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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

धर्मनिरपेक्षता (सेक्युलरिज्म) की परख (जाकिर नाइक जैसों के लिए)

हम  सब  एक सेक्युलर ( पंथनिरपेक्ष  ) देश  में  रहते  हैं | सेक्युलरिज्म   एक  सबसे  उम्दा  मानवीय  विचार  है |जिसमें  कोई  भी  नीतिगत  व्यवस्था  ,प्रक्रिया (नीतिगत )या  मानसिकता  किसी  भी  फिरके  (पंथ ) या  साम्प्रदायिक अवधारणाओं  –   से  प्रभावित  नहीं  होती | सेक्युलरिज्म  की  पूरी  अवधारणा  -साम्प्रदायिक  सौहार्द  की  अवधारणाओं   पर  खड़ी  है |मोहनदास  करमचंद   गाँधी  साम्प्रदायिक  सौहार्द   के  बड़े   पक्षधर  थे |उन्होंने ‘ ईश्वर  अल्लाह  तेरो  नाम ‘ भजन  को  प्रचलित  किया | मतलब  ईश्वर  और  अल्लाह  एक  ही  हैं | उनके  ज़माने  के  साम्प्रदायिक  सदभाव वाले   और  सेक्युलर  लोग  यह  सुरीला  गीत  सभी  मंदिरों  में  गाते  थे | और  यह   आज  भी   गाया  जाता  है | हम  यह  गाना  स्कूलों एवं सामूहिक  जमावडों  में  गाते  गाते  बड़े  हुए   हैं |
विश्व  हिन्दू  परिषद् , राष्ट्रीय  स्वयं  सेवक  संघ   और  आर्यसमाज  को  प्रायः  फिरकापरस्त  और   दक्षिणपंथी  कहा  जाता  है | उन  पर  आरोप  लगाया  जाता  है  कि  वे  साम्प्रदायिक  सदभाव  नष्ट  करने  पर  तुले  हुए  हैं | हाल   में  ही  जिस  प्रकार  यह  फिरकापरस्त  ताकतें  पनप  रही  हैं  और  उपमहाद्वीप  की  शांति  और  सौहार्द  को  आहात  कर  रही  हैं , उससे  देश  और  दुनिया  का  बौद्धिक  वर्ग  चिंतित  है | जब  कभी  भी  कहीं  आतंकी  हमला  होता  है  तब  ये  फिरकापरस्त  ताकतें  उसे  मुस्लिम  आतंकवाद  करार  देती  हैं| और पंथनिरपेक्ष मीडिया  को  अपनी   पूरी  ताकत  और  प्रयत्न  यह  जताने  में  खर्च  करने  पड़ते  हैं  कि  आतंक  का  कोई   धर्म  नहीं  होता | उन्हें  अच्छे  मुसलमानों   और  बुरे  हिन्दुओं की  वीडियो  और  फिल्मों  के साथ  पेश  होना पड़ता  है  ताकि  मुस्लिमों  के  प्रति  गलत  अवधारणाओं के  सामने  संतुलन  किया  जा   सके  | मालेगांव   जैसी   जगहों  पर  जहाँ  गौवध  प्रचुरता  से  चलन  में  है ,वहां  के  छोटे -मोटे  बम  धमाकों  को  बढ़ा -चढ़ा  कर  प्रसारित  करना  पड़ता  है | फिर  राज्य  की  सारी  व्यवस्थाएँ  इन तथाकथित  दक्षिणपंथी  ताकतों  को  पकड़ने  के  लिए  हरकत  में  आती  हैं |
यह  अलग  बात  है  की  कुछ  बड़े  आतंकी  हमले शायद  इतने  बड़े  नहीं  होते  ताकि  उनके धमाके से  राजकीय  व्यवस्था जागृत  हो सकें | इसीलिए  हम  वर्षों  से  अफ़ज़ल   की  सजा  का  इंतजार  कर  रहे  हैं | क्योंकि  एक  साधारण  अवधारणा  बनी  रही  है  कि  इस  देश  का  बौद्धिक  वर्ग  यह  मान  चुका  है  कि  हिन्दू  बहुत  ही  फिरकापरस्त  बन  चुके  हैं | हिन्दू  अंतर्राष्ट्रीय  स्तर  पर  होने  वाले  तमाम  आतंकवाद  के  लिए  मुसलमानों  और  खास  तौर  पर   मुल्ला -मौलवियों  को  दोषी  ठहराने  पर तुला  हुआ  हैं | यह  तो  सिर्फ  संयोग  और  पाश्चात्य  मीडिया  का  षडयंत्र  ही  है  कि  अधिकतर  आतंकी  और  सोमालियाई  समुद्री  डाकुओं  का  जो  गिरोह  प्रकाश  में  आया  है -वे  भी मुस्लिम  ही  निकले  हैं | पर  वास्तविकता  फिर भी यही  है  कि  हिन्दू  आतंकवाद  कहीं  ज्यादा  खतरनाक  है  और  इसलिए   उसको  रोकना  प्राथमिकता  होनी  चाहिए !
अगले  लेखों  में  हम  हिन्दू  और  इस्लामिक  आतंकवाद  और  उनके  कारणों  का  मूल्यांकन जरूर  करेंगे| पर  अभी  हम  एक  व्यवहारिक  समाधान  सूचित  कर  रहे   हैं | जिससे  सभी हिन्दू  और  मुस्लिम  साम्प्रदायिक  सौहार्द  को  बढ़ावा  दें और  सेक्युलरिज्म  को  प्रोत्साहित  करें |इस समाधान  के  लिए  मैं   मोहनदास  करमचंद  गाँधी  से  प्रेरित  हूँ | जो  इस  समाधान  को  स्वीकार  कर  लेते  हैं , वह  सच्चे  सेक्युलर   हैं  और  इससे  इंकार  करने  वाले  असली  फिरकापरस्त  हैं |क्योंकि   जो  मैं  दे रहा हूँ, वह  केवल   गांधीजी  के ‘ ईश्वर  अल्लाह  तेरो  नाम’  का  ही  विस्तार  है|
सेक्युलरिज्म  को  परखने  का  समाधान  यह  है –
1.नित्यप्रति  सभी  मंदिरों  में  प्रार्थना  के  बाद  लाउडस्पीकर   से  कुरान  की  आयतों  का  पाठ  किया  जाए|  और  सभी  मस्जिदों  में  गीता  के  श्लोक  व  वेद  मन्त्रों  का  पठन  हो|
2.सभी  मस्जिदों  व  मंदिरों  से  लाउडस्पीकर  पर  घोषणा  की  जाए  और  उनकी  दीवारों  पर  लिखा  जाए कि  ईश्वर  और  अल्लाह  एक  हैं ,राम   और  रहीम  एक  हैं ,गीता  और  कुरान  एक  हैं ,काशी  और  काबा  एक  हैं|
3.मस्जिदों  में  हवन  हो  और  मंदिरों  में  नमाज | और  इस  प्रक्रिया  को  प्रमुख  मंदिरों  और  मस्जिदों  से  करने  की  पहल  की  जाए | अग्निवीर  ने  भारत  के  कई प्रमुख  मंदिरों  से  ऐसा  करने  की  चर्चा  की  है एवं उनका दृष्टिकोण सकारात्मक है| आर्य समाज की सर्वप्रमुख बौद्धिक संस्था – परोपकारिणी सभा – ने तो अरबी और कुरान गुरुकुल में सिखाने के लिए मौलवी भी नियुक्त कर दिए हैं| अब  मुस्लिमों  की  बारी  है कि  वे  जामा  मस्जिद  जैसे  प्रमुख  मस्जिदों  की  सूचि  लेकर  सामने आएं  | जो  यह  सब  करने  को तैयार  हैं |
अग्निवीर  अपनी  वेबसाइट  के  प्रथम   पृष्ट  पर  प्रमुखता  से  यह  देने  को  तैयार  है  कि  ईश्वर  और  अल्लाह  एक  हैं ,राम  और  रहीम  एक  हैं ,गीता  और  कुरान  एक  हैं ,काशी  और  काबा  एक  हैं | हम  मंच  पर  इसकी  घोषणा  हिन्दू  अग्रणी  नेता  से  करवाने   को  तैयार  हैं |इस्लामिक  रिसर्च फाऊंडेशन  भी  ऐसा  करके  दिखलाए|
अग्निवीर  स्वयं  और  अन्य  हिन्दू  विद्वानों  से  घोषणा  करवाने  को  तैयार  है  कि  –“हिन्दू तथा    गैर  – हिन्दू  ,सभी  भले  लोग  स्वर्ग  प्राप्त  कर  सकते  हैं |” अब  जाकिर  नाइक ,इमाम  बुखारी ,देवबंदी  और  अन्य  इस्लामिक  विद्वान   भी  यह  ऐलान   करें  कि  –“मुस्लिम  और गैर -मुस्लिम  सभी  अच्छे  इन्सान  जन्नत  हासिल  करेंगे |” देखने  वाली  बात  है  कि  असल  में  साम्प्रदायिक  सौहार्द  कौन चाहता    है ?
जो  कोई  भी  संगठन  इन  बातों  को  मानने  से  इंकार  कर  दे ,  उस  पर  सामाजिक  समरसता  के  हितार्थ  प्रतिबन्ध  लगा  देना  चाहिए | सेक्युलरिज्म   की  यह  असली  परख  है |
यदि  जाकिर  नाइक  ऊपर  लिखी हुई  बातों  का  ऐलान  मंच  से  वास्तव  में  करे  और  अपने  वेबसाइट  पर   भी  दे  तो  अग्निवीर  की  वेबसाइट  पर  भी  इसे  दिया  जाएगा और  उसके  खिलाफ  लिखे  गए   सारे  लेखों  को  तुरंत  हटा  लिया  जायेगा |
पर  हाँ , यदि  जाकिर  नाइक ,बुखारी  और  इस्लाम  के  अन्य  प्रतिनिधि  इन  बातों  को मानने  से  इंकार  करते  हैं  और  हिन्दू  फिर   भी  ‘ईश्वर  अल्लाह  तेरो  नाम  ‘गाना  जारी  रखते  हैं   तो  हिन्दुओं  से  ज्यादा  नासमझ  (मूर्ख ) समुदाय  और  कोई  भी  नहीं  होगा | क्योंकि  जो  ‘शेष   नाग ’के  भ्रम  में  साँप  (कोबरा )को  दूध  अर्पित  करते  हों  और  जानबूझ  कर  उसे  अपने  सिर  पर  बैठाते  हों , वह  तो  डसे जाने  के  ही पात्र हैं |  जाकिर  नाइक  और  बुखारी    अपने  क्रिया कलापों  द्वारा  प्रमाणित  करके  दिखाएँ की  वे  वास्तव  में  शेष  नाग  हैं – आस्तीन   के   साँप  नहीं |
और  जब  तक  ये  मुस्लिम  प्रतिनिधि   सेक्युलरिज्म   की  इस  कसौटी  को  पार  करने  से  इंकार  करते  हैं  तब तक  इन  तथा कथित  बुद्धिजीवियों  को  कोई  अधिकार  नहीं  है  कि  वे  हिन्दू  संगठनो  को  कट्टरपंथी  और  फिरकापरस्त  कहें |मोहनदास   सिर्फ   हिन्दुओं  से  ही  ‘ईश्वर  अल्लाह  तेरो  नाम ’ गवा सके  जिसे   आज  भी  मंदिरों  में  गाया   जा  रहा  है | देश  और  विश्व  में  सच्चे  साम्प्रदायिक  सौहार्द  को  लाने  के  लिए  यह  ख्याति प्राप्त गीत  मस्जिदों  और  आइ  आर एफ   के  जलसों  में  भी  गूंजना  चाहिए |
पर दुःख की बात है की आज तक कोई मुसलमान मौलवी या प्रचारक या संस्था यह कहने की हिम्मत नहीं कर पायी कि
“मुस्लिम  और गैर -मुस्लिम  सभी  अच्छे  इन्सान  जन्नत  हासिल  करेंगे |”
“ईश्वर  अल्लाह  तेरो  नाम”
“ईश्वर  और  अल्लाह  एक  हैं ,राम  और  रहीम  एक  हैं ,गीता  और  कुरान  एक  हैं ,काशी  और  काबा  एक  हैं”
This article is also available in English at http://agniveer.com/1678/test-of-secularism/


  1. secular sirf hindu hi kyu hote hai musalman kyu nahi? usaki wajah ye hai ki musalmani ko kurane ye sab sikhati. hai. muslim non muslin (kafir) ye sab kuran me hi aata hai dusare dharmik kitabo me nahi.


    • “dusre ke sath vahi vyvhar kariye jo apne liye bhi pasand aye ” yah ek sutr hai manvata ki raksha ke liye , ekta ke liye ,apsi pyarbadhne ke liye ! apne se bade v gyani ka adar kijiye, apne barabar ke vyaktiyo se mitrta kijiye , apne chote ko pyar v kshama kijiye , jo bure hai unki sangati chhod dijiye , unko niymanusar kanun ke anusar dand dilvane me sahayog kijiye kabhi bhul karke bhi svayam dand dene ka vichar bhi matlaiye kyoki nimn buddhi vale “badala lene ki pravatti vale ban jate hai ” vah apka asani se nuksan kar sakter hai ! yah acharan pray: sabhi manushy ke liye uchit rahega !

  3. Hello,
    Maine Almost Sabki Baatein Padhi… Mujhe aisa laga jaise Saari Khamiyan Islam Mein dikhti hain logo ko… Inshort Kuch Bhi Bolne Se Pehle Mere Gair Muslim Bhai.. Aap Tehzeeb Ke Daire Mein Baat Karein.. (Sex,Relation, Written Fighting etc.) Dekhiye. Research Kijye Tamam Log jo bhi ho aur Behas (Modern Thetrology ) Se koi fayda hasil nahi hai… Jab aap research karein aur jo behtar lage use Amal (Practise ) Mein Lein. Aur Bhool Jayein ke Dunia kya karti hai.. Koi Zor Zabardasti nahi hai… Jis tarah is blog mein starting mein likha hai… ke slog padhein…
    Hum Kehte hain Aaap Kalma Padhein Islam Ka… Kya Yeh Mumkin Hai?
    Nahi Beshak Nahi..
    Takleef hua na bhai so.. Jo aapke dharm mein nahi woh kyon karenge…
    So isi tarah hum apne khuda & rasool ke per yakeen rakhte hain. aur aapke batane se koi naya concept nahi lana humein. ke masjid mein Slog ho aur Mandir mein namaz.
    Aap Budhi Jeewo ka kya kehna… Alhamdolilah… (Shukr Hai Khuda Ka) Ke hum Muslim Hain… Khuda ne kaha jo iman nahi rakhte EK Khuda ke unke dilo per muhar laga diya hai (Stamp).. Chahe aap unhe samjhao ya na samjhao woh rehti dunia tak nahi samjhenge…..
    Masjid Mandir ban jayega…
    Mandir Masjid Ban Jayega…
    Khuda ki ebadat to ruki nahi na…. Rokna chahte ho indirect way mein Allah Ki Ebadat ko to Baatein Ghuma Ghuma kar Puchte ho…. Samjhna nahi chahte aur na samajh paoge… Q ke Gumraahi se Nikalne wala Khuda Hai.. Jis Din Ek Khuda ka Kalma Padhoge Ya Rasool Per Yakeen Rakhoge ke woh Aakhiri Messanger Hain…. Bas Swargiye lagane se nahi jaoge….. Kalma Padhoge 5 Pillars ko follow karoge… Insha allah dawa hai khuda ka ek ek second ki bhi sachi ebadat ya ache kaam kiye hoge to use Jannat Mein Entry without any bahas , entrance , refrence… directly jaoge… Aur Rahoge humesha humesha ke liye… Jis cheez ki bhook sabse zyada means sex ki baat karne mein first rehte ho na woh dekhna tumhari zaat wahan kaisi hogi….. Paak , nek Hoge Ekdum……
    So Jis Topic per baat nikala tha bas secularism yeh hai…

    • So Jis Topic per baat nikala tha bas secularism yeh hai ke BhaiChara , Ekchahti , Respect Banana , Cordinaton Rakhna hai. bas. Yeh Desh ke hit ke liye hai… Manawta ke hit ke liye … Q ke Dharm Manwata ke liye hai. Desh to ek field hai jahan humein mil jul kar rahna hai.. Religion Badh Kar Hai Desh se Q ke Khuda First Hai Phir Rest of Things…
      Mera Koi intension nahi kisi ke feelings of hurt karna…. this is mine thoughts.
      Thanks & Regards.

  4. Yeh Logo ko Darr hai khud ke mit jaane ka…… Bas ek website bana lia aur traffic increase karne ke liye do religion ki baat nikal di….
    Islam Qaym Ho Kar Rahega….. Zakir Naik ko dekh dar gaye…. Rasool ko dekhte to kya hota?
    bas convert dekh kar darr lagne laga.. Bhaiya jo sahi hai log to Sahi cheezo ko hasil karenge aur kar rahein hain…
    Good Work…. Convert Karwao Khud Mein Logo Ko…. Inspiration Mila Hai Zakir Naik Se Agniveer ko….. Good Job… Agniveer..

    • kuran me ek bhi koi “maulik sachhaai” batlaiye ” jo islam me ho beshak kuran me bahut sei achhi bate bhi hai lekivdusre majahabo ki” jhuthan” matr hai ?

      • Mr. Raj… Don’t Argue.. Please Keep Studying.. Jo Acha Lage woh le lo. Okey. Woh aap ke liye behtar hoga..

      • manniy shri shahbaz ji ,apko” tark” kyo nahi pasand ate ? isse taklif kyo hoti hai? hamne anek bar kuran ka hindi anuvad padha hai tabhi ham yah bat pesh kar rahe hai, joapne kuran kosamjha hai vah pesh kijiye ?

    • Hashmi…u saying zakir naik is a right guy. and talking abt some rasool…shit have u seen the rasool ..how he looks like osama…LMAO..stop sayying something u havent seen…give me a break jehadi….ithen why is he banned in Europe,Canada and even Russia…answer me…dude bottom line is your are frustrated like many fantic muslims…and i pity u …seems u dont know history..spain was a islamic nation and were ruled by arabs but they debunked islam and kicked out arabs..even turkey,Lebanon,jordan and leaving islam is big numbers….even Indonesia…so get ur facts right .guys like zakir naik is making money and fooling people…and most of guys who accept islam in his peave tv program are muslims and are paid to act like hindus and then accept islam in public..i can make u meet those guys…Dont believe in media or website..use ur own brains..go see the world and how muslims are treated and how many young muslims are leaving islam…21st century youth from developed nations can be fooled with cult of islam….I have studied in US and most of my friends from Iran,pakistan,Malaysia etc have left islam and practice either Buddhism or Christianity and some Hinduism…if you see Indonesia…from 97% of people following islam has dropped to 85% and in Malaysia in last 4 decades 80% followers of islam have dropped to 61%….so which world are u in…..Let there be 2 child policy in India or conviction irrespective of religion…you will see almost negligible growth of muslim in India as muslims have highest infant mortality rate and lower life expectancy than Hindus…STOP BEING IN DREAM OF ISLAM will rule the world….next World war will end islam forever…and guess wat no muslim nation have balls to fight nation like India,Israel,US,Russia….Keep living is self denial and disguise and fool your future generations….no wonder muslims have no contribution to this world….,,Anyways..contact me I will take u from darkness of islam to light and divine powers of our Vedic Religion…..OM NAMAH SHIVAY…JAI HIND …JAI BHARAT…

      • Very nice…. Gud… Keep Research… contact me @https://www.facebook.com/shahbaz.hashmi

    • Hashmi…u saying zakir naik is a right guy. and talking abt some rasool…shit have u seen the rasool ..how he looks like osama…LMAO..stop sayying something u havent seen…give me a break jehadi….ithen why is he banned in Europe,Canada and even Russia…answer me…dude bottom line is your are frustrated like many fantic muslims…and i pity u …seems u dont know history..spain was a islamic nation and were ruled by arabs but they debunked islam and kicked out arabs..even turkey,Lebanon,jordan and leaving islam is big numbers….even Indonesia…so get ur facts right .guys like zakir naik is making money and fooling people…and most of guys who accept islam in his peave tv program are muslims and are paid to act like hindus and then accept islam in public..i can make u meet those guys…Dont believe in media or website..use ur own brains..go see the world and how muslims are treated and how many young muslims are leaving islam…21st century youth from developed nations can be fooled with cult of islam….I have studied in US and most of my friends from Iran,pakistan,Malaysia etc have left islam and practice either Buddhism or Christianity and some Hinduism…if you see Indonesia…from 97% of people following islam has dropped to 85% and in Malaysia in last 4 decades 80% followers of islam have dropped to 61%….so which world are u in…..Let there be 2 child policy in India or conviction irrespective of religion…you will see almost negligible growth of muslim in India as muslims have highest infant mortality rate and lower life expectancy than Hindus…STOP BEING IN DREAM OF ISLAM will rule the world….next World war will end islam forever…and guess wat no muslim nation have balls to fight nation like India,Israel,US,Russia….Keep living is self denial and disguise and fool your future generations….no wonder muslims have no contribution to this world….,,Anyways..contact me I will take u from darkness of islam to light and divine powers of our Vedic Religion…..OM NAMAH SHIVAY…JAI HIND …JAI BHARAT

  5. There are several questions that I have which to my knowledge have not yet been answered by Islam:
    1- If the whole universe (all the stars and planets) were created for the earth then it should surround the earth, but here the earth is surrounding the sun and that surrounds the galaxy. The Quran failed to mention this.
    2- The whole universe was created for humans, the stars at night are used to find your path, etc., but there are billions of planets in the universe. Are they too created for us? What is the use for humans in this?
    3- Allah created all humans from two humans (Adam and Hawwa). Their sons and daughters were sisters and brothers, how could they marry and reproduce among themselves?
    4- Prophet Nooh collected a pair of all the animals on the earth in his Ark. How would it be possible to collect them all? There are still unnamed and unidentified animals on earth. There are also many variety of animals in its own genus, for example; there are more than 200 types of frogs, 300 types of snakes and etc.,
    5- Human and chimpanzee DNA match over 99%, why is it so?
    6- Science has proved that millions of animals lived before the human, why?
    I have left islam for my self respect and for future of my kids as I dont want them to be called terrorists….I feel islam is not for current age and shud be voided.I considering following Buddhism and Hinduism..
    Let me know if any muslim can answer me…

    • @Rahil Ex Muslim: Namaste Brother.. I hope you are really an ex muslim and not a hindu doing gimmicks!.. anyways.. you will never find answers to your questions in Islam.. its all about Believing or Beheading!.. its pure Madness!!! nothing else

    • Allah will Guide you ! I will Pray for You…………… i Cant Sy you did wrong… but i sure…. you dos’nt have mind to know about your Allah and its Creation….

  6. Hi Bro Atman…i dont have time to play games or make fun of people or make them feel down….I believe in truth and peace which I didnt get in islam and there are lot many like me…just a naming a pig…a lion doesnt make it the one…same way just naming koranic religion islam doesnt make it peaceful….as islam is a arabic word for Peace….
    Anybody who want to find truth,unconditional love and peace can never be in islam….I come from highest class of muslim…the Syeds ..anyways will be doing research on Buddhism and Vedas….
    No Offence and Universal Peace…

    • Namaste Brother,
      If I can give some advice on your search. In Vedic Hinduism we have something called the Rishi tradition unlike the abrahmic tradition which has the prophet way of thinking. The difference is:
      Rishi is someone who practiced yoga or meditation or both which are techniques that allow you to become enlightened. Anyone can do this and it isn’t restricted to one or group of people in a particular place and time. Anyone can become a Rishi.
      And as you probably know that the prophet is history centric. People become dependent on a particular person from a particular time for a unique event. No one can replicate the personal experience that prophet had. There is no way to prove or verify what that person has done. And that information is preserved in a institution and that is the only way.
      As you can see, there is a clear distinction between the Rishi tradition and prophet way of thinking. The Dharmic way of thinking asks people who make fantastic claims to prove what they have done. If someone said they experienced God a True Dharmic person would ask, how did you do that so I can experience God on my own also. While a prophet follower would say wow you are this great prophet, I will follow you as the prophet now. As what happened with the abhramic traditions.
      Another good example is using Newton’s laws. In order for use to understand and use Newton’s laws we don’t need to know who Newton was or his history. We can know the math and physics behind it the laws and apply it without even know a single thing about Newton or even know it is Newton’s laws. The math and physics were always there, he is the one credited with discovering the law. The same applies to yoga and meditation. Those techniques were always there for someone to connect with God. And according to the Rishi tradition we should all use those techniques so we may connect with God ourselves. Don’t depend on the words of others as proof. Prove it for yourself.
      I hope this helps you out brother.

      • And if someone claims they got a message from god, he or she needs to show everyone how they received it so everyone can replicate it. It is called hoarding the knowledge and techniques if they don’t show others how to do what they have done. It is a very selfish thing to do. Or they actually didn’t talk to god and they are just making stuff up so he or she can get power. That is why I don’t believe in the word of god, but only experience God. And Yoga and Meditation is brilliant and amazing technique to do that.

      • Yoga is shaitanic practice & Muslim should not follow it. In Yoga one can forget to take birth & it is not natural to stop the breathing. There are many cases where one had to loose his life due to Yoga. We should worship the God as prophet guided us in holy Quran.

      • Not breath. lol….. Okay man, you have no idea about Yoga. Why don’t you learn more about Yoga before you make things up.

      • bahut bolte ho tum sab ,, bas ladai ka kam h 2 logo ka ..dharm bhale alag ho bt sab ka vichar ek h ladai ladai or kuch nhi,,,jise jo manna h mane tum log ku ladte ho..

  7. so afzal as there is no name called afjal…seems you are forced convert to islam or your parents were….anyways…I have read koran in arabic,persian and english and its real contradictory and not a par with current world….Turks,kazakhs,persians are leaving islam coz of that…..I am not a fanatic and beiieve in Humanity…and abt Yoga…its a great tool to destress and relax..lot of arabs and people from Iran and Pakistan do Yoga here in Dubai….and have real great reviews about it.
    Anyways Let me know the contribution of islam and muslims to modern world…..???Hahahaha its nothing….Answer my questions if you afzal…if you can lets not intervene as fanatics dont live for long…..
    There are several questions that I have which to my knowledge have not yet been answered by Islam:
    1- If the whole universe (all the stars and planets) were created for the earth then it should surround the earth, but here the earth is surrounding the sun and that surrounds the galaxy. The Quran failed to mention this.
    2- The whole universe was created for humans, the stars at night are used to find your path, etc., but there are billions of planets in the universe. Are they too created for us? What is the use for humans in this?
    3- Allah created all humans from two humans (Adam and Hawwa). Their sons and daughters were sisters and brothers, how could they marry and reproduce among themselves?
    4- Prophet Nooh collected a pair of all the animals on the earth in his Ark. How would it be possible to collect them all? There are still unnamed and unidentified animals on earth. There are also many variety of animals in its own genus, for example; there are more than 200 types of frogs, 300 types of snakes and etc.,
    5- Human and chimpanzee DNA match over 99%, why is it so?
    6- Science has proved that millions of animals lived before the human, why?
    I will wait for your answers on my above questions and will see how much you know koran….I am sure u know NOOH….do you???
    Regards,Peace and Respect to all.

  8. are kuran aur bhagvadgita ki baate chod do,par mujhe ek sawaal aaj bhi satata hai ki agar majhab jine ke liye banaya gaya hai to kyu majhab naa apnane wale to mara jata hai ?aur majhab ko badhane ke liye kyu talwar ki jarurat padi islam ko ? islam agar apne aapme powerful hai to is duniya ka insan kyu islam ko khud hi apnata nahi ?use kya jarurat hai talwar dikhane ki ? jo dharm hatiyar ke balpar bana hai wo hatiyar se hi mitegaa …….yahi akhri sach hai …….

  9. yeh hindu atankwaad kya hai? bas sonia gandhi nay musalmaano ko khush karnay kay liye hinduon ko atankwadi kya keh diya sab uchalnay lag gaye. atankwad quraan ki pehli seekh hai. kyunki islam apnay nazdeek kisi gair islami dharm ko bardasht nahi kar sakta aur na hi kisi musalmaan ko secular yani dharmnirpeksh honay ki sahuliyat deta hai, isiliye musalmaan har jagah aatankwaad faila rahey hain. aisey bohot sey gair islami desh hain jahan musalmaan kafi behetar isthiti may panap rahey hain par aisa kaunsa islami nation hai jahan gair islami aaj tak zinda bhi bachey hain? aisa isiliye hai kyunki islam kay alwa baqi saarey dharm aapasi sauhard aur samman sikhatey hain par islam gair musalmaano ko qafir qarar deta hai aur qurran may gair musalmaano ki hatya kar deney kishisha di gayi hai jo har musalmaan ko bachpan sey hi rata di jati hai. yeh aaj ki baat nahi hai balki islam ki history may jab jerusalem par islamiyon ka kabza hua to unhonay sabsey pehlay wahan kay church ka cross ukhad diya aur ussey sadak par ghaseetatey huye poorey shahar may badnam kiya gaya. musalmaano nay uss cross ko gaaliyan di aur uss par thooka bhi. iskay jawab may christians nay Christian Crusaders naam kay yaddha bhejey jinhonay islamiyon ko bohot hi dardnaak kism ki maut kay ghat utara. to yeh ek haqeeqat hai ki islam terrorism ki shiksha deta hai jo doosarey dharmon aur unkay followers kay khilaf nafrat sey upajta hai aur kyunki qafiron ki hatya quraan kay anusar punya ka kaam hai isiliye har musalmaan kisi bhi gair muslim ki hatya sey nahi ghabrata. islam hi terrorism ka paryay hai. aaj sari duniya iss baat ko 1 jut maanti hai, yahan tak ki Iran kay sambhrant musalmaan parivaar bhi yahi maantey hain ki islam kay karan unkay desh ki yeh durdasha hui hai.

  10. Duniya ki woh kaun sa dharam granth hai jismein hazaron saal pahle bata diya tha ki hamare fingre print unique hain jo ki humein yeh kuchh saalon pahle pata chala to aao us dharm ki khoz karein aur usi mein shamil ho jayein……


  11. Islam me koi philosophy hi nahi hai,jo bhi hai sab aadha adhura hai.jo bhi hai vo sab bansa hai,pahale se hi udhar liya hai ya tod marodkar naya banvane ki purjor koshish ki hai.koi bhi vdvan islam me nonduality ko siddha nahi kar sakta.AUR DUNIYA ME EK HI TRUTH HAI NONDUALITY.jab tak do hai tab tak dar hai.is liye aadmi akela hona nahi chata koi na koi sahara dhundta hai aur us me hi suraksa manta hai.muhammad khud akela nahi rah saka to usne dar ke mare ye duality ki kalpana izad ki allah ko kalpit kiya hai.jo kabhi tha hi nahi.

  12. Muslim hindua ka bhai hai . mera dost muslim hai vo mandir bhi jata hai , hamara hindu devi devtao ko bhi pujta hai or kehta hai dono dharm sahi hai janat kon jayenga kon nahi jayanga uske karam pe depend karnga . mera dost kehta hai muslim complex hai

  13. jara hindu logo se kuch ques h mere pas iska jawab dijiye raj ap khas ker ..
    1. shiv ling ko shiv ling ku kaha jata h?
    2.krishna ne kitne logo se avedh smabhandh banye?kya yeh sahi h?
    3.ram ne ku vanvas diya sita ko?
    4. bali ko dhoke me ku mara?
    5. konsi kitab tumhare sabse jyada sarvshrest h?
    pehle yeh sab ka answer do baki ques bat me …..apn edharm ko pehle deko bat me kisi or dharm per ungli uthao…

  14. Dear friends Muslims and Hindus ,
    You are all from the same God, Allah, Bhagwaan. If the gods were different they wouldn’t have copied the same models and put you on a common earth. They would have had earths of their own to put their creation.As per “Imane Muffassil”,a true muslim is required to believe in all the prophets of Allah and all the revealed books which are supposed to be in thousands.Allah himself is Omni science, Omni potent and Omni present. You wish to call him “Bhagwan”, do so by all means. No body can prevent you from calling water as pani or jal . A tamilian may call “Tanni”.It still remains H2O.Please stop taking references from Zakir Naik because he isnot a representative of muslims. We already have too many problems with him.As regards Bukhari and Muslim Hadiths they have undergone manupulation at the hands of Umayyads a psedomuslim group.Zakir Naik belongs to this group.And when you quote from Quran, please see in what context it is revealed and what is before it and after it. Do not quote out of context.I have read the Geetha, the mahabharat, the ramayan and the Puranas and Vedas. Most of them look like divinely inspired books. So please be happy with the religions that you follow and let others follow what they feel best.Arguments will take you all nowhere except developing sour feelings.We have all a temporary stay on the earth. Let us not leave behind us trail of hatred behind us for the future generations to follow.

  15. Pyare Doston.
    Mere kuch Sawalon ke jawaab do.
    1. Sabse purana Dharm (Mazhab) kaun hai?
    2. Pehli Dharm Niyamavali (Shariyet) Kaun se hai aur ye kisne banai hai?
    3. Sanatan Dharm (Vedik Dharm) ke ishdoot (Messenger) ka naam kya hai?
    4.Quran me kitne Dharm (Mazhab) ke baare me bataya gaya hai?

    • @Iman
      _______________Sabse purana Dharm (Mazhab) kaun hai_______________
      Dharm kabhi bhi naya ya purana nahi hota. Dharm sanatan (eternal) hai. Halaki religion naya ya purana ho hota hai..
      _________Pehli Dharm Niyamavali (Shariyet) Kaun se hai aur ye kisne banai hai_______
      Ishawar/God ne I
      __________Sanatan Dharm (Vedik Dharm) ke ishdoot (Messenger) ka naam kya hai________
      Ishwar ko kisi messanger ki jarurat nahi hai. Ishawar swayam sabhi manushyo ko prerna deta hai.
      ________Quran me kitne Dharm (Mazhab) ke baare me bataya gaya hai____
      Quran me dharm ke bare me nahi bataya gaya hai, parantu christian , Judaism aur Islam religion ke bare me bataya gaya hai.

  16. Dear Sanatan Dharma,
    The Correct Answer is.
    1. Sabse purana Dharm (Mazhab) kaun hai? Ans: Vedic Dharma (Sanatan Dharma)
    2. Pehli Dharm Niyamavali (Shariyet) Kaun se hai aur ye kisne banai hai? Ans: Vedic Dharma Jise Mahanuvoo(Manu) (Quran me Hazrat Nooh Alaysalaam Kaha gaya) ne banaya. (Ref: Bhavisya Puran and Matsya Puran)
    3. Sanatan Dharm (Vedik Dharm) ke ishdoot (Messenger) ka naam kya hai? Ans: Mahanuvoo(Manu) (Quran me Hazrat Nooh Alaysalaam Kaha gaya)
    4.Quran me kitne Dharm (Mazhab) ke baare me bataya gaya hai? Ans: 4 Dharma (Momin, Christian, Judaism and Sabians) (Ref: Quran Sura No-2, Aya No-62)

  17. Dear Sanatan Dharma,
    What is Dharma, in a nutshell?
    Pehla aur sabse khaas yeh ki kudrat aur kudrat ke kanoon ke sath mil jul kar madhurta se rahne ka matlab hai Dharma. ye insan ke Atmasamrpan karne ke liye samaj ke naitik siddhanto se jeene ka matlab hai.
    Religion word is derived from Western cultural.
    Quran me sirf Dharma(Mazhab) ke baare me bataya gaya hai.
    Jab insan dharma ko bhool kar anaitikta per utar aya, insan dusre insano per atyachar karne laga tab Allah(Ishwar) ne dharti per ishdoot(messenger) bheja insan ko adharmi se dharmi banane keliye. Yahi se Religion ki suruat hui.
    Religion samaj ko unke apne tareeke se Allah(Ishwar) ki ibadat karne ka concept bangaya.

    • @Imaran,
      (sorry Sanatan for barging in, in the mean time that you are away.)
      Definition of Mazhab/Deen (By Islamic Scholars)
      Mazhab is from the root word zahaba which means to go. If I say zahabtu ila Al-Masjid, it means I went to the mosque, or if I say Zahabtu ila zalika al-ray, it means I went to that opinion or view, i.e. I took that view as granted. The word mazhab is on the form of mafaal, in Arabic morphology, and it signifies name for time and place, so mazhab meaning in the context of Islamic theology and law the place to which scholars went to, i.e. opinions regarding Islamic creed and Law, they accepted.
      Now Dharma defintion is here (read the 10 points mentioned there)
      There is “NO” Equation between “Dharma” and “Mazhab” , as you make it sound.
      so its a request, to stop equating and mixing quran with vedic and indic knowledge systems thus avoiding confusion.

  18. A brilliant article from Agniveer!
    There can not a better definition of secularism than that mentioned in this article. This is extraordinary thinking!
    In my opinion Hinduism is not a religion guided by a fixed book and set of rules and rituals. It is a phiolosophy evolving over thousands of years. And of course, the evolution process has lot of scope for changing times, scruiteny to sciency and logics etc etc.
    However, essence of hinduism is “live and let others live”. Unfortunately some other religions would direct killing instructions against those who do not believe in their set of rules defined in their holy book! Any person with little bit of logic and sense would suggest deletion of such commands/thinking! That is reforms. Question is are some other religions ready for such reforms?
    http://www.faithfreedom.org is one such enlightened site which puts more logic on human kinds.

  19. @ Vajra, Asif, raj.hyd…
    Hindu bhaiyo ko namaskar aur musalmano ko Assalam Walaikum
    Ap sab to aise jhagad rahe hai jaise 6-7 sal k bachhe jhagdte hai ki mera shirt achha hai tumhara bahut khrab hai…kya bachpana hai ye.,agar ham sab dharam ko samjhte to aise na jhagdte, jaisa ki kahte hai ki KAMILI INSAN YANI SIDHH PURUSH KHAMOSH RAHTA HAI KYO KI WAH SAMAJHTA HAI KI SAMNE
    aur rahi bat Quran ko samjhne ki Usme bahut sare pahlu hai, jaise samjik pahlu, economic pahlu, ADHYATMIK Pahlu,kya kare kya na kare….agar dekha jaye to Quran sirf ek philosophy nahi balki ek practical Nazil kitab hai…isme bahut sari bate apko virodha bhasi lag sakti hai jo ki us samay ke anusar hai,us samay ki samjik avastha, logo ki samjhne ki avastha matlab ki mental condition ya aur kayi halat…agar apko itna hi janna hai Quran ke kisi bhi ayat ko to padhne se pahle uske back ground ko janne ki koshish kijiye..aur iske liye kisi mulla ke yaha jane se behtar hai ki ek aise alim yani scolor ( Sufi ) ke pas jayiye jisko kuchh adhhyatmik anubhav bhi ho…kyu ki ek Arabic shabd 10 arth bhi ho sakta hai, jiska sahi bhavarth na janne se arth ka anrth ho sakta hai..aur kuchh bato ko khud samjhne ki koshish kijiye ki Allah maf kare Muhammad pbuh ko agar unke nafs ( khwahishat ) ke liye shadi karni thi to agar wo chahte Arab ki Behisab khoobsurat aurte unki bivi banne ke liye khudko beshumar khush kismat samjhti, lekin nahi unki 9 biviyo me se sirf ek kawari thi ( i m not very shure about no.) baki sab vidhwaye thi, unko kya zarurat thi kisi aisi aurat se shadi karnek liye jo zayada umra ki ho…ZARA SOCHIYE….
    aur ap sab ko market me bahut sari kitabe mil jayengi jinka sachhayi se koi vasta nahi hai…abhi jo maine upar baten likhi unse bahut sare Muslim bhai bhi raji nahi honge kyuki musalmano me bhi bahut sare firke ban chuke hai jo is bat ka sabut hai ki sachhai kahin na kahin chook rahi hai…
    hindu bhaiyo maine thoda bahut Geeta, ved aur purano ko bhi padha hai jisme jyadatar Adhyatmik anubhav matlab aatm sakhtkar ke philosopy likhe huye hai..aisa hi gautam budhha ke bare me bhi hai…lekin Islam ki kiran waha se nikli hai jahan samajik taur par duniya ka sabse andhera jagah tha ( Islam se pahle ki history padhiye Arab me ),jaha pe jitna andhera ho waha pe utne hi tej roshni ki zarurat padti hai.. Muhammad pbuh ke noor ki zarurat padti hai….agar waha ke logo se direct Adhyatm ki bat kiya jata to kya wo samjh pate..??? pahle unhe zarurat thi zindgi ko kaise jye, iska gyan ho..fir Adhyatm…to Allah ne Quran me choti se choti bato ka bhi zikra kiya hai…code of conduct hai life ke liye ki kaise jiye zindgi ko..uske bad ham ATM SAKHTKAR ke bare me soch sakte hai…
    uske bare me bhi bahut sari aayte hai Quran me…aur agar aap imandari se is duniya par nazar dale to near about > 95% logo ko pahle jina kaise chahiye is gyan ki zyada zarurat hai , bajaye iske ki Atma Sakhtkar kaise ho…Duniya ke har mazahab ki kitabo me ek chhiz common hai SELF ENLIGHTENMENT YANI AATM SAKHTKAR YANI KHUD KI BASHARAT..baki bateo me condition ke hisab se fer badal ho sakta hai….
    Sirf Likh kar ya padh kar ham sari bate nahi samajh sakte dosto..jisko Allah chahta usko apna ilm ( Gyan )deta hai…Dharm gyan nahi Anubhav hai…
    Ummed karta hu ki ap sab mere isharo ko Samjh Gaye honge…
    Khuda Hafiz..

  20. allah koi tanashah hai kya jisko chahta hai usko ilm [gyaan] deta hai , fir nastik desho ne kaise tarakki kar li chin, roos adi desh to allah ko bhi nahi mante hai ! jab kuran me virodha bahshi bate hai tab is desh ke muslim kyo kuran ke piche lage huye hai arab me kuran aya hai to arbi desh vasi mane bharat ke manushy usko kyo mane ! islam ko samajhne ke liye sufi ke pas kyo jaya jaye jo kuran ke anuvad sab jagah majud hai to usko hi kyo n samjha jaye ! sufi sant to dargao me bhejne ki bat karte hai ! kya usko shirk butparsti nhi kaha jayega !

  21. What a great piece written by Agniveer ji.This should be implemented then only we will know who is secular and who is ‘sickular’.
    I’m sure temples would agree with this noble concept but the question arises will Abrahmic religions are upto the challenge.
    This sure is Test of Secularism.

  22. *ख़राबी की जड़*
    हर आदमी हक़(सत्य) का नाम लेता है। इसके बावजूद दुनिया में हर तरफ़ बिगाड़ क्यों है।
    इसकी वजह क़ुरआन के शब्दों में इल्हाद (इनहराफ़/विचलन/deviation) है।
    यानी बात को सही रूख़ से ग़लत रूख़ की तरफ़ मोड़ देना।
    इल्हाद की एक सूरत जो मौजूदा ज़माने में बहुत ज़्यादा रायज(Common) है‚ वह है— इनफ़रादी(Individual) हुक्म का रूख़ इज्तमाइयात(Community) की तरफ़ कर देना।
    जिस हुक्म का संबोधन(Address) आदमी की अपनी ज़ात(निजी व्यक्तित्व) से है उसका मुख़ातिब(Addressed) दूसरों को बना देना।
    मशलन क़ुरआन में है कि — ‘अपने रब की बड़ाई कर और अपने अख़लाक (आचरण/Morality) को पाक(शुद्ध) कर’ इस आयत में अगर— ‘और दूसरों के अख़लाक़(आचरण/Morality) को पाक(पवित्र) कर’ — के मानी में ले लिया जाए तो सारा मामला उलट जाएगा।
    जो आयत व्यक्तिगत सुधार का सबक़(सीख) दे रही है वह सिर्फ़ दूसरों के ख़िलाफ़ उखाड़–पछाड़ के समानार्थी बन कर रह जाएगी।
    इसी तरह तमाम अहकाम(आदेश/निर्देश) का हाल है। हर हुक्म जो ख़ुदा की तरफ़ से दिया गया है उसका सब से पहला ख़िताब(संबोधन) आदमी की अपनी ज़ात(निजी व्यक्तित्व) से है। मगर मौजूदा ज़माने के इन्क़लाबी दीनदारों (धार्मिक क्रान्तिकारीयों) ने तमाम अहकाम(सारे आदेश /निर्देश) का रूख़ दूसरों की तरफ़ कर रखा है।
    यही वजह है कि दीन व मज़हब के नाम पर बेशूमार हंगामों के बावजूद कोई इस्लाह और सुधार नहीं होती।
    हर किस्म की इस्लाह(सुधार) और हर किस्म के बिगाड़ का ख़ुलासा(सारांश) दो लफ़्ज़ों में ये है—
    1) ख़ुदा बड़ा है‚ इसलिए मैं बड़ा नहीं हूँ।
    2) ख़ुदा बड़ा है‚ इसलिए तुम बड़े नहीं हो।
    पहला वाक्य ‘अल्लाहु–अकबर’ के कलिमा(वचन/words) को सही रूख़ से लेना है। दूसरा वाक्य ‘अल्लाहु–अकबर’ के कलिमा(वचन/words) को ग़लत रूख़ से अख़्तियार(चुनना) करना है।
    अगर आप कहें कि ‘ख़ुदा बड़ा है (अल्लाहु–अकबर) इसलिए मैं बड़ा नहीं हूँ’ तो आप के अन्दर अपनी ज़ात(निजी व्यक्तित्व) के बारे में जिम्मेदारी का एहसास जागेगा। आप के अन्दर से घमंड निकलेगा और संजीदगी(गंभीरता) और ज़ाती इस्लाह (व्यक्तिगत सुधार) का जज़्बा पैदा होगा। आप के अन्दर तवाज़ेह और विनम्रता उभरेगी जो तमाम भलाईयों की जड़ है।
    इसके विपरीत जब आप का नारा यह हो कि ‘ख़ुदा बड़ा है इसलिए तुम बड़े नहीं हो’ तो इससे घमंड की नफ़्सियात(मनोवृति/मिज़ाज) पैदा होती है और तोड़–फोड़ और दूसरों के ख़िलाफ़ उखाड़–पछाड की सियासत उभरती है।
    इस्लाह(सुधार) के नाम पर ऐसा फ़साद ज़हूर(प्रकट/दृश्य) में आता है जो किसी हद पर रूकने वाला न हो।
    Excerpt & Transliterated from the Book–अल्लाहुअकबर (P-37)
    The Book अल्लाहुअकबर written by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan(www.cpsglobal.org)

    • almanniy sri tanveer ji,lah ho akbar arthat allahbada hai lekin allah kabse bada yah bhi to batlaya jana chahiye ?kya allah aaj se bada hua hai ? jab koichota hoga tabhito koibada hoga keval kahane matr se koi bada kaise mana ja sakta hai hamara prashn hai ki agar allah bada hai to chota kaun tha ? aur allajh kabse bada hai ? kuran to” mul ki bhool” hai ! uski buniyad hi bhool par tiki huyi hai fir uski baat sachhi kaise maan li jaye !

  23. हम सब एक सेक्युलर ( पंथनिरपेक्ष ) देश में रहते हैं | सेक्युलरिज्म एक सबसे उम्दा मानवीय विचार है |जिसमें कोई भी नीतिगत व्यवस्था ,प्रक्रिया (नीतिगत )या मानसिकता किसी भी फिरके (पंथ ) या साम्प्रदायिक अवधारणाओं – से प्रभावित नहीं होती | सेक्युलरिज्म की पूरी अवधारणा -साम्प्रदायिक सौहार्द की अवधारणाओं पर खड़ी है |मोहनदास करमचंद गाँधी साम्प्रदायिक सौहार्द के बड़े पक्षधर थे |उन्होंने ‘ ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरो नाम ‘ भजन को प्रचलित किया | मतलब ईश्वर और अल्लाह एक ही हैं | उनके ज़माने के साम्प्रदायिक सदभाव वाले और सेक्युलर लोग यह सुरीला गीत सभी मंदिरों में गाते थे | और यह आज भी गाया जाता है | हम यह गाना स्कूलों एवं सामूहिक जमावडों में गाते गाते बड़े हुए हैं |
    विश्व हिन्दू परिषद् , राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ और आर्यसमाज

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