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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

Were Buddhists Persecuted By Hindus?

This article is not against Buddhism or Buddhists but against those that run false factories to repeat the lie that Hindus used violence to uproot Buddhism from this land.

While there are many reasons why the history of this great land needs to be relooked and rewritten, the myth of the persecution of Buddhists by Hindus would find an entry amongst the top 3 reasons, to get it done. What is most interesting in this whole propaganda of persecution of Buddhists by Hindus is that it is Jihadis worldwide who look most concerned with this centuries old issue on humanitarian grounds forgetting that it were their fellow Momins aka Taliban  only, in Afghanistan, who blew the ‘dirty’ Bamiyan Buddha statues and showed how much Jihadis care for Buddhists in 21st Century!

The point of this article is to expose the fallacy of the argument of Hindu persecution of Buddhists, with specific instances from Buddhist historical accounts. The scope of this article is not about delving into the theological aspects of what Siddhartha Gautama Buddha taught or the various schools of Buddhism prevalent today. We proceed to the meat of the article right away by looking at Buddhist historical accounts at the time of Emperor Ashoka, who was instrumental in the spreading of Buddhism far and wide.

Myth  #1: Emperor Ashoka became enlightened after embracing Buddhism and he was the first and the last secular emperor ever to have ruled India.

As we all know, Ashoka, propelled by a sense of guilt after the bloodbath in Kalinga embraced Buddhism as some form of redemption to overcome the same. Not many Marxist historians and Islamic historians in India do seem to acknowledge a little fact that Emperor Ashoka was helped by two of his Hindu mentors in this move. So, to start with, if Hindus were as dogmatic about their faiths, as these historians have projected Hindus to be and had persecuted Buddhists, why and how did those that had sway over this great emperor allow him to embrace Buddhism as his personal faith?

And the anti-Hindu bias of these historians has forced them to hide Ashoka’s disdain towards other faiths, after he became a Buddhist. Here is an incident chronicled in “Ashokavadana” (acts of Ashoka) and I am quoting it verbatim – “….an incident occurred which greatly enraged the king. A follower of the Nirgrantha (Mahavira) painted a picture, showing Buddha prostrating himself at the feet of the Nirgrantha. Ashoka ordered all the Ajivikas of Pundravardhana (North Bengal) to be killed. In one day, eighteen thousand Ajivikas lost their lives. A similar kind of incident took place in the town of Pataliputra. A man who painted such a picture was burnt alive with his family. It was announced that whoever would bring the king the head of a Nirgrantha would be rewarded with a dinara (a gold coin). As a result of this, thousands of Nirgranthas lost their lives.” Only when Vitashoka, Ashoka’s favourite Arhat (an enlightened monk, a Theravada-Buddhist saint), was mistaken for a Nirgran tha and killed by a man desirous of the reward, did Ashoka revoke the order.

But our biased historians would never even acknowledge this, as, Buddhism was supposed to have cleansed Ashoka of all negativities and this incident flies in the face of the secular image that these folks have carefully built.

Myth #2: King Pushyamitra was a Hindu bigot that slaughtered Buddhist monks.

This King Pushyamitra , who was a military general in the Mauryan army (when the dynasty’s power was on the wane), executed a coup and he founded the Shunga dynasty. The charge that historians desperately try to make is exactly the account we saw above (what Ashoka did), excepting that this time, Ashoka has been replaced by Pushyamitra and instead of Nirgranthas, the victims were Buddhist monks. And the delta information in deriding Pushyamitra comes in the form of a powerful Arhat creating many of the monks’ heads and having them sent to King Pushyamitra’s court.  Do we need anything more in terms the credibility of the accounts of King Pushyamitra persecuting Buddhists? The myth seems to hinge on some magic of a senior Buddhist monk creating severed heads of other monks and sending them to the king! Also, this narrative on Pushyamitra occurs towards the end of Ashokavadana. And it gets even shallower, as, there are historical accounts of King Pushyamitra patronizing the construction of many Buddhist monasteries. This is where the statement of the historian Etienne Lamotte assumes significance: “To judge from the documents, Pushyamitra must be acquitted through lack of proof.”  (History of Indian Buddhism, Institut Orientaliste, Louvain-la-Neuve 1988/1958, p.109)

Myth #3: Hindu rulers systematically uprooted Buddhism.

This is a very generic myth and to counter it we are going to use chronicles of Chinese travelers, some of whom, where students of Buddhist theology. When Hieun Tsang (the Chinese traveler and a student of Buddhist theology) was in India, king Harshavardhana organized the Kanauj assembly (643 AD). This king was a patron of both Shaivism and Buddhism and in fact Harshavardhana has written plays integrating legends from Puranas and Jataka. The invitees to the Kanauj assembly included King Bhaskaravarman of Kamrupa (Assam), many Buddhist monks, Hindu and Jain scholars. And where did Hieun Tsang pursue further studies? He did it in Buddhist University of Nalanda. Had Hindu rulers were so intent on finishing off Buddhism, how did this University survive? And a couple of centuries prior to this assembly at Kanauj, another Chinese traveler Faxian (330 – 420 AD) had chronicled the hold of Buddhism in India. Even in the two centuries between these two Chinese travelers, Buddhism did not wither away, which, clearly indicates that across this land ruled by Hindu kings, the growth of Buddhism was never curtailed.

And let us further see what we can infer from Hieun Tsang about Buddhism in India, in his works –

  • Buddhism was popular in Kanyakubja (modern day UP).
  • Kanyakubja  had 100 monasteries and 10,000 bhikshus along with 200 “Deva” (Hindu) temples
  • Konkanpura (perhaps modern day Konkan or may be the areas around Kolhapur), he found great numbers of Buddhists coexisting with a similar number of non-Buddhists
  • In Sindh he finds a large Sammitiya and Theravada population. He reports a fair number of Buddhists in what is now Pakistan.

His chronicles, while discussing that some of the Hindu kings were not favorable to Buddhism, does not anywhere mention anything close to state sponsored violence being unleashed against Buddhists by these Hindu kings. And our Chinese friend (a known Buddhist student of theology) was of some repute and if these Hindu kings were so bigoted (as our modern day historians would have us believe), he would not have been allowed to enter into such kingdoms at all.

So what the above instances go to show is that Hindu kings were not Hindu extremists that destroyed Buddhism, as, the modern day historians try to claim. Given the obvious gaps in their falsified accunts, some of the historians use King Mihirakula as a Hindu poster boy that unleashed violence against Buddhists. But what they willfully gloss over is that this king was not a Hindu but was a Hun ruler that belonged to a clan (of Central Asian Xionites origin) that invaded North West India. The historians claim that King Mihirakula was a Shiavitie but in his campaigns against the kingdom of Malwa and Gwalior, he razed down temples and Buddhist stupas alike and this confirms his non-Hindu origins. Just to be doubly sure, I am also presenting his lineage which proves he was not a Hindu. Mihirakula was the son of the Hun ruler called Toramana and their Hun lineage and the spread of the kingdom can be seen in the Jain literary work called Kuvalayamala.

But our biased historians will have none of these and they will continue to parrot the lie that Hindu kings like Pushyamitra and Mihirakula persecuted Buddhists!

Myth #4: Adi Shankaracharya instigated Hindu kings to rid India of Buddhism

This is a myth that is completely unfounded. The historical records show that by the time Adi Shankaracharya started traveling and engaging Buddhist scholars in theological debates, Buddhism was already on the wane, due to the fact that monasteries started becoming organized power centers of kingdoms and instead of propagating the message of Gautama Buddha, they ended up setting agendas and started influencing the public discourse on theology. Buddhism had, by Adi Shankara’s time become monastery centric and the closed groups of monks started becoming corrupt. And  in order to cling on to their exalted status the monks started espousing the very same superstitious beliefs that the original Buddha sought to destroy in the society of his time. Of course, we will deep-dive into reasons for the decline of Buddhism towards the end of this article.

Returning to Shankara, if anything the spade work for a theological counterpoint / debate against Buddhism was put in place by the famous Purva Mimamsa scholar called Kumarila Bhatta from modern day Assam. He had enrolled in the Nalanda University to understand Buddhist theology so that he can do a comparative study with Vedas. He was thrown out of the University, when, he questioned the understanding of one of his teachers on Vedic philosophy, who, criticized the Vedas. Kumarila Bhatta had already weakened the theological hold of Buddhism amongst the masses, by the time Shankara arrived. Kumarila Bhatta engaged many a Buddhist scholar in public debates on Vedas and was instrumental in many kings that patronized these Buddhist scholars returning back to the Vedic fold.

The debates that Shankara engaged in had the criterion that the one that lost the debate should embrace the faith of the victor. When Buddhist scholars lost debate after debate with Shankara, they had no choice but to honor the commitment and when they did so, the king / prince to whom these Buddhist scholars were mentors ended up following suit. There is nothing in the historical records, even remotely, to suggest that Shankara forced Hindu kings to unleash violence against the Buddhists.

While he did engage in discussions with many rulers persuasively about Hindu dharma, the charge of this Hindu Guru engaging in violence against Buddhists is the unilateral dream of biased historians. There is not even a shred of evidence that substantiates the charge of Adi Shankaracharya instigating violence against Buddhists. And just to be sure, if we deep dive into the Advaita philosophy, as expounded by Adi Shankaracharya, the same ethics  that are seen in the Vedas, Upanishads & Bhagavad Gita, like truth, non-violence, service etc are seen. Had Adi Shankaracharya acted against what he publicly preached or had he done things blatantly contradicted the message of Vedas, he would have ceased to be the philosopher / saint he is.

Decline of Buddhism in India:

Here is where the falsified, unsubstantiated blatant lies of many a historian will be buried. Now, will our biased historians give us details of which of the Hindu kings pillaged and burnt down Buddhist monasteries? They hardly can but we are going to churn out some hard hitting facts.

  • An excerpt from “History Of Magadha” by L.L.S. Omalley; J.F.W. James (Veena Publication, Delhi, 2005, pp. 35: “ The Buddhism of Magadha was finally swept away by the Muhammadan invasion under Bakhtiyar Khilji, In 1197 the capital, Bihar, was seized by a small party of two hundred horsemen, who rushed the postern gate, and sacked the town.    The slaughter of the “shaven-headed Brahmans,” as the Muslim chronicler calls the Buddhist monks, was so complete that when the victor searched for someone capable of explaining the contents of the monastic libraries, not a living man could be found who was able to do so. “It was discovered,” it was said, “that the whole fort and city was a place of study.”  A similar fate befell the other Buddhist institutions, against which the combined intolerance and rapacity of the invaders was directed. The monasteries were sacked and the monks slain, many of the temples were ruthlessly destroyed or desecrated, and countless idols were broken and trodden under foot. Those monks who escaped the sword flied to Tibet, Nepal and southern India; and Buddhism as a popular religion in Bihar, its last abode in Northern India, was finally destroyed. Then forward Patna passed under Muhammadan rule.”
  • And what did the Hindus that were fighting the Muhammadan invaders do for Buddhism during the invasions? Here are some excerpts from Alexander Berzin’s “The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before the Mongol Empire”:
    • Although the Mithila rulers were Shaivite Hindus, they continued the Pala patronage of Buddhism and offered strong resistance against the Ghurids. They stopped, for example, an attempted drive to take Tibet in 1206.
    • The Sena king (Hindu) installed defensive garrisons at Odantapuri and Vikramashila Monasteries, which were imposing walled citadels directly on the Ghurids’ line of advance.
    • A Tibetan monk called Dharmaswamin visited Nalanda in 1235, nearly forty years after its sack, and found a small class still conducted in the ruins by a ninety-year old monk, Rahul Sribhadra. Weak and old, the teacher was kept fed and alive by a local Brahmin, Jayadeva. Warned of a roving band of 300 Turks, the class dispersed, with Dharmaswamin carrying his nonagenarian teacher on his back into hiding. Only the two of them came back, and after the last lesson (it was Sanskrit grammar) Rahul Sribhadra told his Tibetan student that he had taught him all he knew and in spite of his entreaties asked him to go home. Packing a raggedy bundle of surviving manuscripts under his robe, Dharmaswamin left the old monk sitting calmly amidst the ruins. And both he and the Dharma of Sakyamuni made their exit from India.
  • Dr.Ambedkar’s take on the topic:

There can be no doubt that the fall of Buddhism in India was due to the invasions of the Musalmans,” writes the author. “Islam came out as the enemy of the ‘But’. The word ‘But,’ as everybody knows, is an Arabic word and means an idol. Not many people, however, know that the derivation of the word ‘But’ is the Arabic corruption of Buddha. Thus the origin of the word indicates that in the Moslem mind idol worship had come to be identified with the Religion of the Buddha. To the Muslims, they were one and the same thing. The mission to break the idols thus became the mission to destroy Buddhism. Islam destroyed Buddhism not only in India but wherever it went. Before Islam came into being Buddhism was the religion of Bactria, Parthia, Afghanistan, Gandhar and Chinese Turkestan, as it was of the whole of Asia….”

Dr.Ambedkar also laments the nature of priesthood and the practices of the communities (Buddhism and Hinduism) that enabled Hinduism to survive, while, Buddhism was not so lucky, against the brutal assaults by Muhammadans. “Such was the slaughter of the Buddhist priesthood perpetrated by the Islamic invaders. The axe was struck at the very root. For by killing the Buddhist priesthood, Islam killed Buddhism. This was the greatest disaster that befell the religion of the Buddha in India….” He continues elsewhere “…and the difference is so great that it contains the whole reason why Brahmanism survived the attack of Islam and why Buddhism did not.”

The lists of similar instances are available across the books that have been quoted above. But the biased historians of our land willfully follow an ostrich like approach and keep repeating the lie that Hindus uprooted Buddhism from India, violently. May truth prevail.


  •  http://koenraadelst.bharatvani.org
  • Buddhist Records of the Western Countries written by Hsien-tsang (circa 650 AD). Taken from Translations by Thomas Watters (1904) and Samuel Beal (1884)
  • Messengers of light: Chinese Buddhist pilgrims in India by Paul Magnin Unesco Courier, Vol. 48 No.5 May.1995 Pp.24-27.
  • History Of Magadha by L.L.S. Omalley; J.F.W. James
  • Alexander Berzin’s “The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before the Mongol Empire
  • http://satyameva-jayate.org

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  1. @krishna, main samajh gaya ki aap kabhi nai man ne wale. aapko bata dun ki ghaib par imaan yani unseen par imaan pehli shart hai islam ki jaise Allah, jannat dozakh(pata nai aapne ishwar dekha hai ya nai aur aap vishwaas bhi rakhte ho ya nai). hum quran ki har baat ko maantein hain kyonki yeh Allah ka kalam hai. akhir main bas itna kehna chahta hun
    “Alif, Lam, Meem.This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah,, Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them, And who believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith]. Those are upon [right] guidance from their Lord, and it is those who are the successful” surah baqarah, surah no 2, ayat no 1-5

    • @indian_az
      BTW , can you tell me what do those 3 Arabic letters in the Surah Al-Baqara Alif Lam Meem actually mean? What is the significance of these letters?

      Also, what you forgot to mention in the Surah Baqarah 1-5 is that the 3rd verse “Allatheena yu/minoona bilghaybiwayuqeemoona assalata wamimma razaqnahumyunfiqoon” [Meaning:-Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them] has been rendered mansoukh by the nasikh verse 9:103 “Khuth min amwalihim sadaqatantutahhiruhum watuzakkeehim biha wasalliAAalayhim inna salataka sakanun lahum wallahusameeAAun AAaleem” [Meaning:- Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower].
      Why is Muhammad asking for a fee here?

      • @Hindu_Atheist
        I think I know what the 3 letters Alif Lam Meem mean. They mean A-L-M or alms (Sadaqah/bhikh). And, as rightly pointed out by you in the nasikh verse 9:103, Mo is exactly doing that; asking for alms (sadaqah). So, the letters A-L-M mean alms (sadaqah). No wonder so many Muslim nations are under alms from US/West and other dar-ul-harbs!! They’re carrying out the whims of their most esteemed prophet!!

    • @ Indian AZ

      1. i want to ask u CAN A DONKEY FLY 1400 yeras ago.

      2. do u think that its SCIENTIFIC ?

      3. Hanuman flew or not will not make any difference to the DONKEY of MOHAMMED.


      5. IF i say that i dont beleive in the fact that Hanuman JUMPED/ FLEW, will u also believe that MOHAMMED DIDNOT flew on DONKEY ?

      6. ISLAM and its beliefs are AGAINST SCIENCE AND EVIDENCE.

      7. if donkey could fly than why didnt Mohammed use them against those people who had chased him out of Mecca.

      8. If he had power to split moon in two parts than why did he run away from many battles like an ordinary person. why couldnt he use his SUPERPOWERS when he was persecuted by PAGANS and other arabic tribes.

      9. Why didnt angles combined with Flying donkey/ moon splitting powers come to his rescue when he was defeated many times by his enemies ?

      ANSWER NOW. Lets c how much logic u have.

      u use ur logic in analysing only hindu religion. why dont u use the same standard for Islam ?

      • namasthe brother

        when we talk of hanuman in ramayana, we have to understand one thing,that not only uman beings but also animals are elevated in our scriptures
        like in bhagavad gita, the lord states:
        a learned selfed realised yogi will see with an equal vision a learned brahmana,a chandala(so called dog eater and outcaste),an elephant and a dog…”
        so when we talk of hanumman, it can be taken as metaphors at best. i think that is the way it should be.

  2. This site is totally a shit.For what you are fighting?Can you prove god is here?If these religions divide people and make us to abuse each other,fight each other then why do we need religions. Religions are man made.Don’t waste time in abusing each other.

    • @Indian:

      For what you are fighting?

      Umm…culture and values of India so that we continue to use Devanagari script instead of Arabic script, so that we visit Kashi, Mathura, Kanyakumari, Somnath, Kailash Mansarovar instead of Mecca, Medina or Karbala, so that we can have a progressive liberal society instead of Shariah forced down everyone’s throat, so that religion does not form the basis of nationhood, so that Buddha statues are not destroyed by Indian Momins who may emulate the Taliban or Abraham their ancient prophet?

      What say you?

      • Can you prove God is true? If there is no God then we don’t need Kashi, Somnath, Kailsh, Mecca or Medina.Which culture and values you are talking about? Ugly caste based society or some evil and unethical practices like sati.

      • @Indian:

        I probably cannot prove God’s existence to YOUR highness’ satisfaction. I dont care either way.

        It is sad that all you can think of when you consider Hinduism is casteism and Sati. Hinduism is much more than that.

        The point I was making was India has a distinct culture. Hinduism, unlike Abrahamic religions, is capable of adjusting to different societies and times. I feel that is worth preserving. The answer to Sati and caste is not “after the sacred months have passed, kill the polytheists whereever you find them” [Quran 9:5]

        May I ask you to preach these lofty thoughts in Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan/Saudi Arabia? Would you agree that if you go around saying “Allah is a tooth-fairy and is as real as Santa Claus”, you will have your head served on a platter?

      • Problem here is we are still fighting for imaginary God.You don’t have to prove the existence of God to me.But tell me on what basis you believing in God.Did god help us when millions of innocent people dying unnecessarily. I am not against religion but this religion make us to fight each other then we don’t need religion.
        We want violence free,communal free society.Culture may change from time to time

        “May I ask you to preach these lofty thoughts in Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan/Saudi Arabia? Would you agree that if you go around saying “Allah is a tooth-fairy and is as real as Santa Claus”, you will have your head served on a platter?”
        I will say the same thing to any one irrespective of religion whether he is Hindu or Muslim or christian. Surely I will say Allah is imaginary.Similarly I will say Ram, Krishnan and Eswar are imaginary.
        One thing I have seen from you is just to hate Islam and Muslims.Only two societies exists in this world whether it is Hinduism Christianity or Islam.Secular society and communal society.Choice is yours.

      • @Indian
        _______You don’t have to prove the existence of God to me_______
        Go to this forum
        _________I am not against religion___________
        What do you mean by religion? Firstly, u need to understand this

        ________surely I will say Allah is imaginary__________
        Correct, I Agree.
        ____Similarly I will say Ram, Krishnan and Eswar are imaginary_______
        They were not God. They were great human being. We made them God.

      • Namaste Indian

        ——–Problem here is we are still fighting for imaginary God.——

        No. Problem comes when an idiot calls others’ beliefs as imaginary and thinks himself to be too smart and perfect.

        ——–But tell me on what basis you believing in God.——–

        If KB believes or disbelieves in God, why the hell are you so much concerned?

        ——- Did god help us when millions of innocent people dying unnecessarily.—–

        Concept of God (any power that keeps check of our Karma/deeds) helps people understand that dying of innocent people is WRONG. In the absence of concept of God, this concept of morality goes for a toss.

        ———I am not against religion but this religion make us to fight each other then we don’t need religion.——

        You should not decide for others what they need and what they dont as long as they dont interfere in your matters.

        ——–I will say the same thing to any one irrespective of religion whether he is Hindu or Muslim or christian.——–

        It is because you are an ignorant of history, present and art of analysis.

        ———-Similarly I will say Ram, Krishnan and Eswar are imaginary.———

        If you will say so then I will say your father was not your real father. Why should you unnecessarily hurt others’ feelings who are not hurting you at all?

        ——One thing I have seen from you is just to hate Islam and Muslims.——

        We dont hate Muslims. And yes if Islam means hating idolaters, killing them, enslaving their women, raping them, subjugating others, rooting out others’ cultures etc, then WE HATE ISLAM. And if you dont do the same, you are an idiot.

        Best Regards

      • —–If KB believes or disbelieves in God, why the hell are you so much concerned?—–

        When it comes to public space you have to answer my questions.Then for purpose you are running this site.You ask everybody to believe in Vedas and say it is God’s word but when i ask any questions why are you evading?

        —–Concept of God (any power that keeps check of our Karma/deeds) helps people understand that dying of innocent people is WRONG. —–

        Can you elaborate it briefly?In how many years we will understand?We have already crossed billions of years.
        Will this karma applicable to carnivores animals like lion , tiger which they don’t have choice except to kill?
        Hinduism believes in monotheism,monism,polytheism.
        Christians believes in Jesus as God.
        Islam believes in monotheism.
        Buddhists are agnostics.
        Jain peoples are atheists.
        Which is true?

        —–You should not decide for others what they need and what they dont as long as they dont interfere in your matters.—-

        I do not interfere in your matters as long as you don’t spread communal hatred to others.Why should I interfere if you say “all religions are equal and all human beings are my brothers and sisters” Why should I interfere if you accept all prophets as equal.

        —– And yes if Islam means hating idolaters, killing them, enslaving their women, raping them, subjugating others, rooting out others’ cultures etc, then WE HATE ISLAM.—–

        If anything wrong present in Qur’an you can reject.Why do you hate the whole community.Qur’an written before 1400 years.How can you expect it should be full authentic.Just because casteism present in Hindu scriptures I didn’t reject Hinduism.

      • Namaste Vajra

        Excellent points. But i didn’t understood the below one.

        —-If you will say so then I will say your father was not your real father. Why should you unnecessarily hurt others’ feelings who are not hurting you at all?——–
        Are you justifying blasphemy laws?

  3. Great stuff Agniveer
    On Sikh Sangat website they are discussing the decline of bhudsimm and claiming hindus must of persecuted bhuddists.
    I and 2 other hindu posters were banned from that site for defending hinduism.
    Let us vanquish these lies on sanatan dharma, but condemn were any Hindu has done evil and wrong!

  4. Great article agniveer

    There is a thread on Sikh sangat site that talks about this, and slant is Hindus must have persecuted the bhuddists.
    I and 2 other hindu faith posters were banned from there as we defended sanatandharma against clear falsehoods, so cannot respond

    • @Dogra

      They are fake Sikhs, may be its terrorists sangat funded by pakis. Ask them to behave like the real Sikhs by refuting this article not by banning people from commenting. Tell them we Agniveers(stand for courage, truth) are real Sikhs coz we are following the legacy of Sikh Gurus.
      Not like them who want to kill innocents and doesn’t even have a shame to become co-partners with the people/ideology who wants to divide us and who tortured our Gurus.

  5. dogra: Those on the sikh site have no clue about what my great great great……..great grandfather Babur did to Hindus and Sikhs alike in today’s Sind and Punjab. But for the resistance of guru nanak, my g.g.g.g.g.g.grand father Babur would have finished off Hindus long back and his sons would have ruled a dar-ul-islam…please tell this to those on the sikh website. Every Hindu must know to respect the Sikh guru traditions and Sikhs today are being brainwashed by my latest guru like zakir naik to hate hindus. then only it is good for us momins

  6. I do not know why muslims think that they are descendents of Babur and are proud of it. Most of their forefathers were converted to Islam by force by Muslim maurauders who killed or forcibly circumcised Hindu men and raped Hindu women and converted them to Islam by force. Their Hindu forefathers must be turning in their graves after knowing that their progeny speak in favour of Islam. Islam is not a religion of peace, it teaches killing of animals and human beings. Lakhs of goats are killed on Id and youngsters are taught how to do it. Animal rights activists also do not seem to mind these senseless killings

    • @Gurudev:

      Good points…Islam, is fundamentally flawed. Allah says, “If you dont believe in me, eternal hellfire for you bi**hes. You idiots also have free will although I have 100% accurate knowledge of the future”.

      About those animal rights activists…they only work in open progressive countries like the US, UK, India, etc. In Momin-majority countries, like a scolded animal, they walk with their tails between their legs. After all, the Momins are so peace loving that they will kill you if you so much as raise one word of question about their religion.

  7. Yup in fact it is the terrorist false religion Islam that annihilated destroyed dismantled Buddhism from its very origin India by brutally mass-murdering over 20 million Buddhists in the name of one blood thirsty deity Allah (Satan) and their pedophile terrorist prophet (Muhammad).


    Murder of over 80 million Hindus. The struggle of evil worshipping Muslims to hijack India.

  8. padhiye kuran , dekhiye 8/65 me , jisme kuran ki ayte dene vale kahate hai ki e nabi ,[muhammad] momino[muslim] ko jehad ke liye ubharo !agar vah20 jqme rahane vale honge to 200 admi gair muslim]par prbhavi rahenge ? kya jehad ki ladai ki yah bat kuran me nah hai ? fir kyo kahate hai ki muslim jehadi nahi hote gair muslim ko nahi marte ? fir agli ayat 8/66 bhi dekh lijiye jisme kaha gaya hai hamne muslimo ki kuchkamjori dekhi hai , ab vah agar vah sau jame rahane vale honge to 200 par prbhavi honge! dekh lo apne khuda ke karname , itne bhari antar ko “kuch” antar kha raha hai ! yah kaisa khuda hai jo muslim ki kamjori bhi pahale se nahi jan paya ? aisi kurani allah ko kyo mante ho ? chhod do aise islam ko ? isi me bhalai hai aur samajhdari bhi hai ! tabhi kisi kavi ne kaha hai ki “khuda ki kuran ko dekh kar hi kuran se munkir[ inkar karne vali ]hui hai duniya jis khuda ki kitab aisi ho vah koi achha khuda nahi hai !” isliye allah ki qvality bhi dekh lijiye ! yah to kisi zahil se insan ki likhi hui kuran lagti hai , fir padh likh karke bhi itni zahil bate kyo mante hai ? isliye pahale janiye bad me maniye !

  9. @Indian:

    What are you going on about? I already clarified that this isnt a fight about Brahman being greater than Allah [although metaphysically Brahman is, because Brahman did not create evil, while Allah did 😉 ] but a fight about culture. I also stated that Sati and casteism is condemned by Hindus these days and ALSO BY the patrons of this website.

    Do you find anything worthwhile to preserve about Indian culture or no?

    One thing I have seen from you is just to hate Islam and Muslims.

    Here’s a challenge for you. Open a random page of the Quran. My guess is on *any* page, there is going to be hatred *FROM ALLAH* himself for Kufrs.

    Islam is the greatest evil of our times. Eradicating it should be not only Hindus’ goal but also that of atheists. Because remember, Momins will slit your throat just as happily as they will slit mine.

    • —–Islam is the greatest evil of our times. Eradicating it should be not only Hindus’ goal but also that of atheists—–

      So what are you going to do?Kill all Muslims or drive out all Muslims from India?Democracy is more important than culture?If someone chooses Islam as their religion who are you to object?Do you want India to be theocratic country.We are Indians not Arabians.

      • @Indian:

        So what are you going to do?Kill all Muslims or drive out all Muslims from India?Democracy is more important than culture?If someone chooses Islam as their religion who are you to object?Do you want India to be theocratic country.

        Are you going to ask questions and answer them yourself?

    • —-What are you going on about? I already clarified that this isnt a fight about Brahman being greater than Allah [although metaphysically Brahman is, because Brahman did not create evil, while Allah did 😉 ] but a fight about culture.——–

      Why do you fight for culture.If something have to be preserved it will be preserved. No need to fight with someone.
      If you speak about culture then it is the western culture which affects us a lot.Why didn’t you speak about that.Why didn’t rise your voice for that. Culture wont change unless we change ourselves.
      Moreover we don’t have the same culture and civilization as we had before 3000 years. So culture may change from time to time.

      • @Indian:

        If something have to be preserved it will be preserved. No need to fight with someone.

        This is untrue. It presumes that a culture that is worth preserving is also capable of protecting itself. Before the Islamic revolution in Iran and Afghanistan, are you aware of how liberal societies there were?

        So culture may change from time to time.

        Absolutely. Hinduism is fine with that. In fact, amongst the major religions, Hinduism is probably the only religion that allows for freedom and subjective morality. It is to preserve this that we are fighting.

        Momins are still stuck with the hadiths of Mo. Mo forbade playing chess – so if Momins play chess today, they are going against the sunnah of the prophet. 🙁 How do you like that and how do you think we can popularize chess in the Muslim world?

    • Sati became popular only after muslims invaded India. Rani Padmini preferred to commit sati than become a concubine of the evil Alauddin Khilji. Many other women did the same to escape evil muslims who lusted after beautiful Hindu women. This was right in that time and context. Even today Muslim men lust after beautiful Hindu women. As for the Muslim women, they are killed if they look at Hindu men and are kept as one of a number of wives at the mercy of muslim men. They are not allowed to get educated or work and stand up on their own feet. I pity them.

    • —– Hinduism is fine with that. In fact, amongst the major religions, Hinduism is probably the only religion that allows for freedom and subjective morality.It is to preserve this that we are fighting.—–

      Why you have to preserve?Hindus will preserve Hinduism.As long as there are Hindus in this world,Hinduism will be preserved.1 billion Hindus in this world.No need to worry.

      —–A scientist Imam who held darwinian views was issued death threats.——

      Why you worry for that.These are condemned by Muslims itself.Fundamentalists are there in all religions.You cannot single out only Islam.
      Can you prove Hinduism is fully scientific.Does it supports Darwinism?
      Can you explain what is the concept of God,what is karma,what is next life.Is it scientific.

      • @Indian:

        Why you have to preserve?Hindus will preserve Hinduism.As long as there are Hindus in this world,Hinduism will be preserved.1 billion Hindus in this world.No need to worry.

        I already pointed out the logical fallacy with this type of reasoning. It presumes that what is worth preserving will automatically preserve itself without any sustained purposeful effort to preserve it. In support of my position, I pointed out to Iran and Afghanistan – two predominantly Muslim countries that had highly liberal societies prior to the Islamic revolution and the advent of the Taliban. I notice that you havent refuted this statement of mine and instead go on to assert your argument from before. Argument by assertion is weak unless supported by examples and other arguments.

        Why you worry for that.

        Please tell me you are kidding. As a concerned citizen of the world who worries about radical Islam, you (?), me and everyone in a sane mind should condemn the ideologies that permit Muftis to issue death threats to those who hold a different POV.

        Fundamentalists are there in all religions.You cannot single out only Islam.

        Yes, but Islam is the most virulent and militant of all the fundamentalist religions out there. Some say it goes back to the days of Mohammed himself – he used to wantonly rape, murder and assassinate those who disagreed with him. So, as a rational human being, with limited resources, I choose to concentrate on what I think is the most dangerous ideology out there – Islam. You got any problems with that? Or do you think I should spend time trying to denounce Jain/Sikh/Buddhist extremists? Will you then be happy that I am an equal-opportunity denouncer? Can you atleast acknowledge that Islam is more violent than Jainism?

        Can you prove Hinduism is fully scientific.Does it supports Darwinism?
        Can you explain what is the concept of God,what is karma,what is next life.Is it scientific.

        Eh…these are metaphysical questions. I thought we were discussing public…

      • @Indian:

        Can you prove Hinduism is fully scientific.Does it supports Darwinism?
        Can you explain what is the concept of God,what is karma,what is next life.Is it scientific.

        Eh…these are metaphysical questions. I thought we were discussing public policy issues and how to deal with Islam.

  10. The war against terror is not just India’s war or America’s war: it is a war of freedom against the spread of ideology of terror in the name of God. The West, America in particular, became aware of the threat only after 9/11 but India has been waging a war against Jihadi terror for over a thousand years. As a result no people in the world today have more knowledge and experience of fighting terror than the Indians. India and the West should be working together to defeat this menace. With countries in the strategically vital Middle East sliding into turmoil, solidarity with India becomes still more important: this is a fact not seriously disputed by any serious strategic thinker in the world
    But curiously, some groups based in America and Europe are actively engaged in weakening Indian society by dividing its people into mutually hostile camps on the basis of tribe, cast and religion. It is part of an ideology and academic exercise promoted by evangelical Christian and so-called ‘human rights’ organizations in an effort to spread their influence and gain converts. Many human rights organizations are little more than secular fronts of various churches that have made inroads into the media and are now trying to gain control of sections of the government.

  11. Buddhists have been involved in Sectarian Warfare. Theravada and Mahayana Buddhists have, in Asian History, gone after each other, as have other forms of Buddhism, over differing beliefs. In fact, such Warfare was pretty common in centuries past. of course, if one wants to maintain the Myth of Peaceful Buddhism, one can always find ulterior motives, such as Land Acquisition by Local Kings or the ability to seize Political Rule, but if one follows that path one should be intellectually honest and do the same for all Other Religions. Somehow I doubt they would though, and would sue this to prove how Buddhism is peaceful whilst still using the Protestant VS Catholic mindset to describe Northern Ireland and its troubles, which really were over British Sovereignty and Identity more than Theological disputes, or the Hundred Years Wars which were as much over Kings gaining power over vast land and wealth reserves held by the Church or seizing a Rival Kingdoms land as they were about Theological discourse. Even todays War on Terror involves more than Just Islam disagreeing with the Western Secular or Christian Culture.

  12. Lord Buddha is considered to be the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu. While Buddhist worship Brahma, the Creator God in Hinduism. This alone prooves that the two faiths are very close to each other. Actually one does not need to go back to history to proove this, as it is in front of our eyes in the present. The Buddhist and Hindu communities in South East Asia build temples next to each other. Both Jakarta and Singapore have Shiva Mandir and Buddhist Vihara built wall to wall. People of both faiths visit and pray in each other’s temples. There is a Buddhist temple in Surabaya, Indonesia where at one point nearly half of the commitee members were Hindu Indians ! Members of our Daily Bread team live in these areas hence we see this beautiful unity on a daily basis. No other faith in the history of mankind have been so close as Hinduism and Buddhism.

  13. सम्राट अशोक के काल में ब्राम्हणवर्ण के ब्राम्हण जातिका प्रभुत्व समाप्त हो गया था उस समय इनको कोई महत्त्व नहीं था । इनके जाती और इनके वर्ण को पूछने वाले भी नहीं बचे थे । इसलिए इन्होने “एक संघ मौर्य राज” प्रणाली को तहस नहस करने के लिए और भारतीय बौद्ध राजोओ के साथ संघर्ष करने के लिये ब्राम्हणवर्ण के लोगो ने विदेशी आक्रमणकारियों को देश में आमंत्रित किया था। अर्थात आक्रमणकारियों को देश में आमंत्रित करने वाले अगर कोई है तो वह ब्राम्हणवर्ण के लोग ही है। इन्होने यह इस लिये किया क्योंके इनको अपने जातिके प्रभुत्व को फिर से निर्माण करना और ब्राम्हण राज्य स्थापित करना यही एक मात्र उद्येश था (Ref. Pad Chinh by Hans)।

    राजनेतिक संघर्ष चले युद्ध हुए और इन्होने बुद्ध के वाणी को चुराकर ब्राम्हणधर्म की स्थापना की और कर्मकांड और पाखंडी रीतिरिवाज से भारतीय मूल के बौद्धो लोगो को शोषित किया इन्होने “अवतारवाद” के मानशिकता गुलामि मे लोगो को गुलाम बनाने का कार्य किया जो हम अभी देख रहे है । और इसी अवतार और कर्मकाण्डो से उस समय के बौद्ध लोग ब्राम्हणवर्ण के पाखंडी रीतिरिवाजो से छुटकारा पाने के लिये अलग-अलग स्म्रप्रदायो में बटे, फिर बाद में मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों को आमंत्रित किया तब कुछ “मुस्लिमधर्म” को स्वीकारा, जिसके परिणाम हम देख रहे है । इसी के साथ मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों को जब ब्राम्हणवर्ण के पाखंडी रीतिरिवाजो की सचाई मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों पता चली तब मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों ने इन्ही ब्राम्हणवर्ण के समाज के लोगो को “महाचोर के उपाधि” से सन्मानित किया।

    अब यह ब्राम्हणवर्ण के लोग मुसलमानों की इसलिए घृणा करते क्यों के इनको भारत को हिन्दू राष्ट्र घोषित करना है, और जबतक मुस्लिम धर्मावलम्बी के लोग भारत में है तब तक ब्राम्हणवर्ण के लोगो की हिन्दू राष्ट्र की मनोकामना प्रूर्ण नहीं हो सकती…. इसलिए भारतीय मूल के मुस्लिम लोगो की घृणा करते है । एक दृष्टी से देखा जाय तो ब्राम्हणवर्ण के लोग मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों के वंशज ही है । (Ref. “Five buddhist philosopher” by Rahul Sanskrutayan)

  14. चक्रवर्ती सम्राट चन्द्र गुप्त मौर्य (शासनकाल: 322 से 298 ई. पू.तक) की गणना भारत के महानतम शासकों में की जाती है। उसकी महानता की सूचक अनेक उपाधियाँ हैं और उसकी महानता कई बातों में अद्वितीय भी है। वह भारत के प्रथम ‘ऐतिहासिक’ सम्राट के रूप में हमारे शासक है, इस अर्थ में कि वह भारतीय इतिहास का पहला सम्राट है जिसकी ऐतिहासिकता प्रमाणित कालक्रम ठोस आधार पर सिद्ध है। बौद्ध और जैन साहित्य के अनुसार यह मौर्य (मोरिय) कुल में जन्मा था और नंद राजाओं का महत्त्वाकांक्षी सेनापति था। कुछ विद्वानों ने ब्राह्मण ग्रंथों, मुद्राराक्षस, विष्णुपुराण की मध्यकालीन टीका तथा 10वीं शताब्दी की धुण्डिराज द्वारा रचित मुद्राराक्षस की टीका के आधार पर चंद्रगुप्त को शूद्र कहा है।

    चाणक्य जिसे तक्षशिला नामक नगर का निवासी बताया गया है, उस समय चंद्रगुप्त आठ या नौ वर्ष का बालक रहा होगा तब चाणक्य ने अपनी दिव्यदृष्टि से चन्द्रगुप्त को देखा और राजत्व की प्रतिभा तथा चिह्न देखे और वहीं पर 1,000 कार्षापण देकर उसे उसके पालक-पिता से ख़रीद लिया और चन्द्रगुप्त को लेकर अपने नगर लौटा और 7 या 8 वर्ष तक उस तक्षिला प्रख्यात विद्यापीठ में उसे शिक्षा दिलाई, उस समय की समस्त ‘विधाएँ तथा कलाएँ’ सिखाई जाती थीं। वहाँ चाणक्य ने उसे अप्राविधिक विषयों और व्यावहारिक तथा प्राविधिक कलाओं की भी सर्वांगीण शिक्षा दिलाई ऐसा मत मुद्राराक्षस के रचनाकार का है । (Ref. मुद्राराक्षस) लेकिन पालि स्रोतों से प्राप्त चंद्रगुप्त के प्रारम्भिक जीवन के इस विवरण से जस्टिन के इस कथन की भी पुष्टि होती है कि उसका जन्म एक राज घराने में हुआ था। तब सवाल और शंका निर्माण होती है की ब्राम्हणग्रंथो रचना कार कैसे कह सकते की चन्द्रगुप्त एक अनाथ बालक था ? और चाणक्य ने खरीदा ? मगध के राजा जाति-नियमों को वैसे ही महत्त्व नहीं देते थे; मौर्य मूल निवासी थे। मौर्य (पालि: मोरिय) नाम मोर टोटेम का सूचक है, अर्थात तक्षकनाग के वंशज है। तब यह वैदिक-आर्य नाम नहीं हो सकता। (Ref. कैंब्रिज हिस्ट्री, पृ.435)

    सिकंदर की मृत्यु के बाद उसकी सेनापति सेल्यूकस यूनानी साम्राज्य का शासक बना और उसने चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य पर आक्रमण कर दिया। पर उसे मुँह की खानी पड़ी। काबुल, हेरात, कंधार, और बलूचिस्तान के प्रदेश देने के साथ-साथ वह अपनी पुत्री हेलना का विवाह चंद्रगुप्त से करने के लिए बाध्य हुआ। इस पराजय के बाद अगले सौ वर्षो तक यूनानियों को भारत की ओर मुँह करने का साहस नहीं हुआ। चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य का शासन-प्रबंध बड़ा व्यवस्थित था। इसका परिचय यूनानी राजदूत मेगस्थनीज़ के विवरण और कौटिल्य ? के ‘अर्थशास्त्र’ से मिलता है ? लगभग-300 ई. पू. में चंद्रगुप्त ने अपने पुत्र बिंदुसार को गद्दी सौंप दी। एरिया अर्थात काबुल, अराकोसिया अर्थात कंधार, जेड्रोसिया अर्थात मकरान, परीपेमिसदाई अर्थात हेरात प्रदेश यह उसकी राज्य की सिमाए थी। (Ref. भारत का इतिहास,लेखक: रोमिला थापर,प्रकाशक: राजकमल प्रकाशन )

    मुद्राराक्षस, विष्णुपुरा, धुण्डिराज ब्राम्हण ग्रंथो में चन्द्रगुप्त गुप्त के सदर्भ में कहा गया की, सेनानायक तथा महान विजेता ही नहीं था, वरन एक योग्य शासक भी था। इतने बड़े साम्राज्य की शासन – व्यवस्था कोई सरल कार्य नहीं था। अतः कौटिल्य की सहायता से ? उसने एक ऐसी शासन – व्यवस्था का निर्माण किया जो उस समय के अनुकूल थी। यह शासन व्यवस्था एक हद तक मगध के पूर्वगामी शासकों द्वारा विकसित शासनतंत्र पर आधारित थी किन्तु इसका सम्पूर्ण श्रेय चंद्रगुप्त सृजनात्मक क्षमता को ही दिया जाना चाहिए। और कौटिल्य ने लिखा है कि उस समय शासन तंत्र पर जो भी ग्रंथ उपलब्ध थे और भिन्न-भिन्न राज्यों में शासन – प्रणालियाँ प्रचलित थीं उन सबका भली-भाँति अध्ययन करने के बाद उसने अपना प्रसिद्ध ग्रंथ “अर्थशास्त्र” लिखा । चंद्रगुप्त एक कुशल योद्धा, सेनानायक तथा महान विजेता ही नहीं था, वरन एक योग्य शासक भी था। पच्छिम के विद्वानों का विचार से मौर्य शासन व्यवस्था पर तत्कालीन यूनानी तथा आखमीनी शासन प्रणाली का भी कुछ प्रभाव पड़ा। चंद्रगुप्त ने स्वयं ऐसी शासन व्यवस्था स्थापित की जिसे परवर्ती भारतीय शासकों ने भी अपनाया। ( Ref. वारमिंगटन. कामर्स बिटविन रोमन एंपायर ऐंड इंडिया, पृष्ठ 151)

    ब्राह्मण ग्रंथों मुद्राराक्षस, विष्णुपुरा, धुण्डिराज से ऐसा विद्धित होता है और शंका गहरी होती है की चाणक्य नाम का कोई व्यक्ति हुवा या नहीं ? क्योंके मुद्राराक्षस, विष्णुपुरा, धुण्डिराज में चाणक्य के संदर्भ में एक मत नहीं है ? चन्द्रगुप्त प्रारंभ से ही बहुत साहसी व्यक्ति था। जब वह किशोर ही था, उसने पंजाब में पड़ाव डाले हुए यवन (यूनानी) विजेता सिकंदर से भेंट की। उसने अपनी स्पष्टवादिता से सिकंदर को नाराज़ कर दिया। सिकंदर ने उसे बंदी बना लेने का आदेश दिया, लेकिन वह अपने शौर्य का प्रदर्शन करता हुआ सिकंदर के शिकंजे से भाग निकला और कहा जाता है। कि इसके बाद ही उसकी भेंट तक्षशिला के एक आचार्य चाणक्य या कौटिल्य-से हुई । और यहा सवाल खडा होता है की चाणक्य ने चन्द्रगुप्त को खरीदा कैसे ?


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