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Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022


Agniveer® is serving Dharma since 2008. This initiative is NO WAY associated with the defence forces scheme launched by Indian Govt in 2022

Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much?

This entry is part [part not set] of 19 in the series Zakir Naik Exposed

Zakir Bhai MBBS has been among the most hated public figures of today. Deoband recently issued a fatwa against him. There is no doubt that Zakir Bhai is among the most smartly marketed religious celebrity of last few years. He claims to represent and propagate Islam. He considers himself a servant of Muhammad (PBUH). Yet it is the Muslims and Islamic clerics who hate Zakir Naik the most. In this chapter, we shall briefly list out reasons why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much that many claim that he would be the first person to enter Dozakh (Islamic hell).

Background – 72 Muslim sects

Let us provide a brief background. Most people consider Islam to be the religion propagated by Prophet Muhammad and narrated in Quran. On the surface, it appears all so simple. Quran proclaims that one who submits to the word of final messenger of Allah shall achieve Heaven. But things are not so simple for a layman, and even a scholar. Because while there is only one Quran and one Prophet Muhammad, there is tremendous variety in the types of interpretations that so-called Muslims make out of this book and this great social- reformer.

In short, Islam is not as monolithic as it appears to be. The number of sects in Islam is more than 72, and they are as different from each other as dry is from wet and cold is from hot. All these sects have different customs, different levels of tolerances for non-Muslims, different food habits, different interpretations of Quran, different level of importance given to Muhammad and his associates and different descriptions of Heaven and Hell. The Shia-Sunni war is clearly known.

What makes the things even more confusing is the belief of these more than 72 Sects. Only one is on the path of truth and hence only one will go to Heaven. Rest of the sects will go to Hell. Thus, it is not sufficient to just be a Muslim to achieve Heaven; you need to follow only the right sect. Now each sect fights to prove that they are the genuine sect. Some sects are liberal enough to allow even non-Muslims to Heaven. Some Muslims are even promoters of vegetarianism. Some consider nation ahead of everything else. But there are some who believe that all except those who fully believe in their sect and its practices without questioning anything, alone will go to Heaven. Rest of all will be in Hell forever.

Zakir Naik’s Wahabi sect – The most fanatic

Among the most fanatic of these cults is the Wahabi cult. This is supposed to be the producer of the largest number of terrorists including ISIS, Osama, Al Qaeda since its inception in the 18th century and has been a cause of disgrace for rest of the peace-loving Muslims. Zakir Naik belongs to this Wahabi cult, believes that only this Wahabi version of Islam can bring anyone close to Heaven, and rest of all will go to Hell. And things are not as simple. Further, he mixes his Wahabism with material from other scholars of different sects to create his own Zakirism that in the process blatantly insults and disgraces the vision of Islam as per other sects, including the more tolerant ones.

Zakir Naik humiliated Wahabis

Zakirism goes to such extent that he does not even spare Wahabis from humiliations. Zakir Naik claims to be an expert on comparative religions. In his site, he has put lots of articles on comparative religions under his name. But in reality, they are merely a word to word copy of texts from Qadiyani/Ahmadiyya sources. So what is wrong if one refers to Qadiyani or Ahmadiyya sources? Perhaps nothing, except that:

Qadiyanis/ Ahmadiyyas are considered Kafirs and they are prosecuted by most Muslims for their radical beliefs.

Wahabis have been greatest enemies of Qadiyanis

The content of the Qadiyani writings that Zakir Naik has swindled under his own name are blatantly against core beliefs of rest of the Muslims including Wahabis.

For example, Zakir Bhai MBBS tries to prove that Vedas prophesize about Muhammad. (This has been completely refuted by Agniveer) Now this belief gels with the Qadiyani belief that Vedas were also revelations. But Wahabis and other sects refuse to believe so. Hence even Zakir Bhai MBBS writes in another article that he is not sure if Vedas are revelations. He conveniently forgets that he himself has proved that Vedas reveal Muhammad in another article! (Perhaps because he forgot to read it before asking his henchmen to copy from Qadiyani book and paste under his name on his site and in books.)

In summary, Zakir Bhai continues to use Qadiyani sources to show his scholarly capabilities but refuses to accept Qadiyanis as Muslims because he claims to be Wahabi and is funded by Wahabi militants. Or is he a Qadiyani spy in Wahabi disguise? Only Zakir Bhai knows the reality, but his acts suffice to invite hatred of Qadiyanis as well as other Muslim sects.

Progressive Muslims hate Zakir Naik

Zakir Bhai justifies non-vegetarianism as a scientific Islamic trait. While he does acknowledge that even a Muslim can be vegetarian, he attempts to justify meat-eating on crazy arguments including research by some farmers. (Agniveer has already busted this lie). This catches ire of several progressive Muslims, who refuse to believe that meat-eating has any association with religion. Many progressive Muslims have even started a Muslim Vegetarian Society that is among the most powerful protagonists of Vegetarianism and opponents of Halal meat. They have severely condemned Zakir Naik and his spurious research for disgracing Islam to justify the lust of his own tongue.

Deoband issued a fatwa against Zakir Naik

Being a Wahabi he has a soft corner for Osama Bin Laden. When someone questioned him on his views on Osama, he replied that he admires him because he has terrorized America! He shied away from criticizing terrorist activities of Osama.

Deoband even issued a Fatwa against him probably because his use of literature of Qadiyani sect – considered worst by Deoband – to further Islamic cause.
Reason why Zakir supports Osama is – the money that funds Osama and money that funds Zakir Bhai have allegedly the same sources. Many terrorists caught in recent times involving the ones of Dhaka attacks, Chief of Hyderabad ISIS Module, first Indian ISIS fighter have allegedly accredited Zakir Naik to be their inspiration.

Devout Muslim hates Zakir Naik for wearing Kafir dress code

While on the surface, he claims to be a conservative Muslim; he wears a non-Islamic dress which as per Islamic hadiths would lead one to be treated as a non-Muslim during Judgment Day. Many devout Muslims thus consider their dress very seriously and hate Dr. Zakir Naik for setting wrong examples by wearing Kafir dress of tie, suit, and coat. Zakir Naik teaches fanaticism to others but himself adopts conveniences as per his own will.

Sufis and graves worshippers hate Zakir Naik

Wahabis have destroyed many Sufi shrines and the even house of Prophet Muhammad because they believe these to be signs of idol worship. They killed many Muslim men, women, and children in their campaigns to destroy tombs and holy places. In the same footsteps, Zakir Naik severely condemns these practices to be anti-Muslim and hence is hated by those who worship graves, Sufis and tombs.

Shias hate Zakir Naik

Shias obviously have a reason to hate Zakir Bhai MBBS because of his staunch anti-Shia stance, being a Wahabi. But his admiration of Yazeed, considered to be the culprit for the massacre of Prophet’s family in Karbala has been a strong point of contention for other Muslims. So much is the hatred against Yazeed that many people curse by the name of Yazeed. But Zakir Naik respects Yazeed in similar way as Prophet Muhammad by stating ‘Peace be Upon Him’ or something similar after his name. This PBUH/similar words are restricted only for the most revered people in Islam.

Progressive Muslims hates Zakir Naik for his ultra-fanaticism

Zakir justifies the ban on the worship of other religions in Muslim countries. He however also justifies that Muslims should be allowed in other countries to promote their religion. The logic is curious — as per Zakir Bhai, in matters of religion, Muslims are the best. So they should be allowed everywhere — Muslim or non-Muslim countries. But non-Muslims should not be allowed to build places of worship in Muslim countries because their religions are inferior to Islam!

Such ultra-fanaticism irks the most progressive Muslims, who want to integrate with rest of the world and rise above religious dogmas and hatred.

Muslims hate him for being ultra-conservative

Being an ultra-conservative, he propagates that despite a person being as much good or noble, unless they unconditionally accept his version of Islam, they will go to Hell and Hell alone and forever. This goes against beliefs of more progressive Muslims, who believe that all who act with genuineness, regardless of their religion will go to Heaven and not Hell.

Muslim women hate Zakir Naik

Muslim women obviously have all the reasons to hate Zakir Bhai because in the name of pseudo-science he is simply restricting their freedom that has been ordained by the Creator. For example, he states that Muslim women should always wear Hijab and Burqa and cover their entire body always. Medical researchers are worried that such unreasonable practices cause dreaded diseases due to lack of Vitamin D in Muslim countries which enforce such beliefs on women. More liberal Muslims see such insistence as dangerous dogma harming the cause of Muslims and Human Rights.

He further states that Muslim women should not work in offices because they may have a chance to be alone with men even for a second. The only men that a woman is allowed to be alone with are her husband and those who have suckled her. Taking this crazy dogma of Zakir Bhai further, the Head of Hadith Department of the most reputed university of Islam in the world recently issued a fatwa that Muslim women should allow their male colleagues to suckle their breasts five times. This will allow them to work with these men, even when alone. Because after this, they will be like mothers to them!

Zakir Bhai debars women from being any doctor except gynecologists because that is haram as per his version of Islam. Women should not take part in sports as well!

He further defends polygamy by furnishing false data on population but disallows polyandry.

He justifies the belief that women are less intelligent than men, and hence evidence of two women equals that of one man!

He thus also justifies that women cannot inherit equally to their male counterparts!

He also believes that majority of hell dwellers will be women.

No wonder, he agrees to the dogma that to prove rape, a woman should bring an ample number of witnesses who have witnessed actual penetration!

Wahabis calls Zakir Naik a Shaitan

The list of people who hate Zakir Naik can go on and on. So much that now even Wahabis have started calling Zakir Bhai a Shaitan.

Other sects who do not receive as much funding as Osama or Zakir Naik try tooth and nail to debunk his fraud through all means.

They are even more upset by the fact that Zakir Naik does not even know how to read Arabic and merely imitates Ahmed Deedat, another preacher considered deviant by many scholars.


The process of seeking truth demands process of elimination. One may not be sure and continue to debate on which of the 72 or more sects of Islam would lead one to Heaven, or whether Quran itself is the authentic Quran and not the new Quran as created recently. One may not be sure whether a permanent Hell or Heaven or Angels or Genies exist in first place. One may doubt if Muhammad was a great non-divine social -reformer or actually a Messenger of Allah’s word. One can debate if Quran deserves to be the final word of Allah and what should be its interpretation. Or what new good concept Quran provides that was not present in previous books.

But one fact is sure. There is not even a scope for debate – Certain persons should be out-rightly banished to Hell or hell-like place for the benefit of rest of the peaceful, civilized society. They include:

• people who dare not condemn terrorists like Osama Bin Laden. And instead say “Every Muslim should be a terrorist”. “Every Muslim must terrorize America.”
• people who consider that all except their sect will burn in permanent Hell despite how-so-much good they do in their lives
• people who cannot tolerate others but want themselves to be tolerated everywhere
• people who believe that women are inferior or bereft of intelligence
• people who justify inferior rights and curtailment of freedom for women
• people who refuse to change their stands despite the presence of factual information proving the opposite
• people who do not clear their stand and purely use material prepared by someone else to claim scholar status for self and yet condemn the source

Such terrorism sympathizers are a threat to any civilized society. Progressive and even conservative Muslims have shown the right way by criticizing Zakir Naik so severely. The first and foremost religion of humans is humanity. The way noble-minded Muslims have shown courage and mettle to condemn the dangerous frauds of Zakir Naik that are detrimental to entire humanity is warmly welcomed. Such steps in right direction pave the way for right direction for seekers of true knowledge.

This article is also available in Hindi at http://agniveer.com/3293/hate-zakir-hi/

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  1. KHAN BROTHER your Zakir Naik was exposed when British Government put ban on Zakir Naik and many Muslims congratulated British Government for imposing ban on Zakir Naik. So AGNIVEER/ARYAJI Statement is completely true that many muslims hate Zakir Naik. By the way ask your Zakir Naik to start a comment section like AGNIVEERJI SITE in IRF website and we will promise you Zakir Naik will have to close that site in one or two years.

  2. Dr.Naik has been doing great job by clearing misconception of Islam amongst the non-muslims all over the world since decades. Certain comments of his may be wrong for certain sect of muslims or non-muslims. He is a human being after all & tend to make mistakes. He debates on the similarities between the two religions to bring people together not dissimilarities to divide people. He is good scholar for debating on comparative religions but he is not greatest scholar of islam by all means. He himself claims that he is a student & not a scholar. If any one has any problem is welcome to ask questions to him directly after his speech during Q&A sessions before the mass. He always gives priority & welcomes non-muslims to come forward & pose what ever question they may have, even if it against islam. Since Dr. Zakir conducts all his debates in open public (not one to one basis or on websites or forums like this), I think it is good for any Agniveer’s prominent representative to go pose questions to Dr. Zakir. If Dr. Zakir is unable to answer his question, then it is the popularity of Dr. Naik that is at stake. Moreover, there are thousands of non-muslims besides muslims out of tens of thousands attendees from all faiths attending his lectures so let the masses hear and judge what is right and what is wrong, instead of wasting so much time and efforts on this website for only few readers on this website. Or let Agniveer start its own organization like IRF to propagate hinduism and suggest to conduct debates with scholars of other faith. People from different faiths will attend the debate and let them convert to hinduism if they think hinduism is the true, ancient & divine religion. If this is done in India and particularly in Europe and America, then you will see people converting to hinduism and hinduism will then become the fastest growing religion in the world in place of Islam where people are so madly accepting Islam at this time. May Allah bring the truth to surface….. Ameen.

    • @MSi

      Brother, I appreciate your support for a dialogue or a debate instead of cursing us to Hell. However, regarding debate with akir , there are certain hiccups.

      1. Zakir always chooses his opponents who are not used to his Taqiya tricks.
      2. He never debates on the similarities but always tries to prove Muhammad in every scripture of the world. He has even gone to the extent of supporting Osama and has also said that non-muslims should not be allowed to have a place of worship in muslim countries!
      3. Q&A sessions after his stage-shows are for semi-literates, where answers are in one-liners and his madarsaa-bred followers clap to their heart’s content.
      4. Google about arya samj’s challenge to zakir and see yourself how he is running away.

  3. you people are a disgrace. this man is converting people to islam while ur on ur ass sitting eating shit and not helping islam at all…. WOW… this is what the umma came to… i would like to see his status on the day of judgement compared to you people =] inshallah you people will see that he was telling the truth.

    • @yusuf

      We would only see a judgement day, if it will exist, but sadly for u its all a fake child bedtime story to put u to sleep. I can only laugh when I think of judgment days, go tell these stories to ur kids, it will be useful to them. Zakir Naik purposely enslaves fakes, did u not see the fake shankaracharyas and arya samaj pandits he hired, they were all proven fake, now sit back and watch ur zakir naik getting exposed blatently.

    • YUSUF BROTHER ZAKIR NAIK AUDIENCE ARE FOOLS. It can be proved from the simple fact that when Zakir Naik says MOHAMMAD is mentioned in Bhavishya puran his foolish audiences clapped their hands not knowing the meaning come out of it that is Mohammad is Demon Tripurasur. So his foolish audiences claps their hands even when ZAKIR NAIK abuses PROPHET MOHAMMAD.

  4. Hello to every one, after analyzing all the above comments i have come to know that every one is busy in blaming one another by saying he is correct or he wrong. I just want to say that before giving any comment on any other thing or human being please verify the authentic source( the Vedas, the Quran, the Bible)and confirm whether it is correct or not. Regarding Zakir naik he has given many talks on major world religions with proofs. So if he is wrong he will get his fruit from the God/Almighty. Why are you bothered about him. If you feel that islam is the true religion and Mr. Naik is falsely spreading it then you all people convert to islam and spread the truth of islam. Why are you afraid of it….

    • Hello to unknown, after analyzing all the above comments i have come to know that every one is busy in blaming one another by saying he is correct or he wrong. I just want to say that before giving any comment on any other thing or human being please verify the authentic source( the Vedas, the Quran, the Bible)and confirm whether it is correct or not. Regarding Agniveer he has written many articles on major world religions with proofs. So if he is wrong he will get his fruit from the God/Almighty. Why are you bothered about him. If you feel that Islam is not the true religion and Agniveer is falsely criticizing it then you all people convert from islam and expose the truth of islam. Why are you afraid of it….

      • Agniveer is using the tactics of Dr.ZN but for wrong purposes to bring further deviation/sects amongst muslims, bring hatred between other major religions, by wrongly interpreting the glorious quraan, picking up unauthentic/zayif hadees, quotations of the name sake muslims/critics of islam and also some non-muslims pretending to be muslims (munafiqs) by showing muslim names etc., targeting only the few viewers of this forum, they think they will tarnish the image of Islam in this world. For those few muslims who on this forum although did a good job to the best of their knowledge to remove misconceptions, i suggest they are doing it in vain. Agniveer & few others are adament in their own wrong understandings & do not want to accept the truth in spite of getting befitting & convincing replies with proper understanding, real & complete context. I suggest, muslims should ignore this forum or do not pay attention to this small group of misled people but do spread the message of truth & peace elsewhere to other masses like Dr.ZN has been doing and inshallah will continue doing it in future with the help of Allah subhana wa tala & in spite of his critics whether muslims or other religion. It is a fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and people of other faiths are not just accepting islam like that. They are doing it by proper realizing & doing research & whole heartedly agreeing it to be a true religion.

      • @MSI
        Which sect out of more than 72 sects of so called muslims represents the true “Islam”? Because according to Muhammad, only one is right and rest of the others will burn in hell forever! Do you belong to that sect? How do you know this? Does Zakir belong to that sect? If yes, what about those 1.5 billion muslims, who do not follow his ideology and thus will go to hell as per Muhammad? And any refutations for the other articles about Quran and hadith on this site or your major concern is to defend new prophet ZN rather than defending Quran and hadith?

  5. Dear all,
    Dr. Zakir naik whatever says, says with authentic proofs not FABRICATED lies like Mr. Agniveer is spreading here,

    If Mr. Agniveer is so inteligent then whay dont Mr. Agniveer have DEBATE with Dr. Zakir Naik.

    If Mr. Agniveer feel that what he has written is all with authentic proofs, definately Mr. Agniveer will have Debate with Dr. Zakir Naik.

    Lets see the result.

    Kutte bhonkte rahe aur karwan gujar gaya

    Its easy to make fun of others but its very difficult to have open debate


  6. buhaahahahaah com on i guess u guyz are qadianies propagting against a preacher who was banned by jews are you one of them of com on people who could u do that to your own preacher u do not deserve to be muslims time changes nd with time actions also changes nd methods of preaching also changes dude try to understand

  7. u shud shame ur self …….. wht u have said is a lie just a lie…..n even i don think so tht u have enough knowldge abt islam … u sound some non muslim to me … first go n get some true education abt islam ….

    MAy Allah give hidayah to u Ameen

    • @Ayesha

      we are doing exactly what your allah wants us to do. Sorry, we are helpless, after all, our fates are sealed in lohe mahfooz right??

      • Wrong. You don’t even know a thing about lohe mahfooz. You should listen to Naik’s speeches a bit more closely. Fate is never seals. It is just that god knows what you will do so he has written it down in the same way he knows that I will write this comment and what reply you will give ( if any ). You have the full choice to decide what to write but god know what your final decision will be and thus it is already written in the lohe mahfooz

      • Humaid
        Can anyone act without Allah’s will? Can something happen in the world which Allah ALMIGHTY does not want to be happened?

  8. All things what is mentioned on the composition is written by distorted brain. No brainy person can write like this article. Because this article contains many things wrong about zakir naik. Many things out of context. I am asking you a question. Who are you? Are you a extremely mad???? what is mentioned on this article completely nonsense. If you have know knowledge about somethings you should not attempt such thing. Keep it in your mind.

      • u r absolutely right….this is the most absolute nonsense that i have ever hered
        There are so many kinds of madness, so many ways in which the human brain may go wrong like wat saw in above

      • Crazy, filthy minds just tryin to score some brownie points by….. ignorant bastards .. nothing more than that

    • There is no necessity for the Indian Muslims to battle with their brother Hindus. Actually the Hindus should show sympathy to the Muslim brothers in India majority of whom were forcibly made Muslims over three or four centuries in the past. If at all their forefathers had left message they would discard their religion however excellent it may be because it was forced on them against their will. Mr.Zakir Naik’s appearance and utterances only show his shallowness and idiocy, over-enthusiasm and aggression. His memory is nothing in front of Mathematical wizard Mrs.Shakuntala. Let Zakir Naik know that 75% of the converts return back to their religion within 3 years. With so much communication tools available at the disposal of the human beings it has become very difficult for the managers of Islam to maintain it even. Please read Botros Zachariah’s exposure whose source is but Quaran and Hadiths only.

    • writer is absolutely hit the bulls eye.Mr jakir is doing nothing but just quoting references from rlegious books….just to prove something is correct or wrong.he simply comparing religion with science whereas he has no knowledge of basic difference between religion and science!!!

    • all things are facts but poblem lies with your closed mind and closed eys, YOU can not read and see these facts. islam is a good religion BUT its teachings are basic , like what to do and what not to do.
      in fact this was meant for then tribals of arab world who were babarians. they were illeterate and they needed a primary school teacher to teach them alphabets of life and PROPHET MUHAMMAD gave them the basics through QUORAN.
      Mr Naik is delibrately trying to prove that HUMAN are not required to upgrade from basic alphabtic knowedge to higher education and what is good for class one children must be tought to IIT , ENGINEERS, DOCTORS.

    • all things are facts but poblem lies with your closed mind and closed eys, YOU can not read and see these facts. islam is a good religion BUT its teachings are basic , like what to do and what not to do.
      in fact this was meant for then tribals of arab world who were babarians. they were illeterate and they needed a primary school teacher to teach them alphabets of life and PROPHET MUHAMMAD gave them the basics through QUORAN.
      Mr Naik is delibrately trying to prove that HUMAN are not required to upgrade from basic alphabtic knowedge to higher education and what is good for class one children must be tought to IIT , ENGINEERS, DOCTORS.
      INDIAN SOCIETY WAS FAR AHEAD OF ARABS IN 6 TH CENTURIES TIME.INDIAN SAINTS WERE LIKE IIT PROFESSORS AGAINST ALL OTHERS PROPHETS OF ANY OTHER RELIGION.islam and quoran is good for beginers not for masters. indian rishis of upnishads were of very high quality proffesors.

      you can not teach A B C of relegion to them like quoran teaches…dont do robbery, crime , rape,..these are elimentry.
      can you teach budha and his followers that they should not. look at others wailth? those who has left all his kingdom how can you taech them dont do robbery?

      • Salam.
        As pointed by ‘ziaul haq’ there have been lot of out of context quotes. For instance “A muslim daughter gets only one share from her father while the son gets two. This rule has been incorporated because the girl, after her marriage, gets the 2 shares of her husband aslo. So ultimately she gets 3 shares while the male gets only 2 “.

        Such logical solutions and rules have been laid down in Islam and the only way to understand the religion completely is to read the quran which has been translated and printed in so many languages. Quarn is a book for the entire humanity and not just Muslims.

      • Namaste @abc

        This rule has been incorporated because the girl, after her marriage, gets the 2 shares of her husband aslo. So ultimately she gets 3 shares while the male gets only 2 “

        1. what is with all Dr. Naik fans that they lie through their teeth? The wife get’s a quarter share she has no children otherwise she gets 1/8th .and thanks to the practice of polygamy, if the maulana left behind 4 wives then each wife will get only 1/16th of the share logical??

        2.Now let’s look at your other deception. you added up the inheritances for a female in two situations -a) when she is a daughter b) when she is a widow. This total, you compared with the inheritance of a male in just one situation a) when he is a son. Did you forget that the Male gets half of the inheritance as a widower?

        this is the big picture in a nutshell:

        daughters share: 1/2 of son’s share.
        widow’s share – 1/4th to 1/32 (depending on number of widows with or without children)
        widower’s share – 1/2

        any which way – the woman loses BIG TIME!

        @abc..you are either a deceiver like Dr. Naik or you have been deceived by him.Either ways, you two went out of context in trying to deny a fact

        get well soon!



      • Namaste Brother Indian Agnostic

        Brother I replied please check.

        And great reply as always, very informative

      • Namaste abc

        Even if Muslim daughter gets whole share of her father and the son gets nothing even then she is a looser! Lets look at why

        Abu Dawud Book 23, Number 3540:

        Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-‘As: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: It is not permissible for a woman to present a gift except with the permission of her husband.

        So you see the woman in Islam is the owner of the wealth, which, she can never spend as per her will 🙁

        May I ask you what share a woman gets who was abducted and now serves as sex toy aka slave for a Momin? What happens to this daughter?

        ————–Such logical solutions and rules have been laid down in Islam—————-

        where was the logic?

        ————— and the only way to understand the religion completely is to read the quran————-

        Can you tell us from Quran where do you find Shahada? How many times you should pray?

        —————–which has been translated and printed in so many languages. Quarn is a book for the entire humanity and not just Muslims.——————-

        1. Are the translations of Quran perfect? If no, Quran is not for entire humanity, it can only appeal to Arabs. If Quran had to be for entire humanity, it should have been sent to whole mankind in all the languages of the world.

        2. Harry Potter has been translated and printed in more languages than Quran. So it can be considered from a bigger God than Allah 🙂 what say?

      • @ vajra :
        Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was the last and final messenger to whom the entire quran was revealed. Prophet mohammed (pbuh) was born in Makkah and the language of that country is arabic. Therefore it is not to be understood that Quran is applicable only for the Arabs ( The dwellers of arabia). If our prophet (pbuh) was born in china then the language of the quran would have been chinese. Wont it??

        @ vajra and @ Indina Agonistic : Plz await for replies regarding the other questions raised. Wil be giving the explanations shortly.. Insha allah..

      • abc

        ————–Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was the last and final messenger to whom the entire quran was revealed.————–

        Any proof other than blind belief?

        ————— Prophet mohammed (pbuh) was born in Makkah and the language of that country is arabic. Therefore it is not to be understood that Quran is applicable only for the Arabs ( The dwellers of arabia).————

        1. What else to be understood from this other than that Muhammad and Quran both were for Arabs only? Do you know what Allah says in Quran? He says- “we have sent this book in Arabic so that you can understand”! Here “you” can be Arabs only and thus Quran is proven for Arabs only

        2. Why Allah revealed His final revelation for ENTIRE humanity to someone who knew the language of just 10% of the total population? Wouldn’t it be better if He would send Quran in Chinese or Indian languages which the significant population of the world understand?

        3. Why not in all languages to different prophets or to a multilingual prophet instead of an Ummi (illiterate) 🙂 ?

        ————If our prophet (pbuh) was born in china then the language of the quran would have been chinese. Wont it??———–

        No, not necessarily 😉 Please see the reason above

      • @ vajra :

        1) If the Prophet (pbuh) had been born in any other part of the world say Russia then the verse could have been “we have sent this book in Russian so that you can understand”! .. That is possible right..

        2) Quran was completed ( why i say completed i wil explain) about 1400+ years ago. Do we have any statistics about the population of the world then. How many countries wer known to man. What languages wer spoken. Which language was a majority??

        3) Prophet mohammed (pbuh) was not the only but the final messenger.. There wer many many prophets who came before him. All got revelations from God. They said similar things that Propphet mohhamed (pbuh) said. The Thorath and Bible are examples. But what the other Prophets (peace be upon them all) couldn achieve was achieved by Mohammed (pbuh).

      • could you tell me what rasool acheived? how can you deny that gandhi or lincoln not last prohpet? What is the proof of rasool being last prophet? If breeding like rabbits make your claim that islam is true religion can chinese claim mao as the last prophet?

        To all religions which has the concept of final judgement day – how far is that judgement day? It would be better to declare the date of judgement day because as a human I fear that some fanatic muslim in pakistan will trigger a nuclear war to make judgement day come sooner.

      • abc

        1. Yes that is possible but still Allah will be blamed for not being equal to the whole humanity 🙁

        2. ————-Do we have any statistics about the population of the world then————-

        Just extrapolate the trend of present population density across the world, you will get the stats with sufficiently good accuracy

        ————–How many countries wer known to man————-

        Thanks for accepting that Quran was made by the ignorant men who did not know how many countries existed and how many languages existed at the time of its revelation 🙁

        ————–Which language was a majority————

        Not Arabic for sure 🙂

        —————–But what the other Prophets (peace be upon them all) couldn achieve was achieved by Mohammed (pbuh)————–

        Why? Why is Allah so partial? Why he chose Muhammad instead of me or you for the prophethood?

      • @ adolf :

        brother Isalm is the second largest followed religion in the world. Christianity being the first.
        Out of the top 100 most influential people Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is ranked no 1. Second being Sir Issac Newton and Third Jesus Christ (pbuh).
        so i dont think i have to tel you what rasool achieved.
        Gandhi, Lincoln etc dint get any revelations or dint propose any new theories contardicting to what ever was existing right.
        The “pakistani” who will trigger the nuclear war would have got trained by some western country only cos lets face it pakistan does not have the required instructors. i am not supporting anyone here..
        The recent earthquake, followed by a tsunami and a major nuclear leak from 3 plants in japan can also trigger the end of the world my friend and these wer caused naturally and not by any man. so i think i can say God wished for it to happen and it did.

        @vajra :

        Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) started his prophethood only from the age of 40 and went on with it for the next 20+ years. During the first 40 years of his life he did not preach anything. There wer some lakhs of prophets sent to do the same thing and to spread the same message. Infact the quran talks about Prophets Ibrahim, Moosa, Jesus and many other prophets (peace be upon them all) more than prophet moahmmed(pbuh) and it is sited in the quran how much they achieved in the path of islam. But Mohammed (pbuh) was able to unite and spread islam and its teachings which has made it the second largest followed religion in the world now.

        You and i are not sure if Arabic was the majorly spoken language or not. Also we dont knw how many countries wer populated then. God alone knows. So we cant debate on why quran came in arabic which s only 10% off the population speak now, Not at those times.
        brother i dont understand why and how Allah was not partial to the entire humanity 🙂

      • Brother abc

        ————Isalm is the second largest followed religion in the world. Christianity being the first.———-

        So whats the point? Is it that Islam is the second best religion after Christianity?

        ————–Out of the top 100 most influential people Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is ranked no 1.————

        Ranked no 1 by whom? M. Hart? Do you know what he says about the authorship of Quran? Billions of people including me dont consider Muhammad to be even a noble person, forget about his no 1 claim. So whats the conclusion?

        ————-so i dont think i have to tel you what rasool achieved.————-

        you haven’t told anything till now which can prove your claim

        ————-Gandhi, Lincoln etc dint get any revelations or dint propose any new theories contardicting to what ever was existing right.————-

        Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani claimed to receive REVELATIONS contradicting to the already existing Quran. Now talk

        ————–The recent earthquake, followed by a tsunami and a major nuclear leak from 3 plants in japan can also trigger the end of the world my friend and these wer caused naturally and not by any man. so i think i can say God wished for it to happen and it did.————-

        1. Do you think that the destruction of the mosques, holy book like Quran by earthquakes and Tsunamis is Allah’s will?

        2. Why God wished this calamity?

        3. “God wished for it to happen and it did”

        Can anything happen in the world which God does not wish for? If no, why single out such calamities alone? If yes, does Allah remain almighty?

        ————- But Mohammed (pbuh) was able to unite and spread islam and its teachings which has made it the second largest followed religion in the world now.—————

        1. Muhammad failed to spread Islam in whole world which is the proof of his falsehood by your logic

        2. If Muhammad is the best because he made Islam second largest religion, why not Jesus better than the best (Muhammad) who made Christianity the LARGEST RELIGION? 😉

        ————–You and i are not sure if Arabic was the majorly spoken language or not.————

        No, I am sure Brother 🙂 Old English, Byzantine, Dutch, French, German, Indian, Old Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Nepal Bhasa, Norse, Persian, Telugu, Sanskrit were the languages in which vast literature was/is available for the middle ages. [Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_literature%5D Moreover during the Tang dynasty in China (618–907), CHINESE LITERATURE was preserved using woodblock printing method [same source] which proves that Chinese language existed long before Quran was revealed. So all the languages other than Arabic were well established NATIONAL languages. So logically all these languages collectively had at least 10 times more speakers than the poor Arabic alone. So Allah’s failure is exposed again that He could not send his final revelation to the majority in their own languages 🙁

        —————Welsh Also we dont knw how many countries wer populated then.————

        We know for sure that India and China were densely populated that time also like today in comparison to others. Can you deny this? Any logic against it?

        —————So we cant debate on why quran came in arabic which s only 10% off the population speak now, Not at those times.—————-

        Is it “we” or “abc” who cant debate? Even if Arabic speakers were 99%, how is it justified to leave 1% people without giving them the knowledge in their own language?

        ————-brother i dont understand why and how Allah was not partial to the entire humanity :)—————-

        Exactly! I too dont understand 😉

        By any chance, if you meant otherwise, Allah is partial for the following reasons

        1. He randomly chose one man for prophethood leaving others disappointed

        2. He gave his final book in the language of some people and made rest others dependent on those to grasp it. And since humans cant translate perfectly, non Arabs, being dependent on the works of Arabs (humans), can never be able to understand the true meanings of Quran 🙁

        I asked you why did Allah not send the final book in ALL LANGUAGES to different prophets or to a multilingual prophet instead of an Ummi (illiterate)? You didn’t reply to this question Brother?

      • @abc
        I dont care about greatness of the prophet. greatness or ordinaryness is decided by people at a particular time in history and it has no relationship with the greatness as we consider now.
        I want a proof from some other god sent book that rasool is the last prophet. Why dont you consider Adida as the last prophet?
        I am still waiting for the date of judgement day. Unless you give a specific date no one is going to believe god.

        I guess many people can understand the fraud of ponzi schemes.
        Keeping aside the existance of such GOD,a non visible GOD promising heaven after infinite time after death is just a greedy stupid GOD.

      • No one who have little bit of prudence shall not believe quran that mohammad was the last messenger sent by allah !!?!
        Does allah lost his power to imprpve afterquran?
        Infact allah has sent many better prophets like Nanak ,kabir .read them you will find that allah does not lost his power at all ?
        It seems that muslim.,islam amd quaran believes more in greatness of messenger mohmmad than ability of its creater???????

      • Salam,

        Allah has sent muhamed as a mercy to mankind.

        Almighty god is always supreme. It is the false understanding of the people.

      • Salam,

        i request u all to see the movie, “THE MESSAGE” which clearly describes the life of mohamed. Y allah chose muhamed?. How much he struggled to get the curse out of the ppl?

    • Islamic fundamentalists are the most dangerous for world peace and this fact is well understood by the Americans.Jews.Hindu.parsis that is the basic reason for Americans to kill these germs in Afghanistan Iraq middle east Pakistan and they are doing this for safety of the entire humanity weed out these parasite kill them .long live Americans.

      • Mr. Bramh

        Who are you to say kill these parasites ? you dont see even Hindu do the same and as well americans who kill innocent people and kids in the name of killing terrorist. Top notch people who belong to hindu sect have been and are under trial for various illegal activities. Its not i am blaming any community or a religion but this is the war of power and everyone is fighting it. America is killing innocent people in afganistan; iraq and other region only to gain access to petrol and build there economy yes i do agree with the fact that terrorism should be erased from todays world.

    • @ Vajra
      You have ask ” why Allah choose prophet Muhammadh (pbuh) as massenger not me or you?. I wold like to ask you only one quection. Why Indian cricket board not selected me or you as captain to their team? B’cos can’t compair me or you to captain Dhoni. As that , Muhammadh (pbuh) Is uncompairable.

      • Namaste @shilby

        sorry, for poking my nose , but couldn’t resist it ..

        What according to you are the qualifications to become a prophet?

        must he be 40+ ?
        should he marry 13 wives?
        must he take women captive?
        must he sleep with his copt by lying to his wife?
        should he slaughter surrendered people with his own sword?
        should he marry his own daughter in law?
        should he covet the 6 year old daughter of his friend when he himself is 54 years old?
        should he kill anybody who criticizes all these barbarous acts?
        must he be illiterate?

        Well these qualifications are found in many people even in our times.It’s another matter that our governments put such people behind bars these days

      • Hello Indian Agnostic,
        When the Indian crecket boad needed a captain to their team, They concider only about the colification only. not his privet life. If Dhoni married for three times, that is not the colification for the future captain. Other thing that there is reasons all what Prophet did. I never herd that he married to his own daughter in law. from where did you get this information?

      • Namaste Brother Shibly

        1. If Dhoni marries three times, he would be behind the bars instead of playing cricket in India

        2. What the prophet did is never private. Can you refuse to believe in the stories related to Muhammad by saying them private matter of Muhammad? No. When Muslims have even recorded with how many stones Muhammad used to clean his feces, what he used to do while in bed with his child wife Aisha, how he used to take bath with Aisha from the single pot, how he used to fondle his wives during their menses- where is the privacy? And an unbeliever of these stories will be thrown in hellfire for eternity. Imagine the players of Indian Cricket Team kicked out of team because they dont know about Dhoni’s three wives, what he does in his bedroom, how he cleanse his private parts etc 🙂

        3. A rapist also has the reason to rape

        4. Do you know about Zainab, Muhammad’s wife who used to be the wife of his adopted son previously?

        5. What about other 8 points Brother Indian Agnostic raised?

      • Namaste Shilbi,

        You raise a good objection , but it’s not good enough.For any position that we hold, we are required to fulfill at least two criteria – One is that we must posses the skill required for the position and Second is our adherence to Professional Ethics demanded by that position.

        Let’s take Dhoni’s example.It’s not only required that he must be a good player BUT it is also required that he be of impeccable integrity. If he is caught in a betting scam, then no matter how good a player he is ..he will be thrown out of the job.

        Now, lets come to the prophets case — the integrity required from a prophet would be MUCH MUCH higher than that of a captain of team.But when you look at prophet Muhammad, i am sorry to say that he fails miserably on this account.

        killing others for their faith – IS NOT A PRIVATE AFFAIR
        Forcibly taking the slain mens wives as daughters as your concubines and slaves – IS NOT A PRIVATE AFFAIR

        Hope you understand.

        as far as the prophet marrying his daughter-in-law is concerned read about Zainab bint Jahsh.You can start here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaynab_bint_Jahsh


      • So.. for prophet, starting the religion was just like being the captain of a cricket team. Where did you leave your mind dude if you had one in the first place. There is absolutely no similarity in Dhoni being a cricket captain versus someone who proclaims he is the last word on how everyone must conduct himself or herself. If you do some research, you will realize there is NOTHING original in Islam. It borrows very heavily from Christian and Hindu way of life. It is one of the most confused and cocooned in medevial times. The latest joke is Dr. Naik. He should be treated for mental illness.

      • Mr. Akshar,

        Please do not insult any respectable persnalities, read maha bharat what mentioned Krishna killing his own family members and also how many wives of your be loaved devtas 100/99/1000 could you please explain.

      • Namaste Shibly

        Dont think after Brother IA’s comment you will ever praise your uncomparable prophet

        Now let me postmortem your Muhammad-Dhoni analogy

        Indian cricket board selects the players and the captain on the basis of their performances, It does not happen that first they choose players and then teach them how to play! But in case of Muhammad it was the later case

        Allah used to send His favorite angel Gabriel to wash Muhammad’s heart with the holy water of Zamzam from his childhood. Allah already chose Muhammad for the prophethood and thus Muhammad had to undergo Zamzam Water Treatment (ZWT) 🙂 few times in his lifetime so that his heart remains purified. Now compare Dhoni with Muhammad. Did BCCI ever conduct ZWT or anything of that sort for Dhoni specially? No! They only organize training camps which are occupied by those who have reached there by THEIR OWN EFFORTS and not by any divine intervention.

        So friend, next time come up with some better analogy which could last for few comments at least

        I leave you with a question which I will be waiting the answer for-

        If Muhammad was pure and noble who did not commit any sin in his life as per Mullahs, what was the need of washing his heart? Does it make sense washing an already clean stuff? Or is it that washing became inevitable (Nauzubillah) 😉

      • @shilby:

        I couldnt resist either given that you beautifully came up with the Mohammed/Dhoni analogy 🙂

        Ok…Dhoni is India’s captain. Why should 10 Australian/SouthAfrican/Pakistani/Dutch/SriLankan/English/Irish/Kenyan/Canadian/Bangladeshi/West Indian/NewZealandan (did I miss any?) follow Dhoni?

        They should follow THEIR captain, right?

      • Brothers :

        Many great men have pointed to the life and teacings of rasool (s.a.w.) and mentioned how great a man he was. So no matter how many billions refuse to accept it, the truth remains that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was a great man, the final messenger of almighty God and will remain that so no other human being claiming to have received any revelations after the prophet (pbuh) is believable.

        There are so many Hindu Gods who have more than one wife. Lord Krishna is beleived to have lakhs of wives termed as Gopikas. What about that. We are talkin of Gods here and not some human being. Rasool had 4 wives at any given point of time. All the other marriages wer for reasons of spreading islam. Not for pleasure.

        Adopiton is not allowed in islam. To show that rasool (pbuh) took upon the marriage you are mentionng about. There is no concept of adoption. Foster parents are allowed but the children have to be known after their orginal parents and not the foster. If you know the concept of Mehram and Non- Meharm you will understand why rasool (pbuh) carried out the marriage.

        Cleaning of feaces using stone is somethin new that i am hearing. Muslim men have to undergo circumcision and it is mandatory to wash ones private parts after passing of urine. It is known that no matter what you do, after passing of urine, it is not possible to shake of the last drop of the passsing fluid and if it is not washed it gets on to the clothes which can cause infections to ones private parts. If we are to take a leak at a place where no water is available then use of a stone is recomended which will absorb the last drop of the urine and the parts can be washed later on.

        Doctors have proved that people undergoing circumcision have the least chances of acquiring any type of infections to those who dont. I know couple of my friends, non-muslims, who had to go for circumcision because of some infections.

        Prophet’s (pbuh) hadiths reveal all these personal things that prophet use to do so that the coming generations can read it and follow it.

        1) must he be 40+ ? – not all prophets wer 40+
        2) should he marry 13 wives? – answered above
        3) must he take women captive? – when did tis happen?
        4) must he sleep with his copt by lying to his wife? – what is the authentication for this?
        5) should he slaughter surrendered people with his own sword? – sword was used for self defence. If prophet (pbuh) killed in war what about mahabharata. War between brothers. Is Hinduism promoting brotherhood or brother-killing?
        6) should he marry his own daughter in law? – answered above. Foster son so she was not his daughter-in-law.
        should he covet the 6 year old daughter of his friend when he himself is 54 years old? – it is proved that she was 16 or 17 and not 6.
        7) should he kill anybody who criticizes all these barbarous acts? – Mecca was a place of idol worship and lot of non islamic acts. But the prophet did not kill all of them with the sword did he. HE gave them invitation towards islam and did not attack them unless the first attack was made by the opponent. So it was purely self defence. Any human being would do that if some one comes with a sword to kill him right?
        8) must he be illiterate? – i would like to ellaborate this.

        Two simple questions can help in understanding the existance of God. To what ever happens ask urself “HOW” and “WHY”. For example.
        1) How does it rain?
        2) Why does it rain?
        Give two different answers to these two questions.
        How? Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitaion.
        Why? Because God wishes so.

        Allah (sat) in the Quran talks about child birth. The entire process of child birth is given in the quran right from the woman conceiving till the child is born. Prophet (pbuh) being a illiterate has no chance of knowning all about child birth and he by himself couldn have explained to the people about the process of child birth. This is one proof that quran is not the work of a man (illiterate man) but it has been sent by a supreme power who is the creator and knower of all things. This may be the reson why God chose a illiterate and not a well learned man for the job to show that He existes.

        Allah(sat) has mentioned in the glorious quran that “When a calamity befalls a community it happens indiscrimantely”. Meaning Allah does not see who or what is being affected by the calamity. God wishes for it to happens and it does. Such is the power and might of the Supreme Lord.

        About the Zamzam water treatment (ZWT). Jibreil (asa) used to purify Mohammed(pbuh) because he was a human after all and we are not to pray him but only the creator and bearer of the world.

        and brothers we are no one to decide who will go to hell and who will go to heaven. that is why ter is somethin called the hereafter. i know the concept of hereafter is also goin to be debated here 🙂 what we are required to do as humans, be any religion or language or caste, is to be a good human being first. If a muslim follows all the pillars of islam perfectly it is not sure that he will go to heaven. It is not in our hands. We need to identify why we have born in this world and fulfill that properly and leave this temporary place.

      • @abc Brother, LOL Muslims do not know the origins of Circumcision yet they claim it as scientific, Circumcision was pagan ritual of Phallic worshipers Egyptians and Babylons from them Jews, muslims, and some christians copied it. The building of minarets and obelisks by muslims and christians outside their worshiping place is also copied from Babylon and Egyptians. So circumcision is really a pagan ritual whom Muslims are following. LOL Muslims learned the lesson of cleanliness from pagan and then started killing them.

        LOL Muslims themselves are idol worshipers but killed other idol worshipers because in Koran Allah has himself said that only his Symbols (idols) should be circumambulated, so Kaba and Hajre Aswad are idols of Allah.

        @abc the biggest pillars of islam Judgment Day, Qibla, Heaven, Hell, shaitan are stolen from zoroastrianism, so prophet Mohammad made Islam by stealing the pillars of Zoroastrianism, Jews and Christian and made the pillars of Islam. So what is new in islam.

      • @ sameer : Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) was the last messenger not the first. Everyone knws tis brother. So all prophets who came befor him conveyed the same things. From your reply isnt it obvious that all religions and communities convey one message. Isn this the proof of one good and one type of rules for all.

        We dont worship the Kaaba brother. That is a big misconception. Kaaba is a just a mark. So that all muslims bow down their head befor Allah in prostration towards a common direction, again a sign for oneness. It was durin prophet ibrahim (pbuh) that kaaba was built and the whole concept of Haj introduced. All prophets who came to the world conveyed just one message but no one wer able to spraed the message as much as mohammed (pbuh) did.

        One of my uncle had visited a Church in a European country where a water fountain was placed outside the entrance and it was written to wash ones face, hands n feets while entering the church. You must be knowin of the ‘wuzu’ in islam (ie) washing of ones face, wrists, hand, legs and all other exposed parts of the body before offering the Salat (Prayer). So the similarity is ther right?

        I had once gone to a temple with a friend where after finishing all rituals he came near the entrance and lay on the ground with his face towards the ground in a particular direction. There was a mark showin the direction in which this had to be done. I felt it was almost like the muslims prostrating in Salat in a particular direction.

        So brother we all have a lot in common yet we see only the differences among us.

      • @abc brother if all religion teaches same thing why did Prophet Mohammad and his followers murdered Jews and christians and Islam copied pagan rituals but Muslims were ordered to wipe them out.

        Lol worshiping Kaba is misconception, oh really bowing, chanting, praying and doing tawaf before ALLAH SYMBOL’S (KABA, HAJRE ASWAD, SAFA, MARWAH) is not idol worship then Hindus, Buddhist, Christians are also not idol worshippers who bow, chant and pray to their idols or revolve around their idols.

  9. we all love zakir naik. U seems to be an american funded agent. You cant stop him. Its due to him islam is the fastest spreading religion in the world. keep it up zakir naik

      • They already have. Don’t you watch the news. Its just that the name is not crusade any more. And yet Islam still spreads and it will till the end and there is nothing you can do about it

      • Namaste Humaid

        don’t be a pessimist.During the plague of the yesteryears , people used to believe that it will take over the world.

        But a few dedicated souls not only proved that wrong , they pushed it into the annals of history.

        there’s always hope. be an optimist 🙂

        PS: the response is a satire, dont read too much or too little 😉

  10. To all Muslim brothers & sisters on this forum: Great to see u all doing your best to convince or correct the allegations laid by this forum. Allah will definitely reward you for all this as you are doing your job. Criticism has been there since the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. & the most of the critics themselves have turned to the path of Allah & His Messenger and became the strongest followers of Islam upon thorough study with true spirit. There are hundreds of such examples one of the greatest example is of Hazrath Umar raziallahutalla anhu. There were also few who were not been guided like Prophet’s uncle himself as an example. Even in today’s world we find hundreds of people from every profession intellectuals, scientists, celebrities………..etc who have accepted & are accepting Islam. We Muslims are at least born Muslims who may not be willing to deviate to other religion (in fact, this is not the reason, but the real truth is we know Islam is a true religion). But what about millions of non-muslims who are reverting to Islam?. We have to look into these facts bcoz they after having born into a non-muslim faith have compared, seen the difference, realized & then whole-heartedly accepted Islam. Besides doing our job of spreading the message of Islam, we should pray also to Allah s.a.w for them, that He guides them to the straight path (Ehdinas siratal mustaqeem). Inshallah, they will be guided with Allah’s will, if not, Allah says to such misguided “summum bukmun umiyun fahum la yarjiyoon” (Seeing they see not, hearing they hear not…….). Hazrath Umar raziallah hutala anhu was a strongest enemy of Rasul Allah than any of these, who went to kill our beloved Prophet but when he heard the Quran being recited by his own sister and bcoz of the Dua of our Prophet S.a.w., he was so guided that he entered into deen so much so that the Prophet himself said if there was any Rasool to come after Him, it should have been Umar raziallah hutala anhu. He was ready to die and sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah, His Messenger and for the cause of Islam. Look at his contribution towards Islam during his regime/khalifath, is even today considered as an exemplary role model by most of the historians, politicians, administrators etc.

    This forum should be promoting Hinduism instead of criticizing other religions. But, it looks to me that to be able to uplift their religion, the forum is doing their best to bring down Islam with the help of anti-islamic websites and material available on-line. If at all they want to find mistakes, I let them do research on Quran and Sahi Hadees in a positive sense & asking the real God to show them the straight path & see what wonders the Quran (word of Allah s.w.t) will do to them on their heart & minds. Dr. William Cambell, who knew Arabic language, did challenged that there are many mistakes in Quran and wrote a book with all mistakes that even earned a reward for the best selling book of that year. When Zakir Naik bhai challenged and had a debate with him, he made him dumb struck on the stage, in his place, before his own people by logically and scientifically clarifying all his alleged mistakes and since then the very same book that use to sell like hot-cake was dumped in garbage in many stores after it lost its popularity. Anyways, what I mean to say is, we Muslims have Alhamdulillah done our job. There is no point in repeating the same again and again and waste our time here reading and arguing. This being the holy month of Ramadan, we should spend the same time reading, understanding and practicing what is written in Quran & making dua to Allah.

    Agniveer knows that we all brother & sisters in Islam justified & clarified his criticism but due to egoism he is not ready to accept the truth and started to pretend like now he wants to be a Muslim and wants we Muslims to guide him to which sects of Islam he has to follow. This bureaucracy is played to bring rift amongst Muslims, wants us to argue between ourselves in the name of sects and he wish to sit in his place and enjoy us arguing. Which ever sect we belong to, we should not get caught into such evil & cunning intentions. He failed to understand that which ever school of thoughts we Muslims belong to our Allah, our Messenger & our Quran is ONE. He went up to saying that every sect has different Quran and we follow different Prophets and cunningly asks us which Quran and which Prophet he has to follow if he wants to become a Muslim? He thinks we Muslims are fools and we will get into the clutches of division and we would start fighting amongst ourselves in the name of sects. He is adopting the strategy of Shaitaan who is far cunning and intelligent than Agniveer & unfortunately we in India although sought independence from British, British have inherited in us the ‘Divide & Rule policy’ which people like Agniveer and politicians still follow. Agniveer doesn’t know that even if we belong to different sects and follow different school of thoughts, we all follow ONE Quran, ONE Prophet, and our God is ONLY ALLAH subhana wa tala.

    Muslims is the one who submits his will to Allah. I urge Muslims to be united like Allah says in Quraan “HOLD ON TO THE ROPE (QURAN) OF ALLAH & DO NOT BE DIVIDED”. Our beloved prophet prophesized, there are going to be 72 sects. He did not say we should be divided into 72 sects. The one that goes to Jannah (heaven) will be the one who follows the tenets of Quraan & Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallalla hu alaihi wa sallam in all walks of his life, regardless of any school of thoughts he belongs to. All the four Imams/school of thoughts taught us the same that later if any of their preaching contradicts with the Quran and Sunnah, we should throw such preaching on the wall (meaning ignore such preaching by them & instead follow what Quraan & Sunnah teaches). Hence, any school of thought we follow, it is very essential that we refer to Quraan & Sunnah & follow only what Quran & Sunnah says & ignore any such beliefs and practices that goes against it. Only then will we Muslims be united & no doubt we all shall go to paradise. All attributions of Allah are of Love, Gracious & Mercy. He is the most Gracious & the most Merciful. Allah has just divided 1% of his Mercy & Love amongst his creation from which we show so much of our love and mercy to our relatives, friends & fellow beings. Imagine how much Allah Loves & has Mercy on us with 99% of Love & Mercy He kept for Himself?

    • Person,
      what you call sunnah is rightfully called deceit by shias.

      the man who collated it was killed by the brother of aisha.

      and as far as going to heaven is concerned ..i can bet that anybody who follows the barbaric example of the prophet (as documented in the hadit sunnah) is sure bound for hell (if there is any such thing).

      you want to tell me that a man who killed innocent men and kept their women as concubines is the best man who walked the earth ? ..give me a break please

      • We Muslims don’t care what you say or what any body else say against Quran, Prophet and Sahih Hadees. You follow what you think is right for you and we Muslims will follow the what Allah & his Rasool wants us to follow. To you is your deen (religion) and to us is our Islam. There is no compulsion in following Islam. On the day of judgment we will know who is right and who is wrong. Our firm & strong faith in Allah, Prophet & Quran is good enough for us to be steadfast in our belief & we shall not deviate. We shall never agree or accept with your false allegations/ interpretation even if you repeat false a million times against our Allah, Rasool & Quran. Our faith is many many many times stronger than your false propagation. We know what our deen is and we don’t need you to teach us about our deen. You shall never ever yield any results from this forum, in fact, many Muslims here as I have analyzed, are rather getting even stronger in their faith after going though your false propagation and while replying to you they are in the process of finding out the actual truth are getting more educated & their faith is growing stronger & stronger.

      • Person,

        The very fact that you speak on behalf of all other muslims reflects the ghetto mentality that Islam propagates.

        Well you are right, nothing can be done about muslims who are trapped in ghaib-e-imaan.But there are still some muslims smart enough to respect their faculties of reason and logic.

        I am sure that they will actually read the meaning of the quranic verses they recite unknowingly as of now…

        any rational mind who has read the verses may feel disgusted at the violent and sensual content therein.

      • Go check the following website to get refutation to all your false allegations laid by Agniveer/Arya samaj (not for real & well mannered hindu brothers pls) & open your eyes and dumb brains that your religion teaches you. Forget muslims, our hindu brothers themselves don’t believe you, how can u expect many muslims to believe in your falsehood statements????????????/.


        Message to muslim brothers & sisters: Instead of visiting this biased, unreliable & false forum, pls visit the above website if you need to get more educated with the real facts… There is no point arguing on this forum bcoz in spite of knowing the truth, these people they deny, twist and play with words or if they will delete and remove all such statements with which they get exposed. So the end result is the same “0” and they start from the beginning again looking for people who are not able to refute……..

      • @Person

        Brother, i am a regularly follow agniveer.com and TOH, but very frankly and truthfully, as a Muslim, I emphatically say that, the Rebuttals of Agniveer on Truth of Hunduism is nothing but a joke. This further erodes my belief in ISlam. I am still waiting for the day when, INSHALLAH, We (Muslims) will give a real befitting reply to this Agniveer, not like the one on truthofhinduism or intellectual.
        Hope Allah will show us the True Path.

      • @Shariq:

        I am still waiting for the day when, INSHALLAH, We (Muslims) will give a real befitting reply to this Agniveer

        Keep waiting.

        I emphatically say that, the Rebuttals of Agniveer on Truth of Hunduism is nothing but a joke. This further erodes my belief in ISlam.

        Yet, I truly appreciate your honesty. Being self-critical and examining the validity of each of our beliefs OURSELVES without letting a 7th century self-proclaimed “prophet” or a neighbourhood mosque’s moulvi do the thinking for us is the first and most important step for being a good human being. Wishing you all the best.

      • ya ya, your religion teaches you to propagate false allegations, deceiving & abusing others, create hatred and every such bad thoughts that Islam condemns. I know you are going to be more aggressive as usual after reading my comments, so I will not be visiting this site again as our Islam teaches us to keep quite when there grows rifts with others. bye.

      • @Person

        Oh Oh !! Look who’s speaking !! Now Islamists are accusing others of fuelling hatred. Seems like you haven’t ever gone thru your quran and hadees !!
        Does Islam really teach to keep quiet or does it advocate the slaying of non-muslims, as was done by muhammad himself

      • @Person,

        are you joking man !! ….The only doctrine that is allowed to spread hatred in this world is Islam.


        ◖Quran 9:28
        يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ فَلاَ يَقْرَبُواْ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ بَعْدَ عَامِهِمْ هَـذَا وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ عَيْلَةً
        فَسَوْفَ يُغْنِيكُمُ اللّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ إِن شَاء إِنَّ اللّهَ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ
        O you who believe! THE IDOLATERS ARE NOTHING BUT UNCLEAN, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year.◗

        ◖Quran 9:123
        يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ قَاتِلُواْ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَكُم مِّنَ الْكُفَّارِ وَلْيَجِدُواْ فِيكُمْ غِلْظَةً وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ
        O you who believe! FIGHT those of the UNBELIEVERS WHO ARE NEAR TO YOU and LET THEM FIND IN YOU HARDNESS; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).◗

        ◖Quran 3:28
        لاَّ يَتَّخِذِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاء مِن دُوْنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ فَلَيْسَ مِنَ اللّهِ فِي شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ أَن
        تَتَّقُواْ مِنْهُمْ تُقَاةً وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللّهُ نَفْسَهُ وَإِلَى اللّهِ الْمَصِيرُ

        ◖Quran 48:29
        مُّحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ أَشِدَّاء عَلَى الْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَاء بَيْنَهُمْ تَرَاهُمْ رُكَّعاً سُجَّداً يَبْتَغُونَ فَضْلاً مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَاناً سِيمَاهُمْ فِي وُجُوهِهِم مِّنْ أَثَرِ السُّجُودِ ذَلِكَ مَثَلُهُمْ فِي التَّوْرَاةِ وَمَثَلُهُمْ فِي الْإِنجِيلِ كَزَرْعٍ أَخْرَجَ شَطْأَهُ فَآزَرَهُ فَاسْتَغْلَظَ فَاسْتَوَى عَلَى سُوقِهِ يُعْجِبُ الزُّرَّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ الْكُفَّارَ وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ مِنْهُم مَّغْفِرَةً وَأَجْراً عَظِيماً
        Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are FIRM OF HEART AGAINST THE UNBELIEVERS, COMPASSIONATE AMONGST EACH OTHER◗

        ◖Quran 3:85
        وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلاَمِ دِيناً فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
        And WHOEVER DESIRES A RELIGION OTHER THAN ISLAM, IT SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED FROM HIM, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers◗

        ◖Quran 9:23
        يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ آبَاءكُمْ وَإِخْوَانَكُمْ أَوْلِيَاء إَنِ اسْتَحَبُّواْ الْكُفْرَ عَلَى الإِيمَانِ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُم
        مِّنكُمْ فَأُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ
        O you who believe! DO NOT TAKE YOUR FATHERS AND BROTHERS for guardians IF THEY LOVE UNBELIEF MORE THAN BELIEF; and whoever of you takes them for a guardian, these it is that are the unjust◗

        ◖Quran 5:51
        يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضٍ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُم مِّنكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ
        مِنْهُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ
        O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. HE AMONG YOU WHO TAKETH THEM FOR FRIENDS IS (ONE) OF THEM. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk◗

        ◖Quran 8:12
        إِذْ يُوحِي رَبُّكَ إِلَى الْمَلآئِكَةِ أَنِّي مَعَكُمْ فَثَبِّتُواْ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ سَأُلْقِي فِي قُلُوبِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ الرَّعْبَ
        فَاضْرِبُواْ فَوْقَ الأَعْنَاقِ وَاضْرِبُواْ مِنْهُمْ كُلَّ بَنَانٍ
        When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast TERROR into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore STRIKE OFF THEIR HEADS and STRIKE OF EVERY FINGERTIP of them.◗

        If I say the same things against muslims ..how good would you feel?

      • You are the fool because even though you take the meaning you know nothing about the condition in which those verses were revealed. The last verse you have written was in a battle field in which the muslims were out numbered 3 to 1. Do you think the muslims can shake hands with the enemy at a situation like that. You may be surprised but even in such a disadvantage the muslims won and the kafirs who were captured were set free. If they were too poor to give ransom they were set free without a price. Imagine freeing and forgiving those who killed of your loved ones and made you flee from your own land. If this is not peace and compassion then I don’t know what is. All the rubbish in this website against Islam are written by those who have no knowledge of the real principles of Islam. I am not mad at them because they simply don’t know. But I feel sorry for you. Allah is most merciful

      • @Humaid:

        Allah is most merciful

        Hmm…really? Are you sure we are talking of the same Allah? Crazy zionists, crusaders, hindu fanatics, Islamophobic media, etc. have made me believe that non-believers and apostates are condemned to eternal hellfire by Allah.

        If Allah is indeed most merciful, could you let me know how he will treat apostates and non-believers? I am most interested and eager to know this as I consider myself a non-believer. 🙁

  11. Religion based on proofs becomes science. If proofs are brought by the contenders then it ceases to be a religion. The Saudis can invest billions to directly video Allah, Hell and Heaven and show to the world.
    A so called god’ s revelation( where is the proof?) divides the human beings between believers and non-believers who are all born alike identical. It is not revealed by god but the man’s satanic ideas thrust as to be from GOD.Once the reasoning takes over there is the end for Islam.

    • Once the reasoning takes over it is the end of every other religion except Islam. I would be wasting my time explaining it to a bunch of duds like you. But I will tell you this. Proof is everywhere. For example just take a look at this website. How did it come to being. You would say some guy made it. From what is he made of? Atoms would be a good answer. But where did atoms come from. The big bang and all those supernova explosions. But where did the big bang come from. Science still doesn’t have an answer and even if it did it would only add a link to the chain that has a mystery of its origin. The beginning can never be explained because the only possible answer is GOD. This is just the tip of the iceberg who ever says that god doesn’t exist is a real dud.

  12. i dont hate zakir naik.what ever i heard of him he speaks the truth.
    the comments made against zakir naik is not logical,they have just been written by educated illetrate.
    they dont have knowledge about islam and science.some of my brothers and sister have given very logical explanation but you are not ready to accept it.read all the comments in favor of zakir naik with open mind.

    • @abdul wahab

      thanks for letting people know how to LOGICALLY put an argument .

      apart from issuing a fatwa ..you had nothing worthwhile to say 🙂

      people like you strengthen the case against zakir naik. because any educated person will know from your response as to what it takes to believe in zakir naik : NOTHING but blind belief of illogical minds!

      on a serious note..why don;t you tell us what you did find illogical?

  13. Dear Abdulwahab, the results are quite apparent & transparent. Dr. ZK speaks in open public to show the people of all faiths what the TRUTH is and there are 10s & 100s & 1000s accepting the truth lively & willingly B4 masses as witness. Also, there are 1000s of others also who just by watching Dr.ZK’s shows on Peace TV & other channels have accepted islam whole-heartedly realizing the truth of islam. Dr.ZK b4 making brothers & sisters from other faith read the shahadah, asks them if they are accepting the truth with their free will & choice OR is there anyone forcing them to do so & the 100% replies are they say no one is forcing them. This proves that the truth reveals & prevails. If promoters of this forum thinks all these 100s & 1000s of people are fools & illiterates then for the sake of argument lets agree and be to it but why then these so called literates, most intelligent, logical, scientists, intellectuals sitting behind?. why cant they come out in public personally (like ZK MBBS) & speak courageously and draw 10s & 1000s of people to listen to their intellectual speaches/debates????? & let their alleged truth prevail. It is easy to sit at the back of the wall and write what comes to their brains. One needs courage to come out on stage and speak b4 masses and let the people decide who is speaking truth or who is talking false. These guys thinks that since ZKN is so popular so why not start a mission to defame him & become ourselves popular?. Now millions of people who browses on internet to read and know about ZKN, will get browsed to Agniveer also bcoz they get on list with ZKN for writing against him. In other words with the help of ZKN name they wants their name to become popular. BADNAAM HONE SE BHI NAAM HOTA HAI, LEKIN BADNAAM AUR NAAM HONE MEIN BAHUT FARQ HAI AUR WOH FARQ IS BAD.


      for your kind information zakir naik refuses to debate on the internet..He needs semi-illetarate muslim majority populations to present his case. HE HAS TILL DATE not gathered the strength to debate on a public internet forum with many challengers.

      what’s more even for a live debate , he ran away from agniveer after the defeat of Dr. Tarique.

      he is the mithun chakravarty of the masses..if you understand the genuine sarcasm 😉

      • Once the reasoning takes over it is the end of every other religion except Islam. I would be wasting my time explaining it to a bunch of duds like you. But I will tell you this. Proof is everywhere. For example just take a look at this website. How did it come to being. You would say some guy made it. From what is he made of? Atoms would be a good answer. But where did atoms come from. The big bang and all those supernova explosions. But where did the big bang come from. Science still doesn’t have an answer and even if it did it would only add a link to the chain that has a mystery of its origin. The beginning can never be explained because the only possible answer is GOD. This is just the tip of the iceberg who ever says that god doesn’t exist is a real dud.

      • @Humaid:

        This is just the tip of the iceberg who ever says that god doesn’t exist is a real dud.

        How is this and the rest of your post even relevant to the discussions on hand? Are you simply Ctrl-C Crtl-Ving from elsewhere?

        We want you to establish *why* the final cause (Allah, per you) is a jealous fire-spewing misogynistic God that will immediately condemn non-believers and apostates to eternal hellfire. Why?

      • I do apologize. It appears my comment was posted in the wrong place that has been corrected now. But it seems you have asked me a question there about why “what you said”. The answer is simple. He is not. He isn’t jealous. To be precise he is the most generous being there is. He created everything for us and punishes those who are not thankful (like you) when they die if they die without asking for forgiveness. And Allah will forgive you if you truthfully embrace Islam (even you) despite your thousands if not millions of sins. That’s why he is called the most merciful. So your comment is really a big misunderstanding

      • @Humaid:

        He isn’t jealous.

        Umm…he is, if he punishes non-believers and apostates by casting them in eternal hellfire.

        To be precise he is the most generous being there is. He created everything for us and punishes those who are not thankful (like you) when they die if they die without asking for forgiveness.

        This further supports the proposition that Allah is a jealous God. Just because you say that he is generous does not make him generous.

        And Allah will forgive you if you truthfully embrace Islam (even you) despite your thousands if not millions of sins.

        If Allah is omnipotent and omniscient, why does he even provide me with free will to be a non-believer in the first place?

        Also, where does Mohammed feature in all this? Will Allah condemn me to eternal hellfire if I do not believe in the exclusivity of Mohammed? So, who is more important, Mohammed or Allah?

        Finally, do you agree that “Islam is a religion of peace” cannot be mentioned in the same paragraph as He created everything for us and punishes those who are not thankful (like you) when they die if they die without asking for forgiveness.

        A peaceful religion is one whose God doesnt punish anybody after providing them with free will to be an apostate or non-believer. Agreed?

      • Obviously I cannot agree. Firstly you said that he is jealous because he punishes non-believers and apostates by casting them in eternal hellfire. I don’t get the connection between this and jealousy. If you do a crime you should be punished. That’s how justice works. God gave you everything and you still do not thank him. Instead you disbelieve him. So for him it is a crime. If he were jealous he would punish the other gods (which obviously do not exist) that you pray not you.
        For the second part you said that “Just because you say that he is generous does not make him generous.”. I can say the same thing for you. Just because you say that he is Jealous or whatever doesn’t mean that what you say is true.
        Then you said If Allah is omnipotent and omniscient, why does he even provide me with free will to be a non-believer in the first place?
        Obviously if Allah forced you to embrace Islam what is the point of Judgment or punishment. If you were forced to help someone that doesn’t mean you are really a nice person. You did it because you had no choice. Similarly if you were forced to do a crime you are not guilty. Because you didn’t do it on your own will.
        Then you asked who is more important Allah or The Prophet. Obviously Allah is the most important. But the Prophet is the one Allah chose to deliver the Message to the people. If you do not believe that the Messenger is a fake then obviously you will not believe that the message is true.
        And finally you said the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard “A peaceful religion is one whose God doesn’t punish anybody after providing them with free will to be an apostate or non-believer.”
        What is the point of a religion if any belief, any rule, any idea is allowed. That’s like saying “The Best Law is having no Law at all” or saying that ” the best country is which provides you with everything you need to live for free and doesn’t punish you no matter how many crimes you do”
        All of the comments against Islam in this site are pretty pathetic and I really don’t think it is worth posting comments on this site as some people never learn

      • Humaid

        —————Firstly you said that he is jealous because he punishes non-believers and apostates by casting them in eternal hellfire. I don’t get the connection between this and jealousy. —————–

        Allah is jealous of other God(s) which non believers of Islam believe in.

        —————–If you do a crime you should be punished. That’s how justice works. ————-

        1. If I dont want to believe a rapist, pedophile, child molester, pervert as my last prophet, why is this a crime? I dont see any good in Quran philosophically, so I dont want to follow it, why this is a crime?

        2. Crimes are forgiven as per Quran, so it is proven that Allah does injustice 😉

        ————— God gave you everything and you still do not thank him. Instead you disbelieve him. So for him it is a crime. ————–

        I believe in Eeshvar and thank Him daily. But I dont believe in Quranic version of Allah who is more concerned about arranging wives and Laundis for Muhammad 🙁

        ————–If he were jealous he would punish the other gods (which obviously do not exist) that you pray not you.——————

        How can someone punish non existing ones? 🙂

        —————–Obviously if Allah forced you to embrace Islam what is the point of Judgment or punishment.——————

        You should read the Quran dear friend! Allah has already written our destinies in Lohe Mehfooz and everything happening in this universe is nothing but what Allah wills! So this way Allah has already written the punishments of even those sins which have not been committed yet 🙁

        ————-If you do not believe that the Messenger is a fake then obviously you will not believe that the message is true.————–

        How do you know that Muhammad was sent by Allah? By Muhammad himself, right? How will you judge whether he was not lying?

        ——————And finally you said the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard “A peaceful religion is one whose God doesn’t punish anybody after providing them with free will to be an apostate or non-believer.”—————-

        Why dont you let God just decide who is apostate and who is not, who is a Muslim and who is not? Why can Zakir or any terrorist Mullah declare anyone to be apostate and kill him? What if I kill you for not believing in Vedas?

        —————-All of the comments against Islam in this site are pretty pathetic and I really don’t think it is worth posting comments on this site as some people never learn————–

        I think we all here carry Allah’s seals on our hearts and veils on our eyes so that no light enters into our hearts and eyes 🙂 and thus we are Kafirs because Allah wishes so. So we are fulfilling Allah’s will and His writings of Lohe Mehfooz, whats the problem? 😉

      • You are all fools. No ones’s fate is sealed. Allah has written what you will do because he knows. You have the free will to do what you want God simply knows what your choice will be. You are not doing it because he has written it down. God already knows what answer you will give to my comment (if any) and it is already written in Lohe Mehfooz. No one escapes Gods knowledge but he doesn’t force anyone to do any deeds. Its like I write down on a piece of paper that if I drop a ball it will fall down. And then I simply drop the ball. As I had written it falls down. But it is just because of gravity not because I have written that it would.
        I simply wrote this because you may not know but most of the rest you have written aren’t even worth answering.
        But I will say this. Anything that harms you or anyone else unless it is for harm that has been done to you is forbidden in Islam. There is no doubt that the prophet didn’t do any of those nasty things that you said.
        I also think you know nothing of the Islamic Law. You cannot kill a person just because he is a non-muslim. I think you are unaware but Zakir Naik Said it himself and even if he didn’t that’s how it is in Islam
        Even though Allah gives you the choice at first the more you have doubt the harder it will be for you to comeback. That is what sealing of the heart means. I too doubt that you will ever see the right path but I guess I can try though in Vain

      • Humaid

        ————-You are all fools.————-

        Still not more than those who believe that a book of knowledge was given to an Ummi (illiterate) 🙂

        —————-No ones’s fate is sealed. Allah has written what you will do because he knows.————–

        1. Why Allah wrote Lohe Mehfooz? For whom? Was He not sure of His memory?

        2. Can anyone act against Allah’s will?

        3. What freewill a man has who is born mentally challenged?

        ————–No one escapes Gods knowledge but he doesn’t force anyone to do any deeds.————–

        Of course He does! He puts seals on the hearts of many and veils their eyes so that no light can enter them! What is this? Is this not force? BTW why does not any Muslim have freewill of leaving Islam?

        —————— Its like I write down on a piece of paper that if I drop a ball it will fall down. And then I simply drop the ball. As I had written it falls down.———————

        Thanks again for accepting that we all are no more than robots of Allah who are bound to perform the very way we have been meant for !

        —————-But it is just because of gravity not because I have written that it would.—————-

        And who created gravity? Again Allah 🙂 So the ball comes down because Allah wills so 🙁 where is the freewill?

        —————–But I will say this. Anything that harms you or anyone else unless it is for harm that has been done to you is forbidden in Islam.—————–

        I ask you, what if someone attacks your home and makes your sister and wife his slaves? What will you feel?

        ———— There is no doubt that the prophet didn’t do any of those nasty things that you said.—————

        Please answer the above question, then I will ask further.

        ————–You cannot kill a person just because he is a non-muslim.———

        Where did I say so?

        ————-I think you are unaware but Zakir Naik Said it himself and even if he didn’t that’s how it is in Islam————-

        Same way I have right to kill all those who convert to Islam in Zakir’s peace conference every year?

        ——————-Even though Allah gives you the choice at first the more you have doubt the harder it will be for you to comeback.—————–

        1. What about someone who died at very younger age before knowing anything about Islam? Will he/she enter Jannat or Jahannum?

        2. Why should I believe that the message Muhammad gave was from Allah?

        —————–I too doubt that you will ever see the right path but I guess I can try though in Vain———————

        Thanks for your efforts, but you are trying against the mighty seal of Allah ALMIGHTY 😉 So no chance here, I guess!

      • @Humaid:

        I really don’t think it is worth posting comments on this site as some people never learn

        Thanks. Let’s hope you are true to your word.

        But before you leave here are some closing thoughts of mine.

        (1)Allah is indeed jealous for the reason Vajra specified.
        (2)If you do a crime you should be punished. That’s how justice works. God gave you everything and you still do not thank him. Instead you disbelieve him.
        Nope, I dont disbelieve in God. I disbelieve in a hatemongering firespewing God. Can you infer the difference? Plus why should *I* accept *your* definition of what is a crime and what is not a crime?
        (3)But the Prophet is the one Allah chose to deliver the Message to the people.
        Proof needed.
        (4)What is the point of a religion if any belief, any rule, any idea is allowed. That’s like saying “The Best Law is having no Law at all” or saying that ” the best country is which provides you with everything you need to live for free and doesn’t punish you no matter how many crimes you do”
        There IS no point of a religion that divides the world into Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb. It is no wonder that Islam is the most violent amongst contemporary religions. The problem is its fundamental theology itself.

        If Allah is anyway going to punish apostates by hellfire, could you clarify why on earth a Shariah court will declare a death sentence on them? Allah is going to punish them anyway.

        Finally, clarify if you are Sunni or Shia or Qadiyani or Sufi or any other. You see, even if I DO want to convert to Islam, I want to be careful and convert into the right sect so that I escape Allah’s wrath.

      • @Humaid:

        I really don’t think it is worth posting comments on this site as some people never learn

        Thanks. Let’s hope you are true to your word.

        I take this back. Actually I *do* want more Muslims like you to visit and comment on sites like agniveer, faithfreedom, council of ex-Muslims, etc.

        Hopefully that sort of exchange is what will make Islam a less dangerous religion. Islam has long suffered from isolation, insulation and inability to make peace with the modern world and other belief systems.

        So, not hearing back from you is not going to serve our purpose of making Muslims and Islam less dangerous. So, please come back. Let us continue this exchange.

      • Namaste Humaid

        “He created everything for us and punishes those who are not thankful (like you)”

        1. Why did He create us in first place? For Himself? Please answer logically and not foolishly like “Allah knows the best” or “He does whatever He wills”.

        2. I dont want to thank someone who allows His worshippers to loot, rape and enslave others just because they dont have faith in Him or His agent Muhammad. What should I do?

        3. How do you know that we are not thankful to God? Or do you mean, by God, your second God Muhammad, which is more important than Allah for the Muslims (LIKE YOU :))?

      • I don’t know what meaning you take of the word “Logical” but I will try my best.
        For the first question the answer is pretty simple. To worship him. Although he doesn’t really need us. We are not all important to him .Its like the doodling that you do when you are bored. However if you find the doodling annoying later on you will erase it. Similarly if we don’t live as he wishes we will be punished later on. The doodling I mentioned earlier if you like it you may keep it in a safe place or decorate it so similarly God will reward you if he is pleased with you.
        For the second question I really believe that you have been misinformed. I don’t care who said it but Islam doesn’t allow looting, raping, etc of muslims or non muslims. If any one has told you otherwise it is surely a lie.
        Finally being thankful means embracing Islam. if you do not even believe that Allah exist thanking him is out of the question. And I want to make it clear that there is only one God and that is Allah alone. The Prophet is his messenger and no true muslim will worship him although we deeply respect and praise him.

      • Humaid

        ——————I don’t know what meaning you take of the word “Logical” —————

        At least not something like Zakir Bhai’s 2+2=4 logic 🙂

        ——————For the first question the answer is pretty simple. To worship him. Although he doesn’t really need us. We are not all important to him .——————

        Could you see the fallacy in your statement? If Allah did not need us, why He created us? For whom? No one existed that time other than Allah, then what was the purpose of creation?

        —————-Its like the doodling that you do when you are bored. However if you find the doodling annoying later on you will erase it. Similarly if we don’t live as he wishes we will be punished later on. The doodling I mentioned earlier if you like it you may keep it in a safe place or decorate it so similarly God will reward you if he is pleased with you.——————

        Thanks for accepting this creation as doodling (aimless) and thus Allah to be an ignorant who is just entertaining Himself after getting bored 😉 And I got to know today that Allah gets annoyed of His creation and that is why He will erase us all 🙂

        Let me state your points clearly again

        1. Allah has no purpose behind this creation. This is just a time pass for Him.
        2. He got bored and created us for His entertainment just like anyone doodles 🙂
        3. Allah gets annoyed 🙂 that too with His own creation !

        —————- Islam doesn’t allow looting, raping, etc of muslims or non muslims. If any one has told you otherwise it is surely a lie.——————

        What Muhammad did to Banu Qureza’s Rehana? Why did He allow his soldiers to rape the captive women as per Hadith? Why he married a girl of 6?

        —————–Finally being thankful means embracing Islam.—————-

        OK. In my dictionary, being thankful is to bash Islam, what to do now?

        —————- if you do not even believe that Allah exist thanking him is out of the question. —————

        I believe Eeshvar who is omnipresent and loves all hates none. However I hate someone who lives in a seven storied building of heavens and hates Kafirs which are His own creation.

        —————-And I want to make it clear that there is only one God and that is Allah alone. The Prophet is his messenger and no true muslim will worship him although we deeply respect and praise him.——————–

        Who told you that Muhammad is your prophet? I claim that I am your prophet, do you believe?

      • Now I know for sure that it is pointless to argue with you. You have now real knowledge of Islamic history and yet you make false comments. You barely understand half the principles of Islam and most of your comments contain information obtained from just rumors that are here and there on the internet or spread as propaganda. It is not just the comment above but in many I have seen so far there are events listed that never occurred. I only visited this site to see whether there was any non-believer here who knew about the fundamentals of Islam ACCURATELY. But I can’t find any. All I see are people who are simply mislead with incorrect information about Islam and those who make judgment about Islam based on that.
        It is not my place to explain the teachings of Islam to you or more precisely I think it would be a waste of time. But to those of you who still have sense I do suggest that you recheck what you know about Islam and its history from an authentic source such as by asking Dr Zakir Naik himself in person rather than by hearing rumors. I must note that there are numerous false rumors about Dr Zakir Naik himself on this site.
        My only wish for you is what the Prophet wished for the people of thaiba when they brutally injured him. The Angels of God told him whether to kill all of them or not. The Prophet said “No, No, they just don’t know! May God show them the right path.” The prophet’s wish did come true and all of them later did embrace Islam without bloodshed.
        I know that it is unlikely that any of you will ever consider embracing Islam because you think that it is a religion of violence and injustice. But that is because you have been misinformed about the deeds of the prophet and the historical events of the Islam and the reasons for that. I do not blame you for not knowing. There is a lot of propaganda against Islam because it is the right path and there are people who do not want young minds like you to see the truth. There might even be some amongst you. It might be hard for you to imagine why someone would do that or what benefit someone could gain from that but this world isn’t as straight forward as you think. Leave that aside. I can keep criticizing your comments for years but I know noting will change if your thinking is based on false rumors about Islam and supposed actions done by the prophet.
        My only advice is for you to search true information. I suggest asking true Muslims for a good start after all. Most non-muslims would prefer to make Islam look bad and just spread propaganda.
        I know that most of you will barely listen. Even though because of the misinformation you have you may not believe this but muslims are told by Allah not to force any one to become a muslim. So I won’t urge you any further. But I do have a piece of advice for those who are proud to be non – muslims. You shouldn’t be wasting time writing comments. You believe that Allah is not real, right? You believe that there is no judgment day, right? So why don’t you just do things that are most fun rather than doing a boring task such as answering comments and arguing. Enjoy life if you are so sure that you don’t have to pay the price. You don’t live long. 80 years is about it for most. And there is no denying no matter how much you try to get it off your mind, one day you will die. There is no guarantee that if you sleep tonight you will ever wake up. Who knows you may not even see the next sunrise. And when you die………………………………………………………………………..
        You believe that it is all over. But just because you can’t see something it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just because you don’t think something can happen doesn’t mean it cannot. Science keeps on discovering the most unimaginable of objects in the furthest reaches of space. They have existed for billions of years and yet no one knew about them. Parallel universes and other unimaginable phenomenons are being proved correct as we speak. And the existence of Allah is not even without evidence. Even I can give you so many you will lose count. But I know better than to argue with people who barely know half the story. If you have courage ask Dr Zakir Naik that all of you are making fun of. I don’t think most of you have even done that and if you haven’t then you are just a coward hiding behind a computer screen and criticizing someone who doesn’t even know it. I haven’t met Zakir Naik in person so I can’t say for sure whether he is a good person but at least he has the courage to stand in front of a million non-muslims and raise his voice unlike you.

      • Namaste Humaid

        Such a long post and i hear it’s your last.

        Unfortunately, in your last post , you could not answer a single counter-argument of Vajra.I am pretty sure that his pointed questions have left you speechless..but it’s a very good sign.

        please send these arguments to your beloved Dr. Naik and if possible let us know if this guy has any answer to these questions.We know he doesn’t.

        You are not the first person who has abruptly run away when cornered by a sound argument.unfortunately your are not the last either.

        lets hope that you at least visit this site to clear your own misconceptions before resolving others about Islam


      • @Humaid
        “Its like the doodling that you do when you are bored. However if you find the doodling annoying later on you will erase it. Similarly if we don’t live as he wishes we will be punished later on. The doodling I mentioned earlier if you like it you may keep it in a safe place or decorate it so similarly God will reward you if he is pleased with you.”
        The most hilarious comment i have ever read on this site. Allah getting bored, annoyed…. 😀 ROFL

        No wonder why you’re such a great fan of Joker Nalayak. You muslims are great comedians.

      • Brother Humaid

        If you believe this is an atheist site, you may like to visit http://agniveer.com/2708/understanding-vedic-god/

        We will wait for your response on this! Brother, we all should keep in mind that the search for the truth must never end inside our hearts. God and His beautiful laws are not as easy to be understood as reading some Kalma or believing in Quran and Muhammad but at the same time not as difficult as reaching the seventh heaven! So believe in Him, His omnipresence, but never claim your copyright over the truth. Always rectify your beliefs in the light of reasoning and morality. This is the only way one heads towards the ultimate bliss and helps others in their journey too.


        Your Brother

  14. To all my dearest Muslim brethren of India and all over the world
    I have the following questions. Please be truthful before answering:
    1) If islam is the ‘ONLY WAY’, please help us understand why there are millions of non-muslims who are successful, intelligent, happy, healthy, cheerful and live life with so much zest and vigor? If allah is the only true god, why is he bestowing all the good things on those who DONT pray to allah? If allah had been merciful, should he not have set things straight by NOT blessing the non-muslims at all, there by making it much easier for non-muslims to accept islam?
    2) Why should allah bestow the non-muslims with success, health, happiness and cheer etc even though they pray to a different god, thereby putting the non-muslims under a delusion that they are praying to the ‘true god’ only to burn them in hell fire after they die? Will any merciful god do this?
    Is this logical?
    Please understand that it is only the ‘INTENSITY OF FAITH” that matters and NOT the object of worship. It does not matter who you pray to as long as you have well-intentioned thoughts and good faith. The only reason why we have religions wars is because everybody thinks “My Religion is THE ONLY WAY”. PLEASE come out of this shell. Please take a look at the world around you and realize that people who dont pray to allah are ALSO very happy, healthy, cheerful, successful etc. Please ask yourself WHY? WHY? WHY?. Why on earth should the ‘ominipotent’ allah who creates everybody would bestow so many good things on these non-muslims happy and put them under a delusion that they are praying to the ‘true god’ only to condemn them in hell after they die? Does this have any logic?

    These are the typical muslim answers I get:
    a) The happiness you experience on earth is only temporary. not permanent. Allah alone gives permanent happiness
    Ans: What is the proof? Just because it is stated in quran does not make it a proof. Do you have an instrument that measures the ‘amount’ of blessings and ‘duration’ of blessings given by each god 🙂 ?

    b) If you want to experience the blessings of allah, please experience it by accepting allah
    Ans: Well, this is something that anybody can say about their religion. This is something that everybody says about their faith. This just cannot be a proof.

    c) Many people are converting to islam
    Ans: This is a disputable statement. If you look into internet, there are many many sites that state otherwise by giving statistical figures. Especially in islamic countries, people are discarding islam in large numbers, but they are afraid of being open about it since they could be killed (punishment for apostasy in islam is death). Anyway, just because there are numbers, it does not make it right. There was a time when majority of the people believed that earth was flat. Now we all know it is not true. If something has to be certified as correct, it has to stand the test of logic and truth. Please look at the questions ‘1’ and ‘2’ to see if islam actually passes this test of logic. If you are open and truthful, you will realize that it does not. I would be particularly interested in your answers for the questions ‘1’ and ‘2’ that I have posted.


  15. Dear All,

    On the first onset let me wish all Muslims Eid Mubarak and Hindus Happy Ganesh Chaturti.

    Now on the debate(Not a Arugement)…Islam was propogated to rein in the Barbaric Arabs….The Book is rlevent to that period…wherein the fear of God was embeded into the hearts of all people.Hence the Paigmabar(PBUH) has mentioned about hell and Punishments.

    Regarding thre “Kafir “theme…May be it is meant that people should believe in God and Non believers should be reigned in to curtail barbaric acts.I am a believer in GOD…May be with a diffrent name but Iam a believer.

    Mohammad Prophet…will never make such mistakes as Ihave never seen a Influvential man than him…Half the world (Muslims) follow him.The misinterpration of the KORAN ia possible as Arabic is a difficult language and a few words mantioned inj Quran cannot be transalated to anjy other languiage.

    I request the muslim fratenity and the Hindus to restrain from commenting onneach others religon….Come on God IS ONE and the Shaitan whom both thw worlds believe is making you people fight each other and spread hatred

    • Dear Prabhu ML,

      Please don’t generalise your own belief system.

      According to Quran ..Any person who does not believe that Quran’s God Allah is the ONLY God, who does not believe in Jinns, judgment day, heaven and hell is a KAFIR.

      Since you believe that Allah is the Only God …you are an exception.

      Please don’t be compromising on the Truth…and if you are not aware of the truth ..please don’t create an apologetic truth of your own

      India has paid and is paying a HUGE price by this attitude inherent in people like your good self.

      Why do you think Muhammad beheaded 900 Jews? ..didn’t they believe in ONE GOD …but no! ..the only God acceptable to Islam is it’s own god who commands to obliterate all other non-muslims.

      thanks and regards

      • You don’t seem to be aware of the truth yourself. The reason why the prophet killed the Jews wasn’t because they weren’t of the same religion. It was because the Jews betrayed the peace treaty between them and encouraged the Kafirs in Mecca to fight wars against the Muslims.

  16. Hi All,

    Do not go by Zakir Bhai or Praveen Togadai…Pls follow ur heart….No religion p[ropogates suicide….However we should wage jehad against the very people who propogate hatred or instigate voilence..Also wage Joint Jehad on Muslim and Hindu leaders who misinterpret the religon and brainwash youth..

    Pls check the backgroundsof the Terrorists arrested/killed…Most are educated and from decent backgrounds///Muslims cannot afford to loose youth(educated or not educated.) and nor kill innocent people in the name of religon.

    What is the use of bombing Mosques in Pakistan and killing fellow muslims….I understand Mullahs instigating peop;le to kill Kafirs but not Fellow muslims.

    I thionk there is lot to ;ponder about…..Pls do not foll;ow leaders blindly.. They are baking thier daily bread on your pyres and graves


    • Dear Mr. Prabhu,

      High time you actually read something about the history and doctrine of Islam.

      What drives kashmiri pandits out of their home is not zakir naik or praveen togadia ..it’s the concept of Nizam-e-Mustafa

      people like you live in denial until they are thrown out of their homes…why do you think the richest country of the world fell prey to brabraian marauders?..because of people like yourself sir ..who make sweeping statements from a safe distance or are gullible to consume whatever the MSM projects.

      I have a humble request ..would you first read the Quran before passing a sermon from the clouds that it does not teach violence?


      • Dear Sir,

        I agree by everything you have said…..The problem is with our rulers perinnially…The neo rulers so called Secular parties(Psuedo Seculars) have given minorities a first class status and Majorities a second class status.We need to have stringent laws against conversion and nonsense religous fanatism of minorities.

        I also agree Sanathan Dharma is the best religion and no other religon can match the greatness of the same.

        As for islam ,the basisc tennats of the same is based on Voilence/conversion by force (I do not have anything against Islam per se) but the followers have totally mis interpreted the same and also the Book is not relevent for todays world.As mentioned in my earlier writings it is the fanatism…Over possesive ness with contents of the book which is not relevent to todays modern and civilised society,that is distrubing.

        A few Fanatics have set a deadline to convert India to a Islamic state by 2050,by means of deception like Love Jihad …Forcible conversion in Muslim Doinated areas(W Bengal).Disrespect for others religion …THIS IS DISTRUBING.

        What i meant was in my earlier writings that please let them follow thier religon and let them not disstrub the peace of this country by thrusting thier religous beliefs on others.They also need to understand that they live in a country which ahs a majority of Hindus and learn to live side by side..like Hindus in Pakisthan ,Afganisthan or else where.


      • Dear Sir,

        Thanks for understanding and voicing the plight of the silent majority.

        It’s the ‘silence’ of so many decades that has emboldened these rulers to play us like easy pawns in their game of appeasement.

        We need to even talk to these governments ..what’s more important is that we atleast start VOICING the truth at the ground level at whatever podium is meant for such discussions.

        Thanks a lot for correcting my erroneous presumptions.

        best regards






    • Lal Salam Fazal Bhai,

      So you didn’t get anything from the article. You need some zam zam, i guess !!

      By the way, how do we LEARN that why hindus hate RSS??

      Also, thanks for acknowledging – MAJORITY IS HINDUS ARE NOT FENATIC AND COMMUNAL MINDED AS MAJORITY OF MUSLMS (its all your comments with no inferences from my side)

      Rest of your comments don’t merit any response

      • Proud to be a Kafir..change it to Kafgeer which means…the spoon. I think you need some ganga jal which Hindus have polluted with their dead over the years. Hinduism teaches disrespect for the nature. It is their paleolithic blind beliefs which has led to the destruction of nature in India. Muslims are not communal because they hit out at Pakistan. Hindus are full of filth and hatred and all of them, not a majority. Face the facts. Hindus hit out at Islam and not at Pakis. All your comments are like baseless jugs, hold no water. Borrow some brains before you try to write


      oh my physically uncompleted man..go n see the video of up muslims.. in allahbad who protest against zokar nalayak that h cant enter in up n allahbad bcz he is satan..he is wrong.. many many speech they used for zoker..

      • Hey Son of Draupadi and five men ! Your brains seem to be in your *alls, if you have any, which I doubt. Dev D was a third grade movie and so are you. If you have the spine, try to face the man you are disrespecting. He is no elephant with a human body but a true human being !!

      • even classical hundu scholars not beleiving on existing of Raam, ramain was written by walimaki (wine drinker) he saw a dream and write such book in 13th century and first ram temple was build in 18th century so, current hindus worshipping a imagnary god.

    • This is the high time to clear the viruses like u in our society. You are an ill-fated guy. Believe in Humanity rather than ISLAM a false, fake, furious & fucking religion. All other religions believe in co-existence, humanity, peace, harmony. Its only ISLAM which don’t believe in these. You people must be shattered.


      • Islam is the one and only FALSE religion, which will be decimated in this world. We dont hate zakir naik, because he is reverting people to islam he cannot revert me to islam for instance. We hate him because he insults and abuses what I consider holy. I reserve the right to strike back.
        Well, muslims will take over the world, obviously I am not happy with it, and hence we fight. No we are not scared, we are angry. Got it moron?

      • Salaam Alaikum. brother (Islam is Peace), the fingers that you used to type these words and with same fingers you use for such filthy language. God forbid, can you write such language in Holy Quraan ? If not then think WHY? I will give you a little Hadith. Once Ali (ra) was fighting in a battlefield with one of most powerful champion of the enemy. He managed to strike the warrior’s sword from his hand. As he raised his sword to take the enemy’s life, the man spat in Ali’s (ra) face. Ali (ra) stopped and sheathed his sword. The warrior said, “I don’t understand. You were about to kill me, and yet after I spit at you, you spare my life. Why/” Ali (ra) replied, “I was going to take your life in battling for God’s sake, but when you spat at me, it angered me. Had I killed you then, I would have been a murderer, for I would have struck in anger. I will fight for God, but I will not murder for my ego.” And also remember the lady who use to throw the trash on Prophet (pbuh) .
        Brother before making any comments about Islam or anything else, always think Allah before you. Then you may get the guidance from him. Do you think anyone can stop the will of Allah (SWT) We will pray to Allah (SWT) to show all of us the true path. Ameen.

      • @A&E:

        Good that you are condemning your fellow practitioners of the religion of “peace”. This will be the first step you should take to redeem the bad name Islam has in the world today. May I suggest that that should be your #1 priority? You ought to kill folks like “Islam is Peace” and Osama bin Laden and others before you turn your attention to us Kafirs.

        AFTER killing these extremist Muslims, may I then suggest you also kill Shias/Qadiyanis (assuming you are Sunni)? There was a Paki Sunni here sometime ago who said Shias/Qadiyanis have committed Shirk:


        Do you agree/disagree with him?

        After that, my next suggestion is to destroy and bomb all biology and physics departments in all Momin-land. They deny Hazrat Adam (PBUH), Hazrat Hawa (PBUH) and the omnipotence of Allah in creating the world in 6 days 🙁

        You see Bro, instead of commenting here on Agniveer trying to convince us Kufrs to accept Mohammed (PBUH), you have so much unfinished business with your fellow Momins who are blaspheming Islam more than us Kafirs ever could. At least with us Kafirs, you know where we stand and how exactly we are your enemies. But these Momin-traitors (Shias/Qadiyanis/Sufis/Physicists/Biologists) are cancers from within. So, please deal with them by killing them first. I wish you all the best in this endeavour.

        If you do not have plans of killing these Momin-traitors, explain why you will not kill them. Also, please outline what steps you have in mind in dealing with their menace short of killing them.

        Awaiting your response.

      • @ KalBhairav

        What great suggestion you have for the humanity to prevail in this world. You people are double standard people. If you are not double standard, faithful & honest in your philosophy, then you should be implementing or rather accomplishing the same unfinished business prevailing in your religion too instead of advising others. Pointing out finger on others is easy. I can also suggest you to cure the cancer in your religion and then talk to others. Your cancer has reached the final stage already, hence i think bcoz you are not able to do anything within, you are suggesting such things to others. We know what our religion preaches and you know for sure also that we muslims can never convert to another religion as the followers of other religion are reverting to Islam. Only who are fools can leave the truth and accept falsehood and the masses knows Islam is truth therefore you find masses coming towards Islam, with the exception of very few & negligible muslims who leaves Islam for their ulterior motives. I suggest, you better propagate your religion so that the people of other religion if they gets convinced, could revert to your religion, instead of unnecessarily researching from the anti-muslim websites and putting forth what you think are the loopholes in Islam. All accusations of Islam have been well justified, convinced and proved wrong by many muslims on this site. Yet, you don’t want to accept it although your sub-conscious agrees. Agree to it that you are not able to promote your religion therefore, you are striving to find faults with followers of other religion. Pls try to be practical and accept what is truth like the masses are accepting, otherwise, you are the looser not others.

      • @wronglysaid:

        What great suggestion you have for the humanity to prevail in this world.

        This coming from the practitioner of a religion that divides the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb exhorting the momin to engage in perennial war with the Kafirs??!!

        We know what our religion preaches and you know for sure also that we muslims can never convert to another religion as the followers of other religion are reverting to Islam.

        Get out of the fantasy that Islam is spreading. Open your eyes…people are leaving Islam. See my response here:


        Rest of your comment is irrelevant. You have not answered *any* of the issues I raised. Answer them and then we can proceed.

      • @anything and everything,
        abe shaane, haraam aleikum,

        Islam does NOT mean peace, it measn “submission” to the one and only true god, allah. Now I REFUSE to submit to him, what you gonna do? I belive in 33 crore gods and goddesses of hindu pantheon, dont I have the right to do so?
        Talking of filthy language my languae is not filthy. Calling you shaane is bambaiya hindi, not exactly filthy. I CAN use extremely filthy language, you wont be able to stand it.

        Talking of will of allah, you damn right I will be able to stop it. What kind of third grade terrorist cult you belive in, which doesnt respect other peoples way of life and want to impose it on others? Allah’s will? Tell your false god, allah to come and impose his will on me. TRY me…..

      • its upto u to follow islam or hinduism, no one wil interfere in your matter. you have all the rights. what if a muslim responds in the same way as you do. about indian muslims, if they are forced to convert to islam in the past, they have every right to follow whichever religion they want in this secular country. what if i say why the rss always create problem when the dalits converts to christianity or islam. what is your view about caste system in this modern era? and if the rss claims to be the saviour of the nation, then brother please tell me who killed our father of nation? is he because he was a muslim or if he was following peace?
        india will only be a super power if all the people unite , it is the politicians who gain advantage when we people fight each other. i can prove it/ all the riots have a secret agenda of politicians, may be gujarat or ayodhya.. and the loosers are not hindus or muslims, its for the INDIANS

      • @mohammed:

        Yes. India should indeed follow the principle of secularism. So, please help us by fighting for the following:

        (1)Uniform civil code – one single law for ALL Indians. No Shariah for Muslims.
        (2)No subsidy for Muslims to visit Mecca/Medina. All other religious subsidies ought to be abolished as well.
        (3)No special status for J&K. All Indians of ALL religions should be able to settle in any state, INCLUDING j&k.
        (4)Undo the 1947 partition. Afterall, you seem to believe that the 2-nation theory is wrong (correct me if I am wrong). So, Muslims like you should get be able to convince our lost brothers in 1947 to reunite with Bharat Mata.

        I will vote for you if you stand in elections with this as your mandate.

        Vande Mataram.

      • @mohammed

        When I take the trouble of replying to your posts, it is not unreasonable of me to expect a response from you, right?

        Please dont chicken out and start multiple threads on multiple topics. That is a diversionary tactic. It reveals your side of the debate in extremely poor light. We are trying to raise the intellectual level of internet debates here. Sadly, your hit-and-run tactics are not helping in that regard.

      • Namaste Brother KalBhairav
        He is one of those typical Madarsa Alumni who think they have reached the ultimate truth in the form of Islam and they have presented it already in front of Kafirs. Now its the seal on Kafir’s heart which causes him to ask questions on Islam the “ultimate truth”

      • @Vajra


        It is sad. Here we are providing a great platform for Muslims to present their side of the argument. Yet, they are unable to take that challenge and present a real good case for their religion. I am still waiting for *ONE* thought-provoking argument from their side. 🙁

      • hindu militant. Your religion has a god (Shiva) whose dick was cut off entirely and women in Hinduism worship the lingam. Get your God a dick first before you talk from your bowels lol !

  18. Dear,
    Last 10/20 year…i have got 3 muslim hero…who nvr dare to expose truth in front of Public or in front of world………….1. Osama Bin Laden 2. Dr. Zakir Naik 3. President Of Iran Md. AHMADINEJAD……….I love them …May ALLAH give hedayat to Agniveer…or u go to the HELL

  19. Last 10/20 years i have got 3 muslim hero who never dare to expose truth in front of public or in front of the world……1. Osama Bin Laden………..2. Dr. Zakir Naik………..3. Md. Ahmedinejad……………….
    I Love them….May ALLAH live long them…….n May ALLAH give hedayat to Agniveer or throw him/her to the Hell bcs of this worst & nonsense topics………..

    • This is a most shocking comment. It is THIS VERY nature of fanatic Islam that Agniveer is against. It also vindicates our stand that Zakir and Osama go hand in hand for many fanatic Muslims.

      We want to emphasize that we do not consider all Muslims to be fanatic. But are deeply concerned by such Muslims who take each letter of Quran and Hadiths literally, create havoc in society and in process demean even the well-intentioned Muslims.

      The goal of Agniveer is to eradicate such blinded faith and provide a room for Muslims to evaluate their scriptures in more open-minded manner without wishing every non-believer to burn in Hell forever.

      The new Quran, the fake Hadiths and their blind followers have already done a lot of damage to character of Muhammad, who is supposed to have founded islam on foundations of peace. It would be true appreciation of genius of Muhammad if the rational Muslims reject all those Hadiths and verses that demean this great man completely, and very vocally condemn such fanatic zealots. They should not think that if they openly condemn a Muslim, they would go to Hell.

      I appeal to all intellectual Muslims on the forum to reaffirm their commitment to tolerance and peaceful coexistence without cursing all non-Muslims to Hell by condemning this comment.

      Note: We initially thought that this comment is from a fake id. But we checked the details and found it to be from a conservative Islamic country.

    • @Engineer Arif

      that is what we expected from fanatics like you, who would enjoy supporting criminals and peace destroyers.

      All of us on this site are already given hidayat, that is why we exposed your islam so blatently that you can not even dare to answer our questions on this site.

      As far as hell goes, we would only be thrown to hell if IT EXISTS, but guess what, it doesnt. We do not take all these bed time stories too seriously. They are only good for putting kids to sleep.

  20. What I think is scarey is firstly that this man is not alone in his beliefs…far too many to be ignored share his line of thinking in powerfull countries like Saudi and places like Afghanistan..

    What I also find alarming is the propensity of some muslims ( usually those in positions of great influence ) to take what was once a rational edict and take it to dangerous extremes.

    Take hijab/niqab/ burqa for instance. If you live in the arabian desert- where islam had its birth – then yes – you might want to go covering your face and body to protect yourself from skin cancer, sun burn and skin damaging desert winds and sand… but since its hot so much of the year there – chances are that pretty much al youll be wearing is light black cotton robes = perfect for absorbing the glare of the sun and keeping you cool …

    In towns – most people would have had roof tops or gardens where women could enjoy sun and fresh air in privicay and away from the close stares of men .. they may have been seen at a distance- but that was considered no big deal.. so women – and men got their daily dose of vitamin d and remained protected in the streets and desert = perfect = and actually makes a lot of sense .

    fast forward a thousand and a half years – and what you have is a rather sensible way of protecting yourself against the sun – turned into justifcation for keeping women at a distance and in the back ground and a way of putting thousands and thousands of women at risk of horrible diseases from lack of vitamin d- especially in places like afghanistan where veiling is taken to extremes or in colder countries like in europe where sun is much less strong – even in summer –

    theres actually nothing wrong with a little modesty – it protects women and keeps the hearts and minds of men and women pure – theres a time to be naked and a time to be covered and thats ok …

    hinduism does it perfectly – with lengha choli or saris and now punjabis / pyjamas .. covered enough to be modest – but not so much so that women risk their health … and no police beating women or stoning them or arresting them for showing a strant of hair or an inch of ankle…

    and you wont find thousands of pages of internet sites, or hours and hours of footage discussing the degree to which a women should be covered in hinduism.. because women arent treated like brainless cattle – they dont need to be convinced of anything because the bounderies are simple and logical and not extreme – cover in the temple, on the street – save the bikini or mini skirts for the beach or night clubs if you must .. be attractive but not to attracting – and remember the time and place rule .but thats iit – no hard sell needed

    in islam – however – youll find a sales pitch that would put hardened business men to shame.. hours and hours of it – and all to justify why women should cover themesleves from head to toe – and be invisible to all but a few members of their families … they are told they are ”liberated ” that women in the west are reduced to nothing but body parts and sex objects – all the while you have women being stoned in some places for going out with their face uncovered … same obsession witht body parts – same reduction of women to cattle and sex objects – only in islam its called ”liberation”/hijab …

    its utter utter hypcorisy and lunacy .. and id have no problem with it if it wasnt being forced on the rest of the world … i ihave my own standards – but they are mine – and though i would always encourage other women to dress more modestly – i would never resort to the propoganda and fear mongering that comes out of the mouths of some scholars .. and this is just one thing ….

    islam – and its teachings are total madness

  21. Dear Agniveer…you sound like a search engine marketer dude….so let me explain it to you in your language……first before writing atleast about any Religion don’t do only research on websites or any books that you feel like….. (Religion is not like any other products mate)…..First advice do read your “VEDAS” from A to Z with proper translation and description then read THE HOLY BOOK “QURAN” from A to Z with proper translation and refer to HADITH and TAFSIR for scenario description. Since you like the online business I have a good website for you where you will find any information relating to the religion ISLAM. http://www.searchtruth.com/list.php. Make sure you read all the documents in your religion along with the ISLAM or else you will be talking like an idiot who knows nothing except arguing because thats his hobby.

    So once you finish reading all THESE then make a chart with TWO attributes for both the religion (i.e. Attribute 1: Things I was asked to do in this particular religion.
    Attribute 2: Justifying in a positive way why I was asked to do so & the benefits? )

    This will be your Home Work.

    Once you finish making chart with these 2 attributes on Vedas and QURAN then please do post it in this website. So that even we can find out what you have learned. And dont forget to refer the pages and verses from the books.

    PS: For the muslim brothers and sisters dont waste your time in these kind of websites because the more you will gonna visit the site the IDIOT writers like these will earn more money from it and you will see these kind of shaytans are alwaz ready to write abt sensitive issues to gain our attractions. So dont be the customers of these shaytans by reading such articles against ISLAM.
    May ALLAH have peace and mercy in all of you.

  22. u cannot wake up a man who pretends to be sleeping….not only muslims are ignorant of other worldly religions and cultures they are also ignorant of their own….! they simply follow and interpret what they want to hear and believe about islam. they begin with hating everything ,other systems cultures languages ,lifestyles food habits etc etc…and gradually become intolerant of others ,and love to destroy every one ,every thing..muslims being converts, would like to destroy their history,using sword in the name of Allah…! they would love to have and possess all modern western lifestyles including western woman, all the time hating and declaring that they are haram..! including pornography ..u can not make them thinking of what is good or bad,by a discussion or argument.simply leave them ,protect yourself from aggression ..there is going to be a bloody war …between muslims and others…today or tomorrow ?never argue with fools..not only they make yau a bigger fool ,they will beat you with their experiance .

  23. Dear Agniveer,

    Apparently your knowledge of Islam and Quran is very limited, or at least it appears to be so. Whereas you know about the sects and their different believes you my brother have not done proper research on the Quran and what exactly does it say. Zakir Naik is neither Wahabi, nor any other sect that any of you would like to associate him with. He is a Muslim and i would prefer if you call him that. He follows the religion that Abraham (A.S) followed, the religion of one true God. He speaks only the word of Allah and not fabricated stories made by all sects to justify their purposes. Zakir Naik is not an extremist my friend, people who continuously keep branding him as a kafir are. It is not Zakir Naik who is asking people not to build tombs but Allah Himself has done so.

    Allah forbids you to bow down and ask from any one except for Him. Even the Durood that the Muslims recite for the Prophet is a prayer for Prophet (S.A.W), it is not from him. Which means once someone passes over to the other side, it is he who needs your prayers. When Allah has disallowed you to ask even the Prophet (S.A.W) for things, who are we to build tombs for sufis and others. What difference is there between Muslims who idolize human beings and the Pagans of Mecca.

    The reason why Deobandi’s have dejected Zakir Naik is because he didn’t take their counsel over a number of religious beliefs. They rejected him like all others because he claims that Islam is everyone’s religion and does not belong to a selected few who consider themselves as representatives of a certain sect. Im sure you already know by now, that Islam does not allow priesthood, meaning to do nothing else all your life except worship Allah and be the custodian of his faith and take monetary concession for it. Allah is the custodian of His faith and all these maulvis who pretend as if Islam is their religion will be held severely accountable in this world and in the hereafter. From what I’ve heard and seen, Mr. Naik to date hasn’t said anything that contradicts the actual word of Allah, so it doesn’t matter what these 72 sects seem to think about him. Anyone who wants to deviate from the identity of being a Muslim, isn’t one to begin with, so at least to me it doesn’t matter what the deobandis seem to think, for like they say, they are deobandis, i prefer to follow muslims and not deobandis or wahabis.

    • Abdur Rahman
      I would like to point out few things which need your attention

      1. Sects in Islam is not an invention by Agniveer or ignorant people. Rather Islam is divided into 73 sects by none other than Allah and Hadith of Muhammad confirm it. I am sure you have not read Hadith. Lets look at it

      Abdullah bin Amarra relates that the Holy Prophet (SA) said ‘Surely things will happen to my people as happened earlier to Israelites, they will resemble each other like one shoe in a pair resembles the other to the extent that if anyone among the Israelites has openly committed adultery to his mother there will be some who will do this in my Ummah as well, verily the Israelites were divided into 72 sects but my people will be divided into 73 sects, all of them will be in the fire except one.’ The companions asked. ‘Who are they O Messenger of Allah,’ Holy Prophet (pbuh) said. `They are those who will be like me and my companions.’ (Tirmidhi – Kitabul Eeman)

      So from this Hadith, it is clear that being a Muslim alone is not going to help Zakir or any other get heaven unless he belongs to one of the 73 sects which is right.

      2. Second thing is that every Muslim considers his sect as the true one and other’s as false and thus considers all other people following different sect as Kafirs. That is why the world is witnessing today, all bombers belong to Islam, place of blast belong to Darul Islam (place on which Islam rules) and most of the victims also belong to Islam.

      3. Regarding bowing down issue, there are confusions of utmost level in Islam regarding the same. In one place, Allah forbids to bow down to anyone except Him and then suddenly you find many verses in Quran which elaborate that how Allah ordered angels to bow down to Adam (who was not Allah surely) and punished Iblis (later named as Satan) for not doing the same. Now look at the confusion! One who did not bow to a man was expelled from heaven and called Shaitan. And those (angels) who committed this Shirk are still enjoying Allah’s company!

      4. Bowing towards Kaba is yet another confusing concept which logical people refuse to accept. Why should be Kaba bowed down instead of Allah? Follower of Vedas say that they dont bow to any idol or Kaba because Eeshvar is everywhere then why and how should I bow Him when He is already present everywhere?

      BTW what is your take on Vedas in which only Allah (Eeshvar) is worthy to be remembered while prayers unlike Islam in which we need to remember Muhammad along with Allah at the same time?

      • Dear Vajra,

        First of all, you need to remember that Islam is based around Quran and the Hadith, the Hadith are narrated from man and can be fabricated, which is why I like to speak through the Quran. Hadith I only use as a reference and when a Hadith contradicts with Quran it is not authentic for me, regardless of which book or which source is it coming from.

        With regards to the Quran, Allah and His messenger Muhammad (S.A.W) never divided the Muslims into any sects. Allah in the Quran says (Surah Al-Imran Verse 109):

        ‘And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided.’.

        Also in the hadith you quoted above neither Allah nor Muhammad (S.A.W) asks the Muslims to be divided into sects, it merely informs that they will be, this is what is called foresight, and the Prophet (S.A.W) did mention that only the ones on his path will go into heaven, meaning to say the ones which identify themselves as Muslims and do not bifurcate in sects and claim to follow the same religion that Abraham followed will go to heaven, the rest will not for diverting themselves as well as others from the true path. Let us suppose that you are a Hindu, if i say that you will go to a mandir, doesn’t imply that it is because of me that you go to a mandir. Its me using my logic to foretell that since you are a Hindu you will go to a mandir.

        Secondly, Islam never asked its believers to remember Muhammad (S.A.W) during their prayers, in fact it has asked us to remember Allah alone, its true however that we do pray for the Prophet (S.A.W) during our prayers but we ask Allah to bestow his mercy and blessings on him and his followers, its merely like you praying for your family members. Whoever told you that Islam tells us to remember Muhammad along with Allah at the same time has clearly misled you. Their sect might tell them to do so, however it has nothing to do with Islam.

        To the extent that if you actually read the Quran, you will notice that Allah never refers to Islam as Muhammad’s religion, Islam is the religion of Allah and the one brought down on Abraham, everything that we do in Islam has its roots to Prophet Abraham (A.S) and not Muhammad (S.A.W). The fasting, the sacrifice of the goat taken from when Abraham was ready and willing to sacrifice his son for Allah, the Hajj – almost all the things that Muslims do during Hajj have been taken from instances from Prophet Abraham’s life, the Prayers, The Kaaba to which all Muslims bow down when worshiping was built by Abraham. The reason why all of these things take their roots from Abraham is to tell Muslims that this isn’t the religion of Muhammad but the religion of all Prophets before him, the one true religion of Allah.

        Also i cannot term anyone a Kafir, to judge who is a Kafir and who is not is for Allah alone, he did not allow Muhammad (S.A.W) to pass this judgment until He Himself decreed someone to be. I will not term these people who follow different sects as Kafir, for I have been forbidden to pass on that judgement and those of these sects that do this, are obviously ignorant of what is written down in the Quran.

        As far as bowing down is concern, Allah has forbidden us to worship anyone except for Allah. Allah never asked Iblis to worship Adam, He asked Iblis to bow down to Adam because He knew what Iblis concealed in his heart and how Iblis looked down upon others. He wanted to teach Iblis a lesson. The punishment Iblis got had nothing to do with Adam, it was because Iblis refused a direct commandment of Allah. Also if Iblis would have have felt sorry for what he did and ask for repentance for his deeds, Almighty Allah might have forgiven him for Allah is indeed Most Merciful, but Iblis never truly sought repentance for his misdeeds in fact he carried on making mischief and will continue to do so till the day of judgment and for that he is promised an eternity in hell.

        As far as bowing down towards Kaaba is concerned, it is nothing more than a mere direction for all Muslims, once again to teach them about unity and so that they may not divert. Muslims used to bow down towards Masjid-e-Aqsa at first and later their direction was changed to Kaaba which actually infers that Kaaba is but a direction of uniformity for all the Muslims so that they stand united. Muslims do not bow down to Kaaba, they never have and they never will, they bow down to Allah in a direction, directed by Him. And indeed my Allah is the lord of the west and the east and He is present everywhere and I can pray to Him, call for Him whenever i want however I want, it is not just limited to my prayers 5 times a day. The prayers and their direction is to teach Muslims uniformity, discipline, obedience, faith and patience. The prime virtues of being a noble human being.

        I hope I have clarified all your queries.

        May Allah guide me if I am wrong and help me guide others if indeed what I say is true.


        Abdur Rahman

      • Abdur Rahman
        Namaste Brother

        “Hadith are narrated from man and can be fabricated, which is why I like to speak through the Quran.”

        I ask, who narrated Quran? Isn’t Quran also narrated by human (Muhammad)? How do you know that those who recited Quran while compilation of it (after Muhammad’s death) were as pure as Muhammad himself devoid of any errors? Anyway please go through http://agniveer.com/3118/miracle-islam/ to know some unchangeable facts about unchangeable Quran! Also Hadith give the context in which Quranic verses were revealed. So it is impossible for people (unless someone is prophet) to classify Hadith into Sahih or Galat. BTW, state clearly or show us any Fatwa which says unequivocally that this hadith of 72 sects in Islam is wrong.

        Follower of every sect thinks that he has held the actual rope of Islam and others have held the rope of Kufra actually. Whats the solution? Your examples of going Mandir or Masjid have no meaning when it comes to Allah’s will. Islam clearly believes that nothing can be done without the will of Allah.

        Can I be a Muslim if I refuse to recite “Muhammad Rasool Allah” along with “La ilah illallah” because I dont want to remember any person while my prayer which is exclusively for Allah? If no, please give me another answer. If yes, please get a Fatwa issued in this regard from any eminent institution of Islam. In fact in this case, I am already a Muslim as I believe in One Eeshvar.

        Islam of today is Muhammad’s religion without a doubt. If no, believing in Prophet Abraham would have been the sufficient condition to be a Muslim. But a Muslim of today includes Muhammad in his prayers as I earlier wrote and he cant be a Muslim if he refuses to take the name of Muhammad in prayers. Islam can not be independent of any person unless conditions of believing in that person in addition to God vanishes. There is only Vedic Dharm in which you dont need to believe in any person along with One Eeshvar.

        Brother, If you are not allowed to judge one as Momin or Kafir, why do you give Hidaya to so called non Muslims? How do you know that the one you are giving Hidaya is not Momin in Allah’s knowledge and you yourself are not Kafir? If that is the case, why dont our Muslim friends try to rectify themselves instead of giving Dawat to others to become Momin?

        I never wrote that Allah asked Iblis to worship Adam. Please do me a favor by refraining yourself from giving unnecessary explanations. I asked, that when bowing down before anyone except Allah is Shirk as per Quran and Zakir Naik, why did Allah break this rule for Adam? I think I have written enough for intellectuals in this regard.

        Regarding bowing before Kaba, what if I choose to bow to the direction opposite to Kaba? Why is it necessary to face a particular direction while prayers? Why is it necessary to circumambulate and kiss the black stone while Hajj? Is Kaba still a direction? Do you circumambulate direction? Do you kiss the direction? Mere “Allah knows the best” will not help you Brother, please be rational. Please visit http://agniveer.com/1685/kaba-or-idol-worship/ and know the reality of Kaba worship which you actually do.

        May Eeshvar help us get courage to accept truth and reject falsehood.

  24. i hate zakir naik especially salafis/wahhabis. just because of the salafis my life is ruined. you can say i got everything what I wanted in my life. All my dreams were fulfilled .i was very happy in my life.i didn’t have any wealth or riches but I was very rich through my happiness ,because ones happiness is the most precious wealth than money, status etc.. but now I lost everything what I had. And that is just because of salafism/wahhabism. When anybody is afflicted he or she can still see a ray of hope. But my dreams are shattered in such a way I can’t even see a little shadow of hope.i was a hanafi muslim. i used to live in canada and i was living a very happy and harmonious life with my parents. I got engaged with a boy whom i met in my college. i had everthing i wanted in my life. I never knew what is salafism. i was like a normal muslim. I used to pray 5 times salah, observe parda, read quran . I never knew what is salafism/wahabism and how they are different from my life . I met a woman in my neighbor who is a strict salafi/wahhabi, religious fanatic and a BLIND FAN OF ZAKIR NAIK. She used to give me salafi fatwas especially fatwas of zakir naik. Though I didn’t know what is salafism ,her fatwas confused me all the time. And as a result I became excessive conservative , religious fanatic and also a salafi and against hanafi madhab. And it first created a rift between my parents and then relatives and unfortunately it also created riftbetween my fiance and my enagement is broke off. And at tht time I felt I lost everything. My parents left Canada and settled in my hometown india. I was still alone in Canada. I lived few months there. I thought I cud get back my fiancé but he didn’t come back to my life because of my extreme conservative behavior. Sadly after I went back to my hometown india I began know and understand about salafism/ wahhabism. I began to knw how my life differs from salafism and dr. zakir naik and how it effected me. But now its too late. Even if I am no longer excessive conservative and salafi , I am still away from my fiancé and canada. I still love him. i cant even get back to canada, because my fiance doesnt love me anymore. and my parents are saying there’s no use of settling in canada again. i love my fiance. i cant immagine to marry anyone. i still hope to be his wife. i pray for that. and cry everytime i remeber him. and i make tauba everyday that i WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER EVEN LISTEN TO SALAFIS AGAIN.

    • Dear Sister

      We are pained to hear about your ordeal. In modern Islam, everyone except leaders of fanatic sects loses. If you talk of woman, Zakir Naik is the worst thing to happen to a modern Muslim woman. The educated Muslim society was getting liberal and rational when suddenly he forced them 1000 years in past, simply because in a society of largely uneducated ones, he knows a bit of English and has an MBBS degree. In any other society, he would – with his quality of English and education – been yet another humorous actor at whom people laugh in restaurants. But here he has become the icon of semi-literate Muslims!

      Results for a Muslim woman:
      a. He justifies 4 marriages when monogamy was becoming predominant culture in educated Muslims.
      b. He justifies marrying a new wife without taking approval of previous wife, unless put so in contract! Now who would have such a contract prepared when in love with any guy?
      c. He justifies that Muslim woman should not be a physician, scientist, engineer, corporate woman, businesswoman etc unless she has to deal only with woman and learn only from women!
      d. He justifies that while men have right to divorce, women only have right to Khula – an option given to husband to give divorce. he may or may not accept it.
      etc etc.

      Zakir Naik and so-called Wahabism-Slafism are the worst things to happen to any community. It teaches only hatred and hell for everyone who does not agree to them. If it does not like grave worship, it would destroy graves by attacks, if it dislikes a community, it would justify bombing them or killing them!

      We would suggest that you clearly write to your fiance about what you thought and what you think today. Be honest and leave rest to Allah or Ishwar. If he relents, fine. If he does not, look forward in your life. There is more to life than love for a mortal person who does not fit in your future for whatever reasons. After all you greatest responsibility and loyalty is towards Allah and Allah alone. Know that He is the most kind one and that being helpless or frustrated is against His orders. Simply resolve to follow Him and leave the rest – the results – to Him alone.

      Would suggest that remove religion as a criteria for marriage or friendship in general with anyone. Just focus on traits of tolerance, morality, character, competence and general disposition. These traits form the true religion. Rest is man-made.

      Do let us know if we can help.
      Your brothers.

      • I agree with you that religion should never come into the matter of relations
        but then we also knew that this same approach of Hindu girls is exploited by islamic jehadis in spreading what they call love jihad!
        So Hindu Girls need to understood this fact.
        As many thousands have become victims of this

        The other thing is that I don’t believe that kuran is from God also Allah is actually considered as moon God
        originally in arab

        I feel there needs to be a column dedicated to question whether quran is actually from god and was Muhammad really a prophet?

        And yes this post and platform you offer to us is Great
        Thank you


      • Good work, Agniveer. We ought to help such distressed victims of orthodoxy. I have heard this man Dr Zakir, after I was so advised by my muslim friends. He is an extremely dangerous intellectual, orthodox and fanatic to the core. Only God knows how many families he has ruined!!! You are very right– he has undone all the modernity in the muslim world and thrusted upon them 1000 yr old conduct!! Even my moderate muslim friends are falling victim to this hate-preacher. The sooner people see his fraud, the better. Thanks Buddy Agniveer for your initiave.

    • My dear sister Adila
      My heartfelt sympathies to you. I feel for you as I would feel for my OWN sister.
      These are some of the things that come to my mind. You can choose which ever you feel would be appropriate for you.
      a) You must understand that it is YOUR life. Everything depends on the CHOICE YOU MAKE in your life. I strongly suggest you call up your fiancé and tell him what happened and how badly the salafi influenced you. Tell him how sorry you are about the way you got influenced and tell him that. Tell him that you truly love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him. Tell him that you have learnt your lesson and you have realized that the love you have for him is FAR FAR pious and superior to any ideologies. Tell him that you are prepared to give up the ideology for the sake of your love for him.
      b) If you do not have the courage to talk to him directly, try talking to a common friend of yours (whom you TRUST completely. The common friend should not be a mindless zombie or a fanatic). Tell this common friend that what you feel about your fiancé. Request him to arrange for a telephonic conversation with your fiancé.
      c) Also, your parents (based on what I read from your post, I assume they are not fanatical) can be of great help to you in this matter. Tell your parents how salafis influenced you badly and how you have REALIZED how silly they were. PARENTS CAN NEVER BEAR to see their children suffer. All their ideologies, anger will all melt when they see their child suffer. Tell your parents that you still love your fiancé and want to live with him. Convince your parents to talk to his parents and if possible to your fiancé as well.
      The most important point you need to drive home is this. “YOU LISTENED TO THE SALAFIS THINKING THAT IT WOULD HELP YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR FIANCE. Your intention was NEVER to hurt anyone. Now you have realized that it was a mistake and you are very sorry about it”.

      My dear sister, the KEY here is COMMINUCATION. You have to communicate your feelings to those who matter the most to you (in this case it is your fiancé). Only that will solve the problem. You are at a stage when you HAVE to develop the COURAGE to COMMUNICATE. There is no other choice. Please make that choice NOW and ACT. This act of yours will go a long way in ensuring YOUR HAPPINESS. Love can definitely bloom once again. Trust yourself and trust GOD. Be positive. It WILL happen. Please remember – COMMUNICATION IS KEY.
      I hope and pray that you would come back to this forum to share the good news

      Your dear brother always
      Aman Garg


  26. hello
    the only thing i want to write is that as Dr zakir naik(may Allah be pleased from him)”there is no shea ,sunnyor wahabi in islam , who ever makes seperation is not a real muslim”

  27. Agniveer ji
    You Are doing a great job.
    May God bless You and help you to achieve ur goals which is now nations goal.
    we r with you
    keep up the good work

    • Yeah, at least somebody is waking up, even while the rest prefer their slumber. There is NO place for Hindu views in “secular” media because there is tag attached with those views–Communal. So the only resort for our still “moderate” views is the benevolent sites like Agniveer. As the fraud of pseudo- Seculars like Congress and Leftists starts peeling off more and people will realize the value of preserving their dignity that our ancestors cherished so much.

      Actually we must -sincerely- thanks people like Congress leader Digvijay Singh who’s spurious venom against Hinduism inspired people like me to search for the TRUTH and I landed up with Agniveer. Thanks Digi. This man Dig-Vijay is IRONICALLY doing Hinduism a GREAT Service!!

      • I believe true secularism (from which will follow separation of “church/mosque/temple” and state) is actually good in a diverse country like India where people follow multiple belief systems. But the nonsensical thing about the so-called flagbearers of “secularism” in India (Barkha Dutt/Prannoy Roy/Arundathi Roy/Sardesai/CPI/CPM) is that they treat Abrahamic religions with kid gloves. Let ONE of them come out and say that they are throwing their weight behind evolution.Therefore they believe Adam/Eve and God creating the earth in 6 days are all stupid fairy tales (thereby destroying Christianity and Islam in one blow). I would actually respect them more. As of now they are nothing more than bottom-feeding minority-appeasing scum of the earth. Anytime one of us meets them in public we ought to question them about this and if possible upload the video on youtube. I saw Javed Akhthar and Shabana Azmi once in a restaurant and was unable to question them about their belief in Adam/Eve and hell-boundedness of non-Muslims. But from the next time on, I am going to have a cell phone camera ready and question these buffoons and expose their hypocrisy and idiocy for the world to see.

      • Take my appreciation for your “Good” Work in advance. Just talk in their language and you will certainly end up with some nice stuff to share.

    • @Emran

      Counter-question– Do you want to take any truth from Vedas???? NO. You guys are -HABITUAL OFFENDERS- of trashing anything related to Vedas “even” without debating. You come here to spread your message of hate and NOT debate. Tell me one thing on which you have agreed??? Just abuse, slander and insult that is your weapon of offense and the shield of defense!! SHAMEFUL.

      Zakir naik has poisoned your minds, don’t follow that fool, he is making a MARKET out of you Guys. He has an agenda of being a so-called “Ghazi” of your souls.

  28. My muslim brothers Allah says in the Qur’an:

    “As to those who do not believe in the hereafter, We have surely made their deeds fair-seeming to them, but they blindly wander on.”

    Even if you remove all their misconceptions about Islam, they would still not believe in Islam.

    • @Ali Khan:

      Your response to Christians who talk among fellow Christians about Muslims as follows:

      “Even if you remove all their misconceptions about Christianity, they would still not believe in Christianity.”

      will be….?

  29. HI brother/sister,

    Till time is not over for you all,,,,,please come to th e rigth path..you will realise the truth one day..

    its in the hands of yours ..itss your choice….

    • @Tousif

      there is nothing we can do brother, your Allah has predestined us this way. He decided before hand that he will make us debate people like you here on this site and expose to you the reality of Islam!!

    • @pasha

      What is the Truth??

      *If you say that the truth is to realize the God, then We already have that truth “revealed” in our scriptures;
      *If you assert that Allah is “different/superior” from “Ishwar/Bhagwaan, then this is the BIGGEST “Untruth”, how can there be different Gods for different people?;
      *If you propose that the “PATH” to Allah/god/Ishwar is COPYRIGHTED by you and that any other path is the -infringement- of the copyright, then you are surely living in Fool’s paradise, CORRECT Yourself.

  30. Dear friends
    Forwarding the mail received today from the IRF explaining various ways to watch Live Telecast of Zakir Naik’s Public debate on Friday.
    Watch Live Telecast of Dr. Zakir Naik’s Public Debate
    at The Oxford Union , UK ,
    via satellite link from India
    on the topic
    “Islam and the 21st Century”
    on Friday, 11th February 2011, at 7.00 pm (GMT)
    exclusively on Peace TV and Peace TV Urdu
    (or on Mobile wap.peacetv.org or internet on http://www.peacetv.org)
    at 10.00 pm in Saudi Arabia
    at 11.00 pm in UAE
    at night 12.30 am (12th Feb. 2011) in India
    kindly inform others interested too.

    The Oxford Union – a brief introduction

    The Oxford Union, since 1823, is famous for promoting debate and discussion on vital topics of concern, not just in Oxford University but across the globe.

    Dr. Zakir Naik will join a host of internationally famous speakers including current British Prime Minister David Cameron, Former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill, Former US Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, Scientist Albert Einstein, famous personalities like the Dalai Lama, Prince Charles, Mother Teresa and film stars including Clint Eastwood, Stephen Fry and Pop star Michael Jackson… who have addressed the Oxford Union.”

    • Namaste wellsaid
      I saw last laughter show live many years ago, so thank you very much for informing me about the one tomorrw 🙂 it will be great fun to watch it after a long time. BTW if I remember correctly, last time too, the performer was same 🙂

      • Namaste Vajra Bro!

        seems like zakir bhai mbbs got the title wrong this time too :

        it must be “Islam VERSUS the 21st century” and not “Islam and the 21st century” 😉

      • Namaste Brother Indian Agnostic

        Perhaps it is the part of his strategy to make people start laugh from their homes itself so that they enter into the show rolling on the floor laughing 🙂

      • I hope u had this madly act rolling on the floor to enter the show and millions of audience may have started looking at you, instead of watching ZN live, and that should have been your last laugh like you desired.

      • @wellsaid

        Zakir is the Original comedy King. Excellent stand-up comedian. He has Got the Looks, style and the laughter Script. I really enjoy his lies and utter stupidity. In Summary he is the COMIC Side of a Terrorist!

      • Wellsaid
        Yes I had this act but no one even looked at me 🙁 they were busy watching something more amusing 🙂

        It was my last laugh because I realized that I can never match the caliber of performer Naik in laughter 🙁

      • Namaste Brother Vajra

        I think somebody has posted youtube videos of Zakir Bhai MBBS “LECTURE’ (the foolish fans were calling it a ‘DEBATE’ ) in which he mentions science.

        i guess its time to respond to the jokes on youtube itself. Thats my target for the next week.[busy this week 🙁 ]

      • Namaste Brother Indian Agnostic
        Sure Brother! But I doubt people fond of laughter shows will understand something serious 🙁

      • Namaste Vajra

        you are right brother, if Naik’s fanatic fans can clap when Naik dances and sings choruses on killing apostates and teaching 2+2=4 (the only math expression he knows) to justify propagation of non islamic faiths in an islamic socieity, what can be expected from his fanatic illiterate followers? Their followers can not understand simple logic so what will they understand in science? I really pity all Naik’s followers this is why I really hope that Naik gets exposed soon enough in India, so these same fans who clapped on his comic jokes will use their same hands to give Naik a beating for misleading them!

      • Namaste Brother Vik
        This terrorist mentor should have been arrested in India long ago but as you know, Hindus are known to feed snakes, they are continuing to let this hate monger preach his hatred throughout the nation.

        Hindus and Muslims have to throw this man out of the country if they want to live peacefully.

      • Namaste Brother Vajra

        Hindus are very soft in their nature as they believe in unity and brotherhood. Had hindus even been half fanatic as much as Naik’s followers, Naik would have either been thrown out or beaten the day he started to give out his comic lectures. But now times are changing, many hindus have been awaken thanks to sites like Agniveer.com where every hindu has been equipped with so much ammunition in the form of counter arguments that they will easily thrash Naik followers, and their mentors.

      • @ Vik

        Namaste Brother, I was reading about the American History. I came across a BITTER Truth that they had been trying to hide from their young generation–It was the truth of the Massive Genocide (much more than World War 2 Jews) that the Early European settlers had committed on the “Native” Americans. The Simple natives lost their Land (snatched away from them through enacted laws thrust upon them), their honor (women were brutally raped), their identity (forced to convert to Christianity) and their lives.

        It reminded me of our own India. How similarly were we placed. And if you carefully observe the same pattern of loot and marauding was followed by the Communists during invasion of Tibet when Over a Million Buddhist Monks were slaughtered in day light, their ancient libraries -containing wealth of knowledge- burnt to ashes (This included the Shaolin Temple library containing valuable literature on Kungfu).

        Look at the Irony–The same people today lecture us on Secularism, liberty and “Human Rights”!!!

      • @Pratap

        Namaste Brother Pratap,

        very well said, this is like a jolt from the blue, very shocking! The sad thing is today there are still countries that are thinking of either taking over india or ruling it. Historically, we know Pakistan always tried to make attempts but failed thanks to our brave soldiers.

  31. I reguest all human beeing who ever commets any thing about something,
    Firstly,investigate yourself then say anything about someone’ commmets

    At least Zakir Naik speaks with authentic proof.

    A normal man intelligence:-automatically differentiate between truth and Falshhood,

    Zakir Naik is a Muslim, not a wahabi nor any thing else,

    we love Zakir Naik, our prayers is always with him.

    Agar kisse ko be himmat hai, apne ap per wishwas hai tu maidan mea aeyea, asea rats ki tarah gar baiteah key board per aogliyoo ko mat thakaw.-Antimuslims

    • Namaste Abdul Qayoom
      Musalmaano ko chhod kar sab mein himmat hai maidaan mein aane ki! Kyonki Muslim mulkon mein to ladai ke maidaan (debate with non Muslims) hi nahi hote 🙁 to ve ladaai kya karenge? Koi non Muslim kisi Muslim mulk mein apne majhab ka paigaam bhi nahi de sakta kyonki Islam darta hai ki kahin uske log nikal kar bhaag na jaayen. Aapka Zakir Naik bhi vahi chooha hai jo kabhi hamaare saamne hi nahi aa sakta. Yah dekho


    • @Abdul:

      At least Zakir Naik speaks with authentic proof.

      What proof would that be? Is it the (in)famous 2+2=4 proof where he “proves” that Islam is the only true religion?

  32. According to SAHIH HADITHS ZAKIR NAIK is funded and an agent of of Satanic NAJD (Wahabism) and he is promoting Satanic Wahabism and the Muslims who are following Zakir Naik are following Shaitan.

    Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.”
    Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)

    For more details on this see the below website and followers of Wahabism and Zakir Naik should think for themselves should they True God or Shaitan and this is how earlier Sufi Deoband sold their soul to Shaitan (Wahabism)


  33. assalam o allaikum all of u and i just wanna say that zakir naik speak every word from quran ….. so words can not be wrong & other dont say anything before listing & understanding the actual meaning said by dr. zakir naik………..


      Allah and Prophet Mohammad warned Muslims against Wahhabis and its Stooges like Zakir Naik who will divide Ummah, who recite Quran but Quran will not go beyond their throat, who will kill or support killers of Muslim etc see below verses.

      Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.”
      Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)

      Allama Dahlan narrates an authentic Hadith in his book “Addarus Sunniah”, which he has quoted from Sihaah. The Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said: “There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgement and they will eventually rise with Dajjal.” “Their main symbol will be to sit in groups.” (Halqa) (from Bukhari Sharief, Vol. iii)


      See the above Hadiths verses clearly refers to Wahabis and Zakir Naik

      Zakir Naik has divided the Ummah along the lines of Wahhabi, Sunni, Shias, Sufis and Ahmadiyas. He supported Bin Laden who killed many Muslims. Zakir Naik’s getup only shows that he follows Quran till throat below throat he wears Kufr western clothes and not following Sunnat . Even DEOBANDIS ADVOCATES THIS TRUTH ABOUT WAHHABIS AND ZAKIR NAIK.


  34. “He considers himself a servant of Muhammad (pbuh)” < Your first mistake in your first paragraph. Your article is full of errors.

    These 72+ "sects" are not out to kill each other and everyone else, there are some misguided individuals that may think that, but thats where they are deviating from Islam. There is only 1 Islam, but people have different levels of sin, and this is what differentiates us all, and we do not know who is going to heaven or hell. See if any of these 72+ "sects" disagree with this?

    • @Tariq:

      …and we do not know who is going to heaven or hell.

      Oh. So, it is possible an apostate who leaves Islam could not burn in eternal hell forever and can actually enjoy heaven? If true, could you please clarify why the punishment for apostasy under Shariah is death? Is the Mullah here wrong?

    • @Tariq Brother your allah and prophet Mohammad has warned and prophecised not follow Dajjal and Shaitan like Wahhabis and Zakir Naik who will divide Ummah on the basis of Shia, Sunni, Sufi ahmadiya’s etc and is responsible for killing of many muslims. Your Allah curses all the land where wahhabis or wahhabis ideology goes like Afghanistan which is more wahhabist compared to Saudi Arabia itself and now see the destruction of Pakistan, which is turning from Sufi to Wahhabi ideology.

      Your Prophet Mohammad has prophesied to be beware of those person who will follow Koran till Throat they will gain more and more followers among Ummah but they are Dajjal who will lead to the destruction of Ummah and definitely he is refering to Zakir Naik because Zakir Naik matches that criteria very nicely ZAKIR NAIK FOLLOW KORAN ONLY TILL THROAT that is evident from his getup, below throat he is wearing Kufr western clothes instead of Muslim Sunnah clothes. Zakir Naik speaks hours and hours of lecture to wear Hijab and Sunnah clothing to woman and others but himself never wears Sunnah Clothing at Public.

    • @ Tariq

      If you dont know who goes to hell and heaven – why the hell r u and ur religious followers bent upon teaching others to follow islam else u will go jahannum.

  35. hello,,who says muslim hate dr zakir naik,,can u show a single muslim,againt him,,no body can change muslim mind,,except allah u akbar,,many non muslim convert to islam free of charge,,no muslim use money to invite into islam,,this is natural,,,

    • Namaste raihan
      So you mean all Deobandis, Barelvis and thus most of the Sunnis, Shias, Qadiyanis are non Muslims who are against him?

      • None of them are against him except for a handful for whom he poses an ego issue as they do not stand anywhere near him in terms of knowledge. I belong to Deoband School of Thought and I know 99 percent of the people who support him. So far I have yet to come across anyone who is against him. The against him is all propaganda by the saffron brigade to play divisive politics.

      • Namaste Dishad

        What about the Fatwa? Have you read the article before commenting?

        Below is the Fatwa issued by Dar Ul Uloom Deoband against Zakir Naik

        —————(Fatwa: 1541/1322=B/1429) [http://darulifta-deoband.org/showuserview.do?function=answerView&all=en&id=7077]

        The statements made by Dr Zakir Naik indicate that he is a preacher of GHAIR MUQALLIDIN, he is of free mind and does not wear Islamic dress. ONE SHOULD NOT RELY UPON HIS SPEECHES.

        Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

        Darul Ifta,
        Darul Uloom Deoband——————–

        Is Fatwa section of Darul Uloom Deoband run by Saffron brigade?

  36. I have never read more bullshit in my life. Everything listed here is either out of context of pure bias. im not wahabi and i dont hate zakir. I watch videos of zakir and have followed him for years. So im surei know more about him than some random critic islamophobe who doesnt know his place.

    • @Sam


      And we never heard more “bullshit”, than Naik’s speeches in our lives. Everything he said about hindu scriptures especially Vedas is pure nonsense, but you would not understand this since people like you have been blindly following him for years. Not only he is misleading non muslims, but muslims as well otherwise take a look how many FATWAS have been issued against him. Despite being a doctor (probably earned his degree using his terrorist links and having a Madarsa education), has no knowledge of science. He may fool illiterate people who do not understand english, but he cannot fool us. You cannot do anything now, your Naik has been exposed inside out on this site, moreover, many years back Arya Samaj challenged Naik for an open house debate accomodating his schedules innumerable times but Naik has been hiding in his rat hole all this time.

      • @Vik
        You see it bullshit because your ears hear not the right thing. I pray to the Almighty God to give you Hidaaya (guidance). That is best thing i can do as a brother in Humanity.

  37. Agniveer has gone BANANAS!!! he bieng a typical Indian FANATIC is opponent of Dr Zakir. His hatred for the other religions has compelled him to write this article.
    Hey Agniveer, the 72+ sects in Islam will go to Heaven. U & alike will go to HELL.

    • @Riaz:

      And…peace to you too my friend.

      U & alike will go to HELL.

      Tall claim indeed. Care to provide this small thing called PROOF? And no…quoting the Quran to prove its veracity is called circular logic and is flawed. Got anything else? No? Shucks…there…you fail yet again 🙁

    • Namaste Riaz

      Interesting to know that all of them (Sunni, Shia, Barelvi, Devbandi, Wahabi, Sufi, Qadiyani….. up to 72) blowing each other’s mosques and graves all over in the sectarian violence will be in heaven together 🙁

      Who knows the victims of the bombings here may take revenge in the heaven from the fellow dwellers 🙁 Bomb, fire, knife, sword etc in heaven too! May Allah give me hell instead, at least there wont be any suicide bombing and stabbing

      Anyway, here is what Muhammad has to say about who will be in heaven-

      “Abdullah bin Amarra relates that the Holy Prophet (SA) said- …. but my people will be divided into 73 sects, ALL OF THEM WILL BE IN FIRE EXCEPT ONE.’ The companions asked. ‘Who are they O Messenger of Allah,’ Holy Prophet (pbuh) said. `They are those who will be like me and my companions.’ (Tirmidhi – Kitabul Eeman)

      Now the question is which one is this true sect, does anyone know ? 🙁

  38. Assalam-u-Alaikum
    brothers and sisters.

    sabse pahle main ek baat kahna chahunga ki ye sahi hai ki bahut se muslims Dr. Zakir Naik ko ulta seedha kahte hain kafir(non-muslim) tak kahte hain
    par kyun?
    kya zakir nayik kuch bhi apni taraf se kahte hain, wo jo bhi kahte hain Quran and Hadis se kahte hain, phir galat kya hai.

    Ye jo log kahte hai ALLAH jane ye muslim hain ya sirf naam ke muslim hain.

    lekin i am proud of Dr. Zakir Naik.
    Wo sirf Islam ke scholar hain aur kuch nahi.

    aur jahan tak Islam ki baat hai ye puri duniya ke logo ke liye hai.
    aur har musalman ka farz hai ki wo Islam ke baare apne har non-muslim bhai ko bataye, agar wo Islam qabool karta hai to achchi baat hai warna koi zabardasti nahi.

    Aur mere non-muslim bhaiyon agar koi shakhs bura hai ya bura kaam karta hai to uski wajah se ap kisi dharm ya mazhab par dosh na lagayen kyun ki koi bhi dharm galat baat nahi batata.

      • Ye khuli hui bakwas hai

        agar apko lagta hai ki dr. zakir nayak terrorist hain to prove it?

        agar wo terrorist hain to ab wo U.K. se unbann kyun kar diye gaye.

        kahne to apko bhi log terrorist kah sakte hain

        aur ap kis base par unko terrorist kah rahe hai

        kya 1 terrorist india men is tarah khuleam ap hi logon ke beech Taqreer kar sakta hai aur wo bhi muslim.

        bhai maaf karna is tarah ka zabardasti ka safed jhooth chal nahi sakta.

        yehaan par sirf baithe baithe article aur comment pass karna asan hai.

        ap ye baat media ke samne proove kar sakte hain ki dr. zakir nayaik terrorist hain?

      • Arshad Bhai

        1. Point 1 mein diye gaye link mein yahi sabit kiya gaya hai ki Zakir Naik dehshatgard hai.

        2. UK ne to Mumbai hamlon se pehle Jamat ud dawa ko bhi ban nahi kiya tha! Aur UK mein to sharaab aur shabaab par bhi koi ban nahi hai, to iska matlab kya ye hai ki Islam mein sharab aur shabaab halaal hain?

      • Vajra bhai
        Pahli baat Islam ka rule change nahi hota hai.

        aur sharab aur shabab dono haram hain islam men.

        ap kyun bhool jaate hain ki u.k. ek christian country aur wo log to har cheez halal samajhte hain phir is baat ko islam se kyun jod rahe hain.

        ap sirf baato ko uljha rahen hai. aur ap sirf yahi kar bhi sakte hain.

        shrab peene wala islam se kharij hai chahe wo apne apko muslim hi kyun na kahe.

        aur haan agar apne dr. zakir naik dahshatgard sabit kar diya hai to saare saboot police ke hawale kariye unhen arrest karwaiye.

        are jab hamare india ki sarkar khud janti hai ki wo dahshatgard nahin to ap kya sidh karna chahte

      • @ Arshad Nawaz

        >>>>”are jab hamare india ki sarkar khud janti hai ki wo dahshatgard nahin to ap kya sidh karna chahte”<<<<

        kyunki bharat ki sarkaar, hindustan ki sarkar vote bank politics khelti hai. minority ko sir pa chadha rakha hain. unko concessions, reservations de rakhe hain…kyun? agar jindu-musalman barabar hai to reservation kyun…isliye sarkar ki baat na karein. zakir hussain ko chod bahut jan aise hai jo terrorists hain lekin unko abhi tak sazaa nahin hain. afzal guru, kasab…

    • @ Arshad Nawaz

      Zakir Naik is a big terrorist too. He preaches dangerous principles. i heard one of his lectures where he justified beating wife, threatening non-Muslims. This is a very systematic, slow and strategic way of spreading violence, distrust and creating tensions between these 2 religions.

    • @arshad nawaz
      Quote,” Aur mere non-muslim bhaiyon agar koi shakhs bura hai ya bura kaam karta hai to uski wajah se ap kisi dharm ya mazhab par dosh na lagayen kyun ki koi bhi dharm galat baat nahi batata.”Unquote

      Yeh dialogue sun sun ke mere kaan pak gaye.

      Abhi jaa ke apne kashmiri muslim bhaiyon se yeh sawaal kar, ke unhone hindu minority ko khu bhaga diya kashmir se? Aur hindu auraton per balatkar kyu kiya? 1947 me pakistan ke hinndu-sikh minority ke saath bhi yahi hua tha. Kya saare pakistani muslim nahi hai?

      Aur mai islam ko gaali nahi doo to kise doon?

  39. First of all what is mentioned in this article is totaly wrong, person who write such article did not aware about islam, this is challenge proove any thing wrong what zakir naik says, show me any this against quran and hadith, if muslim hate this person why why his peace tv running on demand of public in Pakistan.

    • @hassan:

      I couldnt agree more. Can we have reciprocity then? In India Muslims are allowed to freely propagate their religion. Will you work towards providing the same freedom for non-Muslims in Momin-majority land? As of now, this is disallowed under Shariah and an apostate who has fallen in love with the message of the Vedas unfortunately cannot talk about it in public. 🙁 Do you see the asymmetry?

      • Hi All

        I am a Muslim but…. I have some different views. You mention Shariah, that is one level that all people know of but never even get close to all the other levels.

        There are figurative and literal meanings to a lot but understanding the correct one is the trick.

        As a Muslim I will not a criticize another religion nor question it. You have your choice and I have mines.

        BTW: Zakir Naik is an idiot…..

      • @Shak:

        It appears that you like to think for yourself and arrive at conclusions without outsourcing this critical thinking to idiots like Zakir Naik or anyone else. That is great!

        Religion is a private affair and the conclusions one reaches are likewise private and non-extendible to another human being who may or may not share the same axioms that you began with.

        As a Muslim I will not a criticize another religion nor question it. You have your choice and I have mines.

        The problem with this is that the Quran/Hadiths themselves are highly judgemental/critical of non-Muslim faiths. So, if you as a Muslim will not criticize another religion nor question it, you are not following the Quran/Hadiths. You can blame me for trying to interpret your religion for you but it is not just me (as a Hindu) who is saying this. A growing number of ex-Muslims themselves say this – to mention a few – Wafa Sulta, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Salman Rushdie, etc.

      • @ KalBhairav

        Religion is understood by everyone in their own capacity. Like I said there a different levels after Shariah which majority of people don’t get to experience namely Tarikat, Marifat, Haqeeqat, Wahadanyat.

        Learn to love, live in harmony….do not hurt another persons feelings and all should be OK. I agree that there muslims who do wrong in the name of Islam. E.g. World Trade Centre bombings….if it was Bin-laden, I believe it is wrong period.

        As far Salman Rushdie, another idiot in my opinion.

        Let the religion of Humanity continue.

      • Yes, when an idiot like you tries to listen to beautiful reasoning and intelligence from Dr Zakir Naik you are bound to describe it that way.

    • @hassan:

      Really? have muslims respected any other religion in the world till date? ur religion asks its followers to threaten/kill/murder/rape anyone who doesnt follow Islam. thats the approach of ur religion towards other religions…and u want other religions to respect Islam?

      Wake up dude…splash some water on ur face, go for a walk and re-think of all the crap you have written above.

    • @hassan

      ” kya tum log, gai ka pooja karte hon, gai kya pooja karne ki cheez hai, gai to kaat ke khane ki cheez hai”

      kay tum patthar ki pooja karte hon, jo apni hifazat nahi kar sakta?”

      These lines I heard countless times from muslims, now talk of respecting my religion. And reciprocity from my side.


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