वहां श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा १६००० कन्याओं की रक्षा का उल्लेख है, जिसे सच माना जा सकता है यदि यह कथा सही हो तो | यदि श्रीकृष्ण ने उन सब से विवाह किया होता तो, प्रचलित विधि को संपन्न करके प्रतिदिन अधिक से अधिक चार विवाह ही किये जा सकते थे और इसे देखें तो उन्हें १० वर्ष से भी अधिक समय सिर्फ शादियां करते हुए ही बिताना पड़ता !

b . श्रीकृष्ण ने पिता बनने से पूर्व १२ वर्ष पर्यंत पूर्ण ब्रह्मचर्य की कठोर तपस्या की, इसीलिए तो श्रीकृष्ण सम्पूर्ण मानव समाज के लिए आदर्श महापुरुष हैं | इस परिक्षण काल में गीता के उपदेशक का सम्पूर्ण ध्यान केवल मात्र राष्ट्र – निर्माण पर ही केन्द्रित था |

c . श्रीकृष्ण ने गोपियों के संग कभी कोई रास – लीला नहीं रचाई | यह सब मनगढंत कल्पनाओं के चमत्कार हैं जो विदेशी दासता के अंध कल में प्रचलित हो गये, जब संघ राज्यों के शासकों ने विदेशियों के प्रभुत्व को स्वीकार कर लिया और स्वयं विलासिता में ड़ूब गये | इसके अतिरिक्त, राधा की सम्पूर्ण कथा ही कपोल- कल्पित है जो सिर्फ ब्रम्हवैवर्त पुराण में ही पाई जाती है जो की भविष्य पुराण की ही भांति एक और अप्रामाणिक पोथी है जिस में श्रीराम और श्रीकृष्ण जैसे आदर्शों को कलंकित किया गया है | राधा का विचार अभी- अभी के समय में खासकर भारतवर्ष  के अंधकार के युग में पनपा है, जब रजवाड़ों के शासक अपने – आप को भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के अवतार मानने और मनवाने पर तुले हुए थे और परंपरागत ब्रह्मचारी के चरित्र को नीचा दिखाकर कामुक गतिविधियों में लिप्त होनें में ही अपना गौरव समझते थे!  महाभारत में कहीं पर भी इन सब का उल्लेख नहीं है | कृपया हमारे परम मित्र डा.सत्यपाल सिंह, पुलीस कमिश्नर, पूना द्वारा लिखित अति उत्तम लेख –  Lord Krishna – an enlighiening personality अवश्य पढ़ें |

सामान्य जीवन में बहुविवाह –

यद्यपि इतिहास के कालखंडों में कुछ शासकों द्वारा बहुविवाह किया गया है परन्तु वह शासक वर्ग तक ही सीमित रह पाया और जनसंख्या की विस्तृत मुख्य धारा में नहीं अपनाया गया है |  इसीलिए आज़ादी के बाद एक विवाह के औपचारिक प्रस्तुतीकरण को कानून के रूप में हिन्दू समाज द्वारा बेहिचक अपनाया गया है | हिन्दू धर्म के सभी महापुरुष जो अधिकतर भगवान के बराबर समझे जाते हैं, एक पत्नीव्रती या ब्रम्हचारी ही थे –  विष्णु,शंकर,राम,लक्ष्मण,भरत,शत्रुघ्न,हनुमान तथा कृष्ण | अतः यह पूर्णरूपेण मिथ्या है कि हिंदुत्व में बहुविवाह को स्वीकृति दी गई है | इसके विपरीत, वेद स्पष्टतः सिर्फ एक विवाह का ही समर्थन करते हैं, जिसकी प्रवृत्ति समान रूप से जन साधारण तथा हमारे आदर्श पुरुषों में दिखाई देती है |

वेदों के श्रेष्ठ मूल्यों पर आधारित हिन्दू दर्शन में ही खास तौर से एक विवाह की अपेक्षा की गई है और बहुविवाह को त्याज्य समझा गया है |

परिशिष्ट :

इस अतिरिक्त टिप्पणी में हम बहुविवाह की स्वीकृति में डा.जाकिर नाइक द्वारा प्रस्तुत कुछ हेत्वाभासों के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे —

१. नाइक – औरत की औसत जिंदगी मर्द से ज्यादा होती है |

– इस कथन के अनुसार तो बहुपतित्व ( एक पत्नी- अनेक पति ) को मान्यता मिलनी चाहिए, क्योंकि औसत रूप से एक औरत एक से ज्यादा पति रखना चाहेगी अपनी पूरी जिंदगी के निभाव के लिए |

२. नाइक- विश्व में महिलाओं की जनसंख्या पुरुषों की वैश्विक जनसंख्या से ज्यादा है |

-यह पूर्वोक्त कथन को काटता है, यदि हम संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ के सांख्यिकी विभाग द्वारा प्रकाशित विश्व जनसंख्या के २००८ के आंकड़ों पर नजर डालें तो हम पाएंगे कि विश्व में पुरुष महिलाओं से २ % ज्यादा हैं | बच्चों और वृद्धों को छोड़कर विवाह योग्य आयु वालों पर भी यही बात लागू है,  तो क्या अब वो बहुपतित्व की वकालत करेगा ?

३. आइए, आगे बढ़ने से पहले सबसे ख़राब लिंग अनुपात के देशों की सूची को देखें  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_sex_ratio

यहां इस तालिका ( टेबल ) में आप क्षेत्रों  के अनुसार छांट सकते हैं – यहां मौजूद शीर्ष ९ देश जिन में पुरुषों की संख्या महिलाओं से ज्यादा है, सभी मुस्लिम राष्ट्र हैं | जहां जितना ज्यादा इस्लामिक कानून सख्त है – वहीं ज्यादा विषम लिंग अनुपात है |  सउदी अरब अमीरात में मर्द २.७४ गुना ज्यादा हैं औरतों से और क़तर में यह संख्या २.४६ गुना है | भारत और पाकिस्तान भी अपनी मुस्लिम बहुल जनसंख्या के कारण इस सूची में नजदीक का स्थान रखते हैं |

४. नाइक-  श्रद्धालु मुस्लिम औरतों को अपनी अन्य मुस्लिम बहनों को सांझी संपत्ति बनने के बड़े नुकसान से बचाने के लिए थोडा सा व्यक्तिगत नुकसान बरदाश्त करना चाहिए |

–   हम अभी ऊपर आंकड़ें देख चुके हैं – क्या अब डा.नाइक इससे उलट की सलाह देंगे ?

– वैदिक सभ्य समाज में पत्नी के अतिरिक्त प्रत्येक स्त्री को माँ के रूप में ही देखा जाता है | जिसका मूलतत्व ‘ मातृवत् परदारेषु ‘ की भावना है – अर्थात् पत्नी के अतिरिक्त सभी स्त्रियां मेरी मां हैं, इसीलिए किसी के सांझी संपत्ति बनने का प्रश्न ही नहीं उठता | शिवाजी जैसे आदर्श पुरुष, युद्ध बंधक स्त्रियों को भी सम्मान देने के लिए सिर झुका कर उन्हें मां कहते थे !  और ऐसे समाज में जहां स्त्रियों को पूज्य माना जाता हो , विषम लिंग अनुपात का सवाल ही नहीं आता जैसा की मुस्लिम कट्टरपंथी देशों में पाया जाता है |

– महत्त्व कि बात स्त्रियों को संपत्ति कि तरह इस्तेमाल करने की है | डा. नाइक कहता है कि बहुपत्नीत्व, स्त्रियों को सांझी संपत्ति के बजाए थोड़े से व्यक्तिगत नुकसान के साथ, निजी संपत्ति की हैसियत से इस्तेमाल करने की इजाजत देता है, यह थोड़ा सा नुकसान पूरी स्त्री जाति के लिए बहुत बड़ा अपमान है | यदि, आपस में पतियों को बांटना हराम है, तो फिर स्त्री को बाँटना क्यों छोटा सा निजी नुकसान गिना जाए ? वेद स्त्री और पुरुष में कोई फर्क नही रखते और विवाह सहित सभी बातों में समान अधिकार और स्वातंत्र्य देते हैं |

आगे वह ऐसे चार कारण देता है जिनके मुताबिक बहुपत्नीत्व की आज्ञा क्यों दी गई है तथा बहुपतित्व की आज्ञा क्यों नहीं है –

a .इस से बच्चे के पिता की पहचान होती है |

– (यह तो अब डी एन ए DNA परीक्षण से भी संभव है ! )

b .मनुष्य स्वाभाव से ही बहुपत्नीत्वशील है |

-(बहुपतित्व की दोषी स्त्री को पत्थर मारकर मृत्युदंड दिया जाता है – इस के अलावा इसका कोई प्रमाण है ? क्या बहुपत्नीत्व का समर्थन करके पूरी स्त्रीजाति को अपमानित करने की यह बेहद घटिया और शर्मनाक साज़िश नहीं है ? )

c .शारीरिक रचना के तौर पर किसी स्त्री के लिए एक से अधिक पति रखना तथा बच्चों को पालना संभव नहीं है |
– ( धर्म और समाज सेवा के नाम पर एक से अधिक पत्नियों और रखैलों को रखने की एक और बेशर्म दलील है ! )

d . यौन व्याधियों का अधिक खतरा होना |
– ( इसके विपरीत चिकित्सा विज्ञान के अनुसार महिलाओं को एक से अधिक पत्नियां रखने वाले पुरुषों से यौन रोगों के संक्रमण की अधिक संभावना है | कभी चिकित्सा विज्ञान के विद्यार्थी रह चुके डा. नाइक को प्रकाशित करने से पहले कम से कम इस की प्रमाणिकता तो जांच लेनी चाहिए थी, हो सकता है कि शायद उन्हें कभी अभ्यास करने का या पुस्तकें खंगालने का मौका ही ना मिला हो ! )

बुद्धिमान स्वयं ओसामा बिन लादेन के इस प्रशंसक की मनोवृत्ति को समझ सकते हैं | संक्षेप में, बहुपत्नीत्व अनाचार है, जिसे वेदों द्वारा पूर्णतः निन्दित माना गया है | यह स्त्री का अपमान है| आज के युग में इसका समर्थन करना, वो भी एक पढ़े लिखे तथाकथिक डॉक्टर द्वारा, और ऐसे बेशर्म तर्कों द्वारा, मनुष्य के सोच का इस से अधिक पतन का और क्या उदहारण हो सकता है?

वेदों और आदर्श पुरुषों द्वारा निर्देशित हिन्दू धर्म में हमेशा एक विवाह की अवधारणा और आत्म- संयम को ही मनुष्यों का एक मात्र मार्ग माना गया है | बहुविवाह को किसी भी हेतु से उचित ठहराने की कोशिश सम्पूर्ण नारीत्व का तिरस्कार है | ईश्वर ऐसे विकृत दिमागों में सद् बुद्धि प्रदान करे ताकि वे भी वेदों की शीतल छाया के नीचे आ सकें और उनके मन में मातृशक्ति के सम्मान की भावना जागृत हो सके |

वेदों में स्त्री कि महिमा जानने के लिए पढ़ें: Women in Vedas


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Sanjeev Newar
Sanjeev Newarhttps://sanjeevnewar.com
I am founder of Agniveer. Pursuing Karma Yog. I am an alumnus of IIT-IIM and hence try to find my humble ways to repay for the most wonderful educational experience that my nation gifted me with.


  1. Shoeb@ Aisha ko 6 sal me buri jagah se bachane k liye Muhhamed ne usase shadi ki . Kya Aisha Bakr k yahan kisi buri jagah thi? Phir apne bete ki bibi se shadi ki. Vo bhi kya kisi buri jagah se bachai gai thi. Saffya k sare khandan ko uske samne hi katl kiya gaya aur phir PBUH ne jabardast usase shadi ki. Kisane kisko bachaya? Jab tum jante ho ki vedas me ek hi Ishwar ki puja karni likhi ha to phie vedic kyon nahi ban jate aur un sabhi hinduon ko samjhate ki kewal ekmev Vedic Ishwar ko pujo.

    • Jab tum jante ho ki vedas me ek hi Ishwar ki puja karni likhi ha to phie vedic kyon nahi ban jate aur un sabhi hinduon ko samjhate ki kewal ekmev Vedic Ishwar ko pujo.


  2. All the so called Muslims and Hindus fighting here are idiots with below 100 IQ. All religions are irrelevant in 21st century. Everybody here is quoting selectively and trying to feel superior. Try to a human being instead of trying to be Hindu or Muslim.

  3. Plus Zakir Naik is an idiot. Yes, Muslims too have idiots like Hindus have. And some them runs a website called Agniveer as Naik runs Peace TV. (Peace however is a misleading name for his channel)

  4. mene vedo ko to nahi pada par is site ke kuch chepter ko padne k bad me kah sakta hu ki is site k lekho ko likhne wale khud mante he k hindu dharm ki kitabo me insani milawat ho chuki he.

    kuran shareef ko me hindi me pad raha hu aur aabhi tak mene yahi jana he ki isme kisi kism ki milawat nahi hui he

    phale samajh na zaruri he khuda ek he ya bahut sare
    kuran shareef se maloom hota he khuda kewal ek he
    hindu mzhabi kitabo me jahan tak thoda mene pada he dono tarah ki baaten likhi hui he yani ek bhi he aur bahut sare bhi.
    plz aap log agar mera vichar padhe aur jawab dena chahe to shaleen ta se de aur agar meri bato me kahi galti ho gayi ho to maf kare

    • buddy every book on earth is written by humans , so thrs no question of “milavat” , its just how bad the book goes depends on who writes/tells it. so in case of quran’s/islam’s evils , it is directly related to mohammad evils

    • @ Riyasat

      Your decision to read the religious scriptures is appreciated.

      About Hinduism, I can only say it is the only Dynamic religion in this world. A Hindu can worship a formless God or if he finds it is difficult to visualise a formless God, he may select in the form of Krishna or Rama as per his wish. Hinduism is driven by pure logic and for every person, it becomes suitable. It is not guided by an old book which may be full of errors.

      Islam is guided by the holy book which itself has innumerous errors. Please visit http://www.alisina.org or faithfreedom.org and read its articles with patience. These articles may seem awkward initially but read them with patience. Hope you will find yourself in different state of mind!
      Please remember, God is one and obviously he is same for you and me. Then what is the need of conversion. Whercomes society in between. (Please remember, Islam is the only religion which was propageted with sword, why. Guru Teg Bahadur was murdered by Aurangzeb, why?)
      Religion means it is a guide for a humanbeing to get connected to God. A man can connect to God without following any religion also, afterall God is our creator, is like our eternal father. A son does not need a middle man or a holy book to find its father. And, this thought itself is Hinduism!

      There is an ancient example of Valmiki. He did not know any thing but chanted “mara” (reverse is “rama”) and could get God. That is Hinduism.
      Hope I am clear.

  5. The greatness of Hinduism is its openness to changes, openness to scrutiny. Hinduism believes in an omnipresent God. However, there have been many deviations with due course of time and there have been great persons like Shankaracharys, Buddha, Mahavir, Ramanand, Vivekanand who brougt the light before the massess.
    This way Hinduism can be reverred as the only DYNAMIC religion.
    This dynamism is totally missing with Islam and today it is the sole producers of terrorists worldwide. There are scholars on websites like http://www.faithfreedom.org and http://www.alisina.org who dissect Islam.

  6. There could be instances of polygamy in ancient Hindu elite class, however it is true that Shree Ram, who is known as “Maryada Purushottam” i.e, who put the Hindu philosophy in the right earnest had one wife only .
    “Yatra naryah pujyante tatra ramante devta” is the theme of Hinduism. However due to foreign invasions, some impurites got into the Hindu society which is being rectified these days.

    However, to understand condition of women in the muslim society, it is better to read http://www.alisina.org.

  7. The greatness of Hinduism is its openness to changes, openness to scrutiny. Hinduism believes in an omnipresent God. However, there have been many deviations with due course of time and there have been great persons like Shankaracharys, Buddha, Mahavir, Ramanand, Vivekanand who brougt the light before the massess.
    This way Hinduism can be reverred as the only DYNAMIC religion.
    This dynamism is totally missing with Islam and today it is the sole producers of terrorists worldwide. There are scholars on websites like http://www.faithfreedom.org and http://www.alisina.org who dissect Islam.

  8. The greatness of Hinduism is its openness to changes, openness to scrutiny. Hinduism believes in an omnipresent God. However, there have been many deviations with due course of time and there have been great persons like Shankaracharys, Buddha, Mahavir, Ramanand, Vivekanand who brougt the light before the massess.
    This way Hinduism can be reverred as the only DYNAMIC religion.
    This dynamism is totally missing with Islam and today it is the sole producers of terrorists worldwide. There are scholars on websites like http://www.alisina.org who dissect Islam

  9. @Yash
    Islam is only true religion. Islam is perfect in all respect. Hinduism requires to change because it is not perfect like Islam. Why Islam is perfect religion, because it is directly from Allah. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was messenger who brought Islam to mankind. I am sure the day is not far when Islam will be in every house.

    • @Salim
      If any religion claims it to be the only true religion, it should be open to scrutiny and should not shy away from discussions. You will agree Islam always avoided debates and turned violent to avoid such discussions.
      Islam is against idolatory, fine, but what about Kaba black stone.
      There is one God, fine, but why a man named Muhammad in between God and man?
      Why to worship mazars?
      Earth is flat, is held fast by mountains, God lives on the seventh heaven— the list goes on.
      After all Talibans also claim to be true muslims, isn’t it?
      Please refer faithfreedom.org for better knowlegde on Islam.

      • @Yash
        __________but what about Kaba black stone_____
        Kaaba is center of universe. Science has not developed enough to track the center of universe but Quran gives hints of it.
        ________but why a man named Muhammad in between God and man________
        Mohammed brought the massage of God to mankind.
        _____After all Talibans also claim to be true muslims____
        Anyone who worship Allah, believe in Quran, day of judgment and prophet is true Muslim.Islam is open for all taliban, Hindu, Cristian etc.

      • @Salim

        Earth is round and it is proven. Had it been circular, we could have thought of a centre on the surface. Kaba is on earth’s surface, and as such logically it can not be the centre of earth even.

        Any way worshipping the black stone is idolatory!
        God’s message, it is claimed, was revealed to Muhammad through angels. So why worship Muhammad only. Why not those angels also?
        It is heartening to hear from you Islam is open to all, if this is the message, why so much blood shed over the past 1400 years on the name of conversions. Ever heard Guru Teg Bahadur and the reason of his murder by Aurangzeb?

  10. @yash, 1400 years ago saudi was in center to spread the message because there were no america or Australia . if you see the map makkah is in centre if you exclude sea and Australia and America . Salim sb said that kabaa is the centre of universe and you started wid round and circular earth???? why you peoples. change and repeat the. words?

    Who worship blak stone? Haven’t you read previous comments? even i have posted one answer three days ago. facing kaba or blak stone isnot worship. in this wway you will become solar system worshipper because you have to face either earth or heaven when you worship .

    • @anti-agni
      You will agree scientifically, Kaba is not centre of earth even. Even a 5th class student will agree with this. I do not need to prove your statement of Kaba being the centre of universe is wrong.
      So far as knowledge is concerned, Indians should be proud that in the ancient time, till the islamic invasion, India was the centre of knowledge. Nalanda and Taxila were the only international university and they were not in Kaba but in India.
      And do you know who destroyed these universities?

      Regarding one God and idolatory.
      The black stone is reverred by muslims and there is no doubt. You will deny, others will insist, it is idolatory. Further, you have seen muslims worshipping at mazars. The funda of one God is missing?
      You also worship Muhammad. Why not Gabriel, the angel who revealed Kuran to Muhammad? In the chain between God and Muhammad, he was the most critical link, isn’t it. Well, by worshipping Muhammad, you do not follow one God philosophy.
      There are many verses in Kuran which command to kill the unbelievers. This is too much.
      If God is one and the creators of the universe, each human being is his son/daughter. And the command of infighting is not justified. However, Talibans and other terrorists act on them.
      Punishing any one or rewarding any one is the job of God who is the creator and not of the Jehadis.
      Could you explain me why muslims are killing innocent peole worldwide on the name of religion.
      Is it religion or is terrorism?
      And there are people who say jehadis do not understand islam. Fine, why not all the muslim clerics debunk such jehadis, why they are afraid? Their silence is their approval!
      Just think and think and if you have got the courage to find the truth, just visit http://www.alisina.org


  11. @yash. i think you are very much impressee by alusina?? Do you think it is right to understand a religion or book from it’s enemy??

    you can find all answers on answering-islam.com and .

    after worshipping rama krishna’s idols will. you be still worshipper of formless God?? Amazing..

  12. @anti-agni
    You believe God is one , we also. He is omnipresent, omni potent. To learn more, please ask Agniveer on this site.
    Well, if God is one and has created all, that means God is the eternal father. How any one (Ali Sina) can become his enemy, you mean some one is the enemy of the creator it self. It makes us to laugh as if God were a king who has many enemies like Hindus, Ali Sina etc–.
    Your God and our God can not be different because God is omnipotent and Omnipresent. However, if your God is afraid of some enemise like Hindus, then your very thought process is flawed. You need to correct it.
    Ali Sina has read the Islamic scriptures more than many but his strength is his honesty. He is not the enemy of the God (can not be), but he debunks the illogical and baseless arguments which many have made their business for hundreds of years.

    • @Yash
      According to Islam God is not omnipresent, God is above the heavens. Ali Sina is atheist . He is against Quran and Allah. Ali Sina compares marriage with sex. He call sexual desire pedophile. According to him prophet (SAW) has disease called pedophile (Desire to sex with child). Do you have pedophile if your want to sex with your wife. Ali Sina is too ignorant.

  13. @ Salim
    Sun is much much larger than earth. And there are millions of stars bigger than Sun. And all these are part of the universe. Above the earth there is atmosphere which extends for a few kilometers and then there is vacuum. On these principles rockets have been sent to moon, mars etc.
    If you can imagine universe, you will understand there is nothing like seventh sky or heaven! It is mere imagination. Had it been there, astrologers must have discovered it and the Americans would have sent their rocket there too!
    Regarding Ali Sina, he speaks with conviction on his knowledge and research.
    I know, he has put certain allegations on the prophet but it is shocking no muslim scholar could prove even one of his allegations wrong.
    He sent many invitations to Zakir Naik for debate but Naik shyed away!

  14. @yash. Why you twists the wird all the time? i said he is enemy of islam. if your father said to you not to abuse his friend or follow his guidelines and you all the time oppose him and make a mockery to his words then still you should say that he must love you?

    islam is way of life and not only pooja path. it gives you guidance for society rules . can you reject laws made by Indian government if you are Indian? if you do so you’ll be treated as enemy of government .

    According to islam whenever you call Allah you’ll find Him near to you.

    • @anti-agni
      Brother, these Hindu are worst of creature. They are no-believer in Jinns, Prophet, angles. They do insult of God by assuming God Omani-present. Their God lives in pig, latrine also. We are to fight with non-believers in prophet until they accept Islam as it is divine order to us. Prophet had many wives that is because he fought hundred of wars and killed the people who were non-believer in him. But prophet was merciful enough he did not kill the wives of non-believers and granted them status of his wives/slaves. Islam is a way of life. Bowing before Kaaba is just a sign of union among Muslim.

    • Islam is not way of life it is political ideology it is a religion and no if you dont follow the government your not an enemy but if you kill the government or its leaders then you become an enemy and anti agni universe is expanding and the quran does not say this also can you tell me why jesus was only for children for israel and muhammed for whole earth?

  15. @Yash
    Ali Sina do written debates. Zakir naik do live debates. If Ali Sina to much scholar why not he preaches his ideology by addressing the live audience as Zakir Naik do.

    • ali sina is apostate of islam he cant show his face or he will be killed by fantic muslims many muslims are leaving islam but your muslim channels and imams dont show you that but they like to show non muslim who convert to islam

  16. @yash. have you seen hell or paradise? if universe is expanding how could you deny any centre?

    We do not worship prophet muhammad and grave worship is haram. we. say he is messanger of Allah . humanity require messangers. he has practically established a society based on Islamic principles . if you reject any need. of messanger then i can’t help you.

    ali Sinai is a weird mentality person. if you have faith on him then follow him.

  17. @anti-agni
    Brother, Islam not for you they why are following Islam.
    And if WE had sent it down to one of the non-Arabs, and he had read it to them, they would never have believed in it.

    Just as Arabs have no reason to believe in a book written in a non-Arab language, non-Arabs have no reason to believe in a book written in Arabic. That is why Allah sends a messenger to each people in their own language so they understand. That makes perfect sense.

    To make sure there is no misunderstanding the Quran 5:19 reiterates:

    O People of the Book, there indeed has come to you Our Messenger, after a break in the series of Messengers, who makes things clear to you lest you should say, `There has come to us no bearer of glad tidings and no Warner.’ So a bearer of glad tidings and a warner has indeed come to you. And ALLAH has power over all things.

    According to the Quran all people have received a revelation. The above verse says the Quran is for those who never received a revelation, lest they should say, `There has come to us no bearer of glad tidings and no Warner’.

    This matter is clear, but Allah wants it to be clear even to the dumbest of people. He names the exact geographic location for which Muhammad was sent.

    Q. 6:92
    And this is a Book which WE have revealed, full of blessings, to fulfill that which preceded it, and to enable thee to warn the Mother of towns and those around it. أُمَّ الْقُرَى وَمَنْ حَوْلَهَا

    The mother of towns, Umul Qura, is Mecca. This verse says Islam was sent to warn Mecca and its surrounding حَوْلَهَا. How can it be for all mankind?

  18. @false slave. you always play a good role of real aryasamaji by deceiving . You can’t defend your faith by your name.
    you never find anything worthy to preach in veda.just search your dhams and you’ll find meat and alcohol on every hotel dhabba. .

  19. @anti-agn
    Brother Arabs made the fool of non-Arab people by saying Islam religion of all people. I am also victim of them. But when we read Quran we find Islam only for Arabs. As it proves from these verse of Quran. It is clear from these verses Islam not for non-arbas.
    26: 198-199
    And if WE had sent it down to one of the non-Arabs, and he had read it to them, they would never have believed in it.

    Just as Arabs have no reason to believe in a book written in a non-Arab language, non-Arabs have no reason to believe in a book written in Arabic. That is why Allah sends a messenger to each people in their own language so they understand. That makes perfect sense.

    To make sure there is no misunderstanding the Quran 5:19 reiterates:

    O People of the Book, there indeed has come to you Our Messenger, after a break in the series of Messengers, who makes things clear to you lest you should say, `There has come to us no bearer of glad tidings and no Warner.’ So a bearer of glad tidings and a warner has indeed come to you. And ALLAH has power over all things.

    According to the Quran all people have received a revelation. The above verse says the Quran is for those who never received a revelation, lest they should say, `There has come to us no bearer of glad tidings and no Warner’.

    This matter is clear, but Allah wants it to be clear even to the dumbest of people. He names the exact geographic location for which Muhammad was sent.

    Q. 6:92
    And this is a Book which WE have revealed, full of blessings, to fulfill that which preceded it, and to enable thee to warn the Mother of towns and those around it. أُمَّ الْقُرَى وَمَنْ حَوْلَهَا

    The mother of towns, Umul Qura, is Mecca. This verse says Islam was sent to warn Mecca and its surrounding حَوْلَهَا. How can it be for all mankind?

  20. @false slave /real aryasamaji. obviously Arabs were first receiver so Quran must be in. arabic and after understanding they have taught to others. if it was in Sanskrit then how could they understand? so revelation must be in the language of first/primary receiver. you can learn arabic.
    you can say that why you are not messanger at first place?

    Revelation must be in the language of primary receiver .

    • @anti-agni
      You are too dumb can not understand simple things.
      Question is here Quran is only for Arabs. Allah was aware if he would send Quran in English, Hindi, Chines etc Arabs would not believe in it (Allah was concerned only for Arabs) then how non-arabs can believe in Quran if Quran was not sent in their language. As Arabs can say we would not believe in Quran if it had been in foreign language and then non-Arab also can say they will not believe in Quran because it is in foreign language.
      And Quran itself proves it is only for Arabs not for non-arbabs. Look the verses
      Q. 6:92
      And this is a Book which WE have revealed, full of blessings, to fulfill that which preceded it, and to enable thee to warn the Mother of towns and those around it. أُمَّ الْقُرَى وَمَنْ حَوْلَهَا
      The mother of towns, Umul Qura, is Mecca. This verse says Islam was sent to warn Mecca and its surrounding حَوْلَهَا. How can it be for all mankind?
      Now this point is clear even to the dumbest of people, But Allah knows some people are really stupid and he wants to make this matter clear even to them. So he repeats the same thing in verse 42:7
      Thus have WE revealed to you the Qur’an in Arabic, that you may warn the Mother of towns, and all those around it.

      • @fake slave/real aryasamadhi. actually you are so why you can’t understand simple things and cant declare your identity .

        can you show me any ayat starting as ya ayyuahal arab…ie o peoples of arab?? You can find manty ayat. ya ayyuhal insaan ie o mankind. and still your foolish filthy mentality is thinking that Quran is only for Arabs???

        those ayat you are showing are to tell that primary receiver are arab so it isin Arabic. If Quran whose primary receiver were Arabs and messanger was Arabic was sent at that time to non Arabs then how could they understand? they have to learn arabic.

        Arabs who were mushrik were saying that if Muhammad s.a.w is really receiving Quran from Allah then he must bring in any other language which is not his mother tongue….but Allah said that it isin Arabic because you ie primary receiver are Arabs .

        you have already rejected then why are you wasting our time??? But u must show ayat addressing as o Arabs. because after all Quran is only Arabs .

      • @anti-agni
        I am slave of prophet Hanuman.
        You hate monger, slave of arabs are too dumb can not understand simple things.
        ____showing are to tell that primary receiver are arab so it isin Arabic___
        Are u mad? Quran is book of clear instruction as per Allah (5:15). Verses 6.92 & 42.7 clearly saying clearly saying Quran for the people of Mecca and its around.
        verse 42:7
        “Thus have WE revealed to you the Qur’an in Arabic, that you may warn the Mother of towns, and all those around it.”

        If Quran would have been for all mankind allah would have said “Thus have WE revealed to you the Qur’an in Arabic, that you may warn the all people of universe.” instead of people of Mecca and its around.

        These verses also clearly says that Quran is only Arabs because they did not got prophet & instruction before Mohammed.
        Q. 32:3
        It [the Quran] is the truth from your Lord; that you [Muhammad] may warn a people to whom no Warner has come before you, that they may be guided.
        Q. 6: 156- 157 explain,
        Lest you should say, `The Book was sent down only to two peoples before us, (Jews and Christians) and we were indeed unaware of what they read.

  21. @ Salim
    You will agree this is the era of information technology. It enables people to discuss the issue which were previously forbidden without any fear.
    You may be aware it is the practice in islam to silence its critics. Ali Sina had to leave Iran to escape such jehadis.
    He has defeated many so called islamic scholars through debates using IT. And as expected people are after his life. This is the only reason Ali Sina avoids live debate.
    Any way, if Zakir Naik has any little bit of knowledge, he must debate with Ali Sina to falsify his allegations, after all thousands visit Ali Sina’s sites daily. It is a disgrace to Islamic scholars that Ali Sina has not yet been defeated.

    • @anti-agni
      Brother, anti-agni I invite you & All Muslim brothers to come at http://alisina.org/ as it is duty of all true Muslim to refute the all allegation made on our prophet, Quran, & Islam. Ali Sina is much big danger right now than agniveer. He has all articles on Islam. Agniveer articles on Islam just a drop of water in the sea before Ali Sina. I think we should not waste time here. I am going to refute ali sina. His fan following also much greater than agniveer & he is international critics of Islam.

      • yes i agree there are many more anti islam sites that attack islam more than agniveer does you muslims should try refute them then come here to show your angry

  22. @salim. answeringislam.org and faith freedom like snakes are there. i have problem with aryasamadhis. answeringislam.org has on his website that Muslims have answered some points but i will not delete my false charges.

    if you are Indian then you must know that aryasamadhis spreading hatred against muslims through out india. we have to counter on every field including taking help of government because we have contribution in Indian government and we are citizen of india.

    Christians can’t answer to sheikh deedat. alisins followers are mostly christ.

    agniveersamajis are real threat for Indian democracy and harmony. we have keep on eye on its articles and keep government informed about their hate mongering .

    i have challenged to ali sina many times but problem is this that he denies everything ..every book then on which basis we debate?

    I have not seen hell or paradise then i can prove only logically and if anyone don’t want to accept logic then how could i debate.

    • @anti-agni
      Whaever agniveersamaji like sanatan dharma, yash, jay arays(hinduagnotistic) and others writing against Islam, Quran and prophet acutally it is all stuff they got from Ali Sina. They have not read Quran and did any kind of research. They using Ali Sina material to trash the Islam.

      • That is called knowledge sharing, no body want to re- invent the wheel.
        BTW where does Ali sina get the materiel from ever wondered? I will tell your Q’uran and Sahi Hadidths

      • hello salim khan om shanti i cant speak for all hindus but i have read quran and hadiths and anything from anti muslims that i have seen i try to confirm by reading the hadith and quran to see what they is true from islamic scholors and i have read the bible and to be honest both the books have few good things just like all religions but it also had bad things if i had to compare muhammed with jesus i say jesus ws better there are two things i like about muhammed and that is he removed female foeticide and said to respect your parents but other beliefs are said this was wrong before muhammed

    • hello anti agni can you show me where answering islam admins said ‘muslim have answered some of his questions but he will not delete his false charges’ any charges that have been answered have been deleted and admited by the admins as wrong all the articles still on the site are updated and still have not been answered properly now you muslims are blaming arya samaj because you are afraid of us the muslims scholors and preachers have beeen scared of arya samaj for the last 125 years because they know millions of muslims have converted back to ancesteral belief through arya samaj you muslims and christian missionaries started attacking hinduism to get convert and show islam/christianity as superior the problem is hindus allowed that to happen and when ali sina started 10 years he had debates with all muslims now that he is famous and refuted many muslims now he only has debates with scholors

  23. @ Salim/ anti-agni

    Guru Teg Bagadur and two of his desciples were tortured and mudered by Aurangzeb. At that place, there is Gurudwara Shish Ganj.

    They refused to convert. Why Aurangzeb murdered them, if your religion is a religion of peace?

  24. The real threat to India are people who wish to see India converted to Dar-ul-Islam in next 5 years. India retained its glory for thousands of years, depite the ruthless barbars Gori/Timur/Babur/Aurangzeb, what these paid stooges are doing is just day dreaming.
    In fact they hate any body who shows them the mirror! This is their real problem.
    Ali Sina is not a problem rather terrorism coming out of Islam is the real threat to Islam.
    Most of the Indians believed in iswar-allah tero naam till last few years. However with terrorism on the rise by muslim fanatics, Indians started exploring it. There came the relation between terror and Islam and it has become more and more visible to people.
    Muslims need to blame people like Osama who has exposed Islam, not AliSina.

    • yes your right and i do think if hindus dont do something about it india will become a muslim country just like iran and egypt which completely destroyed their countries from the great they were in the past already islam has started t influence india through bollywood,taj mahal and muslim channels like peace tv

  25. @ Jay Arya

    We need to expose them.
    In fact greatest challange to Islam is education. When these illeterates will get some light of knowledge, they will themselves shed the fallacies of the holy book.

    Just see, their Arabic scholars and muftis who know Koran and Arabic much much better than Zakir Naik, claim the earth is flat and mountains are peggs. People saying the earth is round are infidels.
    However, the great liar Zakir Naik is twisting the Koranic explanation by saying the earth is round as per Koran.

    This bunch of lie is not going to last long!

    • no im not radical im against fantics who spread lies about hinduism and now many hindus like agniveer have refuted their claims there is no revealed science in quran even if there was it doesnt mean it came from god

  26. इरफान आप पढे लिखे हो समझ सकते
    हो कि एकमात्र सनातन हिन्दू धर्म ही है
    जो इस सनातन आर्य धरा पर अक्षुण्ण
    बनी रहेगी ।

    हाँ… एकोऽहं द्वितीयो नास्ति वाली उक्ति
    कहती हैं कि सभी एक ही ईश्वर की सन्तान
    हैं और वह परमपिता है ओउम् ”ॐ” ।

    और हाँ श्रीराम हमारे पुरुषोत्तम सनातनी
    आर्य थे और रहेंगें ।

    जय जय श्रीराम

    इरफान ”वेदों की ओर लौटो”

    जय श्रीराम

  27. Jai Shree Krishna!

    Dhanayaad agniveer ji…..aap ke lekh se hamko satya ka maarg dhoondne me sahayata hoti hain!

    Tasmo maa jyotir gamaya!
    Hey Ishwar….Andhkaar se hame prakash ki aur le chalo!

  28. I have gone through all the comments. but I’ve seen a person named shiv bhagat… who is converted into Muslim. are Jo apne dharam ko 19 ya 20 sail main nahi samajh saka to woh kya 3 ghante ke bhashan main dusre dharam ko samjhega. let him go. kyounki uska ant nikat hai isiliye woh sabhya samaj se ek asabhya samaj ki oor jaa raha hai…. Jaise ravan ka pata hua tha vaise hi inka bhi hoga……

  29. ” dharmo ev hto hanti,dharmo raksate rakseta.” dahrm he humare raksa krta h..ye upar bhit sunder post h lekn yhan to kese ko bat kuch samjhae jare or koi samjh kuch or he rha…yhan ram or rahem ke charcha nhe the.yhan dharm kon sa bda h uske charcha nhe the.yhan serf etna samjhna k hum ek patni ka vart he jewan me dharn krege..bas bat khtam..eswar ek he h.na koi bda na chota” eko hum bhu syama” wo ek se anek bna.sabka malek ek..qun khud ko bda dekha rhe ho.mai snatan dharm ko manta hun.or jo bda hota wo he jhukta…krishn ne kha.” sarw dharman pare tyjeya,ma mekam sarnam brja” or maine ek krishn ko apna leya..ab bat bas etne h ke jo go mata k leye kuch bhe galt khega ..mere krishn ke leye bhe kuch bhe ulta sedha khega.mere dharm or hindu rastr k leye kuch ulta khega..ya enme se kese k leye bhe galt kha to.use uska parenam krishn dega..or ek hindu dega..jai gao mata ..jai bhart mata..samjh lena nhe to samjha denge.” parittra nay sadhu nam,vina saay ch dus kretam. dharm sansthap nartha ya,sam bhwami yuge yuge” ..

  30. as you sow so shall you reap . love others to be loved . no use of boiling the basin kadhi . request to forgive for mistake committed to win hearts .know india’s/ jambu dweep’s history respect/regard live n let live justice n equality must be motto to revive hindusm .do not make fool of others n blame .u remember mirabai u do not her GURU raidas .u know BAPU u don’t THE GREATEST INDIAN BABA SAHEB . u boast of urself u r great grand father n feel others low while others feel u as low . some say proud of rajput/rajputana/rajastan which words were born 1000years back.only . nisad/malla/chamar/koli/jat/ahir/meena/so on were rajas sowhat all to work to feed family . god’s 6th avtar killed akshtriy that too 21 times as they were of high rank .prithviraj won 16 times lost 17th time 1192 at age of32 years after 1 year of his 8th marrige with his casin sayogita gori killed him n muslim kingdom established in india .well u must be knwing no. of wife maharaja of patiala had in 1947.what was fate of sudra rishi by ur hero RAMA king of bayana banasur king jallandhar by krisn n visnu respectively .hindus have to clean themselves from the caste stigma and burning billions of $ every year on fastival to use that for poor.

  31. ye sahi h ki yogiraj shri krishan ki 16000 patraniya mani jati h.or ye purnd satya h ki unki sirf 1 hi patni thi…kyoki us kal main esi pirtha thi ki samaj esi nariyo ko samman nahi deta tha jo kisi ki kaid main ,ya paraye purush ke pass rahi ho . jaisa ramayan kal main seeta ka virodh kiya gaya tha . jab bhagwan ne vo nari kaid se mukt karayi to unhone puchha ki ve ab kanha jaye ,to krishna ne unke parivaro main vapas jane ke liye bola .tab unhone kaha ki ab ve hame svikar nahi karenge to ab hum kanha rahe. Bhagwan ne kaha to mere sath chalo, es par riha hui nario ne kaha ki aapka yehi bada ehsan h ki aapne hume kaid se mukt kara diya ab sevika bankar to hum kanhi bhi gujara kar lenge, tab bhagwan ne kaha ki tume sevikao ka nahi patraniyo ka darja pirapt hoga , tume vah har man -samman diya jayega jo patrani ko pirapt h . lekin murkh logo ne ese sambhog ki dirsti se patrania parcharit kar ese dayalu iswar ko badnam kiya h , jo puri tarh mithya h. NOTE-krishna ke raj main 1 bhi dashi nahi thi

  32. jai bajrangbali To tum hame ved sikha rahe ho. Tumhe urdu to thik se aati nahi hai chale sanskrit padne.apne andhar dekho tum kanha the aur kanha ho.islam galat nahi hai use manne wale galat hai.tumne islam ke rules ke matlab apne fayade ke liye badal diye hain.pahle kuran thik se padho phir bat karna.rahi bat shree krishan ki shadi ki to jinke bare main tum kuch nahi jante unki liye aise soch sharam aani chahiye.abe ye wahi hain jinko hindu sakar roop main mante hain aur islam nirakar main.yeh baat yaad rakhna.jai bajrang bali

    • kuran to mul ki bhul hai , kuran n ebahut si galat bate sikhlaai hai shayad apne thik se kuran nahi padhi hai kuran hinsa ke adesh deti hai !

  33. my dear frnd raj….apne shi kha ki quran hinsa ka adesh deti h….is baat se inkar nhi h…..par shayd apne dhyan se nhi padha ki wo kab deti h…ek.example le lijiye…agar apke yhaan koi daku aye ir wo apke pariwar ko maare to apse jo hoga use rokne ke liye wo krnge..chahe use marna hi pde apko….or apko koi bewajah maare to ap zaroor usse badla lnge…ye baat apki nazar me theek h…or yhi baat quran me likhi h to galat kyu h zra samjhaiye hme..
    quran sirf insaf ke liye hinsa ka adesh deta h zulm ke liye nhi….

    • adarniy shri asif ji , dekhe quran 2/54 jisme sirf bachde ki puja karne ke karan apas me hatya karne ka adesh quran deti hai ! aap batalaye isme dako kahan se aa jayen ge ! hatya karn eka adeshaam muslimo ko nahi diya ja skta nyaya karn eka kary sirf nyayadhish ko diya ja sakta hai !
      dekhe quran 8-65/66 jisme gair muslimo se jehad karne ko kaha gaya hai ! aaj vahi islami atankvadi jehaad ke naam par kai lakh nirdosh nagriko ki hatya sirf quran ke naam par kar chuke hai !
      ham chanhenge ki aap is bat ka uttar jaldi denge !

      • Accoding to Ahadeese pak Nabi karim Sallallah Alaihi waslam ne Irshaad farmya …Teen chizo ke liye laro mar mito…
        1- Apni Izzat ke liye 2- Apne Watan ke liye 3- Apne Haq ke liye..to isme kya galat hain bhai..

        Mul ki bhul @ raj ji…apse sirf ek shidha sawaal ka answer janana chahte hain ki agar koi aapke ghar me ghuske aapke ghar par kabza kare aapke ghar ki chizo ko apne hisaab se use kare jab dil kiya ghar ko ganda karde aur aapko bole ki rahna hain to jaisa main kahunga waisa hi karna parega to bhala batlaaye kya aap usko chhor denge, kya aap uske hisaab se rahenge, kya aap usko apne ghar se nhi bhagayenge, bhai aap aap iraq me kya ho rha hain ye aapko Maloom Bas jab hota hain Muh khola aur bhak se bola yahi maloom hain aapko are ye to pta karo ki kyu ho rha hain…wha ke Nawjawaan aakhir kyu aisa kar rahe hain,Are bhai aap ko dam hi nhi hain ki aap AMerica ke baare me kuch bole …lakin dekha jaiye na to sabse bara Aataakwaadi koi hain to AMerica hain aur usne jabardasti Iraaq par apni command rakhna chahta hain to wha ke nawjawaan uske khilaaf hain to iska matlab wo ataankwaadi kyu ?are isse pahle wha kyu nhi the aatankwaadi ye sab kha se aa gaye Asamaan se tapak pare kya nhi bhai ye whi ke log hain jo Americi senawo ke Zulam se pak chuke hain…ab bhla batlayei apna mulq kisi gair se azaad karaane wale ko aatankwaadi kaha jayega ya shaheed?
        Aaap Qurane pak ka hawala dete hain bhai aap 2/54 parhe kabhi 2/49 /250 251 bhi to parhle aapko jawab mil jayega..In logo ne bachra ko apna palanhaar bna liya apna rab bana liya lakin agar aap usi Quraane pak Ayat Surha Al-Baqarah verses 222 ko parhenge to Usme Allah Jalle Shanhu ne saaf taur per kah diya hain ki…Beshaq Allah Pasand Farmate hain Tuba karne walo ko …to bhala batlaiye agar koi galti kare aur uska wo paschataap kare ye jante huwe ki Allah Pasand karte hain Tuba karne walo ko to isme kisi ko kya harz hain bhai…..aur jaha tak rhi katleaam ki to Mahabhart se bra katleaam Narshagahr kane wale kaun…

      • kya kpit quarni allah ko bhi apni ijjat bachane ke liye yuddh karna hota hai ? fir kyo 2/54 me apas me hatya karne ka adesh diya gaya ?
        gair muslim se jehad quran 8/65-66 kya yah sab manvata ke viruddh nahi hai isme kahan se loot ya gair ka hamla aa jata hai !
        quran 2/54 ka adesh hone ke baad bhi aaj duniya me sabse jyada kisi n kisi tarah ki murtipuja sabse jyada hoti hai ! is tarah se kalpit qurani allah ki yoj na burai tarah se asfal ho chuki hai !
        jo asfal ho uski sangati bhi kyo ki jaye


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