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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

Scientific Errors in Hinduism

The core foundation of Hindu belief is that Vedas contain source of all knowledge – physical or metaphysical. However, in last 100 odd years, this belief has come under scrutiny due to the advances that modern science claims to make.

An entire group of Vedic ‘experts’ has stood up to prove that Vedas contain early man theories and are not compatible with modern discoveries. These include communist historians propelled by commentaries on Vedas by western Indologists like Max Muller, Griffith et al and a new breed of intellectuals who initiate all research with assumption that ‘old means defective’. However in modern era of religious marketing, another group has come up which would go to any length to discover scientific errors in Vedas. This is the group which would want 800 million Hindus to lose faith in Vedas and their religion and embrace what they believe is the final message of God. Yes I am referring to Islamic and Christian evangelists.

While both these groups of evangelists are propelled by vision of making everyone in world a follower of their respective Holy Books, the situation is even more desperate for Quran zealots. This is because a bulk of Islamic evangelists believes that Jesus will come again towards end of the world after which they would reach Paradise forever. And an important sign of Jesus’ coming is conquest of India. I do not know the original source of this superstition, but this remains a primary motivator for most Islamic evangelists today.

Thus, every now and then, we would see references to ‘Scientific Errors in Hinduism’. The typical pattern would be English translation of some mantra followed by a Veda Mantra reference.

Often the reference and English translation are both pointing to sources best known to authors of these works. But for layman, these create a lot of confusion and doubt over relevance of Vedas. While I would shy away from thrusting my personal faith on Vedas, I would like to provide some excerpts from Vedas that provide clues to deep scientific concepts hidden within them.

Unfortunately, due to thousand years of slavery, burning of our universities and libraries by barbarians and then demands for tackling issues of survival first, there remains a lot of work to be done to rediscover the Vedic sciences. However, sufficient clues exist to justify why this rediscovery would be worthwhile.

A new propaganda has become popular over last few months, which is being pursued aggressively on various internet websites, discussion groups, and social networking sites. Agniveer has received more than 50 references to this propaganda through emails, comments, and messages, either in support of it or with a request to counter it. Simply type “Scientific Errors in Hinduism” in Google and you shall get a huge number of results on this.

Initially, Agniveer thought this to be a childish blabbering not worth taking seriously. However, going by the alarming rate of its propagation, and considering the average mental aptitude of those trying to demean Vedas to establish a medieval era book as the only escape for all human beings from a burning Hell to an amorous Paradise, Agniveer finds it necessary to issue a rebuttal.

The original text comes in different variations but essentially provides a few Mantras from Vedas and some other tall claims to showcase Hinduism as unscientific.

In this chapter, we shall review each of the anti-Hindu claims of the document point by point and also provide some brief snippets of sufficient clues exist in Vedas.

A point of note: Vedas not being dogmatic in nature and containing eternal truths do not try to spoon-feed us. Thus, Vedas would contain seeds for all forms of knowledge and would urge humans to explore further. Because in the Vedic framework, it is our efforts that can provide us bliss.

Vedas say Earth is static!

Allegation 1: Indra has made this earth static.

According to Vedas, the earth is static, and this statement is repeated several times. The following are some of the examples: “Oh Man! He who made the trembling earth static is Indra.”
Rig Veda 2/12/12


Actual translation of the Mantra:

“He who ensures that the sun with seven colour bands that shines, the clouds that rain, air that circulates, water bodies that nourish us – all work in harmony to provide us life and vitality have been managed by Indra or the Ishwar who provides prosperity.”
Rig Veda 2/12/12

There is nothing about the static earth in this Mantra.

Allegation 2: God has made earth stable.

The God who made the earth stable.
Yajur Veda 32/6


Unfortunately, the “scientist” who wrote this could not distinguish between stable and static. Anything that moves or stays in equilibrium as per defined laws is stable and when there is an element of randomness or unpredictability, it becomes unstable. Stability DOES NOT mean lack of motion.

By the way, this is a great Mantra recited by Hindus daily, and it means:

“May we surrender all our actions and thoughts only to Him who has stabilised the sun and other illuminating bodies, the earth, the heavenly bodies and the entire universe solely for our happiness and who provides us ultimate bliss after Mukti or Salvation.”
Yajur Veda 32/6

Very clearly the Mantra says that all heavenly bodies, including the sun, are stable. Thus, even by the wildest stretch of “Heavenly” imagination, one cannot bring such a ridiculous meaning to this Mantra that implies earth as being static.

Allegation 3: Indra protects “immovable” earth.

Indra protects the wide earth which is immovable and has many forms.
Atharva Veda 12/1/11


This Mantra is from the famous Bhumi Sukta, which forms the origin of the sense of love that patriots demonstrate for Dharti Mata. When one reads this Sukta today considering how our freedom fighters would die for this soil and often carrying this soil in hand till last breath, one cannot help getting his eyes wet with a sense of gratitude towards those great legends whose debts we have to repay through our deeds.

The particular Mantra means:

“O Earth, you provide me with great snow-capped mountains and hills, forests, farms, food, herbs and rains so that I am always happy, protected and nurtured. You provide me with the support I need to live like a king.”
Atharva Veda 12/1/11

The following Mantra continues –

You are my mother, O Earth, and I am your son. You purify us and may we be able to repay your blessings through our noble actions.

What could be better thought on love for mother earth? However, perhaps patriotism and allegiance to the soil are alien to Anti-Hindu mindsets. That is why this is so unscientific for them!

Allegation 4: Walk on the Wide and Static earth.

Let us walk on the Wide and Static earth.
Atharva Veda 12/1/17


Actual meaning of the Mantra:

“May we travel all around the earth that provides us prosperity, nutrition, medicines and supports us in a variety of ways.”
Atharva Veda 12/1/17

The foolish Anti-Hindu just saw the word “Dhruva” and started imagining silly things. “Dhruva” means something that provides reliable support.

On the contrary, there are several Mantras in Vedas that clearly discuss the movement of the earth. Some examples:

• “This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.

In this mantra,

Kshaa = Earth (refer Nigantu 1.1)
Ahastaa = without hands
Apadee = without legs
Vardhat = moves ahead
Shushnam Pari = Around the sun
Pradakshinit = revolves
Rig Veda 10/22/14

• “The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins.”

In this mantra,

Savita = Sun
Yantraih = through reins
Prithiveem = Earth
Aramnaat = Ties
Dyaam Andahat = Other planets in sky as well
Atoorte = Unbreakable
Baddham = Holds
Ashwam Iv Adhukshat = Like horses
Rig Veda 10/149/1

• “The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”
Yajur Veda 33/43

• “The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.”
Rig Veda 1/35/9

• “Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around the sun due to the force of attraction, because the sun is heavier than them.”
Rig Veda 1/164/13

Vedas say the sun moves around the earth!

Allegation 5: Horses take the sun to the sky.

“Sun is full of light and knows all the human beings, so his horses take him to the sky to look at the world.”
Rig Veda 1/50/1


Again this is a daily prayer Mantra for Hindus. It means:

“The way rays of sun enable the world to see the sun; in the same manner, all noble people should propagate their goodness far and wide through good deeds and teachings.”
Rig Veda 1/50/1

There is neither a horse in this Mantra nor Mantra talks about sun moving around any earth.

Allegation 6: Chariot takes the sun to the sky.

“O, Bright sun, a chariot named harit with seven horses takes you to the sky.”
Rig Veda 1/50/8


Actual meaning of the Mantra:

“The way seven rays of sun carry its illumination across the world like horses of a chariot; in the same manner, you should understand seven kinds of Chhanda of Vedas.”
Rig Veda 1/50/8

One can try to interpret this Mantra to mean that the sun moves. However, then how would one explain rays as seven horses, because rays emanate from all around the sun and not necessarily in the direction of sun’s motion only.

Further, Vedas, in any case, do not deny that the sun moves. In fact, Vedas clearly state that the sun also moves, and there is no static body in the universe.

There is no mention of motion of the sun around the earth in this or any other Mantras.

As per Rig Veda 1/35/9, the sun has a different motion in its own orbit.

Allegation 7: Sun takes a round of the earth.

“O man, the sun who is most attractive takes a round of the earth on his golden chariot through the sky and removes the darkness of the earth.”
Yajur Veda 33/43


Actual meaning of the Mantra:

“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”
Yajur Veda 33/43

Exactly this happens in reality. Even the most basic text on astronomy would cover this subject. Anti-Hindu texts have no notion of the concept of gravitational force causing Anti-Hindu scientists to raise a red-herring on this.

Allegation 8: Bull has supported the sky.

Vedas say The Bull has supported the Sky. “The Bull has supported the sky.”
Yajur Veda 4/30


Classic case of “One burnt in rainy season seeing only green colour”! The Anti-Hindu scientist simply saw the word “Vrishabh” and created yet another imagination by assuming it to mean a bull.

“Vrishabh” actually means an entity that is powerful, possessing high potentials or simply the best. It later came to mean the ‘bull’ also because the ‘bull’ is a symbol of raw power. There is hardly any animal that can match the bull in power and speed. Even a lion does not dare attack a bull from the front.

The actual meaning of the Mantra is:

“O All-Powerful Ishwar, you permeate all across the universe, create and nurture the earth, stabilise the sun, manage the heavenly bodies and sky and ensure like a righteous king that everything functions in the correct manner. This is your inherent nature.”
Yajur Veda 4/30

Allegation 9: Bull has supported the sky – 2.

“The Bull has supported the sky.”
Yajur Veda 14/5


This Mantra does not have any word that can mean a bull. This Mantra is on duties of a wife.
It states:

“O wife! May you be pleasing to your husband and indulge in noble activities. May you be extremely intelligent and further your knowledge through study like the sun. May you provide bliss to everyone in the same manner as the brilliant sun provides food, light and purity to all. May you please everyone in the same manner as water satisfies all. May you promote knowledge all across.”
Yajur Veda 14/5

Indeed, an amazing Mantra showing the Vedic respect for a woman. What can be a better example of women empowerment?

Miscellaneous allegations from Puranas

The rest of this silly article provides references from Puranas on how Hinduism is unscientific. However, Puranas are not at all considered evidence in the matter of Dharma. Only Vedas are considered divine, and we have adequately demonstrated how stupid the claims of Vedas being ‘unscientific’ are.

As for Puranas, they even contain descriptions of Muhammad Sahib, Akbar, and Victoria showing that they continued to be written until the 19th century, obviously under the might of the incumbent rule. So we shall simply not dwell into exploring the references given. We, however, doubt that even there, these anti-Hindu scientists would have made the same kind of blunders like they did while proving Muhammad Sahib in Bhavishya Puran as a demon worthy of being punished!

Two additional points remain to be covered apart from the references from Purana. Let us review them:

Allegation 10: No scientific truth in sun worship.

Vedas / Puranas recommend looking directly into the sun with the naked eye. The Vedas and Puranas say that all Hindus must pray to the sun god SURYA and that if you look at the sun daily every morning with your naked eyes, your sight will improve. Accordingly, many Hindus practice this act of worship; but instead of their eyesight improving, India is the country that has the most blind people in the world (2.5 million blind people and 9 million with corneal blindness). There is no scientific truth in sun worship, and on the contrary, the scientist and doctors advise everyone not to look at the sun directly with the naked eye. Who is telling us the truth, the Scientists or the Hindu scriptures? You be the judge!


No references have been provided in support of this allegation. Hence, this is only a vague allegation.

Yes, it is a natural treatment of India for eyes by watching the sunrise. There has been no a single case in the world that has caused damage to eyesight because they watched a sunrise or sunset. Refer: Solar observing and Eye Safety that provides references to several technical papers on this subject.

Damage to eyes happens when watching bright sun or eclipse. Hindus rightfully strongly recommend staying away from gazing the sun during those times.

The statistics on blindness in India is interesting. However, can the Anti-Hindu scientist also provide details on how many of these blinds were Hindus and how many contracted blindness due to watching the sunrise? Cataract is the prime cause of blindness in developing countries, and not a single research cited sunrise watching as the cause of blindness. Also, the prevalence of blindness is slightly more in Pakistan compared to India. What religion do they follow?

Allegation 11: Nothing is scientific about the holy cow.

Vedas say the cow is holy and should be worshipped. (Brahmins add that cow dung ash has medicinal value). The Vedas say that the cow is holy and should be worshipped. These Brahmins also claim that cow dung ash has medicinal value. Samples sent to a leading test laboratory in West Germany have proved this to be untrue.


Yes, Vedas indeed emphatically state that cow is most precious to sensible human beings and those who kill cows for a taste of tongues are indeed among the dumbest. Because a living cow, even if sterile, produces more benefits for the environment than a dead cow. Almost all outputs from a cow – milk, dung, urine – have a beneficial impact on environment and health. A smart community can sustain its power through preservation of cows alone.

We request to cite the name of the lab which proved cow dung ash to be useless. Kindly do not provide vague references. By the way, West Germany ceases to exist since 1990! Agniveer recalls how Zakir Naik also gives reference to research by some illiterate ‘farmer’ in California to justify Halal Meat. This shows the standards of the references of Anti-Hindu scientists!

Cow dung has been proven to produce tremendous benefits including construction of bricks. There are at least four International Patents (US/ Europe) on cow urine that Agniveer is aware of. Simply search on Google with ‘cow urine patent’.

Thus, rightfully Hindus regard cow to be as important as the mother.

Science is the foundation of Hindu Culture

Before concluding, let me assert a few points.

Science lies not only in scriptures of Hindus but even more so in the foundations of their culture. The most basic traditions of Hindus based on most scientific principles, despite being polluted by superstitions and foreign impacts.

• Namaste with folded hands is scientific
• Bangles and earrings for women are scientific
• Drinking lots of water in early morning as Usha-Paan is scientific
• Avoiding non-veg in pretext of some festival to extent possible is scientific
• Monogamy is scientific
• Considering all women except wife as equivalent to mother is scientific
• Encouraging children to ask questions is scientific
• Meditation is scientific
• Pranayam is scientific
• Desi Vyayam is scientific
• Not eating together from the same plate and avoiding exchange of saliva is scientific
• Washing hands several times with soap and water after bowels is scientific
• Washing organs properly with water during the bath is scientific
• Avoid needing circumcision merely to maintain hygiene is scientific.

Thus, a typical educated Hindu can easily inculcate scientific spirit and rationalism and progress ahead.

Proof of the pudding is in the eating. There are around 50 countries in the world with a Muslim majority, but fanatic rulers dominate almost all. Showcase how many renowned scientists have they produced, how many researchers, how many engineers of world repute?

There has been only one Muslim scientist worth being considered the Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Abdus Salam of Pakistan. However, he was thrown out of the country and declared Kafir because he was a Qadiyani. Thus, no Zakir Naik would dare take his name even though he would shout a lot on how Islam is the foundation of all science!

When Dr. Salam died in 1996, on his grave was inscribed “First Muslim Nobel Laureate”. However, due to orders of government, the word Muslim was removed. It now reads “First Nobel Laureate”!

There are other renowned scientists like Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy and late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, and indeed, we are proud of them. Moreover, they also are proud of our ancient culture and history. They are thus noble Vedas followers and our jewels. If their version of Islam be promoted instead of what neo-Wahabis are propagating, the world would be a heaven.

Watch how the great Islamic Pakistani scholar and writer Hasan Nisar, exposes the intellectual capabilities of fanatic Muslim Ummat blatantly. He has repeatedly said that Muslim Ummat has not produced even a single intellectual from the centuries but still live in illusions of grandiose that never existed causing them to sink down and down.

Compare with Hindus. They are at top positions everywhere despite all odds. Right from the inception of civilisation, this culture has produced the most brilliant minds and continues producing even today. The reason obviously lies in the scientific foundations of the Hindu culture.

Thus, while a Pakistan is crumbling under its own weight after independence, India is surging ahead despite having a corrupt leadership and minority appeasement based mindset of its selfish leaders.

Before we conclude let’s see review some sufficient clues from Vedas

Science of Gravitational Force in Vedas

“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”
Rig Veda 8/12/28

“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.
Rig Veda 1/6/5, Rig Veda 8/12/30

“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”
Yajur Veda 33/43

“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.
Rig Veda 1/35/9

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around the sun due to the force of attraction, because the sun is heavier than them.
Rig Veda 1/164/13

“The sun has held the earth and other planets.”
Atharva Veda 4/11/1

Science of Light of Moon in Vedas

“The moving moon always receives a ray of light from sun.”
Rig Veda 1/84/15

“Moon decided to marry. Day and Night attended its wedding. And sun gifted his daughter “Sun Ray” to Moon.”
Rig Veda 10/85/9

Science of Eclipse in Vedas

“O Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness.”
Rig Veda 5/40/5

Science of Building Ships and Aeroplanes in Vedas

Swami Dayanand has detailed Mantras regarding these in his Vedic commentary and Introduction to Vedas” (1876). The scientists of IISc concluded that the mechanism of the aeroplane as suggested by Dayanand is feasible. The first manned plane was built 20 years after the death of Swami Dayanand.

The verses are difficult to translate in English here, but readers are advised to review “Introduction to Vedas” by Swami Dayanand or interpretations of following mantras: Rig Veda 1/116/3, 1/116/4, 10/62/1, 1/116/5, 1/116/6, 1/34/2, 1/34/7, 1/48/8, etc.

Science of Telegraphy in Vedas

“With the help of bipolar forces (Asvins), you should employ telegraphic apparatus made of a good conductor of electricity. It is necessary for efficient military operations but should be used with caution.”
Rig Veda 1/119/10


I hope this would be sufficient to at least drive the need for further exploration of our scientific heritage originating from Vedas. Agniveer strongly recommends those who have been brainwashed to hate non-Muslims and especially Hindus for most silly reasons to introspect on this. Agniveer recommends they read our books on Vedas to get the right concepts of Vedas and stop this hatred in the name of religion that only makes them, even more, dumber!

Vedas clearly declare that either you can have hatred or intelligence, but not both!
May the truth prevail!

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Sanjeev Newar
Sanjeev Newarhttps://sanjeevnewar.com
I am founder of Agniveer. Pursuing Karma Yog. I am an alumnus of IIT-IIM and hence try to find my humble ways to repay for the most wonderful educational experience that my nation gifted me with.


  1. Islam is the best religion in the whole world, plz read the holy Quran, it has the solution to all of our problems!,, these 2nd hand so-called scientific quotes prove nothing, Islam can really make ur life change. Just try to learn the true religion of the one-and-only God ALLAH!

    • See Bro,
      I have read the quran before I started reading the vedas. In my very first attempt, I found out many Logical Flaws. Quran changed the world,of course for BAD. We can’t forget the Islamic conquest ! India was at it’s peak during the vedic period. Never has ONE ISLAMIC COUNTRY DOMINATED THIS WORLD!
      I request you to rebut all of Agniveer’s and Ali Sinas claims.
      Satyameve Jayate

      • you have refuted anybody you muslims are liars ali sina is still waiting for refutation from scholors

      • @ Abdu Rasul (Slave of Prophet)
        The day Ali Sina is refuted and someone wins the $50,000 jackpot and FaithFreedom.org is removed from the Internet, I will consider holding my head held high and say that I am a Muslim.
        However, till that day, I am ashamed to be a Muslim.

      • Hi Ex-Muslim,
        Because that day will never come. I’ve heard of many muslims claiming they have refuted Ali Sina, but it never was true. Ali Sina is doing a great job exposing islam and he is actually doing a service not only for non-muslims, but especially for muslims. So they will no longer be slaves of a prophet or god or anyone or being, but an admirer of God. One who chooses freely to worship God, from his heart, mind, and Atman without the need to think of being a slave but a free being that accepts the highest state of consciousness, God and his or her God.

      • @Ex-Muslim
        Your face will be black on the day of judgment. Allah can not forgive apostasy.
        Qur’an 3:106
        On the Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) when some faces will become white and some faces will become black; as for those whose faces will become black (to them will be said): “Did you reject Faith after accepting it? Then taste the torment (in Hell) for rejecting Faith.”

    • dear friend ,
      i have read quran and i find it to be filled with many stories which wont hold ground….. ur islam says there is only one god but allah …. BUT VEDANTA SAYS- ” THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD”……most of things in quran seems to be a copy paste from BIBLE AND TORAH….keeping everything aside just think for a moment do the qualities ascribed to ur quranic god hold true …. u r adding many qualities to the god( who is the creator , sustainer and destroyer ) which make him jealous , biased , revengeful … last question if your allah is omnipresent then is he in hell or not ? 😉

  2. response to this article by many MUSLIMS just show how much they are scared …. they just talk irrationally … may be because their holy books when examined by a rational mind will not hold ground… west which is mainy a christian country is far more stable than the illiterate middle east and many muslim countries … these guys dont believe in delusional mohammad and instead of burning in hell , these people have high hdi and very good standard of living , this shows impotence of allah ….BUT DID U SEE WHAT HAPPENED IN US , THESE MUSLIMS BELIEVING IN KORAN ARE POTENTIAL TERRORISTS…THEY MUST NOT BE TRUSTED UNTIL THEY AGREE TO REMOVE UNHOLY VERSES FROM QURAN and be given a true secular education…. they are not loyal to any country… they wear the bogey of peace loving people till they proliferate enough to become a good % of total population then THEY START TO SHOW THEIR ORIGINAL COLOUR … see what they did to britain….. AND SEE JUST THE IRONY THESE WESTERNERS AND AMERICANS ARE COMMITTING THE BIGGEST TO CALL ISLAM A RELIGION OF PEACE … this OBAMA keeps on calling ISLAM peaceful when by nature it is violent and anti-christ…. if WEST FALLS THEN THERE WILL BE DIRECT FIGHT BETWEEN MUSLIMS (DASYUS) AND ARYAS (HINDUS)…..

  3. Hi,
    Here is what I have seen. Vedic people have the best faith. I also seen, that other faiths have to falsify the Vedas inorder to try and convert Vedic people. Vedic people do not have to do that about other religions. Dharmic people just have to show what is in another person’s religion which they already agree is in there. Then we show the false logic, analysis, and reason beyond it. With Vedic people, other religions have to makes lies about the Vedas inorder to trick Vedic people about the Vedas. They can’t just tell the truth, they have or try and point to us things we dont’ even agree on. Instead they have to spread lies.
    See Vedic and non vedic people know the Vedas are true, that is why some non-Vedic people have to make lies about it. Vedic people don’t have to do that about other religions. THey just have to point out how ridiculous some non-Dharmic religions are by what that other religion (religious person) actually follows. The non-Vedic person does not dispute what a Vedic person says about the non-Vedic person’s religion. But they dispute what we believe because that is the only way they can convert a Vedic person. They DO NOT look at what we believe, they want to tell us what we believe.

  4. Firstly, fighting over suprrmacy that my God is Great and yours is not is ridiculous, childish and shows how narrow minded you are!
    Secondly, these anti vedic goons are the ones mainly Christians who believe “Sanatan Dharma” is “Satan Dharma,” stupid people they are!
    Thirdly, talking of these Christians, I mainly don’t like pointing fingers on religions but your bible is corrupted and if you want, I can give you tons of scientific errors in it. Nearly 50,000 errors are presently there!
    Fourthly, Spread Love, Not War. God is loving and he wanted his creation to be loving.
    Fifthly, don’t be a total jerk, search for truth and Vedas are the authentic scriptures which can indeed show you truth unlike other scriptures..
    -Hari! OM-


  6. oh plzz,u think u can fool us from this scientific handiwork of yourz…plz grow up.from the very first glimpse of the text one intellectual can clearly tell that it is self made, clearly a mere human philosophical artwork. “IF ALL THE HUMANS AND DEMONS TOGETHER LEND EACH OTHER A HELPING HAND, EVEN THEN THEY COULD NOT PRESENT ANY LIKE OF THE QURAN”-AL-QURAN….so plzz, stop saying that vedas is the book from lord, it is merely a self designed collection of philosophy which was carved over thousands of years time.I pray that Allah Guides you.

    • what about the scientific errors in ur books and the way u guys try to hide them n make them look scientific? and the way you dig up certain words in the verses and look into its root meaning and bring a hell lot of interpretation to bring out some science from it?like how u turned the translation of verse which read “and he moreover stretched out the earth” into”and he moreover made the earth egg shaped”…is that not a handy work?yes it is.

  7. @ Hamza Ali
    So far spirituality is concerned Vedas,Upnishadas and Gita are many times better than Quran. Can your maulanas write a book better than Gita ? What is new in Quran ? A large part of it is the copy paste of Bible. Muhammad distorted some biblical stories and added his own views in it and his “Quran” was ready.

  8. @ Abdul Rasul
    When you people can’t reply the logical questions of ex-muslims, you start giving them the threat of “qayamat” and “dojakh” . Allah can not send a good human, whether Hindu or Muslim, to hell. And Muslims like Qasab can never go to heaven.

    • Before commenting anything about Hinduism Please read the WHOLE Vedas and make sure you understand it first. Don’t just try and take some random quote from your butt buddy scholars in your crazy religion.

    • @Naufal Ahmed
      Dear I have Quran and after reading it I can say firmly it is creation of Muhammad to fulfill his motives. From a universal and eternal entity/God knowledge should be eternal and universal. But Quran has also stories of around Arbia people and places which have no significance. It shows it creation of Muhammad.
      The belief that God created the universe so insignificant humans worship him and if they fail he would burn them for eternity is insane. Praying five times per day, fasting the whole day and circumambulating a building for expiation of sins, with all their weird rituals are insane. The belief that God runs a celestial resort filled with white whores for those who believe and burns the unbelievers for eternity is insane. Islamic theology, Islamic eschatology, Islamic laws and Islamic world view are all insane. But more importantly how Muslims are supposed to promote their faith that is in my opinion the ultimate insanity.
      This insanity is harmful to Muslims and to non-Muslims and because of it Muslims are backwards, violent, their women are abused and their minds are shackled.

    • QURANTO” MUL KI BHUL” HAI ! jis qurani allah ko satve asman par ek singhasan par baithna padta ho farisho ki sahayata se apne sandesh dene me majbur hona padta ho ! jo sirf 6 dinme sari kaaynat banane ka dava karta ho, aur vahi alah kaha jane vala ek manshy nairaman me 9maah lagata ho! jiske bare me kaha jata ho ki usne 124000 nabi rasul is duniya me bheje hai, aur abuske pas rasul adi bhejne ki shakti samapt ho gayi hai uske gun samapt ho gaye hao aise ko kaise ishwar kaha ja sakta hai ! dekhe quran 2/67-73 jisme kah gaya hai8 ki ek vishesh gaay ki hatya karke uske mans se murda sharir ko chulane par vah murda sharir kuch pal ke liye jinda ho jayega baad me apne hatyare ka naam batlakar mar jayega ! yah” tarika ” aaj kyo sabit nahi ho pata? fir is kahani ko bhi jhutha kyo n maan liya jaye ?dekhe quran 5/60 jisme naframan karne vale kisi giroh ko qurani allah ne unko bandar v suar bana diya batlaiye ki yah bandar v suar kis”tarike ” se banaye gaye ? aaj bhi karib 550 karod is duniya ke nagrik qurani alalah ko nahi mante hai tab kyo nahi inko bandar v suar bana diya jata fir is kahani ko bhi jutha kyo n maan liya jaye ? dekhe quran 38/75 jisme adam ji ko allah apne “don hatho se “banane ka dava karte hai, dekhe quran 39/67 isme qurani alalh apne dono hatho ka jikar karte hai, dekhe quran5/64 jisme qurani alalh apne “danye haath “ka jikar karte hai ! quran panthi batlaye ki qurani alalh ke yah” dono haath ” kis mata ji ke garbhashay me nirman huye hai ?

      • @Raj.hyd
        Muhammad ek mansik rogi tha. Dar dikhakar usene logo ko appne vash me kiya. Vah qyo Allah ki pooja ko lekar chintit tha. Qyoki vah apne app ko prophet hone ka dava kar raha tha. aap apni marji se ishwar ko nahi pooja sakte aapko muhammat ko swikar karna padega. muhammad allah ka partner hai. muhammad se pahle bhi Christian, jews ka ishwar me visvas tha aur wo bhi ekiswar vadi bhi the. Par muhammad ke liye ye kaffi nahi tha. wo chahata tha ki log usme bhi visvas kare.

      • sanatan ji , kisi ne kaha tha ki “ayyashi aur badmashi ho jiska vasul, usko kahate hai muahammd rasul” muhammad ne apni pahali patni khudeeja ke marne ke bad”patniyo ka bhandar”bana liya tha ! makka ko fateh karne ke baad muhmm ad ne teen sharte rakhi thi,ya to muslim [mere anuyai] ban jao, ya makka chhod do athva ladne ke liye[arthat marne ke liye] taiyyar ho jao! jo kamjor the makka chodkar jane me asmarth the unko majburan muahmmad ki gulami karni padi, jo lad sakte the vah lade aur haare, baki makka chodkar bhag gaye tab se aaj tak koi gair muslim kabhi bhikitna hi prabhavshali hi kyo n ho vah makka v madeena nahi ja sak hai ! iske bad bhi muahammad ki ayyashi ke liye uski yahudi patni saufiya , aur isai dasi mariya kubti jisse usne nikah bhi nahi kiya tha unse bhi ek bachha paida kiya tha, jo baad me hi choti si umr me mar bhi gaya tha ! in dono ko isne muslim bhi nahi banaya kyoki usse iske sex sambandh the yani agar koi mahila sex karvatye to uske liye niyam me chhut bhi dedi jati thi! akhiri kuch salo me muahamm d koi kaam nahi karte the bas kisi kafile ko lutna ya lutvana usse 20-25% kamishan khana hi ek dhyey tha !

    • there are writing anything because they are angry at agniveer they have already been exposed and deleted their website if they want to debate tell them to come to open group or come on agniveer website but they will not come

  9. Hi there,
    One logical question..
    If killing an animal for food is a sin, as most of the non-vegetarians believe, is it not a sin for killing an animal for dress, as you can see Shiva wearing Leopard’s skin/leather..?

    • I want to be very clear here.
      It is said that Killing of Animals is prohibited, but there is nothing wrong from using the remains of dead animals. I mean,as per vedas using animal products from dead animals is no prohibited.
      For Eg. Killing a cow for it’s skin is prohibited,but using the skin of a naturally dead cow is not wrong.
      In fact, a small piece of deer skin is attached to the Yagnopaveetham and cow/goat skin is used to make Mirudangam (Musical Instrument) .And both are considered as divine.

  10. This is not exactly completely related to this article, but I have one doubt. If we all have souls within us and if we all have gone through endless cycles of birth and death and all that…then the total population on this planet should remain constant right? I mean…those who die, their souls get into another body. I don’t quite get this…the population of this world is always on the rise…so where do the new souls come from??

    • population of whom? humans ? They come from other species…There are trillions of trillions life exist on earth and hence no one can judge by seeing only population of one specie.Human birth is very precius and if u count value of work by souls which help u to get food and other things(in form of micro-organisms for example which exist in your body, cow,land etc) every day ,then it will be crores or uncountable but never infinite since souls are unborn..That’s why human life is very very rare and hence most precious…

  11. I dont understand why all these muslims are arguing on Agniveer. This website is by the Hindus, for the Hindus and those interested in Hinduism.Maybe Muslims secretly desire to be Hindus. The forefathers of most muslims in India are descendents of Hindus who were tortured and converted to Islam by Muslim barbarians. It is sad to see these educated muslims taking such a stance. The poor , uneducated, madarsa educated (or uneducated) muslims are wrongly being being fed falsehoods by the mullahs. If muslims dont like Hinduism thay should confine themselves to their own websites. They unwelcome here.

    Those retards who are trying to make up lies about vedas are just trying to have fake satisfaction that there garbage religion is better.. ROFL.

  13. I know that the Arya Samaj followers will disagree with me but Advaita Vedanta is the fairest flower of Hinduism which is very beautifully expressed in the Upanishads, nothing can match the depth of the subject in these books. I am sorry to say this to Christians but except for very few parts in the bible and Quran I do not find that same depth that the Upanishads have touched. Proof is that even though Swami Vivekananda would prefer teaching the Upanishads than the Bible or Quran to audience main reason being the depth of the subject. Also Carl Sagan an atheist has himself praised the Nasadiya Sukta what more praise does Hinduisn need ?

  14. Dear All,
    From time immemorial, we have been addressing earth as Bhugol. That means, everyone of us knew that the earth was spherical. we never called the earth Bhutatte ( Flat Earth ). This one thing is enough proof that we were scientific in our approach to life.
    Thanks and regards,

  15. Dear all,
    What we need now is Educations, helping hands for the Elderly and the Kids. And your support for the Weak’s people around you, We don’t need to promote our religion like Christian does, door to door service. We don’t need to disturb our neighbors like Muslim does, shouting very loud on speakers. We don’t need to waste foods on the Temple like us Hindu do, rather give the fruits and foods to the needs than throwing it on the Temple. If you are a true lovers of your religion: we don’t do all this above. I’m from Hindu family, so do I, and anyone after me in the family will be Hindu too. I love my Religion but I won’t say bad to other Religion either don’t wanna hear bad comments too. Respect others no fight on Religions.

  16. You hindus collected on a particular site deluding urself by some links of Hindu and anti-islamic sites such as Jihad-watch is not a good thing at all and Your rebuttal. It was really a rebuttal or a joke? you skip everything by “True meaning is”

  17. Agniveer
    You kicked and punched on faces of all MuhamMad worshipers. I suspect that Zakir Naik ( the best braindead zombie) is MBBS.

  18. this is not a platform to take revenge of a religion that you don’t like. i strongly condemn it. we cannot change the past. and i think cardoza have not seen the foreigner who convert into hindu . we can see many in temples like iscan.

  19. Research by New York University Biology Professor Michael Rampino concludes that Earth’s infrequent but predictable path around and through our galaxy’s disc may have a direct and significant effect on geological and biological phenomena occurring on Earth.
    He concludes that movement through dark matter may perturb the orbits of comets and lead to additional heating in Earth’s core, both of which could be connected with mass extinction events.
    The Galactic disc is the region of the Milky Way Galaxy where our solar system resides. Previous studies have shown that Earth rotates around…

    • So being Static and stable Earth means, it is balanced and running on its path. Aeroplane takes off but they are stable in their path. when earth disturbance is caused, the mighty Dinosaur too vanished. I am here to say, that Hinduism is SANATAN DHARAMA.. It is religion of Righteousness and clearly specifies that, Humanity is supreme being to serve and flourish by being in harmony with nature . Kansa and Kauravas were also humans and Hindus but Adharmi, in the sense that they did not follow the rituals of Humanity . So all Humans, even if you follow any religion, to be human first!

  20. please answer me about the distance between earth,moon and sun described in SRIMAD VAGABATAM 5th scondo 22 chapter 8 verse which describe moon is far from sun from earth and its speed is faster than sun which is scientifically opposite—please please please give me the right answer whatever be that by my e-mail [email protected]

    • hare krishna.
      the srimad bhagavatham cosmology has the bhumandala(earth disc).it has a central hub called jambudvipa with 18 rings around it with specific radii.this bhumandala cuts the brahmanda(univesal egg) in two halves-upper half and lower half.
      dr.richard l thompson(a mathematician with phd from cornell university)did a thorough research in bhagavatham cosmology and wrote a book on it. in that book hr shows that the bhagavatham cosmology of bhumandala is a composite diagram with 4 reasonable interpretations.they are(1)planar projection map of earth.(2)topographical map of south central asia(3)solar system
      (4) celestial realm of the demigods.
      of these the most interesting is solar system interpretation. if u look at the solar system from a geocentric view,the planets moves around earth with varying distance.from a minimumdistance to a maximum distance.
      , the structures ofBhu-mandala correspond with the planetary orbits of the solar system If we compare the rings of Bhu-mandala with the orbits of Mercury, Venus , Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, we find several close alignments that give weight to the hypothesis that Bhu-mandala was deliberately designed as a map of the solar system.
      the diameters of rings 8 to 18 of this bhumandala diagram gives exact distances from earth to other planets (both apogee and perigree) and earth sun distance.
      this is explained here:
      the above link shows that advanced astronomy existed in srimad bhagavatham.
      the exact distance btwn earth n other planets were known to the authors of srimad bhagavatham.
      then u ask y moon is higher than sun.
      the reason is that srimad bhagavatham says in one verse that the bhagavatham cosmology is relativistic. it explains features from the perspective of several observers n as the observers change the arrangements also change. the bhumandala corresponds to the observations…

    • Brother accept the truth….it is indeed scientifically wrong…..and so it cannot be the word of GOD…..have the courage to acceipt the truth….

  21. If Brahma created Brahimns from his belly button and Shudras from his yukky toes, how come you find such a thing only in India? They should be everywhere, right? But DNA evidence shows we all came from Africa, dude. If you accept DNA evidence, you will have to reject Vedas. If you accept Vedas, you will have to reject DNA and science. Can you dig it, bro?
    BTW, DNA evidence is MASSIVE and there is no need to go to extreme lengths to interpret the data. But Vedas OTH, need wild imagination and extreme form of interpretation that concludes at the begining of interpretation that whatever Vedas say is TRUE.
    What a waste of human mind.

    • brahma ishvar ka hi ek nam hai brahma se brahaman ka nirman nahi hua hai brahman bhi gun vachak hai ! koi bhi yogy hon epr brahamanakahalaya ja sakta hai aap bhi brahama ho sakte hai aisa hi haal kshatriy vaishy shudr aadi ka bhi hai !
      duniya me hara jagaha vaignyanik , sainik police, tredar[vyapari] lebar ,maj dur [shudr] aadi hote hai

    • Indeed what a waste of human mind. Dwelling in hatred, ridicule and arrogance. Get above all this and read http://agniveer.com/vedas-caste-discrimination/ .
      It is so shameful to hate someone based on allegations that do not exist in first place. Vedas tell us that we must take away happiness from lives of those who believe that some people will go to Hell just because they do not believe in some book and some holy person. And fight against vices of polygamy.

      • Regarding everyone coming from Africa, nowhere in Hinduism does it say that’s not possible lol. People evolved. Our saints and sages did not have realizations the moment they were born. They uptook a very simple lifestyle, devoting themselves to fulfilling their Dharma and so on and so forth before they began to realize what was already around them. For example, Sage Vishwamitra, who interestingly is a Kshatriya and not a Brahmin, was the first to realize the powerful Gayatri mantra.

      • I have studied vedas(not all of them) i have found many scientific errors ……i cannot not accept it as word of god…..guys dont trust this guy .the interpretation he gave is nowhere similar to what vedas say…..study the vedas yourself, you will find uncountable scientific errors…..

  22. Dear friends
    When reading and absorbing the hindu sastras one should keep in the mind the spiritual aspects of the universe rather than materialist aspects. The distances between earth, sun & moon given by scientists relate to the physical plane. The satras when talk about the surya mandala, actually will be referring to some spiritual plane beyond senses and not the burning sun which sages having such a high level of intelligence and profound logic could not have missed. Similarly, in the case of moon also the reference being made to some higher plane of existence. How many ordinary persons can understand the Vedic statement that moon is created out of Bramha’s mind and sun originated from his eyes. Estimating hindu scriptural utterances by comparing it with modern mundane scientific inventions is a futile exercise as the aim of Hinduism was to unfold the ultimate truth and not physically evaluate the universe which or rishis considered as a waste of energy. Therefore a wise follower of Hinduism should ignore such criticisms about the lack of knowledge on the part of our sages in such matters which has no relevance to spiritual achievements. More over, the modern interpreters of scriptural texts are not self realised persons to know the real meaning of them and may not be well versed in the Sanskrit language, hence errors can be substantial. One who has attained the sachidanada state would definitely know the past, present and future of everything in the universe but might not reveal it readily as he might be following the Gods will. Hinduism is complex to ordinary persons who live in ignorance and maya as it appears to be abstract and unknowable
    KR Dasharathi

  23. Just let me know dear friends how many holi books you have in Hinduism and y science is proving day by day day many of your holiday books wrong ?
    If Hinduism is only great religion why the evidence of it in West was zero.?

    • Which holy books and which evidence exactly? Regarding practices in the west, are you talking about Yoga? Or Karma? Or the concept of zero? Or even chess, non-violence, the concept of One God? Which one, please do go on.

    • Did science porrve God does not exist? or for that matter , there is only one universe. So just because science has not proved the existence of God, one cannot say it is not true, because it has not proven the opposite also. Even the Big Bang Theory is still a theory because it seems to fit many explanation . But bro, it is not yet declared a fact.


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