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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

Why I don’t eat meat?

Most polluting industry

Because meat and livestock is one of the most polluting industries of the world. Whatever ecological damage we face today can be attributed significantly to this non-essential industry. (refer United Nations document on meat industry being culprit for climate change, land pollution, water depletion and loss of biodiversity at http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/a0701e/a0701e00.htm)

Cause of hunger and poverty

Because meat is cause of hunger and poverty in the world. Just as I myself hate being hungry and under-nutritioned, I feel the same for millions of my brothers and sisters born from same mother earth. If I could have killed myself to satisfy their hunger, I would have gladly done so.

But for all I know, if people stop eating meat and adopt vegetarian ways, they could feed at least 10 times more people using the same efforts and energy. This is based on the principle of energy-pyramid which states that the at least 10 units of vegetation is consumed to prepare 1 unit of meat by feeding the meat-producing animals. Refer any text on food chain or energy pyramid. In fact for most of the commercially produced meat that humans eat currently, energy losses are much higher.

Thus each person who stops eating meat is feeding at least 9 more people apart from himself. What could be a greater form of charity than simply avoiding meat! And what could be a greater sin for me than forcing at least 9 people to die from hunger because I love the taste of mutton! Moreover, meat industry also significantly depletes water.

Since I consider entire humanity as my own family, I cannot sleep peacefully with the guilt of being a cause of hunger and thirst for my dearest brothers and sisters and innocent children in my global home.

Vegetarian alternatives exist

Because in today’s era, I don’t see anybody hunting to survive like the lions in Africa. Meat is simply a non-essential addiction. There is no meat-product for which a healthier vegetarian alternative does not exist.

Meat is non-renewable

Because meat is non-renewable. An animal once killed cannot grow more animals. But a plant, even when uprooted, can grow a new plant from its roots, shoots and seeds. Thus the hunger and thirst caused by meat-eating is much more longer term and intense than that discussed earlier.

Life is Beautiful

Because I consider my life to be dearest to me. I consider life of my near and dear ones to be most precious. I see all humans considering lives of their near and dear ones equally precious. If I kill any of them, I am deemed a murderer because I snatched the most precious gift of life.

So how can I commit the same crime on other species who too have a face and brain like me, who also love their life so much, who also face the same fear when they approach death, who also express happiness and grief like me and my dear ones? Simply because I do not understand their language or consider them less intelligent? By this logic, even killing of mental-patients should also be legitimized. Killing of coma patients should also be legitimized. Eating orphans should also be legitimized.

And since they are not, even meat eating is a crime of same order for me.

Question: Then should you not stop eating plants also? After all, even they have life, as proved by science.

Answer: Research has only proved that plants also demonstrate similar processes and cellular structures that are found in animals. Science does not say that plants have a personality like animals. There is no way to prove that plants exhibit same form of sorrow or joy or put efforts like animals. Plants don’t reproduce in a manner similar to animals or stop being able to reproduce more plants like animals after they are killed. There are significant differences in plants and animals, and that is why even science of biology clearly differentiates study of botany and zoology. 

So I do not consider plants to have a soul that feels “I am this mango tree”. This coupled with reasons discussed above justify eating of plants, but not of animals.

But even if we assume that plants can feel pain like animals. Still, we can live without eating animals. But we cannot live without eating plants. We simply do not have a choice here. And by eating plants, at least 10 times more humans in our family can get food to eat and water to drink that by tasting a beef-steak. Thus commonsense and basic humanity demands that we show mercy on those at least whom we can allow to live without killing ourselves and torturing our family members. Or else, same reason may be given tomorrow to justify cannibalism as well.

Question: Even lions and tigers eat meat. So what is wrong if humans eat?

Answer: Lions and tigers and other carnivorous animals eat meat because they are designed by nature to do so. If they do not eat so, they would die. They are not in a position to think, analyze, choose and decide what to eat, what not to eat, whether to eat in a plate or in a bowl, whether to cook or not cook, whether to mix 5 varieties of meat with some toppings or eat plain and raw, whether to cook in Tandoor or roast. Since humans possess this finesse, question of right and wrong also is relevant to humans alone.

Now humans have a choice of food – animals or plants. There is 100% evidence that eating of animals causes hunger, pollutes nature and is at par with eating humans. Further eating animals is optional. So a sensible person like me will not eat animals. On plants, there is controversy. People like me believe that they are chemical reactions and not souls with personalities. Others may differ. But in absence of conclusive proof for latter, it would be still wiser to prefer them for food instead of animals and be less criminals in worst case. Further we do not even have a choice in this case.

Say you are forced to drink from one of the two bottles. One is confirmed to contain deadly poison. And opening the bottle will definitely kill 10 other people. For other, there is a confusion on it being poison and no one else gets killed. What would you choose? At least, I would choose the second bottle without second thoughts. Same is that case with eating plants – the natural, humane way of eating.

Question: But I am an atheist. I do not believe in soul or God. So plants or animals are all similar biochemical reactions. Why should I differentiate?

Answer: If you are an atheist or agnostic, there is all the more reason why you should eat plants but not animals. Because I assume you admit that you are a human. And being a human, I assume, you agree that hurting other humans is not acceptable in any rational society. I assume that you love your fellow human beings. I assume you consider humanity to be your own family. I assume you care for each and every innocent human being. And hence, I assume you would want to keep at least 9 people hungry and thirsty while you relish on chicken-tikka. And you would not like our future generations to be permanently diseased and in poverty simply because we have been screwing up the environment. I assume that you indeed love your children and would love to gift them with blessings than curse them with hatred. If my assumptions are correct, then an atheist must be frontrunner for “Say No to Meat” campaign. If my assumptions are wrong, then even eating up an atheist is equally justified.

Question: Then even domestication of animals and drinking milk should be crime?

Answer: Well, these are ambiguous topics. There can be views and counter views. One can discuss and debate on these. But regardless of that, at least this is certain that if these were to be crime, then killing of animals is bound to be a crime of much muchbhigher magnitude. So at least we should avoid conducting such great crimes against nature, humanity and animals, even if we differ on these few issues.

For example, we cannot justify killing of human beings on pretext that a lesser crime called ‘corporate fraud’ is not clearly defined in law. For someone who raises a question that domestication of animals and drinking of milk are also crimes, there is all the more reason why such a person should be torch-bearer of movement for compassion on animals and promote vegetarianism.

Question: What will I eat if I am in a place where I only get meat? For example, if I am stranded on an island or am in Antarctica.

Answer: This is a very interesting question! Tell me, how many times you have actually been in Antarctica or have been stranded on an island like Robinson Crusoe? This very question implies that you agree that EXCEPT when you are stranded on an island or a place where you must eat meat to survive, in all other situations, you should not eat meat.

OK So we give you this concession. When you become Robinson Crusoe, eat meat if you indeed believe so. But 99.9999% of human inhabitations and situations don’t demand you to be a Robinson Crusoe! You get ample non-meat food in almost all locations where humans live as a society. After all the animals they eat also eventually have to eat plants. (All food-chains do begin with plants. There is no animal that converts solar energy into bio-energy. Only plants can do that.)

Question: What about eggs? Eggs are good for health and even government promotes eating of eggs.

Answer: Government is also mired in scam charges. Just because government promotes something does not make it rational. Had that been the case, there would have been never a movement against scams and for change of governance!

Coming to eggs, have you ever been in a poultry farm? The way these eggs are produced by ruthlessly torturing the chickens can raise your hairs (assuming you have compassion). Further, it is one of the most unhygienic locations. If you consider that humans should also be motivated to eat excreta after picking from commode and serving on a beautiful plate, then perhaps you have at least one lame reason to defend egg-eating. Because the most modern and expensive egg-farms are no more hygienic than a dirty toilet in a dirty bus-stop of Karachi. (By the way, the most hygienic of the meat-farms are more dirty than you can imagine.)

Also, there is no special nutrient in eggs that is not available in plants in ample. In fact eggs don’t even come close to be termed nutritious compared to common plant food. Eating pulses would be a much wiser and nature-friendly option than invite diseases and destroy environment for eating womb of a bird.

Question: If we stop eating animals, will not their numbers grow up and fill the entire earth? We must kill animals to preserve natural balance.

Answer: This is perhaps the cutest cruel question I have ever heard in my life. Cute because it seems as if an innocent child who first learnt about nature in his pre-school has framed the question. Cruel because one is attempting to project himself as Robinhood who kills to save the planet!

But let’s face the reality. How many of us actually eat animals because of our genuine concern for nature? How many of us are indeed environmentalists? Or is it merely tingling of our taste-buds that we want to satisfy by hook or crook?

Coming to facts, this argument would have been valid had humans as a race would have been eating meat exclusively through hunting like lions and tigers. Now lions and tigers do not create farmhouses to rear deer and sheep so that they can have a ready supply of food.

Humans on contrary have created a huge commercial industry to PRODUCE meat-providing animals and then kill them to fulfil their tastes. 99% of humans actually GROW the animals they kill. And in process of this growth, they destroy the nature like anything.

Thus this cruel question puts the enquirer at par with Osama Bin Laden who justifies his terror attacks as service to humanity! (This is a hard truth that most terrorists seriously believe that they are serving humanity and God by killing others!)

By the way, humans do not eat all the animals and birds. Humans don’t eat carnivorous animals for example. Most humans don’t eat crows, vultures, jackals or scorpions. Why they have not filled the entire earth then?

Also, this line of thinking can be extended to allow cooking up terminally ill and aged humans. After all, we all are trained since childhood to cite population as the greatest problem facing us.

Someone who has studied ecology at even basic level will not give such unscientific arguments and invite ridicule.

On contrary meat industry has endangered many species to extinction. So if preservation of natural balance of population be the overriding selfless goal, then do not think even a second to adopt vegetarianism.

Question: To kill other animals is a natural phenomenon. All powerful animals kill to eat. So what is wrong if humans also act naturally?

Answer: First, as discussed earlier, no animal ever grows animals. No animal constructs poultry farms and butcher houses. They simply follow their hunger instincts on need basis.

Second, the most powerful animals are primarily vegetarians. Be it elephant, or horse, or hippopotamus, or wild buffalo, or rhino, or gorilla.

Third, animals also live nude, do not read poems, do not clean their parts after shit and do not do a lot of things that humans do. They also do not cook meat before eating. If meat-eating was so natural for humans, then most of us would have been relishing raw meat without using spoons and forks.

Humans were designed to be intelligent. To be able to judge and decide what is wrong and what is right. To be compassionate. To be loyal. To be rational. Thus, if indeed humans want to be ‘natural’, they should protect and not torture animals.

And if this logic be considered seriously, then even cannibalism is also natural if practiced by powerful humans. Of course, there remains no basis for anti-corruption movement. After all it is natural for the more powerful to trample those who are less powerful, as per the enquirer!

But lets be human.

Lets accept it, this is a beast-mindset and not human way of thinking. Humanity is about analysis, love, compassion and urge to protect the less powerful. These traits alone make humans so special and different from animals.

Question: Biologically, humans are designed to eat animals. Look at our teeth, our intestines. We don’t have organs to digest cellulose like herbivorous animals. Hence are we not designed to eat animals?

Answer: Yet another lame excuse to justify cravings of tongue. Humans are designed to be separate from both herbivores and carnivores. Unlike herbivores, humans cannot digest grass. That is why we are not grass-eaters. But unlike carnivores, we are also not designed to eat raw meat. So we don’t have huge canines like lion and tiger. Human canines are at best good for peeling sugarcanes (Consult your dentist before you attempt so though. If you have been eating too much of junk, then sugarcane may peel off your teeth instead!).

If meat was so natural to us, we would have naturally been eating uncooked meat. By chasing, hunting, killing and eating away an animal using fingernails and teeth alone. We would not have required to tie or imprison the animal and then kill it using special weapons. No animal does that.

On contrary, fruits and vegetables can be eaten uncooked. In fact many health-regimes focus on purely uncooked-diet. But meat demands use of fire. The fire is used so that meat is converted to a more acceptable form. These days a raw meat concept is on rage in some places. But medical advice is to have it cooked to ensure there is no infection. And most humans find even the mention of raw meat very disgusting. After all we were designed by nature to be not cruel.

So if biology is your inspiration, be a vegetarian. Our brain, body, intellect and emotions were designed only to be compassionate humans.

Question: But I live in a family and society where meat is predominant food. How can I suddenly stop eating meat and appear crazy in my group?

Answer: This is a more honest question. It is indeed an issue with many genuine honest people who are forced to eat meat due to peer pressure. The way out is to rethink the same issue from a different perspective.

Just assume for a second that you are among a group of cannibals who want to eat your family members. Would you enjoy feasting with them and eating away leg of your daughter, finger of your mother and intestine of your brother with masala curry?

A rational human being considers all living beings as his own family. But even if you consider all humans as your own family, still meat eating means you are killing at least ten of your own family members.

Thus, if we simply start considering the Mother Nature as our mother indeed, problem is solved. Then we care for Mother Nature like we care for our own mother. Then we are deeply touched at hunger and poverty of our own brothers and sisters across the globe, and would not be party to anything that makes so many innocents die and suffer due to lack of food. So instead of being someone ashamed of your honesty, you become an agent of positive change. Instead of fearing that you appear crazy, you feel proud that you are the most sensible.

Question: Does it mean all meat-eaters are murderers and should be hated?

Answer: Technically, first part of the question is yes. Anyone who is in anyway instrumental to death of an innocent is indeed a  culprit. But we disagree that they should be hated. Meat-eating is a cultural issue today. Cultural issues are tackled through sensitisation and awareness and not through Talibanization and hatred. Remember, the entire foundation of movement against meat-eating lies in compassion and genuine concern for all living beings. So we should eradicate this brutal practice through humane means.

We do agree that law should be appropriately formulated to discourage meat-eating and promote healthy environment-friendly human-friendly habits like plant-eating. But not through any feeling of hatred towards anyone. We all humans are one single family. We should love each other and encourage each other for improvements. So even if you eat meat, I still love you as a mother loves her new-born calf. And that is why I appeal to you to say not to meat.

Question: What would then happen of so many meat-rearing farms and industries? Would it not cause people in these industries to become unemployed?

Answer: No, they would become even more productive. Instead of meat, if they start producing plant food, they can feed at least 10 times more people with same investments. And hence this would boost the economy like anything and bring prosperity to all. And future generations will thank them for gifting them a less-polluted environment and a less-hungry life.

Question: If meat-eating was so unnatural, why humans started eating meat in first place?

Answer: Exactly the same question can be posed for crimes like murder, fraud, racism, gender-discrimination, terrorism and rape. Any evil breeds on ignorance and lack of education. Even if you look into Bible, it states that originally all humans were plant-eaters (Genesis 1.29 for example).

Vedas – the oldest books known to humanity – vociferously suggest non-meat diet for humans. The first mantra of Yajurveda itself begins with an advise to protect the animals.

Over ages, due to lack of wisdom, lack of development, violent periods etc, there was an incentive to focus only on immediate needs than think smartly. Or blindly ape old customs in name of religion or culture. Hence meat-eating became as prevalent as gender-discrimination or racism etc.

When we plan our present and future, we are not at all bothered about why we did not do something in past. We simply rationally evaluate the benefits in present and future, and plan accordingly. That is why we use laptops, speak on mobile phones, watch TV and travel in planes and trains even though human civilisation never had these ever before. What we should be bothered today is not why something happened in past. We should instead focus on what we need to do right now to save our lovely planet and bring nourishment for teeming billions that are facing punishment for our cravings of tongue. We should focus on what we must do today to not be a villain torturing our own lovely children tomorrow.

Question: I thought you would argue as animal-rights activist and I would question why you are not being a plants-right activist. You instead started arguing as human-rights activist. How do I counter you then?


1. The way Supreme Lord has designed this world, if one genuinely starts caring for humans alone, then care for animals would chip in automatically. After all this is just a marvellously symbiotic world where everything is interrelated. You get back what you give. 

2. Why do you need to counter something which is so obvious and intuitive? Let us admit that meat-eating is a social-evil that thrives from dark-ages like gender discrimination, racism etc. It is hardly a century ago that we gave voting rights to women. Racism and casteism were legally uprooted hardly a few decades ago. Still movement against these evils continue. So we are not as evolved as technological advances may make us believe. Let us take meat-eating as next evil to tackle, given the appalling situation of environment and given the poverty statistics of the world. We should realise that each bite of meat we relish makes one poor die somewhere in world. And making earth closer to hell for our children whom we love the most.

3. For those who indeed are rational and compassionate, this is indeed also an animal-rights issues. We inherited this tribal mentality somehow that the whole world is designed exclusively for us – the humans. This lust made us destroy the environment and start considering the entire earth as our personal consort. And within last century, the situation has turned so worse that scientists are now worried about what would happen about our basic necessities of food, land and water in times to come.

In medieval times, the lust made us to disregard women as inferior to men in name of even religion. Women, like animals, were considered by many priests to have no soul. Others considered them to be half-intelligent than men and impure.

Many other people, like “blacks” were considered fit to be slave alone. Then in last few decades, the enlightened ones took a journey backwards to rectify the blunders. We thus uprooted racism and casteism. We started considering women as equal to men in social, intellectual and political rights. And now it is time to take the journey a step further and show our concern for animals as well. All these concerns – human-rights, gender-rights, animal-rights – are part of same spectrum and caused out of same ignorance in human mind. So the evolved ones should work to take this next step.

And even those societies that are yet to do their homework on gender-rights and human-rights also could expedite their progress if they holistically incorporate animal-rights as well.

But even if they do not, the dangerous situations of today force any rational person to embrace animal-rights. As a means to fulfil demands of grave human-rights issues like poverty of teeming billions and damage of environment guaranteeing a dangerous future for our children.

So do not counter the light of truth. Be honest, be humble and be rational. Love others as you expect others to love you. The least you can do to showcase your love for your own brothers and sisters and children of future is to replace that chicken-soup with tomato-soup.

Be human, love humans.

Say no to meat!

And remember, you get back what you give.

PS: We did not take up the issue of health hazards of eating meat. This has been amply covered in many researches. To summarise, meat eating is cause of dreaded diseases like swine flu, mad cow and bird flu. It increases risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. A habit that takes innocent lives, promotes hunger, destroys future of children cannot bring positive impact in our lives. You cannot meditate properly if you eat meat. Food has greatest impact on state of your mind, after your deeds. What we suggest is to think simple and honest. In world, you get back what you give. So give compassion and humanity and get back prosperity, health and happiness. Be human, love humans. Say no to meat!

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Sanjeev Newar
Sanjeev Newarhttps://sanjeevnewar.com
Sanjeev Newar is an eminent data scientist, entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker with expertise in Vedas and Sanskrit. He is an alumnus of IIT Guwahati and IIM Calcutta. He quit the corporate world to work for social inclusion and the protection of the vulnerable. For his work on Dalit inclusion and empowerment, he received the Neelkantha Award in 2019. He founded the Sewa Nyaya Utthan Foundation to make quality education accessible to vulnerable groups and marginalised communities.


    • Your comment about organism is argument for the sake of argument. Let us make one thing clear; so long you do not kill for the sake of killing innocent beings, it is OK. Things that are not within your control and power should not be considered in this site. “Why I do not eat meat” is the subject matter of this site. The father of the nation. Mahatma Gandhi said , we can reduce or minimize the incidence of Himsa in our lives but cannot completely eradicate it . This is true. Based upon this your question is answered now.

  1. Agniveerji,

    If carniverous animals listen to your words then sure every animals will die.
    Big Fish has to depend on small Fish for their Survival bcoz natured created like that.

    You should go back to school and study of eco system. There is a dependency of one element to other , this is how eco system work. Creator (True God ) has created like that.
    If you stop eating cattle then cattle will finish of all the grass and food and whole system will be imbalance.
    Please apply some logic to your thoughts and guide your puppet to follow the true relegion of God and not GODS.
    You no need to be sceintist to understand what human beings require to eat, the creator who created us has prescribed what to eat and what not to eat.

    So please try to undestand the true relegion and you will get the answers.

    By the way you know, your old rishis and Shiv is also seen sitting on the skin of leapord or cheetha. And very important all the veg eaters seen carrying Leather bag, Leather purse , Leather foot wears etc , so from vegtables you are manufacturing that.

      • @All
        My Above Query about eating Gorilla Flesh comes out while I was refuting claims of Ali Sina
        Here is Ali Sina comment
        “Okay babies is a different story.

        Many animals seem to have a special feeling for babies that would like to save them. I saw a video of a cheetah saving a baby baboon from a hyena.

        Coco, the famous gorilla who could communicate with humans through sign language was once given a kitten. She loved the kitten but when she was told that the kitty was killed in an accident, she was seen crying just as we humans do.

        Animals are a lot closer to us humans that we want to acknowledge. Many of them are far more human than Muslims. It is not unheard of Muslims killing babies of the non-Muslims.”

        My reply to Ali Sina
        “@Ali Sina
        We can eat the animals flesh as prescribed by Holy Quran. Quran directs us which are the animals whom flesh we should consume and which are prohibited. I think Gorilla also can be consumed.”


      • Ali Sina writes me again
        Poor man! You either have no brain or no one has told you how to use it. You only follow the madman of Arabia without any questioning. If he says you can eat the meat of Gorilla, who is our closest cousin, you do it. If he says eat excrement, you do it. If he says fornicate your mother you do it. You have abandoned your thinking faculty. You are now a certifiable brainless zombie.”

        I again refute him
        @Poor Ali Sina
        “I am not awakened to read your comment. There are many people on the earth like you having mental disorder. As you say Gorilla your cousin, Hindu also claim cow is most beneficial animal of the world and they go so far and claim scientific benefit of cow dung, urine and milk and worship the cow as most holiest animal but that does not change the fact that Allah created such animals so that we could consume their flesh nothing more than it.
        Here is proof
        Some livestock supply you with transportation, as well as bedding materials. Eat from GOD’s provisions to you, and do not follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.”

      • To Slave
        you are f***ng retard. your entire quran is debunked by ali sina and you just keep quoting from it. I think you should be banned not only from websites but from the internet ( one of the best invention of kafir) too. You even dont seems to be a 10th grade pass.

      • Allah no where endorses meat to be beneficial for Muslims. It has been made “Jiaz” or legal for Muslims provided Muslims do their duty towards Islam. Please read 5:1. Islam started as vegetarian religion.

      • You see we don’t give a F**K about quran . It is for people who have ZERO intellectual capacity and cannot think for themselves . The fact Human digestion system has the ability to digest Human flesh. Does this mean we can eat human flesh?
        But the quran forbids that act. Allah is being Ignorant here. I ,being a normal human can find fault in Allah , This is the divinity of Allah…Foolishness

      • Dear Aditya,

        I would humbly request you not to talk trash about the holy Quran not because billions of people across the world revere it but because a good 10% of it contains some pretty good messages (even though the remaining 90% contains mockery of science, misogyny, abuses, etc)


      • @ Jin

        Hate begets hate. It’s not a good idea to treat cancer affected people that way. You’ll never be able to treat such people that way. Target the cause.

      • SorrY brother. Whatever the situation might me ,I shouldn’thave used vulgar words because that is not the vedic way. But even that 10% was given by other scriptures , sorry again

      • Muslims always attack the Christian concept of Original sin and the Hindu/Buddhist concept of Karma. So how do you explain innocent children being born with Aids or being born deformed? Is it “Allah’s will” to make innocent children suffer? Does he think it’s funny to create Hermaphrodites and Schizophrenics?

        Modern Muslims have religious conflicts with: Hindus in Kashmir; Christians in Nigeria, Egypt, and Bosnia; atheists in Chechnya; Baha’is in Iran; Animists in Darfur; Buddhists in Thailand; each other in Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen; Jews in Israel; Why is Islam involved in more sectarian and religious conflicts than any other religion today? In fact, why is Islam the only religion in conflict with every single one of today’s major world religions?

        Do you think it’s strange that Judaism and Christianity (the religions of those who are considered People of the Book) do not practice ritual circumambulation (e.g. circling the Ka’aba) to please God, but pre-Islamic Arab Paganism and Hinduism and Buddhism (religions older than Islam and accused by Islam of “paganism”) do practice ritual circumambulation?

        Kashmir is divided between India, Pakistan, and China. Why did Allah destroy the Pakistan-controlled part of Kashmir rather than the Hindu and Buddhist majority regions in the 2005 earthquake?

        Why does the Qur’an discuss extinct religions such as Sabians, while ignoring major religions such as Hinduism?

      • @Agniveer
        Every Muslim feels himself/herself unfortunate for not to be born in the life time of prophet to be slave of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It would have been matter of privilege to be slave of prophet (the best creation) of Allah for person like me.
        Do not you wish that you would have born in prophet life time and could have get chance to be slave of him?

      • Mr. Slave, pardon me, I would not liked to have been born during the time of the Prophet. Had I insulted other religions like the way we do in this blog, I am sure the Prophet would have slapped me hard for offending people of other religions. He always advised his followers to be courteous to all.

      • Muhammad said that anyone who knows the 99 names of Allah will go to Heaven. Does this apply to non-Muslims who believe Muhammad was a warmongering fraud and a paedophile?

        Muhammad’s father was named Abdallah (meaning Allah’s slave). Since Muhammad’s father was a pagan, aren’t you simply following a modified pagan religion?

        Pigs, which are in the family Suidae are haaram. Does this prohibition also include the unrelated New World animals such as the Javelina, in the family Peccary? Does this also include related animals such as the Hippos which are in neither family?

        Why didn’t Muhammad appoint a leader before his death to avoid Shi’ites and other sects splitting up from Sunnis?

        Why do some of you try to distance yourself from Salafis (or “Wahhabis”) in front of non-Muslims, when they are the most pious Sunni Muslims? Are you ashamed of the Salaf (first 3 generations of Muslims)?

        Why do you criticize Shi’ites for Mut’ah when Sunnis practice Misyar which is essentially the same thing?

        If Shi’ites are wrong, why did Allah allow Ali and his Shi’ite army to defeat the Sunnis at three separate battles of Bassorah, Siffin and Nahrawan?

      • @ Slave and @ Indian

        We ex-Muslims actually need people like you to show the world why radical Islam is such a dangerous political ideology. [Yes Islam is actually a (dangerous) political ideology and not a religion]

        @ Rest of the people

        There are two good documentaries on radical Islam – Fitna by Geert Wilders and Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Try to watch it and then you’ll understand why people like @ Slave and @ Indian say such things which no civilised man would say. Don’t blame them. They are affected by cancer; cancer of the brain caused by a sadist named Muhammad. No wonder Islam is at war with every other faith, including itself.

      • Hey Terrorist! you are advocating terrorism by supporting Kasab .
        And I doubt that Ali Sina debated you because any amateur can beat the Sh*t outta you .
        But anyway , you have been given the legal right to lie by islam…i meant the TAQQIYA

    • @Indian: blind men directing ones with sight 🙂
      humans do not eat savanna buffalo, has the savanna become devoid of greenery?

    • You wrote: “If carniverous animals listen to your words then sure every animals will die.”

      Our reply: We completely agree with you. Our posts are addressed to humans and not carnivorous animals. You may conveniently ignore the article.

      • You are running away from the words. I mean to say that there is natures law which you cannot change just by justification.You should understand and realise that.

        So if I ask you , plant does not feel pain ? then you will say no.And you will also say it has got life and living cells but does not feel pain. This is how you will mislead and fool your followers.

        Just like your Sri Sri Ravi.. He agrees to the fact that vedas speak of one God and God has no image but he also say that in each idols he can feel its presence.. this is contradictory to what they speak earlier. This is how they mislead the follower.

        Just a small suggestion, if you dont know then learn about true relegion of GOD and do not pull the your follower in the wrong path bcoz tomorrow during the day of judgement , you will be accountable for that. Your follower will point towards you.

        I will prey to Allah(SWT) to get you hidyaah and accept the true relegion of GOD.

      • @Agniveer and Indian brother
        And true religion is Islam. Allah is all merciful. He will forgive all sins of agniveer if he comes in true religion that is Islam. When I said while refuting Ali Sina & his stooges
        //Even Allah can not make you understand anything. I pray to Allah to send me in heaven nearby hell from where I can see from window of heaven severe and eternal punishment given to Ali Sina & his stooges in hell fire. It will give me eternal peace. How nice will be the scene when Allah will burn skin of Ali Sina & stooges again and again by regrowing it.//

        “Nonsense reply of Ali Sina to me ”
        //Dear Slave,

        I have bad news for you. I was in heaven and was given the chance to peep into hell. Muhammad is in hell. I say him in the lowest pit of hell. Only one other person was there. I could not see well as it was dark. They said he is Hitler. Sorry to disappoint you but I was told Muslims will be bused to hell and there is not going to be an interrogation. For every ra’lat of prayer they have recited to Allah the Devil, they will be tortured 100 times. How many ra’kat have you prayed so far?//

        Do such people deserve for any debate?

      • Dear Slave,

        Since when did Islam become ‘the true religion’?

        Dr. Ali Sina has exposed Islam as it is and no one has been able to refute his allegations. [The only thing which you people could do is malign Dr. Ali Sina but no one succeeds in disproving his charges against Muhammad]

        His work is scholarly and original and it is built upon logic. Even Zakir Naik is scared of him and has been avoiding him since the past decade.

        What were you smoking when you wrote such nonsense to Dr. Ali Sina? It doesn’t make any sense. No wonder Dr. Sina replied to you in that fashion.

        All of us are born ignorant but people like you choose to remain ignorant and die ignorant. No wonder Islam has become a mockery due to this.

        Adam, Eve, Heaven, Hell, Satan, Angels, virgin birth, etc. are good bedtime stories. Try explaining these to a 5 year old kid.

        Yours truly.

      • Brahman is even more merciful because even if you don’t follow him , he will bless you .Now throw your allah into the gutter

      • “Just like your Sri Sri Ravi.. He agrees to the fact that vedas speak of one God and God has no image but he also say that in each idols he can feel its presence.. this is contradictory to what they speak earlier. This is how they mislead the follower.”

        – How ridiculous it is for you sneak in a post about idol worship when this thread is about the consumption of animal meat. Since you have brought the topic up, I’ll address it. First of all, Vedas do not, nor does Agniveer endorse idol worship. But that doesn’t mean the Vedas or Agniveer consider people who practice idol worship sinners. We believe they will not reach Moksha and be liberated. If an idol worshiper is a good person and follows all the other aspects of Dharam, that person will be reincarnated until he or she eventually rejects idolatry and respects and understands God’s true nature. And that is the highest state of consciousness where God is infinite and everywhere: Omniscient, Omnipresent, and , Omnipotent.

        Like in this Vedic Mantra: “Dear God, we meditate to you the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent one! The remover of all sin and ignorance; May you enlighten our intellect. (Yajur Veda 3:35)”

        Sri Sri Ravi has the right to his opinion, but we don’t agree with him. Be believe in the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent one!

        Next with regards to idol worship. Let us define what it is. We believe idol worship is not just praying to status or pictures or believing that God takes on limited forms, but we go deeper and bigger on what idol worship is. We take it to the true essence of what that practice is. And that is attaching yourself to any object or thing or person or direction or idea during your meditation or prayer to God. You should totally be free of that.

        So what your religion does is also idol worship according to the Vedas. The fact that you require a direction to pray to, a object to bow towards, and even mention, even recognize mohammed during your prayer (even you are not praying to him, but mentioning his name) is a form of idol worship. Even when you have to turn left and right and whisper to angels ears during your prayer is idol worship.

        Vedas ask us to focus mind, heard, Atman (the soul that exists in all living things) is the true way to connect with God. If there was anything such as sheirk in the Vedas it would not just include your definition of idol worship but also directional and geographical prayer, use of objects like black stones and cubes, mentioning of so called prophets names (Vedas do not recognized prophets it is man made idea), and whispering into angels ears (Vedas do not recognize angels it is a man made idea) and even graveyard worship.

        Vedas want us to free ourselves from these silly objects and focus only on God and that is it. And the best way to do that is through meditation/Yoga. This was also reaffirmed by Krishna, Buddha, and even the 10 Sikh gurus. All Sikh gurus recognized praying towards some cube in the middle east and kissing some black stone is not gonna get you closer to God. In fact it will only get you further away.

        Read about the Vedic God on this site:

      • “Just like your Sri Sri Ravi.. He agrees to the fact that vedas speak of one God and God has no image but he also say that in each idols he can feel its presence.. this is contradictory to what they speak earlier. This is how they mislead the follower.”

        – How ridiculous it is for you sneak in a post about idol worship when this thread is about the consumption of animal meat. Since you have brought the topic up, I’ll address it. First of all, Vedas do not, nor does Agniveer endorse idol worship. But that doesn’t mean the Vedas or Agniveer consider people who practice idol worship sinners. We believe they will not reach Moksha and be liberated. If an idol worshiper is a good person and follows all the other aspects of Dharam, that person will be reincarnated until he or she eventually rejects idolatry and respects and understands God’s true nature. And that is the highest state of consciousness where God is infinite and everywhere: Omniscient, Omnipresent, and , Omnipotent.

        Like in this Vedic Mantra: “Dear God, we meditate to you the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent one! The remover of all sin and ignorance; May you enlighten our intellect. (Yajur Veda 3:35)”

        Sri Sri Ravi has the right to his opinion, but we don’t agree with him. Be believe in the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent one!


      • Next with regards to idol worship. Let us define what it is. We believe idol worship is not just praying to status or pictures or believing that God takes on limited forms, but we go deeper and bigger on what idol worship is. We take it to the true essence of what that practice is. And that is attaching yourself to any object or thing or person or direction or idea during your meditation or prayer to God. You should totally be free of that.

        So what your religion does is also idol worship according to the Vedas. The fact that you require a direction to pray to, a object to bow towards, and even mention, even recognize mohammed during your prayer (even you are not praying to him, but mentioning his name) is a form of idol worship. Even when you have to turn left and right and whisper to angels ears during your prayer is idol worship.

        Vedas ask us to focus mind, heard, Atman (the soul that exists in all living things) is the true way to connect with God. If there was anything such as sheirk in the Vedas it would not just include your definition of idol worship but also directional and geographical prayer, use of objects like black stones and cubes, mentioning of so called prophets names (Vedas do not recognized prophets it is man made idea), and whispering into angels ears (Vedas do not recognize angels it is a man made idea) and even graveyard worship.

        Vedas want us to free ourselves from these silly objects and focus only on God and that is it. And the best way to do that is through meditation/Yoga. This was also reaffirmed by Krishna, Buddha, and even the 10 Sikh gurus. All Sikh gurus recognized praying towards some cube in the middle east and kissing some black stone is not gonna get you closer to God. In fact it will only get you further away.

        Read about the Vedic God on this site:

      • Dear Indian,

        Have you heard of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose? In modern history, he was the first to discover that plants have life. However, it is also a fact that plants have a lower level of consciousness.

        Sat-Chit-Ananda means truth-consciousness-bliss.

        God possesses all 3 – Sat-Chit-Ananda
        Souls have Sat-Chit
        Nature has Sat

        Now plants have souls too but they don’t have as much consciousness as an animal like a cow and a cow doesn’t have as much consciousness as a human being.

        Where is the disconnect?


    • Mr.Indian you could have very well said the same thing with due respect. Let me tell you something about logic. We do not eat dogs, cats, eagles, crows, sparrows, pigeons, vultures, rats, cockroaches, lizards and so many species, did they eat up all the food meant for mankind. Also, in regions like Rajasthan and Gujarat, in the vegetarian belts, does the cattle eat up all the grains and leave nothing for the people? the extinction theory is bogus. Coming to the leather bag and shoe theory, no these are certainly not made of vegetables, but the bad smell of the carcass which man calls meat dish are definitely camouflage by vegetables, like nutmeg, clove, cardamom, cinnamon etc. Otherwise, non-veg people will vomit on smelling the carcass.

      • Mr. Irshad,

        If you are true Muslim and read about quran then you should also know about the Surat Maiza, Allah(SWT) has clearly mentioned which are the lawful animals to be eaten and which are to be avoided.
        You better know why Alcohol and Pork is prohibited. I have full respect but you know misleading the people is the greatest sin.
        You no need to go to outside and search for the answers look at your body and realise what is the use of cannine teeth.
        You can be very good muslims just by eating vegtables but when you say its sin then ther comes question.
        Look at the big Fish , they have to depend on their own species (small Fish), God created them like that and you can argue and change it.
        veg or non-veg is least priority according to Islam but what you beleive in true God.
        95 % Hindus are worshpping stone which is against vedas , pass them true knowledge of God . Once they relaize about the true God then will understand what to eat and what not to eat according to his book.

      • @fake Indian

        —If you are true Muslim and read about quran then you should also know about the Surat Maiza, Allah(SWT) has clearly mentioned which are the lawful animals to be eaten and which are to be avoided.—-

        Oh really! Who will decide that who is a true muslim? What’s the criteria? What’s the meaning of Muslim & Islam?
        And what rubbish about, “Lawful” animals to be killed? Killing is itself unlawful to these creatures. What laws you’re talking about?

        —You better know why Alcohol and Pork is prohibited.—-
        Enlighten us, why are they prohibited? Keep in mind alcohol is also used for medical purposes. Don’t you find it ridiculous to banned it completely.

      • @Ashish B
        True Muslim(true human) are those who have full faith and prophet, Quran & Allah. Gandhi, Buddha, Dayanand, Krishna, were not true human because they were not worshiper and believer in prophet, Quran and Allah.
        Ajamal Kasab will be in heaven because he had full faith in prophet and allah as he read the Namaj also before going to be hanged but Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Buddha can not be in heaven how so much they may be good person because they were not believer in true God.

      • Sir, the first thing I will advise you is to write what is necessary. We all want to write, but if we do not write correctly, we lose our self respect and make a mockery of ourselves and our religion. By disrespecting The Buddha, Gandhi and other great people you are showing only your culture, upbringing and the narrowness of your thought. You should not bring religion in everything you write. Cannot you write a sentence without bringing religion into it? Cannot you for once show that you have some education apart from distorted view of your religion.
        Please note that meat eating is not compulsory in Islam, I hate repeating myself all the time. I have already given my views in this blog some few weeks ago please search and find it.
        As for me, being a true Muslim or not, I do not know myself, but one thing is clear, I am a true human being with love, compassion and mercy for one and all. For me being a true human being is far more important than being a true Muslim. Because, my brother, true Muslims are those sitting in Saudi Arabia who called the Christian male and female Soldiers from America and Europe(who came with alcohol and pork half naked, to this Muslim sacred/Holy land) to kill the Muslim brothers in Iraq. I do not want to be this kind of true Muslim. No, never.
        As for the canine to eat meat, our canines are not so developed like dogs and cats. Monkeys, which are closest to our specie, have canine, they are vegetarians.
        My Brother in Islam, please educate yourself in religious as well as worldly knowledge, this is the first call of Islam and the Prophet(pbu). Today like you, there are millions of Muslims who have divided Islam into over 100 sects, each one killing the other. This is no brotherhood or religion, it is savagery, barbaric and one thing is common to all these-ALL OF THESE KILLERS ARE NON-VEGETARIAN PEOPLE.

        Allah sanctions meat because it is good for health and we all must consume it and if we do not consume meat and consider it sin or immoral to consume; we are doubting in Allah, prophet and in Quran words. If you do not consume it is not issue but if you stop the others also to consume meat you are acting against Quran and Allah wish.

      • @Slave : I have simple and straight forward question to you : Al Quran Sura Al Bakr 2:66 onwards till 2:73 its said that if a dead man is hit with a piece of cow meat the dead will come back to life and sign his murderer
        can you make me understand the reasoning,practicality and science behind these Quranic Verses. Till now the so called TRUE Muslims, as you like to call them ,have not been able to answer my simple question.

      • Dear Indian,

        You’ve written “You no need to go to outside and search for the answers look at your body and realise what is the use of cannine teeth.”

        My notes: If you justify meat eating due to the virtue of us having canine teeth, then rape can also be justified because we have a penis.

        I know that you’re quoting the fraud named Zakir Naik who gave this example but even though this theory is entirely bogus and doesn’t deserve any attention, still it has been refuted in various places.

        Do me a favour. Search ‘Wiki-Islam’ for ‘Zakir Naik’. He gets naked there with his bogus theories.

        A humble request to @Slave and @Indian, Muhammad forbade (radical) Muslims to live in a kafir country and so please feel free to pack your bags and move to Saudi Arabia. You’ll get a nice audience there.

        Love and regards.

        Are u doubting in Allah and prophet? If Allah has allowed to consume flesh of cow, buffalo, goat etc. who are to raise doubts in it? That means you are not true Muslim. A true Muslim will follow the Quran orders without any hesitation and doubts.

      • Allah allowed you to consume meat, it is ok, but nowhere he said that meat is beneficial to Muslims. In the same way the Holy Quran is silent on flood, earthquake and lightning that may destroy Muslims as well. Take for example, your father may allow you to go to a movie, but that does not mean your father says movies are good for you. All evils are happening in this world by people who are consuming meat. Since the inception of Islam you will see Muslims are killing Muslims. Zubair, Ali, Hasan, Hossain, 12 Imams were all murdered by Muslims only. Today world wide Muslims are killing each other in the name of Islam and sects. What are we trying to achieve. Better we should keep quiet and learn good things from other religions. Have you ever tried to read the ancient Indian philosophies? unless you do not read and understand another religion what kind of judgement could you give. My brother in Islam, we can deliver judgement only when we are qualified, learned, knowledgeable, enlightened and above all broad minded. Islam requires us to achieve all these before anything else.

      • Can you prove Islam to be a bonafide/true religion? Then I can consider taking you seriously.

        1 of Allah’s 99 names translates as the Deceiver. Why would you believe in any such deity?

        If no one has seen Allah, its sex cannot be determined. Why do you still address it as a male?

        If circumcision is a command from Allah, shouldn’t it be mentioned in the Qur’an? And why did Allah not create us circumcised if he wants us that way?

        To this day there is sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shi’ites in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan. Did Allah plan this?

        The Qur’an refers to alcohol as an “abomination” and “Satan’s handwork”, so why does the Qur’an also praise alcohol and emphasize the point that it is something found in heaven?

        The closer we get to the North and South poles, the longer our days or nights become. They can eventually extend for up to several months each, making the fourth Pillar of Islam impossible to practice without starving yourself to death. Was Allah unaware of the poles and Eskimos?

        How do you know that the angel Muhammad was talking to was from Allah and was not Satan himself?

        Yours truly.

      • @ Slave,

        I was browsing alisina.org and was reading the article – Should India Give up Khashmir? where you wrote:

        “@Ali Sina
        Kashimir is Muslim populated state and all Muslim of Kashimir would like to go with Pakistan. India should give up Kashmir. Kashmir belongs to pakistan. ”

        My notes: You seem to be a Pakistan loyalist. You also seem to love to belong to them! Did you forget what the Arabs did to your forefathers and ancestors when they invaded India? It was the bloodiest holocaust in history. Timberline himself butchered 90,000 unarmed civilians on a single day including women and children. Women were denigrated, raped and captured and distributed as slaves. You are surely proud of that even though your forefathers were the one’s annihilated by the Muslim invaders. You are a traitor – not to India but to humanity. When you people go to Saudi Arabia, you are treated as second class citizens and classified as ‘barre sagheer”. Keep your 5th grade history to yourself. May almighty God empower you to use your grey cells.



  3. Dear All!
    No person who has posted comments before me or who shall post comments after my post is going to accept that “My Mother is better than yours”.

    To me my mother is the best and to you your mother is the best. Mother is love. Same is the case with GOD/Allah/Ishawar. Lets confluence at one concept that we can seek Him only treading the path of truth and love, in our own individual ways.

    Regards to All Religions! I bow to all religions in great veneration!

    • Let not the cowardice of our forefathers affect us in our lifetime. Let us set the records straight. Let us accept that all religions are not the same. Let us accept that some Gods are biased and bigoted. Let us not be affected by the malady of political correctness. May God give us the strength of calling a spade, a spade.

      • Total agree with you on this. The biggest mistake Hindus make is all religions are the same. That not written anywhere in the Vedas. Vedas do say there are many paths to the One God, but it doesn’t mean ALL PATHS LEAD TO THE ONE GOD. And ignorant Hindus make ridiculous claims like all paths lead to God and in fact I found no evidence of that is any in the Vedas. Keep up the good work on this.

      • @ex muslim,youshould know that ali sina has been refuted in many points on examinethetruth.com and answeringchristianity.com.visit these sites and know the truth.thanks.

      • This is a Purva Paksha of islam by a Western scholar:


        I ask everyone to watch this video. One of the best online.

        So basically you have three major text of islam:

        1. Sira (Biography of momo aka mohammed) 26% of all three writings
        2. Hadiths (traditions) 60% of all three writings
        3. quran (so called word of their god) 14%

        Facts from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9sYgqRtZGg

        Verses dedicated to war or jihad:
        1. Mecca quran (The verses that mohammed made there) dedicated to jihad: 0%
        2. Median quran (The verses he got there) dedicated to jihad: 24%
        Both books are combined as one now.
        3. Sira verses dedicated to jihad: 60%
        4. Hadith verses dedicated to jihad: 21%


      • rest of the information:

        Total average verses that are dedicated to holy war, jihad: 31%

        Amount of verses that are focused on the kafir (non-muslim or infidels):
        1. koran has 60% of its verses focused on non-muslims
        2. Sira has 80% of its verses focused on non-muslims
        3. hadiths 37%

        In all three books it is 60%. That means vast majority of the muslim texts is about the infidel. Why a religion have majority of its text focus on people who don’t follow islam at all. Isn’t that interesting. These are facts with lots of power and as Dharmic people, if we did our own Perva Paksha, we would have gotten these facts and a lot lot more. Please watch the video to see more details and great jobs this guys did. I was very impressed with the statistics he used. They were very powerful and put it down.


    Live life vegetarian.
    Ershad Hossain
    AUTHOR: “The Sermon of truth, peace, and happiness” & “Man, the king of his karma”
    4/3C, Orient Row, Kolkata-7000017, India. Mb#: (+91)9038414676/8013323913
    http://www.peacefulindians.co.in, http://www.compassion.net.in, http://www.vegetarianmuslims.org.

    The Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques,
    His Majesty Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saudi,
    The King of Saudi Arabia,
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Dated: 5th April 2013.
    Your Majesty,

    The Holy land of Saudi Arabia is regarded as the most sacred land for all Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world. The Holy Quran is the most sacred book for and revered by the Muslim communities all over the world.

    The Muslims were gifted the Holy Quran sometime 1400 years ago, which is regarded as final and complete commandments for all Muslims till the day of resurrection.
    In spite of the permanency of the commandments in this Holy book, many Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, have ignored many of the commandments and also banned many Sharia laws with the passing of time. Some of the commandments and allowances on the Muslims, which have been banned or relaxed are as follows:
    1. Sura- 70:29/30 Concubines, are no more popular with most Muslim countries.
    2. Sura- 4:3 Polygamy among Muslim men, are no more popular in many Muslim countries.
    3. Sura- 16:75 Slavery, are no more popular with almost all Muslim countries.
    4. Sura-5:38 Cutting of the right hand from the wrist joint of the thief is not popular with most Muslim countries
    5. Sura- 22:27 Hajj is only complete on foot or on lean camel, for people coming from distant land and ravine, has been relaxed to pilgrims coming to Mecca by air, sea and road.
    6. Sura- 5:51 Keeping friendship or taking/giving help to Christians or Jews are forbidden. Now Islamic countries are freely interacting and seeking help from Christian countries, like in Gulf war and technology transfer.

    From the above I conclude, with time, Islamic countries have been implementing or relaxing certain commandments from the Holy Quran to meet the need of time.

    My prayer to your Excellency, with folded hands, is to see the animal sacrifice during Hajj, in the same light as above and immediately ban the slaughter/sacrifice of animals. The money, about US$ 150 million, each year, going into sacrificing such animals may be collected and used for the benefit of Muslims across the world. I am sure Allah will not be offended with this decision and benefiting Muslim brothers and sisters across the world is a better way to uplift the Muslim community.

    While concluding my humble petition, I seek pardon, if in anyway, I may have offended Your Majesty, due to my limitations of being a human.



    CC: The Head of countries- For information.

    • I agree with some of your comments and disagree with some of your comments. Putting all that aside I want to address the idea about your religion and eating meat.

      You claim you are a vegetarian and wish it as the way for all people of your religion and yet follow your religion. Please tell me how do you reconcile the differences of hoping for a vegetarian world, but at the same time support a book that has verses and specifically mythological verses like this: 2:67 to 2:73.

      In this verse your own book tells of how your own god wants the jews to go sacrifice a cow. If your own god is telling you to do such a thing, how do you reconcile such differences.

      Here is a video talking about it:

      I respect your efforts for trying, but question is of personal nature and how do you reconcile it in your own mind and yet still be a muslim.

    • I know you said there are many things that are allowed in your book that have been relax or no longer followed. That might be the case, but at the end it still is allowing many of the things you have pointed out and even promoted. How do you, as a follower of that religion reconcile those harsh things which are not just accepted but promoted and followed ? It really does not make sense. The Vedas promote logical thinking and deny false ideas and accept truth. If a book claim and promote the things that are mentioned above by you, you have to take a strong stance and say you not only that you don’t accept those specific things, but deny any book that even accepts it, even if it is berried in your so called holy book. I’m not trying to be offense, but I state my statements out of the utter contradiction in your thought process, and as man of science and logic, reason, and truth, I can not accept your half truth.

  5. @ Everyone,

    This is a gem of an article. Agniveer should have come up with this a long time back. However, it’s never too late to initiate something good!

    Moreover, this article is enough to deter any thinking human being from murdering innocent animals either in the name of some religion or for satisfying their ‘tongue lust’.

    Still, if anyone of you are looking for some free good e-books on this subject for added motivation, inspiration and information, the following URL has some good materials which could be downloaded and passed on. Do have a look.


  6. Agniveerji zakir naik is still propagating hatred on channel Peace Bangla ……..In west bengal ……….Please do something or it will be too late …………

    I have a question you say bollywood people r vulgar then why u include Amitab bacchan in your testimonial ???????????????????????……………tomorrow Dawood will say “agniveer is great ” and u will include him ??????????
    please answer

    • Tales do not form basis of value-system aka Dharma. On contrary Dharma should form basis of tales. Tales have no authenticity. We cannot rely on them. But Dharma is logical, intuitive , scientific. We must build our foundation on that.

  7. Thank U Mr Sanjeev
    for valuable detail and reason to be a vegetarian
    though i m already a vegetarian yet i m overwhelmed by detail provided by you .
    A very crucial discussion about religion is going on … read it
    “yet until and unless u do not know your self u know nothing.
    and if u know nothing u come to know whole existence ”
    thank u .
    Love to all

  8. Excellent article. I have a follow up question regarding the 1:9 ratio that you have talked about in the article. I am assuming you have put forward an average for it can not be the same for beef,pork,lamb and chicken as all of them have different diets. I am wondering if you have also taken into account the impact of fish. What i mean to say is does fish rearing also require the same amount of resources that would feed more number of people than fish would feed

  9. I really impressed and agree with all the things (except on cow milk) mentioned here. I have one question/query not satisfied since many years and I don’t find any convincing answer here. I strictly believe that we must STOP drinking milk. Below are my arguments (many are taken from above article!)
    1) Vitamins we get from milk are available from fruits, vegetable etc…
    2) If you see how they produce milk by avoiding cow’s caves and if you have mercy you will stop drinking milk and all items made from milk.
    3) As per nature’s law everything in nature is optimized as per the requirement. So, cow’s milk must be for caves only and not for us.

    I will eagerly wait for your convincing solid answer.

  10. Please, don’t write “Life is beautiful”… Life is precious, yes, but not beautiful. A part if you are playing blind or deaf to the horrible events that goes around you and the world. In fact life is closer to hell than paradise.

  11. Very good article, even though my mind and taste buds unable to swallow many facts mentioned by you… My stomach will not digest almost all the facts…

    Hence, I request you to give some insight on consuming sea food as well…

    Thanx in advance.

    • Krishnam Raju garu, Namaste!
      I feel giving insights about consuming sea food will be more stuff for your stomach. Why don’t you think on meat eating itself and digest the points first. If you could understand the disadvantages of meat eating you have already realized the goodness of vegetarian food.

      Consuming meat of any living being is not good for body,whether it be chicken, goat, sheep, fish or anything. Just stay away from meat eating for few days and you will start realizing the divnity in you and will feel better in all respects.

      Dhanyawaadamulu meeku!

  12. How non vegetarian food is responsible for hunger and poverty?? Can you care to explain??.. Also non vegetarian delicacies are the tastiest of all. Just look around most of us eat meat. Even Brahmins have started eating meat. So keep your “I am vegetarian I am pious” ideology with yourself. Barbecued Mutton Ribs if cooked properly are better than sex. You dont believe it try it once.

    • Hi Indian,

      I”m not here to support non-veg or veg as religious principle. But as a environment thing. When you eat meat, that animal you eat needs some large amount of land where food is grown to grow that animal. For every animal you eat only 1/10 of the energy is transferred to you.

      So here in America, in the state of New York, if everyone was a vegetarian, it would take only 1/4 the size of New York to feed them. If on the other hand, everyone ate meat, it takes land that is 4 times the size of New York to feed them. First the animals must be feed grass/grain and water. And then humans can eat those animal.

      Keep in mind New York is much less dense than most places in India. Eating meat is a luxury.

      Again, I’m not here to support vegetarianism on religion or not eating beef or pork. I personally think if someone eats meat, why not eat all of them, including beef and pork (modern techniques are so advanced, nothing dirty about eating either of those animals). my point is meat requires a lot more resources. Very simple.


      • Yes Eating meat is a luxury. So those who can afford it can eat it. Your “requires more resources” argument is valid, but people like meat, they eat meat even though its cost is increasing. Their are other items of luxury as well people use them too. They have been eating it since they were living in caves. So please dont blame a non vegetarian for hunger and poverty, that’s total BS

      • Indian,

        I’m just saying in a country like India, people should be a little more mindful with eating meat. If the whole population of India ate meat, there probably would be civil war over food. Just be mindful of that fact. Have some self control man. Don’t act like an ass. I don’t think it is worth eating meat to allow a civil war. SO just for the sake of environment and social harmony being a vegetarian in India would be a good thing. Less dense places like the US or Russia, it’s a different story. I don’t think you are practical.

      • And your argument that it is tasty is a BS argument. It is tasty for you but not everyone thinks the same.

  13. Great job by Agniveer. Many thanks to them for educating people all over the world, not only on Vegetarianism, but also on genuine Vedic Dharma.

    Eat fruits, throw the seeds, New plants emerge, many fruits gotten! Eat meat, throw the bones. New graveyards emerge, earth spoiled. This is the simple logic one can find for choosing between ‘Plant based diet’ and ‘Meat’ from animals.


    In this post, we have highlighted some of the points which are close to the theme presented here by Agniveer.

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  17. Ek sawal un logon se jo kahte hain ki HINDUTWA IS GREAT
    >>Kya hindutwa sabse mahan hai?
    >>Agar aisa hai to hindusm mai ye bhi likhe hai ki Non.Vegeterian mat khao,aurr usme bhi ek chiz ki BRAHMAN ko Non.Vegeterian nhin khana chahiye.Do you know ki WHO ki ek report ye batati hai ki aaj kal brahman he sabse jyada Non.Veg khata hai.
    Lijiye ek report-
    >>40% brahaman directoly MEAT khata hai
    >>20% brahaman PASTRY,BISCUITS ke jariye
    >>10% brahaman aurr chizon ke zariye
    >>10% brahaman jane anjane mai…
    Baki bache 20% aurr vo bhi suddh nhin hai….
    Padne ya website pe likhne se kuch nhin hoga….Asal jindgi mai follow kijiye…Tabhi HINDUTWA ka kalyan hoga.

  18. Nice Article…it really has made me think…and will surely cut down on my consumption of meat to begin with…this website is one of the best I have come across…many things on this site makes sense, rather than forcing some religious fairy tales…

    however here are some second thoughts that came to my mind as I read this article…

    how can you compare meat eating to cannabilism !!! Cannabilism is aganist nature for sure…even in meat eating animals its not a common characteristic…can you say drinking a cows milk is equivalent of snatching a ‘mothers’ milk from a just born baby, making the baby weak and unhealthy for the rest of its life ? So stop drinking milk…let the cows and animals roam free…chaining them, making them toil in fields is cruel too…its like chaining some human being and forcefully whipping him to work…at my level of understanding such comparisons makes no sense…

    But we will have hard time accepting that milking a cow for our needs is not only bad but also cruel. Cows milk is for calf not for humans…But, we will find all means and ways to justify it…

    I have a question
    1) Does vedas say NOT to eat meat categorically…I do understand based on this article, vedas strongly says its healthier and better to eat veg…and to me it logically makes sense too…
    2) How do we interpret vedas in situations like say drinking milk…en-slaving animals for our needs…

    • First place in meat eating animals it is common for the mother to eat her young. So yes meat eating animals do engage in cannibalism.

      Hindus in general think as tradition maybe not in practice cows as mother. Most cows roam free in India and are not chained, there are some exception. Cows and bull with humans have made a symbiotic relationship which happens many times in nature. Cows provide milk and we humans protect cows. Bulls/OX plow our fields .and we care and keep clean these animals. But remember only right to drink milk if you think cow is mother. Killing cow is highest sin, and I too witness as cows are domestic animals they are quite friendly too unlike in West.Yes not all practices are good and less human do cow puja, and are grateful for it service, degrading its life of that just of an animal. American commercial dairy farms are quite inhumane in comparison as they are Christian so think of dominion, or right over animals, our culture is symbiotic and respects cow for giving such nutritive drink as our children depend on. ..

      If you want to be vegan that is up to you, but cow provide enough milk, and grass which main source of food has plenty of calcium hence their young can survive.

      Veda in its wisdom recognize the types of food and categorized them as to what type of people eat them. People in past were largely vegetarian. Today’s meat eating is new as it is consumed by immoral means, animals are raised in slavery in inhuman conditions, living tortured lives. In ancient past there were only hunters or fisher men who ate meat. Today’s meat eating are based on slave based society that whose religion believes in domination of animals and so is very inhuman and cause of so many diseases. Meat of today are from very sik animals. Further vegetarians were common in ancient world, Roman, Greeks, most large societies the practice of vegetarianism was common . Roman gladiator were vegetarian. In Bible Roman 14 speak how vegetarians oppose Christianity..

    • Romans 14
      1 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

      2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

      3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

      4 Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

      So there is clear difference in religious precepts. So vegetarians according to Christians are those who are weak in Faith.

      • I really do not know what you want to convey here…I certainly do not believe eating veg makes someone weak physically or mentally…look at elephants, bulls and rhinos….most powerful creatures are herbiverous…this goes with humans too…christianity comes nowhere close to vedic concepts…its concept like heaven hell and god created humans to test etc etc sound very very foolish to me.

        I just wanted to know if vedas, categorically say eating meat is prohibited.. also, .how does one interpret vedas in cases like domesticating a cow/bull or other animals…drinking their milk/dairy products etc…

      • My post was deleted and that was just part of the post as Agniveer site limits post site. Basically meat eater and vegetarians are different in thinking, and culture. Vedas do not prohibit but tells qualities of food, and its relation to human behavior. Further for Brahamachary they are only allowed to eat satvik food meaning vegetarian. Much more percent of people in ancient past were vegetarian and good evidence to support and Bible is part of that evidence. Even these tamsic religions clearly state non-believers to be vegetarian, or those who are weak in faith, So again agreement of food and qualities of individual. In Hindu culture a human is not above an animal as we all have souls, whether smarter or dumber. So we should treat animals with respect and dignity.

        Main disagreeable point could have been of my post is that it is well known among meat eating animals of mothers eating their young, and fathers too. Meat eating is a necessary precursor for cannibalism.As nearly all cannibals are flesh eater and nearly no vegetarian ever took to this act as preference was to starve to death historically. Seeing a dog eat her pup I can say a meat eater cannot control his desire to eat, Ideal treatment of cows in Hindu culture is symbiotic, and western culture is based on domination. . .

      • A mother bear—or lion or wild dog—does the same if she can’t nurse her cubs or find food for them. And if one of her cubs dies, she’ll most likely eat it immediately, as Khali did. This nourishes her and has the added benefit of removing the carcass. “That way there’s nothing rotting in her den which might attract predators,” Barthel says.

        Well this is meat eating culture, humans come from vegetarian culture soon the meat eaters would evolve to this.

  19. HI,

    I reference to the Ramayana by Valmiki, Ayodhya Kand 52: 102 says that Rama and Lakhman ate deer.

    Wants your comment on that?

    Would really appreciate your reply and I am open for a conversation as well.

  20. Hi,

    I normally support Agniveer on many things, but I also support the right to eat meat as well. I think this is less of an issue. We as Dharmic people need to focus on more important things than eating or not eating meat. I would have rather seen something on eating heathy according to our Dharmic values.


  21. @Indian, You idiotic
    who do you think who are you to judge Sri Sri Ravishankar ? What about your pedophile mass-murderer rapist robber gangster pimp muhamMAD ? Shame on him and you.

  22. I read article and few comments below it. Everybody except the writer of the article and few others seems half-educated. Writer has really attained spirituality and maturity as evident from his replies to his criticism. but the article doesn’t convince me to give up meat. because I believe in following philosophy and found it to work for me:

    “What goes down your mouth isn’t evil, what comes out of it can be.”

    Eating meat isn’t affecting neither my spiritual progress nor my overall…

  23. I really like this website, but one major problem I have is the use of profanity like “shit” and “crap.” I am not sure if the author realizes, as a speaker of Indian English, how obscene these words are. These words denigrate the value of this website as a religious website. You would NEVER see words like these sully a Christian website–ever!

  24. I am a staunch advocate of vegetarianism , I agree with you on most of the topics except for one,
    You say that when people eat meat 9 people die of hunger, but animals feed on grass or hay or other food not fit for human consumption. So I think this point is not valid. Another thing is, you could have shown a table with the protein content of meat compared to sources like soya, oats or wheat germ. More ever the strongest & the most powerful animals on the earth are vegetarians.

    • Dear Argha, Meat is generated in vast animal-farms. If instead of developing animals for slaughter, they use same resources including land for producing food, that would feed 9 times more people, and be definitely much more environment friendly. If instead of producing food that animals eat (before being slaughtered), we produce food for humans, we would feed so many more.

      If meat industry is replaced with agriculture, hunger will be completely eliminated.

  25. If people really follow you and feel that all that you say and write is very very correct than ask the followers of vedic dharam to stop poultry business, and exporting buffalo meat from india. its hindu investing more and more in meat export with the help and in the name of muslims.

    • Brother, Please read our articles on Hinduism and Vedic Dharma first. To summarize for you, we refuse to discriminate people on basis of region, religion, caste, gender. We present our viewpoint and encourage people to either accept it, reject it or ignore it. But if you feel strongly about our cause, we would be glad to support you. Please reach out to government and industries on this and we would be happy to promote your efforts in this regard.



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