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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

Ram Prasad Bismil

Inspirations from autobiography of one of the greatest legends Bharat has produced.
Written during his jail term, shortly before his death
Summary in English followed by Hindi text :

On Mother

” I have no desire for wealth and enjoyments in this world. Only one desire – that I could have made my life successful by serving your feet. But it seems that this wish shall not come true and you will hear my death- news. Mother! I am sure you shall keep patience considering that your son gifted his life at the altars of the Mother of mothers – Bharat Mata and did not denigrate your womb.When the history of free Bharat shall be written, then in some page your name shall also be written in glowing letters. When Guru Gobind Singhji’s wife heard of her sons’ death, she was pleased and distributed sweets for sacrifice of her sons in path of Dharma raksha. O Mother! Bless me that my heart does not deviate even a bit till last moment and I leave this mortal body bowing to your lotus feet and remembering Paramatma”
इस संसार में मेरी किसी भी भोग-विलास तथा ऐश्‍वर्य की इच्छा नहीं । केवल एक तृष्णा है, वह यह कि एक बार श्रद्धापूर्वक तुम्हारे चरणों की सेवा करके अपने जीवन को सफल बना लेता । किन्तु यह इच्छा पूर्ण होती नहीं दिखाई देती और तुम्हें मेरी मृत्यु का दुःख-सम्वाद सुनाया जायेगा । माँ ! मुझे विश्‍वास है कि तुम यह समझ कर धैर्य धारण करोगी कि तुम्हारा पुत्र माताओं की माता – भारत माता – की सेवा में अपने जीवन को बलि-वेदी की भेंट कर गया और उसने तुम्हारी कुक्ष को कलंकित न किया, अपनी प्रतिज्ञा पर दृढ़ रहा । जब स्वाधीन भारत का इतिहास लिखा जायेगा, तो उसके किसी पृष्‍ठ पर उज्जवल अक्षरों में तुम्हारा भी नाम लिखा जायेगा । गुरु गोविन्दसिंहजी की धर्मपत्‍नी ने जब अपने पुत्रों की मृत्यु का सम्वाद सुना था, तो बहुत हर्षित हुई थी और गुरु के नाम पर धर्म रक्षार्थ अपने पुत्रों के बलिदान पर मिठाई बाँटी थी । जन्मदात्री ! वर दो कि अन्तिम समय भी मेरा हृदय किसी प्रकार विचलित न हो और तुम्हारे चरण कमलों को प्रणाम कर मैं परमात्मा का स्मरण करता हुआ शरीर त्याग करूँ ।

On Satyarth Prakash

“After that I read Satyarth Prakash. That changed everything. Study of Satyarth Prakash opened a new page in history of my life. Accordingly I started living life of Brahmcharya and transformed my health”
(To download Satyarth Prakash, click here)
“देव-मन्दिर में स्तुति-पूजा करने की प्रवृत्ति को देखकर श्रीयुत मुंशी इन्द्रजीत जी ने मुझे सन्ध्या करने का उपदेश दिया । मुंशीजी उसी मन्दिर में रहने वाले किसी महाशय के पास आया करते थे । व्यायामादि के कारण मेरा शरीर बड़ा सुगठित हो गया था और रंग निखर आया था । मैंने जानना चाहा कि सन्ध्या क्या वस्तु है । मुंशीजी ने आर्य-समाज सम्बन्धी कुछ उपदेश दिए । इसके बाद मैंने सत्यार्थप्रकाश पढ़ा । इससे तख्ता ही पलट गया । सत्यार्थप्रकाश के अध्ययन ने मेरे जीवन के इतिहास में एक नवीन पृष्‍ठ खोल दिया । मैंने उसमें उल्लिखित ब्रह्मचर्य के कठिन नियमों का पालन करना आरम्भ कर दिया । मैं कम्बल को तख्त पर बिछाकर सोता और प्रातःकाल चार बजे से ही शैया-त्याग कर देता । स्नान-सन्ध्यादि से निवृत्त हो कर व्यायाम करता, परन्तु मन की वृत्तियां ठीक न होतीं । मैने रात्रि के समय भोजन करना त्याग दिया । केवल थोड़ा सा दूध ही रात को पीने लगा । सहसा ही बुरी आदतों को छोड़ा था, इस कारण कभी-कभी स्वप्‍नदोष हो जाता । तब किसी सज्जन के कहने से मैंने नमक खाना भी छोड़ दिया । केवल उबालकर साग या दाल से एक समय भोजन करता । मिर्च-खटाई तो छूता भी न था । इस प्रकार पाँच वर्ष तक बराबर नमक न खाया । नमक न खाने से शरीर के दोष दूर हो गए और मेरा स्वास्थ्य दर्शनीय हो गया । सब लोग मेरे स्वास्थ्य को आश्‍चर्य की दृष्‍टि से देखा करते थे ।”
(To download Satyarth Prakash, click here)

On Brahmcharya

“Students and their teachers should get compassionate towards situation of country and attempt to improve their character. Brahmcharya is source of all worldly powers. Without Brahmcharya human life is completely dry and untasteful. Brahmcharya creates legends whom people worship for thousands of years.
विद्यार्थियों तथा उनके अध्यापकों को उचित है कि वे देश की दुर्दशा पर दया करके अपने चरित्र को सुधारने का प्रयत्‍न करें । सार में ब्रह्मचर्य ही संसारी शक्तियों का मूल है । बिन ब्रह्मचर्य-व्रत पालन किए मनुष्य-जीवन नितान्त शुष्क तथा नीरस प्रतीत होता है । संसार में जितने बड़े आदमी हैं, उनमें से अधिकतर ब्रह्मचर्य-व्रत के प्रताप से बड़े बने और सैंकड़ों-हजारों वर्ष बाद भी उनका यशगान करके मनुष्य अपने आपको कृतार्थ करते हैं । ब्रह्मचर्य की महिमा यदि जानना हो तो परशुराम, राम, लक्ष्मण, कृष्ण, भीष्म, ईसा, मेजिनी बंदा, रामकृष्ण, दयानन्द तथा राममूर्ति की जीवनियों का अध्ययन करो ।

3 days before hanging

Currently Bharat’s situation is very deplorable. hence many births would be required in Bharat.
Till all Bharatvasi do not become completely independent, I pray to Paramatma to give me birth in this country so that I am able to propagate His message – The Vedas – to every human being.
वर्तमान समय में भारतवर्ष की अवस्था बड़ी शोचनीय है । अतःएव लगातार कई जन्म इसी देश में ग्रहण करने होंगे और जब तक कि भारतवर्ष के नर-नारी पूर्णतया सर्वरूपेण स्वतन्त्र न हो जाएं, परमात्मा से मेरी यह प्रार्थना होगी कि वह मुझे इसी देश में जन्म दे, ताकि उसकी पवित्र वाणी – ‘वेद वाणी’ का अनुपम घोष मनुष्य मात्र के कानों तक पहुंचाने में समर्थ हो सकूं ।
Let us vow to bring alive that Bismil in each of us. Read his complete autobiography here.

Sanjeev Newar
Sanjeev Newarhttps://sanjeevnewar.com
I am founder of Agniveer. Pursuing Karma Yog. I am an alumnus of IIT-IIM and hence try to find my humble ways to repay for the most wonderful educational experience that my nation gifted me with.


  1. […] fat 32 but if I try to copy or move data there it does the files waiting to be burned bubble. …Ram Prasad BismilRam Prasad Bismil. By Agniveer on July 11, 2008. Inspirations from autobiography of one of the […]

  2. When you ask a muslim that if he loves his country(India) or religion more?? Then they normally counter-question you that which eye of yours you love more right or left? And we get surprised to this question and stop there?
    But here Ram Prasad Bismil have given us great eg. that he loves both his Mother of Mothers(India) and Mother but the preference should be given to the MOther of Mothers. This eg. can be a good answer to them.

  3. Guys, people like me are getting confused between two theoris on brhamacharya. Bismil and like many other Indian philosopher, vaid…etc tells us to practice celibacy and western pshycians/sexologists says that there is nothing wrong in doing sex, actually it is good for health. I can understand celibacy is important in attaining spritual goals. but what its got to do with your health?
    Now, who should i believe, a person who has achieved a medical degree and mastered in that field or a self-proclaimed vaid. Please suggest.

      • @ Unratedish and @ Alex
        Dear brothers,
        I would say Brahmachary not only be followed but it’s a must. Only point to think about it is ” to what extent”. Why I say so, let me explain in short. First, the medical doctors of these days have knowledge but it’s very limited and that is why their opinion changes periodically. Some time ago they said, never breast feed your baby. Their opinion has changed now and they encourage the mothers to breast feed their babies. On the other hand slowly the vedic opinion is gaining ground as in the case of not only yog and meditation but also ayurveda or pranayam. All the ayurveda and the yogic books are full of quotation in favour of brahmachary. Ayurveda enumerates three essential things to remain healthy for 100 years. These three are – satvik food, sound adequate sleep and brahmacharya. Surprisingly, the modern western medical science also accepts the first two. As far as yog is concerned, brahmacharya is in the first limb of Ashtang yog propounded by Maharshi Patanjali. For a comprehensive knowledge about the subject see the link written by a well known Indian medical practitioner Who became Swami Sivananda and founded the Divine life society. The link is
        You can also go through the work on the subject written by Gandhijee who at one instance suggested Indira Gandhi to take the path of Brahmachary which was declined by her. However, he was successful in the case of Jay Prakash Narayan and his wife.
        OM Shantihi – 3

    • Friends, you have yourself answered your question, the only thing is when you gave the answer, you were barred to understand that you yourself know everything
      “”elibacy is important in attaining spritual goals””
      please remember Spiritual goals and spiritual health helps you have better overall health, including your sex organs, and there well being(little diverting,but…)
      it speaks not just to bar sex, it says fully about “grihast jeevan” that is life a man should live as to grow family
      coming back to the answer, friend, you know, that world is learning Yog (yoga as they say) just cause they realize that importance on spiritual health for over all well being…
      BUT 🙁 … its pity, we Indians are served with internet full of porn((Which(porn) can be barred to a good extent)) but no action is taken to do so. And hence, we are not able to understand’ ‘ what we already know’ , being part of this Spiritual holy land.
      OM SHANTI.

    • dear,
      i was also suffering from this problem..as we know that sexologisy used to say that sex is good thing…but it is all based upon on theory of sigmund frued..
      In usa,sex education programme had been started in 2000-2001.it was a great failure…sexualy transmitted disease were spreading at higher rate..than ever before..
      Teenagers in usa were suffering from dipression,anxiety,lack of concerntration…
      Now ,usa goverment adopt for chastity programme held by catholic experts such as jason evert..
      We are reading about sex that it is good for health etc..but the truth is quiet diffrent.
      The multinational companies brainwashing people’s mind to sell their products such as condom and contraceptive pills..you shold watch video of jason evert which will explain you every thing..
      Your friend

    • excess of everything is bad. it is a universal truth. likewise in every walks of life only SANYAM plays a good role to improve. western lifestyle is altogether different and distinct from the indian lifestyle. They are fed with enriched food and what type of food you can afford, it also depends upon. Only the human-being has the capability to join with its counterpart, as it can, right from goat, monkey, dog-bitch etc. etc. So, it is for you to enjoy it with celebacy, which can save you from a numerous diseases, not only at your youngage, but also during old-age, which is more important.

  4. शहीदों की चिताओं पर लगेंगे हर बरस मेले वतन पर मरने वालों का यही बाकी निशां होगा।
    Bismil amar rahe.


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